# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ utils for apps/indicator """ from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils.timezone import utc from indicator import models as im from sciblog import models as sciblogm import re import datetime # follow_indicator {{{ def follow_indicator(user_id, indicator_id): """ 用户关注指标 """ try: user = get_object_or_404(User, id=user_id) indicator = im.Indicator.objects.get(id=indicator_id) ui, created = im.UserIndicator.objects.get_or_create(user=user) ui.followedIndicators.add(indicator) # to remove the indicator from 'followedHistories' if exists if indicator in ui.followedHistories.all(): ui.followedHistories.remove(indicator) ui.save() return True except: return False # }}} # unfollow_indicator {{{ def unfollow_indicator(user_id, indicator_id): """ 用户取消关注指标 """ try: user = get_object_or_404(User, id=user_id) indicator = im.Indicator.objects.get(id=indicator_id) ui, created = im.UserIndicator.objects.get_or_create(user=user) ui.followedIndicators.remove(indicator) # add indicator to 'followedHistories' ui.followedHistories.add(indicator) ui.save() return True except: return False # }}} # get_indicator {{{ def get_indicator(category_id="all", startswith="all"): """ 根据指定的 category_id 和 startswith 获取 indicator 返回一个 dict Dict format: dict = { 'a': [ {'pinyin': 'aa', ...}, {'pinyin': 'ab', ...}, ... ], 'b': [ {'pinyin': 'ba', ...}, {'pinyin': 'bb', ...}, ... ], ... } """ _idict = {} if category_id == 'all': iqueryset = im.Indicator.objects.all() else: try: cid = int(category_id) cate = im.IndicatorCategory.objects.get(id=cid) iqueryset = cate.indicators.all() except ValueError: raise ValueError(u'category_id 不是整数型') return _idict except im.IndicatorCategory.DoesNotExist: raise ValueError(u'id=%s 的 IndicatorCategory 不存在' % cid) return _idict if startswith == 'all': starts = map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)) else: starts = [] _str = startswith.lower() for i in _str: if i >= 'a' and i <= 'z': starts.append(i) for l in starts: iq = iqueryset.filter(pinyin__istartswith=l).order_by('pinyin') _idict[l] = [ i.dump() for i in iq ] return _idict # }}} # get_followed_indicator {{{ def get_followed_indicator(user_id, category_id="all", startswith="all"): """ 获取已关注的指标 返回 dict, 格式与 get_indicator() 一致 """ u = User.objects.get(id=user_id) ui, created = im.UserIndicator.objects.get_or_create(user=u) ui.save() _idict = {} iqueryset = ui.followedIndicators.all() if not category_id == 'all': try: cid = int(category_id) iqueryset = iqueryset.filter(categories__id=cid) except ValueError: raise ValueError(u'category_id 不是整数型') return _idict if startswith == 'all': starts = map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)) else: starts = [] _str = startswith.lower() for i in _str: if i >= 'a' and i <= 'z': starts.append(i) for l in starts: iq = iqueryset.filter(pinyin__istartswith=l).order_by('pinyin') _idict[l] = [ i.dump() for i in iq ] return _idict # }}} # get_unfollowed_indicator {{{ def get_unfollowed_indicator(user_id, category_id="all", startswith="all"): """ 获取未关注的指标 返回 dict, 格式与 get_indicator() 一致 """ u = User.objects.get(id=user_id) ui, created = im.UserIndicator.objects.get_or_create(user=u) ui.save() _idict = {} # XXX: if 'exclude(followed_indicators=ui)' OK?? iqueryset = im.Indicator.objects.exclude(followed_indicators=ui) if not category_id == 'all': try: cid = int(category_id) iqueryset = iqueryset.filter(categories__id=cid) except ValueError: raise ValueError(u'category_id 不是整数型') return _idict if startswith == 'all': starts = map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)) else: starts = [] _str = startswith.lower() for i in _str: if i >= 'a' and i <= 'z': starts.append(i) for l in starts: iq = iqueryset.filter(pinyin__istartswith=l).order_by('pinyin') _idict[l] = [ i.dump() for i in iq ] return _idict # }}} # get_record {{{ def get_record(user_id, indicator_id, begin=None, end=None, number=None, std=False): """ args 'begin' and 'end' to specify the date range. arg 'std=True' to get data in standard unit if 'begin=None', then the earliest date is given; if 'end=None', then the latest date is given. if 'number' given, then return the lastest number of records. if there is not that much, then return all the records. the date range filter *first*, then number filter return dict format: (data sorted by 'date') rdata = { 'failed': False, 'number_req': number_of_records_request, 'begin_req': begin_req, 'end_req': end_req, 'number_rsp': number_of_records_response, 'begin_rsp': begin_rsp, 'end_rsp': end_rsp, 'has_more': True|False, 'has_earlier': True|False, 'has_later': True|False, 'data': [d1r1.get_data(), d1r2.get_data(), ...], } """ # default parameters number_req = None begin_req = None end_req = None # uid = int(user_id) indid = int(indicator_id) all_records = im.IndicatorRecord.objects.\ filter(user__id=uid, indicator__id=indid).\ order_by('date', 'created_at') # check if 'all_records' empty if not all_records: return {'failed': True} # check date range and given number if (begin is None) and (end is None): # select by given 'number' if number is not None: try: number_req = int(number) records = all_records.reverse()[:number_req] except ValueError: raise ValueError(u"number='%s' 错误" % number) return {'failed': True} else: records = all_records.reverse() # convert to list, and re-sort by 'date' records_list = list(records) records_list.reverse() else: # check date range # begin if begin is None: begin = all_records[0].date elif isinstance(begin, datetime.date): begin_req = begin.isoformat() else: raise ValueError(u"begin='%s' 不是合法的日期" % begin) return {'failed': True} # end if end is None: end = all_records.reverse()[0].date elif isinstance(end, datetime.date): end_req = end.isoformat() else: raise ValueError(u"end='%s' 不是合法的日期" % end) return {'failed': True} # filter by date range records = all_records.filter(date__range=(begin, end)) records_list = list(records) # process records number_rsp = len(records_list) begin_rsp_py = records_list[0].date begin_rsp = begin_rsp_py.isoformat() end_rsp_py = records_list[-1].date end_rsp = end_rsp_py.isoformat() # has_earlier, has_later, has_more has_earlier = False has_later = False has_more = False r_earlier = all_records.filter(date__lt=begin_rsp_py) r_later = all_records.filter(date__gt=end_rsp_py) if r_earlier: has_earlier = True if r_later: has_later = True if has_earlier or has_later: has_more = True # _rdata = { 'failed': False, 'number_req': number_req, 'begin_req': begin_req, 'end_req': end_req, 'number_rsp': number_rsp, 'begin_rsp': begin_rsp, 'end_rsp': end_rsp, 'has_more': has_more, 'has_earlier': has_earlier, 'has_later': has_later, 'data': [], } for r in records_list: # get data if std: _data = r.get_data_std() else: _data = r.get_data() # append data _rdata['data'].append(_data) # return return _rdata # }}} # get_num_record {{{ def get_num_record(user_id, indicator_id, number, end=None, std=False): """ return the *latest* number records. args 'end' to specify the end date range. arg 'std=True' to get data in standard unit return dict format: (data sorted by 'date') rdata = { 'failed': False, 'number_req': number_of_records_request, 'begin_req': begin_req, 'end_req': end_req, 'number_rsp': number_of_records_response, 'begin_rsp': begin_rsp, 'end_rsp': end_rsp, 'has_more': True|False, 'has_earlier': True|False, 'has_later': True|False, 'data': [r1.get_data(), r2.get_data(), ...], } """ # default parameters number_req = None begin_req = None end_req = None # uid = int(user_id) indid = int(indicator_id) all_records = im.IndicatorRecord.objects.\ filter(user__id=uid, indicator__id=indid).\ order_by('date', 'created_at') # check if 'all_records' empty if not all_records: return {'failed': True} # check end date if end is None: end = all_records.reverse()[0].date elif isinstance(end, datetime.date): end_req = end.isoformat() else: raise ValueError(u"end='%s' 不是合法的日期" % end) return {'failed': True} records = all_records.filter(date__lte=end) # check number (required param) try: number_req = int(number) records_list = list(records.reverse()[:number_req]) except ValueError: raise ValueError(u"number='%s' 错误" % number) return {'failed': True} # re-sort by 'date' records_list.reverse() # process records number_rsp = len(records_list) begin_rsp_py = records_list[0].date begin_rsp = begin_rsp_py.isoformat() end_rsp_py = records_list[-1].date end_rsp = end_rsp_py.isoformat() # has_earlier, has_later, has_more has_earlier = False has_later = False has_more = False r_earlier = all_records.filter(date__lt=begin_rsp_py) r_later = all_records.filter(date__gt=end_rsp_py) if r_earlier: has_earlier = True if r_later: has_later = True if has_earlier or has_later: has_more = True # _rdata = { 'failed': False, 'number_req': number_req, 'begin_req': begin_req, 'end_req': end_req, 'number_rsp': number_rsp, 'begin_rsp': begin_rsp, 'end_rsp': end_rsp, 'has_more': has_more, 'has_earlier': has_earlier, 'has_later': has_later, 'data': [], } for r in records_list: # get data if std: _data = r.get_data_std() else: _data = r.get_data() # append data _rdata['data'].append(_data) # return return _rdata # }}} # get_record_std {{{ def get_record_std(**kwargs): return get_record(std=True, **kwargs) # }}} # get_num_record_std {{{ def get_num_record_std(**kwargs): return get_num_record(std=True, **kwargs) # }}} # add_recordhistory {{{ def add_recordhistory(user_id, record_id, reason, created_at=None): """ add 'RecordHistory' for the given record """ user = get_object_or_404(User, id=user_id) record = get_object_or_404(im.IndicatorRecord, id=record_id) # check user if user.is_staff or user == record.user: pass else: print u'Error: User id="%s" has no permission' % user_id return False # check reason if (reason is None or not reason.strip()): print u'Error: reason="%s" blank' % reason return False # check datetime_utc dt_created_at = None if created_at: if isinstance(created_at, datetime.datetime): # specified 'created_at' dt_created_at = created_at.replace(tzinfo=utc) else: print u'Error: given created_at="%s" not python datetime' % created_at return False # create new RecordHistory new_rh = im.RecordHistory(indicatorRecord=record, reason=reason) if created_at: new_rh.created_at = dt_created_at # new_rh.save() return True # }}} # types of recommended indicators, and weights {{{ RI_TYPES = { 'ANNOTATION_COLLECTED': u'ANN_CL', 'BLOG_CATCHED': u'BLG_CT', 'BLOG_COLLECTED': u'BLG_CL', 'OTHER': u'OTHER', 'ERROR': u'ERROR', # no 'RelatedIndicator' data } RI_WEIGHTS = { RI_TYPES['ANNOTATION_COLLECTED']: 4.0, RI_TYPES['BLOG_CATCHED']: 3.0, RI_TYPES['BLOG_COLLECTED']: 2.0, RI_TYPES['OTHER']: 1.0, RI_TYPES['ERROR']: 0.0, } # }}} # calc_indicator_weight {{{ def calc_indicator_weight(user_id, indicator_id): """ calculate the weight of given indicator used by 'recommend_indicator' return format: {'weight': w, 'type': t} """ # weight = weight_type * relatedindicator.weight user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) ri_qs = im.RelatedIndicator.objects.filter(indicator__id=indicator_id) if not ri_qs: # queryset empty: no 'RelatedIndicator' for this indicator type = RI_TYPES['ERROR'] w = 0.0 return {'weight': w, 'type': type} # queryset not empty annotation_ri_qs = ri_qs.filter(annotation__collected_by=user) blogcatch_ri_qs = ri_qs.filter(blog__catched_by=user) blogcollect_ri_qs = ri_qs.filter(blog__collected_by=user) weights = [] if annotation_ri_qs: # related to annotations collected by user type = RI_TYPES['ANNOTATION_COLLECTED'] for ri in annotation_ri_qs: w = RI_WEIGHTS[type] * ri.weight weights.append({'weight': w, 'type': type}) elif blogcatch_ri_qs: # related to blogs catched by user type = RI_TYPES['BLOG_CATCHED'] for ri in blogcatch_ri_qs: w = RI_WEIGHTS[type] * ri.weight weights.append({'weight': w, 'type': type}) elif blogcollect_ri_qs: # related to blogs collected by user type = RI_TYPES['BLOG_COLLECTED'] for ri in blogcollect_ri_qs: w = RI_WEIGHTS[type] * ri.weight weights.append({'weight': w, 'type': type}) else: # other type, use 'ri_qs' here type = RI_TYPES['OTHER'] for ri in ri_qs: w = RI_WEIGHTS[type] * ri.weight weights.append({'weight': w, 'type': type}) # sort results weights_sorted = sorted(weights, key = lambda item: item['weight']) # return final result return weights_sorted[-1] # }}} # recommend_indicator {{{ def recommend_indicator(user_id, number=1, auto_follow=False): """ recommend unfollowed indicator for user, based on his/her readings and collections. if auto_follow=True, then the recommended indicators are followed automatically. return a list of recommended indicators in format: [ {'id': id, 'weight': w, 'type': t}, ... ] """ user_id = int(user_id) number = int(number) # get unfollowed indicators u = User.objects.get(id=user_id) ui, created = im.UserIndicator.objects.get_or_create(user=u) # XXX: is 'exclude(followed_indicators=ui)' OK?? uf_ind_qs = im.Indicator.objects.exclude(followed_indicators=ui) # calc weight for each unfollowed indicator weights = [] for ind in uf_ind_qs: wdict = calc_indicator_weight(user_id, ind.id) weights.append({ 'id': ind.id, 'weight': wdict.get('weight'), 'type': wdict.get('type'), }) # sort 'weights' dict list by key 'weight' weights_sorted = sorted(weights, key=lambda item: item['weight']) weights_sorted.reverse() # results with largest weights results = weights_sorted[:number] # update 'lastRecommendTime' of 'UserIndicator' now_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) ui.lastRecommendTime = now_utc # updated followedIndicators of 'auto_follow=True' if auto_follow: for wi in results: follow_indicator(user_id, wi['id']) # save 'UserIndicator' ui.save() # return results # }}} # format_data {{{ def format_data(indicator_obj, value=None, val_max=None, val_min=None, type="html"): """ format given data according to the dataType of given Indicator, make it proper for django templates e.g.: if number very big, then display in 'exponent notation' if 'type="html"', then return the html code for displaying on the web page; elif 'type="text"', then return the plain text format. used in '.views.indicator_status()' """ # threshold to show a float number in scientific notation float_threshold = 9999.9 # float display format: fixed point, exponent notation fix_fmt = '{:,.1f}' # comma as a thousands separator exp_fmt = '{:.2e}' # regex to process exponent notation rep = re.compile(r'^(?P[-+]?)(?P\d\.\d+)[eE]\+?(?P-?)0*(?P[1-9]+)$') # range symbol (range: low $symbol$ high) range_sym_html = u'∼' range_sym_text = u'~' # default return value value_str = u'' # check 'type' if (type == "html") or (type == "text"): pass else: print u'Error: unsupported type="%s"' % type return None # check given 'indicator_obj' ind = indicator_obj if not isinstance(ind, im.Indicator): print u'Error: given indicator_obj NOT a instance of Indicator' raise ValueError(u'Given indicator_obj NOT a instance of Indicator') return None # get dataType dataType = ind.dataType if value is not None: # a) record float data; b) record integer/pm data; # c) confine integer/pm data. if dataType == ind.INTEGER_TYPE: # TODO: process 'integer type' data value_str = u'INTEGER: %s' % value elif dataType == ind.PM_TYPE: if value == u'+': if type == "html": value_str = u'阳性(+)' else: value_str = u'+' else: if type == "html": value_str = u'阳性(-)' else: value_str = u'-' elif dataType in [ind.FLOAT_TYPE, ind.FLOAT_RANGE_TYPE]: # process float number value = float(value) if value <= float_threshold: if type == "html": value_str = fix_fmt.format(value) else: value_str = u"%s" % value else: value_expstr = exp_fmt.format(value) # convert to html exponent format m = rep.match(value_expstr) if type == "html": value_str = u"%s%s×10%s%s" % ( m.group('sign'), m.group('num'), m.group('expminus'), m.group('exp')) else: value_str = u"%s%se%s%s" % ( m.group('sign'), m.group('num'), m.group('expminus'), m.group('exp')) else: # unknown XXX return None elif (val_max is not None) and (val_min is not None): # a) record range data; b) confine range. # val_max if val_max <= float_threshold: val_max_str = fix_fmt.format(val_max) else: val_max_expstr = exp_fmt.format(val_max) # convert to html exponent format m = rep.match(val_max_expstr) if type == "html": val_max_str = u"%s%s×10%s%s" % ( m.group('sign'), m.group('num'), m.group('expminus'), m.group('exp')) else: val_max_str = u"%s%se%s%s" % ( m.group('sign'), m.group('num'), m.group('expminus'), m.group('exp')) # val_min if val_min <= float_threshold: val_min_str = fix_fmt.format(val_min) else: val_min_expstr = exp_fmt.format(val_min) # convert to html exponent format m = rep.match(val_min_expstr) if type == "html": val_min_str = u"%s%s×10%s%s" % ( m.group('sign'), m.group('num'), m.group('expminus'), m.group('exp')) else: val_min_str = u"%s%se%s%s" % ( m.group('sign'), m.group('num'), m.group('expminus'), m.group('exp')) # value_str if type == "html": value_str = u'%s %s %s' % (val_min_str, range_sym_html, val_max_str) else: value_str = u'%s %s %s' % (val_min_str, range_sym_text, val_max_str) else: # other type?? return None return value_str # }}}