# # /usr/local/etc/dovecot/userdb # Dovecot user database in passwd-file format. # # References: # * Dovecot - UserDatabase # https://wiki.dovecot.org/UserDatabase # * Dovecot - VirtualUsers # https://wiki.dovecot.org/VirtualUsers # * Dovecot - AuthDatabase / PasswdFile # https://wiki.dovecot.org/AuthDatabase/PasswdFile # # # Aaron LI # # NOTE # ---- # We explicitly specify the *home* here, allowing that a user has the # same mailboxes with all its alias(es). # # Fields # ------ # user:(password):uid:gid:(gecos):home:(shell):extra_fields # * uid - override the global $mail_uid # * gid - override the global $mail_gid # * home - override the global $mail_home # The ()-enclosed fields are ignored by Dovecot userdb lookup. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {% for user in mail.userdb %} {% set name = user.name %} {% set home = mail.vuser.home + "/" + name %} # (user: {{ name }}) {{ name }}:::::{{ home }}:: {% if name != "root" and user.aliases is defined %} # aliases {% for alias in user.aliases|default([]) %} {{ alias }}:::::{{ home }}:: {% endfor %}{# alias #} {% endif %}{# aliases #} {% endfor %}{# user #} # EOF