--- - name: firewall - setup PF rules template: src: pf.conf.j2 dest: /etc/pf.conf validate: "pfctl -nf %s" notify: reload-pf tags: pf-rules - name: firewall - enable PF command: rcenable pf - name: firewall - enable PF log command: rcenable pflog - name: sshlockout - setup with PF blockinfile: path: /etc/syslog.conf marker: '# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED - sshlockout' block: | # Block SSH auth failures using "sshlockout" and "pf" auth.info;authpriv.info |exec /usr/sbin/sshlockout -pf bruteforce notify: restart-syslogd - name: periodic - copy clean-pf script copy: src: 600.clean-pf dest: /etc/periodic/daily/600.clean-pf mode: 0755 - name: periodic - touch config file file: path: /etc/periodic.conf state: touch mode: 0644 - name: periodic - enable clean-pf blockinfile: path: /etc/periodic.conf marker: '# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED - clean-pf' block: | # Clean up PF tables daily_clean_pf_enable="YES" daily_clean_pf_tables="bruteforce"