// // WARNING // // Do NOT edit this file while ZNC is running! // Use webadmin or *controlpanel instead. // // Altering this file by hand will forfeit all support. // // But if you feel risky, you might want to read help on: // /znc saveconfig // /znc rehash. // Also check http://en.znc.in/wiki/Configuration // Version = 1.6.5 HideVersion = true MaxBufferSize = {{ znc.buffer_size }} SSLProtocols = +TLSv1.2 -TLSv1.1 -TLSv1 -SSLv3 -SSLv2 // SSL: https://wiki.znc.in/Signed_SSL_certificate // Everything in a single file, in the order from the most *private* to // the most *public* entries, except for the root certificate. // i.e., cat ssl.key ssl.cert dhparam.pem > znc.allinone.pem SSLCertFile = {{ znc.data_dir }}/znc.allinone.pem // NOTE: SSLKeyFile & SSLDHParamFile requires version >=1.7 //SSLCertFile = {{ znc.data_dir }}/znc.ssl.crt //SSLKeyFile = {{ znc.data_dir }}/znc.ssl.key //SSLDHParamFile = /usr/local/etc/ssl/dhparam4096.pem // NOTE: DragonFly BSD doesn't allow using "IPV6_V6ONLY=0" to bind on // both IPv4 & IPv6, therefore bind them separately. {% for listener in ["ipv4", "ipv6"] %} AllowIRC = true AllowWeb = false IPv4 = {% if listener == "ipv4" %}true{% else %}false{% endif %} IPv6 = {% if listener == "ipv6" %}true{% else %}false{% endif %} Port = {{ znc.port }} SSL = true {% endfor %} Admin = true Pass = {{ znc.password }} Nick = {{ znc.username }} AltNick = {{ znc.username }}_ Ident = {{ znc.username }} RealName = {{ znc.realname }} Buffer = {{ znc.buffer_size }} AutoClearChanBuffer = {{ znc.auto_clear_chan_buffer }} AppendTimestamp = false PrependTimestamp = true StatusPrefix = * ChanModes = +stn DenyLoadMod = false DenySetBindHost = false // Save channels to config when user joins and parts LoadModule = chansaver // Log chat activity to file LoadModule = log // Allow to add/remove/edit users/settings on the fly via IRC msgs LoadModule = controlpanel JoinTries = 10 MaxJoins = 3 MaxNetworks = 5 MultiClients = true QuitMsg = {{ znc.quit_msg }} {% for net in znc.networks %} // Automatically connects to the network IRCConnectEnabled = true // Automatically set you away on IRC when disconnected LoadModule = simple_away // Routes back answers to the right client when connected with // multiple clients LoadModule = route_replies // Try to get and keep the primary nick if it is taken LoadModule = keepnick // Auth with NickServ LoadModule = nickserv Server = {{ net.server }} {% if net.ssl|default(false) %}+{% endif%}{{ net.port }} {{ net.password|default("") }} {% if net.fingerprint is defined -%} TrustedServerFingerprint = {{ net.fingerprint }} {% endif %} {% for ch in net.channels -%} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}