path: root/python/xkeywordsync.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/xkeywordsync.py')
1 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/xkeywordsync.py b/python/xkeywordsync.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/xkeywordsync.py
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+#!/bin/usr/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Credits:
+# [1] Gaute Hope: gauteh/abunchoftags
+# https://github.com/gauteh/abunchoftags/blob/master/keywsync.cc
+# TODO:
+# * Support case-insensitive tags merge
+# (ref: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1480230)
+# * Accept a specified mtime, and only deal with files with newer mtime.
+# Aaron LI
+# Created: 2016-01-24
+Sync message 'X-Keywords' header with notmuch tags.
+* tags-to-keywords:
+ Check if the messages in the query have a matching 'X-Keywords' header
+ to the list of notmuch tags.
+ If not, update the 'X-Keywords' and re-write the message.
+* keywords-to-tags:
+ Check if the messages in the query have matching notmuch tags to the
+ 'X-Keywords' header.
+ If not, update the tags in the notmuch database.
+* merge-keywords-tags:
+ Merge the 'X-Keywords' labels and notmuch tags, and update both.
+__version__ = "0.1.2"
+__date__ = "2016-01-25"
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import email
+# Require Python 3.4, or install package 'enum34'
+from enum import Enum
+from notmuch import Database, Query
+from imapUTF7 import imapUTF7Decode, imapUTF7Encode
+class SyncDirection(Enum):
+ """
+ Synchronization direction
+ """
+ MERGE_KEYWORDS_TAGS = 0 # Merge 'X-Keywords' and notmuch tags and
+ # update both
+ KEYWORDS_TO_TAGS = 1 # Sync 'X-Keywords' header to notmuch tags
+ TAGS_TO_KEYWORDS = 2 # Sync notmuch tags to 'X-Keywords' header
+class SyncMode(Enum):
+ """
+ Sync mode
+ """
+ ADD_REMOVE = 0 # Allow add & remove tags/keywords
+ ADD_ONLY = 1 # Only allow add tags/keywords
+ REMOVE_ONLY = 2 # Only allow remove tags/keywords
+class KwMessage:
+ """
+ Message class to deal with 'X-Keywords' header synchronization
+ with notmuch tags.
+ * The same message may have multiple files with different keywords
+ (e.g, the same message exported under each label by Gmail)
+ managed by OfflineIMAP.
+ For example: a message file in OfflineIMAP synced folder of
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail' have keywords ['google', 'test']; however,
+ the file in synced folder 'test' of the same message only have
+ keywords ['google'] without the keyword 'test'.
+ * All files associated to the same message are regarded as the same.
+ The keywords are extracted from all files and merged.
+ And the same updated keywords are written back to all files, which
+ results all files finally having the same 'X-Keywords' header.
+ * You may only sync the '[Gmail]/All Mail' folder without other
+ folders exported according the labels by Gmail.
+ """
+ # Replace some special characters before mapping keyword to tag
+ enable_replace_chars = True
+ chars_replace = {
+ '/' : '.',
+ }
+ # Mapping between (Gmail) keywords and notmuch tags (before ignoring tags)
+ keywords_mapping = {
+ '\\Inbox' : 'inbox',
+ '\\Important' : 'important',
+ '\\Starred' : 'flagged',
+ '\\Sent' : 'sent',
+ '\\Muted' : 'killed',
+ '\\Draft' : 'draft',
+ '\\Trash' : 'deleted',
+ '\\Junk' : 'spam',
+ }
+ # Tags ignored from syncing
+ # These tags are either internal tags or tags handled by maildir flags.
+ enable_ignore_tags = True
+ tags_ignored = set([
+ 'new', 'unread', 'attachment', 'signed', 'encrypted',
+ 'flagged', 'replied', 'passed', 'draft',
+ ])
+ # Ignore case when merging tags
+ tags_ignorecase = True
+ # Whether the tags updated against the message 'X-Keywords' header
+ tags_updated = False
+ # Added & removed tags for notmuch database against 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_added = []
+ tags_removed = []
+ # Newly updated/merged notmuch tags against 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_new = []
+ # Whether the keywords updated against the notmuch tags
+ keywords_updated = False
+ # Added & removed tags for 'X-Keywords' against notmuch database
+ tags_kw_added = []
+ tags_kw_removed = []
+ # Newly updated/merged tags for 'X-Keywords' against notmuch database
+ tags_kw_new = []
+ def __init__(self, msg, filename=None):
+ self.message = msg
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.allfiles = [ fn for fn in msg.get_filenames() ]
+ self.tags = set(msg.get_tags())
+ def sync(self, direction, mode=SyncMode.ADD_REMOVE,
+ dryrun=False, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Wrapper function to sync between 'X-Keywords' and notmuch tags.
+ """
+ if direction == SyncDirection.KEYWORDS_TO_TAGS:
+ self.sync_keywords_to_tags(sync_mode=mode, dryrun=dryrun,
+ verbose=verbose)
+ elif direction == SyncDirection.TAGS_TO_KEYWORDS:
+ self.sync_tags_to_keywords(sync_mode=mode, dryrun=dryrun,
+ verbose=verbose)
+ elif direction == SyncDirection.MERGE_KEYWORDS_TAGS:
+ self.merge_keywords_tags(sync_mode=mode, dryrun=dryrun,
+ verbose=verbose)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid sync direction: %s" % direction)
+ def sync_keywords_to_tags(self, sync_mode=SyncMode.ADD_REMOVE,
+ dryrun=False, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Wrapper function to sync 'X-Keywords' to notmuch tags.
+ """
+ self.get_keywords()
+ self.map_keywords()
+ self.merge_tags(sync_direction=SyncDirection.KEYWORDS_TO_TAGS,
+ sync_mode=sync_mode)
+ if dryrun or verbose:
+ print('* MSG: %s' % self.message)
+ print(' TAG: [%s] +[%s] -[%s] => [%s]' % (
+ ','.join(self.tags), ','.join(self.tags_added),
+ ','.join(self.tags_removed), ','.join(self.tags_new)))
+ if not dryrun:
+ self.update_tags()
+ def sync_tags_to_keywords(self, sync_mode=SyncMode.ADD_REMOVE,
+ dryrun=False, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Wrapper function to sync notmuch tags to 'X-Keywords'
+ """
+ self.get_keywords()
+ self.map_keywords()
+ self.merge_tags(sync_direction=SyncDirection.TAGS_TO_KEYWORDS,
+ sync_mode=sync_mode)
+ keywords_new = self.map_tags(tags=self.tags_kw_new)
+ if dryrun or verbose:
+ print('* MSG: %s' % self.message)
+ print('* FILES: %s' % ' ; '.join(self.allfiles))
+ print(' XKW: {%s} +[%s] -[%s] => {%s}' % (
+ ','.join(self.keywords), ','.join(self.tags_kw_added),
+ ','.join(self.tags_kw_removed), ','.join(keywords_new)))
+ if not dryrun:
+ self.update_keywords(keywords_new=keywords_new)
+ def merge_keywords_tags(self, sync_mode=SyncMode.ADD_REMOVE,
+ dryrun=False, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Wrapper function to merge 'X-Keywords' and notmuch tags
+ """
+ self.get_keywords()
+ self.map_keywords()
+ self.merge_tags(sync_direction=SyncDirection.MERGE_KEYWORDS_TAGS,
+ sync_mode=sync_mode)
+ keywords_new = self.map_tags(tags=self.tags_kw_new)
+ if dryrun or verbose:
+ print('* MSG: %s' % self.message)
+ print('* FILES: %s' % ' ; '.join(self.allfiles))
+ print(' TAG: [%s] +[%s] -[%s] => [%s]' % (
+ ','.join(self.tags), ','.join(self.tags_added),
+ ','.join(self.tags_removed), ','.join(self.tags_new)))
+ print(' XKW: {%s} +[%s] -[%s] => {%s}' % (
+ ','.join(self.keywords), ','.join(self.tags_kw_added),
+ ','.join(self.tags_kw_removed), ','.join(keywords_new)))
+ if not dryrun:
+ self.update_tags()
+ self.update_keywords(keywords_new=keywords_new)
+ def get_keywords(self):
+ """
+ Get 'X-Keywords' header from all files associated with the same
+ message, decode, split and merge.
+ NOTE: Do NOT simply use the `message.get_header()` method, which
+ cannot get the complete keywords from all files.
+ """
+ keywords_utf7 = []
+ for fn in self.allfiles:
+ msg = email.message_from_file(open(fn, 'r'))
+ val = msg['X-Keywords']
+ if val:
+ keywords_utf7.append(val)
+ else:
+ print("WARNING: 'X-Keywords' header not found or empty " +\
+ "for file: %s" % fn, file=sys.stderr)
+ keywords_utf7 = ','.join(keywords_utf7)
+ if keywords_utf7 != '':
+ keywords = imapUTF7Decode(keywords_utf7.encode()).split(',')
+ keywords = [ kw.strip() for kw in keywords ]
+ # Remove duplications
+ keywords = set(keywords)
+ else:
+ keywords = set()
+ self.keywords = keywords
+ return keywords
+ def map_keywords(self, keywords=None):
+ """
+ Map keywords to notmuch tags according to the mapping table.
+ """
+ if keywords is None:
+ keywords = self.keywords
+ if self.enable_replace_chars:
+ # Replace specified characters in keywords
+ trans = str.maketrans(self.chars_replace)
+ keywords = [ kw.translate(trans) for kw in keywords ]
+ # Map keywords to tags
+ tags = set([ self.keywords_mapping.get(kw, kw) for kw in keywords ])
+ self.tags_kw = tags
+ return tags
+ def map_tags(self, tags=None):
+ """
+ Map tags to keywords according to the inversed mapping table.
+ """
+ if tags is None:
+ tags = self.tags
+ if self.enable_replace_chars:
+ # Inversely replace specified characters in tags
+ chars_replace_inv = { v: k for k, v in self.chars_replace.items() }
+ trans = str.maketrans(chars_replace_inv)
+ tags = [ tag.translate(trans) for tag in tags ]
+ # Map keywords to tags
+ keywords_mapping_inv = { v:k for k,v in self.keywords_mapping.items() }
+ keywords = set([ keywords_mapping_inv.get(tag, tag) for tag in tags ])
+ self.keywords_tags = keywords
+ return keywords
+ def merge_tags(self, sync_direction, sync_mode=SyncMode.ADD_REMOVE,
+ tags_nm=None, tags_kw=None):
+ """
+ Merge the tags from notmuch database and 'X-Keywords' header,
+ according to the specified sync direction and operation restriction.
+ TODO: support case-insensitive set operations
+ """
+ # Added & removed tags for notmuch database against 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_added = []
+ tags_removed = []
+ # Newly updated/merged notmuch tags against 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_new = []
+ # Added & removed tags for 'X-Keywords' against notmuch database
+ tags_kw_added = []
+ tags_kw_removed = []
+ # Newly updated/merged tags for 'X-Keywords' against notmuch database
+ tags_kw_new = []
+ #
+ if tags_nm is None:
+ tags_nm = self.tags
+ if tags_kw is None:
+ tags_kw = self.tags_kw
+ if self.enable_ignore_tags:
+ # Remove ignored tags before merge
+ tags_nm2 = tags_nm.difference(self.tags_ignored)
+ tags_kw2 = tags_kw.difference(self.tags_ignored)
+ else:
+ tags_nm2 = tags_nm
+ tags_kw2 = tags_kw
+ #
+ if sync_direction == SyncDirection.KEYWORDS_TO_TAGS:
+ # Sync 'X-Keywords' to notmuch tags
+ tags_added = tags_kw2.difference(tags_nm2)
+ tags_removed = tags_nm2.difference(tags_kw2)
+ elif sync_direction == SyncDirection.TAGS_TO_KEYWORDS:
+ # Sync notmuch tags to 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_kw_added = tags_nm2.difference(tags_kw2)
+ tags_kw_removed = tags_kw2.difference(tags_nm2)
+ elif sync_direction == SyncDirection.MERGE_KEYWORDS_TAGS:
+ # Merge both notmuch tags and 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_merged = tags_nm2.union(tags_kw2)
+ # notmuch tags
+ tags_added = tags_merged.difference(tags_nm2)
+ tags_removed = tags_nm2.difference(tags_merged)
+ # tags for 'X-Keywords'
+ tags_kw_added = tags_merged.difference(tags_kw2)
+ tags_kw_removed = tags_kw2.difference(tags_merged)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid synchronization direction")
+ # Apply sync operation restriction
+ self.tags_added = []
+ self.tags_removed = []
+ self.tags_kw_added = []
+ self.tags_kw_removed = []
+ tags_new = tags_nm # Use un-ignored notmuch tags
+ tags_kw_new = tags_kw # Use un-ignored 'X-Keywords' tags
+ if sync_mode != SyncMode.REMOVE_ONLY:
+ self.tags_added = tags_added
+ self.tags_kw_added = tags_kw_added
+ tags_new = tags_new.union(tags_added)
+ tags_kw_new = tags_kw_new.union(tags_kw_added)
+ if sync_mode != SyncMode.ADD_ONLY:
+ self.tags_removed = tags_removed
+ self.tags_kw_removed = tags_kw_removed
+ tags_new = tags_new.difference(tags_removed)
+ tags_kw_new = tags_kw_new.difference(tags_kw_removed)
+ #
+ self.tags_new = tags_new
+ self.tags_kw_new = tags_kw_new
+ if self.tags_added or self.tags_removed:
+ self.tags_updated = True
+ if self.tags_kw_added or self.tags_kw_removed:
+ self.keywords_updated = True
+ #
+ return {
+ 'tags_updated' : self.tags_updated,
+ 'tags_added' : self.tags_added,
+ 'tags_removed' : self.tags_removed,
+ 'tags_new' : self.tags_new,
+ 'keywords_updated' : self.keywords_updated,
+ 'tags_kw_added' : self.tags_kw_added,
+ 'tags_kw_removed' : self.tags_kw_removed,
+ 'tags_kw_new' : self.tags_kw_new,
+ }
+ def update_keywords(self, keywords_new=None, outfile=None):
+ """
+ Encode the keywords (default: self.keywords_new) and write back to
+ all message files.
+ If parameter 'outfile' specified, then write the updated message
+ to that file instead of overwriting.
+ * The modification time of the message file should be kept to prevent
+ OfflineIMAP from treating it as a new one (and the previous a
+ deleted one).
+ * All files associated with the same message are updated to have
+ the same 'X-Keywords' header.
+ """
+ if not self.keywords_updated:
+ # keywords NOT updated, just skip
+ return
+ if keywords_new is None:
+ keywords_new = self.keywords_new
+ #
+ if outfile is not None:
+ infile = self.allfiles[0:1]
+ outfile = [ os.path.expanduser(outfile) ]
+ else:
+ infile = self.allfiles
+ outfile = self.allfiles
+ #
+ for ifname, ofname in zip(infile, outfile):
+ msg = email.message_from_file(open(ifname, 'r'))
+ fstat = os.stat(ifname)
+ if keywords_new == []:
+ # Delete 'X-Keywords' header
+ print("WARNING: delete 'X-Keywords' header from file: %s" %
+ ifname, file=sys.stderr)
+ del msg['X-Keywords']
+ else:
+ # Update 'X-Keywords' header
+ keywords = ','.join(keywords_new)
+ keywords_utf7 = imapUTF7Encode(keywords).decode()
+ # Delete then add, to avoid multiple occurrences
+ del msg['X-Keywords']
+ msg['X-Keywords'] = keywords_utf7
+ # Write updated message
+ with open(ofname, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write(msg.as_string())
+ # Reset the timestamps
+ os.utime(ofname, ns=(fstat.st_atime_ns, fstat.st_mtime_ns))
+ def update_tags(self, tags_added=None, tags_removed=None):
+ """
+ Update notmuch tags according to keywords.
+ """
+ if not self.tags_updated:
+ # tags NOT updated, just skip
+ return
+ if tags_added is None:
+ tags_added = self.tags_added
+ if tags_removed is None:
+ tags_removed = self.tags_removed
+ # Use freeze/thaw for safer transactions to change tag values.
+ self.message.freeze()
+ for tag in tags_added:
+ self.message.add_tag(tag, sync_maildir_flags=False)
+ for tag in tags_removed:
+ self.message.remove_tag(tag, sync_maildir_flags=False)
+ self.message.thaw()
+def get_notmuch_revision(dbpath=None):
+ """
+ Get the current revision and UUID of notmuch database.
+ """
+ import subprocess
+ import tempfile
+ if dbpath:
+ tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ # Create a minimal notmuch config for the specified dbpath
+ config = '[database]\npath=%s\n' % os.path.expanduser(dbpath)
+ tf.file.write(config.encode())
+ tf.file.flush()
+ cmd = 'notmuch --config=%s count --lastmod' % tf.name
+ output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ tf.close()
+ else:
+ cmd = 'notmuch count --lastmod'
+ output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ # Extract output
+ dbinfo = output.decode().split()
+ return { 'revision': int(dbinfo[2]), 'uuid': dbinfo[1] }
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Sync message 'X-Keywords' header with notmuch tags.")
+ parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version",
+ version="%(prog)s " + "v%s (%s)" % (__version__, __date__))
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--query", dest="query", required=True,
+ help="notmuch database query string")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--db-path", dest="dbpath",
+ help="notmuch database path (default to try user configuration)")
+ parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dryrun",
+ action="store_true", help="dry run")
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
+ action="store_true", help="show verbose information")
+ # Exclusive argument group for sync mode
+ exgroup1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+ exgroup1.add_argument("-m", "--merge-keywords-tags",
+ dest="direction_merge", action="store_true",
+ help="merge 'X-Keywords' and tags and update both")
+ exgroup1.add_argument("-k", "--keywords-to-tags",
+ dest="direction_keywords2tags", action="store_true",
+ help="sync 'X-Keywords' to notmuch tags")
+ exgroup1.add_argument("-t", "--tags-to-keywords",
+ dest="direction_tags2keywords", action="store_true",
+ help="sync notmuch tags to 'X-Keywords'")
+ # Exclusive argument group for tag operation mode
+ exgroup2 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+ exgroup2.add_argument("-a", "--add-only", dest="mode_addonly",
+ action="store_true", help="only add notmuch tags")
+ exgroup2.add_argument("-r", "--remove-only", dest="mode_removeonly",
+ action="store_true", help="only remove notmuch tags")
+ # Parse
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Sync direction
+ if args.direction_merge:
+ sync_direction = SyncDirection.MERGE_KEYWORDS_TAGS
+ elif args.direction_keywords2tags:
+ sync_direction = SyncDirection.KEYWORDS_TO_TAGS
+ elif args.direction_tags2keywords:
+ sync_direction = SyncDirection.TAGS_TO_KEYWORDS
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid synchronization direction")
+ # Sync mode
+ if args.mode_addonly:
+ sync_mode = SyncMode.ADD_ONLY
+ elif args.mode_removeonly:
+ sync_mode = SyncMode.REMOVE_ONLY
+ else:
+ sync_mode = SyncMode.ADD_REMOVE
+ #
+ if args.dbpath:
+ dbpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.dbpath))
+ else:
+ dbpath = None
+ #
+ db = Database(path=dbpath, create=False, mode=Database.MODE.READ_WRITE)
+ dbinfo = get_notmuch_revision(dbpath=dbpath)
+ q = Query(db, args.query)
+ total_msgs = q.count_messages()
+ msgs = q.search_messages()
+ #
+ if args.verbose:
+ print("# Notmuch database path: %s" % dbpath)
+ print("# Database revision: %d (uuid: %s)" %
+ (dbinfo['revision'], dbinfo['uuid']))
+ print("# Query: %s" % args.query)
+ print("# Sync direction: %s" % sync_direction.name)
+ print("# Sync mode: %s" % sync_mode.name)
+ print("# Total messages to check: %d" % total_msgs)
+ print("# Dryn run: %s" % args.dryrun)
+ #
+ for msg in msgs:
+ kwmsg = KwMessage(msg)
+ kwmsg.sync(direction=sync_direction, mode=sync_mode,
+ dryrun=args.dryrun, verbose=args.verbose)
+ #
+ db.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 fenc= ft=python: #