path: root/r
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'r')
7 files changed, 891 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/r/chisq.R b/r/chisq.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41f851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/chisq.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Calculate the chi-squared values between the given data and model values.
+calc.chisq <- function(value, error=NULL, model=NULL) {
+ if (is.data.frame(value)) {
+ df <- value
+ value <- df$value
+ error <- df$error
+ model <- df$model
+ }
+ chisq <- (value - model)^2
+ if (! is.null(error)) {
+ weights <- error ^ (-2)
+ chisq <- chisq * weights
+ }
+ return(sum(chisq))
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=r: #
diff --git a/r/fillpois.R b/r/fillpois.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be590f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/fillpois.R
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Identify the abnormal pixels (with relatively larger values) in the
+# given X-ray count image, and replace their values with random Poisson
+# values whose parameter lambda is determined by the neighboring pixels.
+# Aaron LI
+# 2015/09/01
+# Updated: 2015/09/02
+# Fill a vector of a row/column of X-ray image with Poisson distribution.
+# The parameter lambda of the Poisson distribution is determined by the
+# mean value of the left n (default: 3) elements.
+# If the value of one element is greater than or equal to (>=)
+# qpois(prob, lambda), then its value is replaced with rpois(1, lambda).
+# Arguments:
+# vec - input data vector
+# n - number of elements used to calculate the lambda (default: 3)
+# prob - quantile probability (default: 95%)
+# Return:
+# a vector of the same length with abnormal values replaced
+fill.pois.vec <- function(vec, n=3, prob=0.95) {
+ # Select the given index of element from the vector
+ # Arguments:
+ # bc - boundary condition:
+ # + "cyclic": vec[0, -1] := vec[length(vec), length(vec)-1]
+ # + "symmetric": vec[0, -1] := vec[1, 2]
+ elem <- function(vec, index, bc="cyclic") {
+ if (index <= 0) {
+ if (bc == "cyclic") {
+ index <- length(vec) + index
+ } else if (bc == "symmetric") {
+ index <- 1 - index
+ } else {
+ stop(paste("Invalid boundary condition:", bc, "\n"))
+ }
+ }
+ return(vec[index])
+ }
+ # Calculate the mean value of left n elements for the given element.
+ mean.left <- function(vec, index, n=3, bc="cyclic") {
+ elements <- get(class(vec))(n)
+ for (i in 1:n) {
+ elements[i] <- elem(vec, index-i)
+ }
+ return(mean(elements))
+ }
+ #
+ vec.filled <- vec
+ for (i in 1:length(vec)) {
+ lambda <- mean.left(vec, i, n)
+ if (vec[i] >= qpois(prob, lambda)) {
+ vec.filled[i] <- rpois(1, lambda)
+ }
+ }
+ return(vec.filled)
+# Fill a matrix of the X-ray image with Poisson distribution by row or column.
+# For more details, see 'fill.pois.vec()'.
+# Arguments:
+# mat - input image matrix
+# byrow - where Poisson fill the matrix by row (default by column)
+# n - number of elements used to calculate the lambda (default: 3)
+# prob - quantile probability (default: 95%)
+# Return:
+# a matrix of the same size with abnormal values replaced
+fill.pois.mat <- function(mat, byrow=FALSE, n=3, prob=0.95) {
+ mat.filled <- mat
+ if (byrow) {
+ # process by row
+ rows <- nrow(mat)
+ for (r in 1:rows) {
+ vec <- mat[r, ]
+ vec.filled <- fill.pois.vec(vec, n, prob)
+ mat.filled[r, ] <- vec.filled
+ }
+ } else {
+ # process by column
+ cols <- ncol(mat)
+ for (c in 1:cols) {
+ vec <- mat[, c]
+ vec.filled <- fill.pois.vec(vec, n, prob)
+ mat.filled[, c] <- vec.filled
+ }
+ }
+ return(mat.filled)
+# Identify the abnormal pixels (with relatively larger values) in the
+# given X-ray count image, and replace their values with random Poisson
+# values whose parameter lambda is determined by the neighboring pixels.
+# The refilled image is the average of the two images, which are the
+# original image processed with 'fill.pois.mat()' by row and column,
+# respectively.
+# TODO: to verify???
+# The two-step procedure is employed to avoid the grid-like pattern/structure
+# in the refilled image.
+# For more details, see 'fill.pois.vec()'.
+# Arguments:
+# img - input image (a matrix)
+# n - number of elements used to calculate the lambda (default: 3)
+# prob - quantile probability (default: 95%)
+# Return:
+# a matrix of the same size with abnormal values replaced
+fill.pois.img <- function(img, n=3, prob=0.95) {
+ img.fillbycol <- fill.pois.mat(img, byrow=FALSE, n=n, prob=prob)
+ img.fillbyrow <- fill.pois.mat(img, byrow=TRUE, n=n, prob=prob)
+ img.filled <- (img.fillbycol + img.fillbyrow) / 2
+ return(img.filled)
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=r: #
diff --git a/r/fitdistrplus-example.R b/r/fitdistrplus-example.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5b1a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/fitdistrplus-example.R
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+n <- 50
+m <- 50
+mu <- -0.4
+sig <- 0.12
+x <- matrix(data=rlnorm(n*m, mu, sig), nrow=m)
+## Fit a log-normal distribution to the 50 random data set
+f <- apply(x, 2, fitdist, "lnorm")
+## Plot the results
+for(i in 1:n)
+## Save plot in an animated GIF-file
+saveGIF({for(i in 1:n) plot(f[[i]])})
+apply((sapply(f, "[[", "estimate")),1, summary)
+# meanlog sdlog
+# Min. -0.4347 0.09876
+# 1st Qu. -0.4140 0.11480
+# Median -0.4010 0.12110
+# Mean -0.4011 0.12270
+# 3rd Qu. -0.3899 0.12950
+# Max. -0.3522 0.14780
+## How much variance can we expect in the mean and std?
+## Expeted mean
+ExpectedMean <- function(mu, sig) exp(mu+ sig^2/2)
+## Expected std
+ExpectedStd <- function(mu, sig) sqrt((exp(sig^2)-1)*exp(2*mu + sig^2))
+summary(apply(sapply(f, "[[", "estimate"), 2, function(x) ExpectedMean(x[1], x[2])))
+# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
+# 0.6529 0.6665 0.6747 0.6748 0.6819 0.7087
+summary(apply(sapply(f, "[[", "estimate"), 2, function(x) ExpectedStd(x[1], x[2])))
+# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
+# 0.06604 0.07880 0.08212 0.08316 0.08794 0.10170
+## Let's look at the goodness of fit statistics to get an
+## idea how much variance we can expect there:
+gof.ln <- lapply(f, gofstat)
+gof.test <- lapply(gof.ln, function(x) data.frame(x[c("chisqpvalue", "cvm", "ad", "ks")]))
+apply(do.call("rbind", gof.test), 2, summary)
+# chisqpvalue cvm ad ks
+# Min. 0.0002673 0.02117 0.1537 0.05438
+# 1st Qu. 0.1394000 0.03755 0.2708 0.07488
+# Median 0.3578000 0.04841 0.3216 0.08054
+# Mean 0.3814000 0.05489 0.3564 0.08431
+# 3rd Qu. 0.6409000 0.06913 0.4358 0.09436
+# Max. 0.9245000 0.13220 0.7395 0.12570 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/r/forceFieldTransform.R b/r/forceFieldTransform.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92310c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/forceFieldTransform.R
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# -*- coding: utf -*-
+# Calculate the "force field transform" of the image, using the
+# specified *cell* size.
+# The image is padded with the mirrored boundary condition.
+# The transformation output strengths image is NOT normalized!
+# Credit:
+# [1] TODO:
+# Hurley et al., 2002, 2005
+# Aaron LI
+# 2015/08/28
+# The attractive force between two points on the image.
+# NOTE: the coefficient is ignored
+# Arguments:
+# p0, p1 - (r, c, value), the row and column number of the point position,
+# and the value of that point
+# Return:
+# the force vector (f_r, f_c):
+# 'f_r': force along the row direction, positive goes downside
+# 'f_c': force along the column direction, positive goes to the right
+# Note that this is the force that 'p1' act on 'p0', and is directed
+# to point 'p1'.
+p2p.force <- function(p0, p1) {
+ r0 = p0[1]
+ c0 = p0[2]
+ r1 = p1[1]
+ c1 = p1[2]
+ f_r = p0[3]*p1[3] * (r1-r0) / ((r1-r0)^2 + (c1-c0)^2)^1.5
+ f_c = p0[3]*p1[3] * (c1-c0) / ((r1-r0)^2 + (c1-c0)^2)^1.5
+ return(c(f_r, f_c))
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=r: #
diff --git a/r/kldiv.R b/r/kldiv.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a767038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/kldiv.R
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Kullback-Leibler or Jensen-Shannon divergence between two distributions
+# The Kullback-Leibler divergence is given by:
+# D_{KL}(P(x), Q(x)) = sum[ P(x) * log(P(x) / Q(x)) ]
+# where P(x) is the underground true distribution, and Q(x) the approximation
+# distribution. Thus KL divergence measures the information lost when Q is
+# used to approximate P.
+# The Jensen-Shannon divergence is given by:
+# D_{JS}(P, Q) = 0.5 * D_{KL}(P, M) + 0.5 * D_{KL}(Q, M); M = (P+Q)/2
+# This is a symmetrised divergence, and is equal to 1/2 the so-called
+# Jeffrey divergence.
+# Credits:
+# [1] Wikipedia - Kullback-Leibler divergence
+# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullback%E2%80%93Leibler_divergence
+# [2] David Fass, KLDIV
+# http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13089-kldiv/content//kldiv.m
+# Aaron LI
+# 2015/09/04
+# Calculate the entropy of the probability mass distribution.
+# The zeros are ignored.
+# Arguments:
+# x - probability mass distribution
+# Return:
+# entropy in unit "bits"
+calc.entropy <- function(x) {
+ x.gt0 <- x[x>0]
+ return(sum(-x.gt0 * log2(x.gt0)))
+# Calculate the KL divergence of distribution P from Q, or the JS divergence
+# between the P and Q distributions.
+# TODO:
+# * to add other methods to deal with zero probabilities:
+# - add eps to p.m.f and renormalize
+# - Byesian prior
+# - smoothing
+# Credits:
+# [1] Calculate the Kullback-Leibler Divergence in practice?
+# http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/97938/calculate-the-kullback-leibler-divergence-in-practice
+# [2] How to compute KL-divergence when PMF contains 0s?
+# http://mathoverflow.net/questions/72668/how-to-compute-kl-divergence-when-pmf-contains-0s
+# Arguments:
+# p - probabilities representing the distribution P (underground true)
+# q - probabilities representing the distribution Q (approximation)
+# type - which type of divergence to be calculated
+# + "kl": (default) Kullback-Leibler divergence
+# + "klsym": symmetric variant of the Kullback-Leibler divergence,
+# which given by (KL(p, q) + KL(q, p))/2
+# + "js": Jensen-Shannon divergence
+# zeros - how to deal with the zeros in each distribution probabilities
+# + "ignore": just ignore the data points with probability of zero
+# Note that the vectors p and q must have the same length, and the
+# sum of probabilities p and q must be 1 +/- 1e-5
+# Return:
+# calculate divergence value in unit "bits"
+kldiv <- function(p, q, type="kl", zeros="ignore") {
+ # check length of vectors
+ stopifnot(length(p) == length(q))
+ # validate probabilities
+ eps_prob <- 1e-5
+ stopifnot(abs(sum(p) - 1) <= eps_prob, abs(sum(q) - 1) <= eps_prob)
+ # how to deal with zero probabilities
+ if (zeros == "ignore") {
+ # just ignore the zeros in probabilities
+ nonzeros <- (p > 0) & (q > 0)
+ p <- p[nonzeros]
+ q <- q[nonzeros]
+ } else {
+ stop(paste("Unsupported parameter value zeros=", zeros, "\n", sep=""))
+ }
+ # check divergence type
+ if (type == "kl") {
+ # Kullback-Leibler divergence
+ div <- sum(p * (log2(p) - log2(q)))
+ } else if (type == "klsym") {
+ # symmetric variant KL divergence
+ div <- 0.5 * (sum(p * (log2(p) - log2(q))) +
+ sum(q * (log2(q) - log2(p))))
+ } else if (type == "js") {
+ # Jensen-Shannon divergence
+ m <- (p + q) / 2
+ div <- 0.5 * (sum(p * (log2(p) - log2(m))) +
+ sum(q * (log2(q) - log2(m))))
+ } else {
+ stop(paste("Unsupported parameter value type=", type, "\n", sep=""))
+ }
+ return(div)
+# Estimate the probability mass distribution for the observation data,
+# using "density()".
+# The range of output coordinates of points is set to be:
+# from: min(x) - cut*bw
+# to: max(x) + cut*bw
+# And the probability mass distribution is normalized.
+# Arguments:
+# x - input observation data
+# n - number of equally spaced points at which the probability mass is
+# to be estimated.
+# bw - bandwidth to be used
+# kernel - the smoothing kernel
+# from - coordinate of the left-most point
+# to - coordinate of the right-most point
+# cut - c(left, right). Number of bandwidths beyond the left and right
+# extremes of the input data.
+# This allows the estimated density to drop to approximately zero
+# at the extremes.
+# If "from" and "to" specified, then "cut" is ignored.
+# Returns:
+# list with following components:
+# x - the coordinates of the points where probability mass estimated
+# y - the estimated probability mass
+# bw - bandwidth used
+# kernel - kernel used
+# n - sample size
+# cut - left and right cut used
+# from - coordinate of the left-most point used
+# to - coordinate of the right-most point used
+estimate.prob.mass <- function(x, bw="nrd0", kernel="gaussian", n=512,
+ from=NULL, to=NULL, cut=c(3,3)) {
+ data <- x[!is.na(x)]
+ # calculate the bandwidth
+ bw <- get(paste("bw.", bw, sep=""))(data)
+ # determine the estimation range
+ if (is.null(from)) {
+ from <- min(data) - cut[1] * bw
+ }
+ if (is.null(to)) {
+ to <- max(data) + cut[2] * bw
+ }
+ # estimate with "density()"
+ d <- density(data, bw=bw, kernel=kernel, n=n, from=from, to=to)
+ # renormalize the probability mass distribution
+ pmass <- d$y / sum(d$y)
+ prob.mass <- list(x=d$x, y=pmass, bw=bw, kernel=kernel,
+ n=n, from=from, to=to, cut=cut)
+ return(prob.mass)
+# Estimate the probability mass distribution for the source and corresponding
+# background data using 'estimate.prob.mass()'.
+# The coordinates at which the probability masses are estimated are the same
+# for the source and corresponding background probability mass distributions.
+# Therefore we can calculate the KL divergence between these two distributions.
+# Argument:
+# srcdata - raw counts data drawn from the source region
+# bkgdata - raw counts data drawn from the background region
+# Return:
+# data.frame with the following components:
+# x - the coordinates of the points where probability mass estimated
+# src - the estimated probability masses of the source data
+# bkg - the estimated probability masses of the background data
+pm.src.bkg <- function(srcdata, bkgdata) {
+ # compare the data ranges
+ if (max(srcdata) > max(bkgdata)) {
+ pm.src <- estimate.prob.mass(srcdata)
+ from <- pm.src$from
+ to <- pm.src$to
+ pm.bkg <- estimate.prob.mass(bkgdata, from=from, to=to)
+ } else {
+ pm.bkg <- estimate.prob.mass(bkgdata)
+ from <- pm.bkg$from
+ to <- pm.bkg$to
+ pm.src <- estimate.prob.mass(srcdata, from=from, to=to)
+ }
+ df <- data.frame(x=pm.src$x, src=pm.src$y, bkg=pm.bkg$y)
+ return(df)
+# Calculate the entropies and KL/JS divergences of the source and background
+# probability mass distribution group.
+# Arguments:
+# pmdf - data.frame of the probability mass distribution
+# comp - components to be calculated
+# + "entropy": entropy of the source and background
+# + "kl": KL divergences from source to background and vice versa
+# + "klsym": symmetric variant of KL divergence
+# + "js": JS divergence
+# Return:
+# list with following components:
+# entropy.src - entropy of the source distribution
+# entropy.bkg - entropy of the background distribution
+# kl.src2bkg - KL divergence from source to background
+# kl.bkg2src - KL divergence from background to source
+# klsym - symmetric variant KL divergence
+# js - JS divergence
+info.src.bkg <- function(pmdf, comp=c("entropy", "kl", "klsym", "js")) {
+ pm.src <- pmdf$src
+ pm.bkg <- pmdf$bkg
+ entropy.src <- NULL
+ entropy.bkg <- NULL
+ kl.src2bkg <- NULL
+ kl.bkg2src <- NULL
+ klsym <- NULL
+ js <- NULL
+ if ("entropy" %in% comp) {
+ entropy.src <- calc.entropy(pm.src)
+ entropy.bkg <- calc.entropy(pm.bkg)
+ }
+ if ("kl" %in% comp) {
+ kl.src2bkg <- kldiv(pm.src, pm.bkg, type="kl")
+ kl.bkg2src <- kldiv(pm.bkg, pm.src, type="kl")
+ }
+ if ("klsym" %in% comp) {
+ klsym <- kldiv(pm.src, pm.bkg, type="klsym")
+ }
+ if ("js" %in% comp) {
+ js <- kldiv(pm.src, pm.bkg, type="js")
+ }
+ return(list(entropy.src=entropy.src, entropy.bkg=entropy.bkg,
+ kl.src2bkg=kl.src2bkg, kl.bkg2src=kl.bkg2src,
+ klsym=klsym, js=js))
+# Calculate the entropies and KL/JS divergences of the source density
+# histogram with respect to the corresponding background data which
+# drawn from the estimated Poisson mass distribution.
+# Arguments:
+# src - raw counts data of the source region
+# comp - components to be calculated
+# + "entropy": entropy of the source and background
+# + "kl": KL divergences from source to background and vice versa
+# + "klsym": symmetric variant of KL divergence
+# + "js": JS divergence
+# Return:
+# list with following components:
+# entropy.src - entropy of the source distribution
+# entropy.bkg - entropy of the background distribution
+# kl.src2bkg - KL divergence from source to background
+# kl.bkg2src - KL divergence from background to source
+# klsym - symmetric variant KL divergence
+# js - JS divergence
+info.src.pois <- function(src, comp=c("entropy", "kl", "klsym", "js")) {
+ # make the density histogram of the source counts data
+ hist.src <- hist(src, breaks=(min(src):(max(src)+1)-0.5), plot=FALSE)
+ x <- hist.src$mids
+ pm.src <- hist.src$density
+ # calculate the corresponding theoretical Poisson density/mass distribution
+ # as the estimated background
+ lambda <- mean(src)
+ pm.pois <- dpois(x, lambda)
+ pm.pois <- pm.pois / sum(pm.pois)
+ # calculate the entropy, KL/JS divergences
+ entropy.src <- NULL
+ entropy.bkg <- NULL
+ kl.src2bkg <- NULL
+ kl.bkg2src <- NULL
+ klsym <- NULL
+ js <- NULL
+ if ("entropy" %in% comp) {
+ entropy.src <- calc.entropy(pm.src)
+ entropy.bkg <- calc.entropy(pm.pois)
+ }
+ if ("kl" %in% comp) {
+ kl.src2bkg <- kldiv(pm.src, pm.pois, type="kl")
+ kl.bkg2src <- kldiv(pm.pois, pm.src, type="kl")
+ }
+ if ("klsym" %in% comp) {
+ klsym <- kldiv(pm.src, pm.pois, type="klsym")
+ }
+ if ("js" %in% comp) {
+ js <- kldiv(pm.src, pm.pois, type="js")
+ }
+ return(list(entropy.src=entropy.src, entropy.bkg=entropy.bkg,
+ kl.src2bkg=kl.src2bkg, kl.bkg2src=kl.bkg2src,
+ klsym=klsym, js=js))
+# Calculate the information (e.g., entropy, divergences) for each group of
+# region data.
+# If the background data are not provided, then the background is estimated
+# with a Poisson density/mass distribution.
+info.reglist <- function(srcdatalist, bkgdatalist=NULL) {
+ if (is.null(bkgdatalist)) {
+ infofunc <- "info.src.pois"
+ } else {
+ infofunc <- "info.src.bkg"
+ stopifnot(length(srcdatalist) == length(bkgdatalist))
+ }
+ l <- length(srcdatalist)
+ infodf <- data.frame(entropy.src=numeric(l), entropy.bkg=numeric(l),
+ kl.src2bkg=numeric(l), kl.bkg2src=numeric(l),
+ klsym=numeric(l), js=numeric(l))
+ for (i in 1:length(srcdatalist)) {
+ #cat(i, "\n")
+ if (is.null(bkgdatalist)) {
+ if (sum(srcdatalist[[i]]) == 0) {
+ # srcdata all zeros
+ cat(i, ": WARNING: srcdata are all zeros!\n")
+ info <- list(entropy.src=NA, entropy.bkg=NA,
+ kl.src2bkg=NA, kl.bkg2src=NA,
+ klsym=NA, js=NA)
+ } else {
+ info <- get(infofunc)(srcdatalist[[i]])
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sum(srcdatalist[[i]]) == 0 || sum(bkgdatalist[[i]]) == 0) {
+ # srcdata / bkgdata all zeros
+ cat(i, ": WARNING: srcdata/bkgdata are all zeros!\n")
+ info <- list(entropy.src=NA, entropy.bkg=NA,
+ kl.src2bkg=NA, kl.bkg2src=NA,
+ klsym=NA, js=NA)
+ } else {
+ pmdf <- pm.src.bkg(srcdatalist[[i]], bkgdatalist[[i]])
+ info <- get(infofunc)(pmdf)
+ }
+ }
+ infodf[i, ] <- info
+ }
+ return(infodf)
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=r: #
diff --git a/r/lsos.R b/r/lsos.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a3e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/lsos.R
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# Tricks to manage the available memory in an R session
+# http://stackoverflow.com/q/1358003/4856091
+# improved list of objects
+.ls.objects <- function(pos=1, pattern, order.by,
+ decreasing=FALSE, pretty.size=FALSE,
+ head=FALSE, n=10) {
+ napply <- function(names, fn) {
+ sapply(names, function(x) fn(get(x, pos=pos)))
+ }
+ names <- ls(pos=pos, pattern=pattern)
+ obj.class <- napply(names, function(x) as.character(class(x))[1])
+ obj.mode <- napply(names, mode)
+ obj.type <- ifelse(is.na(obj.class), obj.mode, obj.class)
+ obj.size.bytes <- napply(names, object.size)
+ if (pretty.size) {
+ obj.size <- napply(names, function(x) {
+ format(object.size(x), units="auto")
+ })
+ } else {
+ obj.size <- obj.size.bytes
+ }
+ obj.dim <- t(napply(names, function(x) as.numeric(dim(x))[1:2]))
+ vec <- is.na(obj.dim)[, 1] & (obj.type != "function")
+ obj.dim[vec, 1] <- napply(names, length)[vec]
+ out <- data.frame(obj.type, obj.size, obj.dim)
+ names(out) <- c("Type", "Size", "Rows", "Columns")
+ if (! missing(order.by))
+ if (order.by == "Size") {
+ out <- out[order(obj.size.bytes, decreasing=decreasing), ]
+ } else {
+ out <- out[order(out[[order.by]], decreasing=decreasing), ]
+ }
+ if (head)
+ out <- head(out, n)
+ out
+# shorthand
+lsobjs <- function(..., n=10) {
+ .ls.objects(..., order.by="Size", decreasing=TRUE,
+ pretty.size=TRUE, head=TRUE, n=n)
diff --git a/r/scaleSaliency.R b/r/scaleSaliency.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80172bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/scaleSaliency.R
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Scale Saliency algorithm
+# Reference:
+# [1] T. Kadir & M. Brady, Saliency, Scale and Image Description.
+# 2001, International Journal of Computer Vision, 45(2), 83-105
+# Aaron LI
+# 2015/07/29
+# Calculate Shannon entropy from histogram of probability densities.
+# Arguments:
+# phist - histogram of probability density
+# Return:
+# entropy value
+calcShannonEntropy <- function(phist) {
+ # Helper function to calculate the entropy
+ # Arguments:
+ # p - probability density of each bin
+ # Return:
+ # p * log(p) if p > 0, otherwise 0
+ plogp <- function(p) {
+ if (p < 1e-10) {
+ return(0.0)
+ } else {
+ return(p * log(p))
+ }
+ }
+ # calculate the entropy
+ entropy <- -sum(sapply(phist, plogp))
+ return(entropy)
+# Generate the template circular regions for each scale.
+# Arguments:
+# scale_min - minimum scale (radius of circle)
+# scale_max - maximum scale
+# Return:
+# list of matrix which represent the regions of interest (with value of TRUE)
+circleROI <- function(scale_min, scale_max) {
+ rows <- 2 * scale_max + 1
+ cols <- rows
+ rc <- (rows + 1) / 2 # central row
+ cc <- (cols + 1) / 2 # central col
+ roi <- list()
+ for (s in scale_min:scale_max) {
+ radius2 <- s^2
+ m <- matrix(0, nrow=rows, ncol=cols)
+ roi[[paste("scale", s, sep="")]] <-
+ ifelse(((row(m)-rc)^2 + (col(m)-cc)^2) <= radius2,
+ }
+ return(roi)
+# Calculate the scale saliencies for the 1D case: scalar image
+# Arguments:
+# img - input *scalar* image
+# scale_min - minimum scale (pixels of radius of circle)
+# scale_max - maximum scale (NOTE: scale_max >= scale_min+2)
+# nbins - how many bins used for histogram
+# progressbar - whether to display the progress bar
+# Return:
+# 6-column data.frame contains the scale saliencies results
+calcScaleSaliency1D <- function(img, scale_min, scale_max, nbins,
+ progressbar=TRUE) {
+ # check scale range first: must have at least 3 scales
+ stopifnot(scale_max >= scale_min+2)
+ # get number of rows and columns
+ rows <- nrow(img)
+ cols <- ncol(img)
+ # determine the saliency calculation region of the image
+ # FIXME: how to deal with the boundaries???
+ row_begin <- scale_max + 1
+ col_begin <- scale_max + 1
+ row_end <- rows - scale_max
+ col_end <- cols - scale_max
+ # templates of regions for each scale
+ roi <- circleROI(scale_min, scale_max)
+ # R data frame to store the saliency results
+ scaleSaliency <- data.frame(row=numeric(0), col=numeric(0),
+ scale=numeric(0), entropy=numeric(0),
+ disimilarity=numeric(0), saliency=numeric(0))
+ # determine the breakpoints for histogram
+ hist_breaks <- (0:nbins) * (max(img) - min(img))/nbins + min(img)
+ if (progressbar) {
+ # progress bar
+ pb <- txtProgressBar(min=row_begin, max=row_end, style=3)
+ }
+ for (ri in row_begin:row_end) {
+ if (progressbar) {
+ # update progress bar
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, ri)
+ }
+ for (ci in col_begin:col_end) {
+ # filter out the required size of image block, which is
+ # used to calculate its histogram, entropy, etc.
+ imgROI <- img[(ri-scale_max):(ri+scale_max),
+ (ci-scale_max):(ci+scale_max)]
+ # vectors to store entropies and distances
+ entropy <- numeric(scale_max-scale_min+1)
+ distance <- numeric(scale_max-scale_min+1)
+ # initial probability density for scale of 's-1'
+ scaleHistPr0 <- rep(0, nbins)
+ for (s in scale_min:scale_max) {
+ scaleROI <- roi[[paste("scale", s, sep="")]]
+ # NOTE: do not use 'breaks=nbins', since the number is a
+ # suggestion only and breakpoints will be set to 'prtty'
+ # values in this case.
+ scaleHist <- hist(imgROI[scaleROI],
+ breaks=hist_breaks, plot=FALSE)
+ scaleHistPr <- scaleHist$counts / sum(scaleHist$counts)
+ # calculate Shannon entropy
+ entropy[s-scale_min+1] <- calcShannonEntropy(scaleHistPr)
+ # FIXME: calculate distance of scales???
+ distance[s-scale_min+1] <- sum(abs(scaleHistPr-scaleHistPr0))
+ # save the probability density of current scale 's'
+ scaleHistPr0 <- scaleHistPr
+ }
+ # smooth the 'distance' vector to reduce the impacts of noise
+ distance1 <- c(distance[1], distance[1:(length(distance)-1)])
+ distance2 <- c(distance[2:length(distance)],
+ distance[length(distance)])
+ distance <- (distance1 + distance + distance2) / 3
+ # find the peaks of entropy, and the corresponding scales
+ peakScale <- c(FALSE,
+ ((entropy[2:(length(entropy)-1)] >
+ entropy[1:(length(entropy)-2)]) &
+ (entropy[2:(length(entropy)-1)] >
+ entropy[3:length(entropy)])),
+ #cat("peakScale:", peakScale, "\n")
+ # calculate the inter-scale saliencies for each entropy peaks
+ for (s in (scale_min:scale_max)[peakScale]) {
+ scaleNorm <- s*s / (2*s - 1)
+ scaleEntropy <- entropy[s-scale_min+1]
+ disimilarity <- scaleNorm * distance[s-scale_min+1]
+ saliency <- scaleEntropy * disimilarity
+ scaleSaliency[nrow(scaleSaliency)+1, ] <- list(ri, ci, s,
+ scaleEntropy,
+ disimilarity,
+ saliency)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (progressbar) {
+ # close progress bar
+ close(pb)
+ }
+ return(scaleSaliency)
+# Simple greedy clustering algorithm to filter out salient regions.
+# Arguments:
+# ssaliency - saliency results from 'calcScaleSaliency*'
+# ssaliency_th - inter-scale saliency threshold
+# disimilarity_th - disimilarity threshold
+# Return:
+# clustered & filtered saliency regions
+greedyCluster <- function(ssaliency, ssaliency_th, disimilarity_th) {
+ # filter by global saliency & inter-scale saliency threshold
+ ssaliency <- ssaliency[((ssaliency$saliency > ssaliency_th) &
+ (ssaliency$disimilarity > disimilarity_th)), ]
+ # sort in descending inter-scale saliency
+ ssaliency <- ssaliency[order(-ssaliency$saliency), ]
+ # cluster salienct points
+ clusteredSaliency <- ssaliency[NULL, ]
+ while (nrow(ssaliency) > 0) {
+ ss <- ssaliency[1, ]
+ clusteredSaliency[nrow(clusteredSaliency)+1, ] <- ss
+ distance2 <- (ssaliency$row - ss$row)^2 + (ssaliency$col - ss$col)^2
+ # filter out the points inside the current salient circle
+ ssaliency <- ssaliency[(distance2 > ss$scale^2), ]
+ }
+ return(clusteredSaliency)
+# Plot the image and salient regions with ggplot2
+# Arguments:
+# img - input image
+# saliency - saliency restults by clusteredSaliency()
+plotSalientReg <- function(img, saliency) {
+ require(reshape2)
+ require(ggplot2)
+ plotCircle <- function(xc, yc, radius) {
+ theta <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=100)
+ gcircle <- annotate("path",
+ x=xc+radius*cos(theta),
+ y=yc+radius*sin(theta),
+ colour="green")
+ return(gcircle)
+ }
+ # plot the image
+ gp <- ggplot(melt(img), aes(Var2, -Var1, fill=value)) + geom_raster()
+ # add circles
+ for (i in 1:nrow(saliency)) {
+ ss <- saliency[i, ]
+ gcircle <- plotCircle(ss$col, -ss$row, ss$scale)
+ gp <- gp + gcircle
+ }
+ return(gp)
+# Convert the scale saliency information to DS9 regions.
+# NOTE:
+# However, the rows and columns of the FITS matrix in R correspond
+# to the X and Y axes in DS9, which is *swapped*.
+# Thus the region width and height correspond to the row range and
+# column range, respectively.
+# Arguments:
+# saliency - saliency restults by clusteredSaliency()
+# Return:
+# vector of DS9 region strings
+saliency2region <- function(saliency) {
+ regions <- with(saliency,
+ paste("circle(", row, ",", col, ",", scale, ")",
+ sep=""))
+ return(regions)
+# Write DS9 region to file with appropriate header information.
+# Arguments:
+# filename - output region file
+# region - vector/list of region strings
+save.region <- function(filename, region) {
+ rf <- file(filename, "w")
+ region.hdr <- c("# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1", "image")
+ writeLines(region.hdr, rf)
+ writeLines(region, rf)
+ close(rf)
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=r: #