#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2018 Aaron LI # MIT License # """ Montage a list of sky patches (e.g., simulated sky maps of radio halos of 10x10 deg^2) to create a large map (e.g., hemisphere) for OSKAR simulation to help investigate the far side confusion noise (FSCN). Configuration file (YAML format) -------------------------------- nside: 8 # npix=768, pixsize~7.33[deg] region: center: [0.0, -27.0] # [deg] rmin: 10.0 # [deg] rmax: 80.0 # [deg] threshold: min: 0.0001 # [K] max: null frequency: type: calc start: 154.0 # [MHz] stop: 162.0 step: 0.16 input: filename: '{dir}/cluster_{freq:06.2f}.fits' dirlist: 'dir.list' # filename of the directory list file pixelsize: 20 # [arcsec] output: filename: 'skymodel/cluster_{freq:06.2f}.osm' clobber: true """ import os import argparse import logging from functools import lru_cache import yaml import numpy as np import healpy as hp import astropy.units as au from astropy.io import fits from astropy.wcs import WCS logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='[%(levelname)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger() def get_frequencies(config): config_freq = config['frequency'] if config_freq['type'] == 'custom': return np.array(config_freq['frequencies']) else: start = config_freq['start'] stop = config_freq['stop'] step = config_freq['step'] return np.arange(start, stop+step/2, step) def central_angle(points, p0): """ Calculate the central angles between the points with respect to the reference point (p0) on the sphere. Input parameters: points: (longitude, latitude) [deg] point coordinates, two columns p0: (longitude, latitude) [deg] coordinate of reference point Algorithm: (radial, azimuthal, polar): (r, theta, phi) central_angle: alpha longitude: lambda = theta latitude: delta = 90 - phi colatitude: phi Unit vector: \hat{r}_1 = (cos(theta1) sin(phi1), sin(theta1) sin(phi1), cos(phi1)) = (cos(lambda1) cos(delta1), sin(lambda1) cos(delta1), sin(delta1)) \hat{r}_2 = (cos(theta2) sin(phi2), sin(theta2) sin(phi2), cos(phi2)) = (cos(lambda2) cos(delta2), sin(lambda2) cos(delta2), sin(delta2)) Therefore the angle (alpha) between \hat{r}_1 and \hat{r}_2: cos(alpha) = \hat{r}_1 \cdot \hat{r}_2 = cos(delta1) cos(delta2) cos(lambda1-lambda2) + sin(delta1) sin(delta2) References: [1] Spherical Coordinates - Wolfram MathWorld http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCoordinates.html Equation (19) [2] Great Circle - Wolfram MathWorld http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GreatCircle.html Equation (1), (2), (4) """ points = np.deg2rad(points) if points.ndim == 1: lbd1, delta1 = points[0], points[1] elif points.ndim == 2: lbd1, delta1 = points[:, 0], points[:, 1] else: raise ValueError('invalid input points') lbd0, delta0 = np.deg2rad(p0) dotvalue = (np.cos(delta1) * np.cos(delta0) * np.cos(lbd1-lbd0) + np.sin(delta1) * np.sin(delta0)) alpha = np.arccos(dotvalue) return np.rad2deg(alpha) # [deg] def get_healpix_coords(nside): npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) lon, lat = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix), lonlat=True) return (lon, lat) # [deg] class Patches: def __init__(self, config): config_input = config['input'] self._filename = config_input['filename'] self._dirlist = [d.strip() for d in open(config_input['dirlist']).readlines()] def get_image(self, freq, i): i = i % len(self._dirlist) fn = self._filename.format(freq=freq, dir=self._dirlist[i]) logger.info('Load image: %s' % fn) with fits.open(fn) as f: return (f[0].data, f[0].header) class SkyModel: def __init__(self, image, freq, pixelsize, p0, min_=1e-4, max_=None): self._image = image self._freq = freq # [MHz] self._pixelsize = pixelsize # [arcsec] self._p0 = p0 # (lon, lat) [deg] self._min = min_ # [K] self._max = max_ # [K] @property def K2JyPixel(self): pixarea = (self._pixelsize * au.arcsec) ** 2 equiv = au.brightness_temperature(pixarea, self._freq*au.MHz) return au.K.to(au.Jy, equivalencies=equiv) @property def mask(self): _max = self._max or np.inf return ((np.abs(self._image) >= self._min) & (np.abs(self._image) <= _max)) @property def wcs(self): shape = self._image.shape delta = self._pixelsize / 3600.0 # [deg] wcs = WCS(naxis=2) projection = 'SIN' wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---'+projection, 'DEC--'+projection] wcs.wcs.crval = np.array(self._p0) wcs.wcs.crpix = np.array([shape[1], shape[0]]) / 2.0 + 1 wcs.wcs.cdelt = np.array([-delta, delta]) return wcs @property def sky(self): shape = self._image.shape idx = self.mask.flatten() wcs = self.wcs x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0])) pix = np.column_stack([x.flatten()[idx], y.flatten()[idx]]) world = wcs.wcs_pix2world(pix, 0) ra, dec = world[:, 0], world[:, 1] flux = self._image.flatten()[idx] * self.K2JyPixel return np.column_stack([ra, dec, flux]) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Montage sky patches to make a large OSKAR sky model') parser.add_argument('config', help='configuration file in YAML format') args = parser.parse_args() config = yaml.load(open(args.config)) patches = Patches(config) frequencies = get_frequencies(config) # [MHz] nfreq = len(frequencies) pcenter = config['region']['center'] # [deg] rmin = config['region']['rmin'] # [deg] rmax = config['region']['rmax'] # [deg] min_ = config['threshold']['min'] # [K] max_ = config['threshold']['max'] # [K] pixelsize = config['input']['pixelsize'] # [arcsec] clobber = config['output']['clobber'] nside = config['nside'] logger.info('Nside: %d' % nside) resol = hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=True) # [arcmin] logger.info('HEALPix resolution: %.2f [arcmin]' % resol) imgsize = int(round(resol * 60 / pixelsize)) logger.info('Image patch size: %d' % imgsize) plon, plat = get_healpix_coords(nside) # [deg] npatch = len(plon) for i, freq in enumerate(frequencies): logger.info('[%d/%d] %.2f[MHz] ...' % (i+1, nfreq, freq)) outfile = config['output']['filename'].format(freq=freq) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(outfile) and (not clobber): raise FileExistsError(outfile) results = [] jj = 0 for j, p0 in enumerate(zip(plon, plat)): logger.info('[%d/%d|%d] patch @ (%.2f, %.2f)' % (j+1, jj+1, npatch, p0[0], p0[1])) if central_angle(p0, pcenter) > rmax: logger.info('skip') continue image, header = patches.get_image(freq, jj) skymodel = SkyModel(image[:imgsize, :imgsize], freq, pixelsize=pixelsize, p0=p0, min_=min_, max_=max_) sky = skymodel.sky points = sky[:, 0:2] # (lon, lat) angles = central_angle(points, pcenter) # [deg] idx = ((angles >= rmin) & (angles <= rmax)) sky = sky[idx, :] logger.info('Source counts: %d' % len(sky)) results.append(sky) jj += 1 sky = np.row_stack(results) logger.info('Total source counts: %d' % len(sky)) header = ('Frequency = %.2f [MHz]\n' % freq + 'Source counts = %d\n\n' % len(sky) + 'R.A.[deg] Dec.[deg] flux[Jy]') logger.info('Writing sky model to file: %s ...' % outfile) np.savetxt(outfile, sky, fmt='%.10e, %.10e, %.10e', header=header) logger.info("Wrote OSKAR sky model to file: %s" % outfile)