#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # References: # [1] Definition of RMF and ARF file formats # https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/docs/memos/cal_gen_92_002/cal_gen_92_002.html # [2] The OGIP Spectral File Format # https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/docs/summary/ogip_92_007_summary.html # [3] CIAO: Auxiliary Response File # http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/dictionary/arf.html # [4] CIAO: Redistribution Matrix File # http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/dictionary/rmf.html # [5] astropy - FITS format code # http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/io/fits/usage/table.html#column-creation # [6] XSPEC - Spectral Fitting # https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xanadu/xspec/manual/XspecSpectralFitting.html # [7] Direct X-ray Spectra Deprojection # https://www-xray.ast.cam.ac.uk/papers/dsdeproj/ # Sanders & Fabian 2007, MNRAS, 381, 1381 # # # Weitian LI # Created: 2016-03-26 # Updated: 2016-06-07 # # Change log: # 2016-06-07: # * Explain the errors/uncertainties calculation approach # 2016-04-20: # * Add argument 'add_history' to some methods (to avoid many duplicated # histories due to Monte Carlo) # * Rename 'reset_header_keywords()' to 'fix_header_keywords()', # and add mandatory spectral keywords if missing # * Add method 'fix_header()' to class 'Crosstalk' and 'Deprojection', # and fix the headers before write spectra # 2016-04-19: # * Ignore numpy error due to division by zero # * Update tool description and sample configuration # * Add two other main methods: `main_deprojection()' and `main_crosstalk()' # * Add argument 'group_squeeze' to some methods for better performance # * Rename from 'correct_crosstalk.py' to 'crosstalk_deprojection.py' # 2016-04-18: # * Implement deprojection function: class Deprojection # * Support spectral grouping (supply the grouping specification) # * Add grouping, estimate_errors, copy, randomize, etc. methods # * Utilize the Monte Carlo techniques to estimate the final spectral errors # * Collect all ARFs and RMFs within dictionaries # 2016-04-06: # * Fix `RMF: get_rmfimg()' for XMM EPIC RMF # 2016-04-02: # * Interpolate ARF in order to match the spectral channel energies # * Add version and date information # * Update documentations # * Update header history contents # 2016-04-01: # * Greatly update the documentations (e.g., description, sample config) # * Add class `RMF' # * Add method `get_energy()' for class `ARF' # * Split out class `SpectrumSet' from `Spectrum' # * Implement background subtraction # * Add config `subtract_bkg' and corresponding argument # # XXX/FIXME: # * Deprojection: account for ARF differences across different regions # # TODO: # * Split classes ARF, RMF, Spectrum, and SpectrumSet to a separate module # __version__ = "0.5.3" __date__ = "2016-06-07" """ Correct the crosstalk effect of XMM spectra by subtracting the photons that scattered from the surrounding regions due to the finite PSF, and by compensating the photons that scattered to the surrounding regions, according to the generated crosstalk ARFs by SAS `arfgen'. After the crosstalk effect being corrected, the deprojection is performed to deproject the crosstalk-corrected spectra to derive the spectra with both the crosstalk effect and projection effect corrected. Sample config file (in `ConfigObj' syntax): ----------------------------------------------------------- # operation mode: deprojection, crosstalk, or both (default) mode = both # supply a *groupped* spectrum (from which the "GROUPING" and "QUALITY" # are used to group all the following spectra) grouping = spec_grp.pi # whether to subtract the background before crosstalk correction subtract_bkg = True # whether to fix the negative channel values due to spectral subtractions fix_negative = False # Monte Carlo times for spectral error estimation mc_times = 5000 # show progress details and verbose information verbose = True # overwrite existing files clobber = False # NOTE: # ONLY specifiy ONE set of projected spectra (i.e., from the same detector # of one observation), since ALL the following specified spectra will be # used for the deprojection. [reg1] ... [reg2] outfile = deprojcc_reg2.pi spec = reg2.pi arf = reg2.arf rmf = reg2.rmf bkg = reg2_bkg.pi [[cross_in]] [[[in1]]] spec = reg1.pi arf = reg1.arf rmf = reg1.rmf bkg = reg1_bkg.pi cross_arf = reg_1-2.arf [[[in2]]] spec = reg3.pi arf = reg3.arf rmf = reg3.rmf bkg = reg3_bkg.pi cross_arf = reg_3-2.arf [[cross_out]] cross_arf = reg_2-1.arf, reg_2-3.arf [...] ... ----------------------------------------------------------- """ WARNING = """ ********************************* WARNING ************************************ The generated spectra are substantially modified (e.g., scale, add, subtract), therefore, take special care when interpretating the fitting results, especially the metal abundances and normalizations. ****************************************************************************** """ import sys import os import argparse from datetime import datetime from copy import copy import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy.interpolate from astropy.io import fits from configobj import ConfigObj def group_data(data, grouping): """ Group the data with respect to the supplied `grouping' specification (i.e., "GROUPING" columns of a spectrum). The channel counts of the same group are summed up and assigned to the FIRST channel of this group, while the OTHRE channels are all set to ZERO. """ data_grp = np.array(data).copy() for i in reversed(range(len(data))): if grouping[i] == 1: # the beginning channel of a group continue else: # other channels of a group data_grp[i-1] += data_grp[i] data_grp[i] = 0 assert np.isclose(sum(data_grp), sum(data)) return data_grp class ARF: # {{{ """ Class to handle the ARF (ancillary/auxiliary response file), which contains the combined instrumental effective area (telescope/filter/detector) and the quantum efficiency (QE) as a function of energy averaged over time. The effective area is [cm^2], and the QE is [counts/photon]; they are multiplied together to create the ARF, resulting in [cm^2 counts/photon]. **CAVEAT/NOTE**: Generally, the "ENERG_LO" and "ENERG_HI" columns of an ARF are *different* to the "E_MIN" and "E_MAX" columns of a RMF (which are corresponding to the spectrum channel energies). For the XMM EPIC *pn* and Chandra *ACIS*, the generated ARF does NOT have the same number of data points to that of spectral channels, i.e., the "ENERG_LO" and "ENERG_HI" columns of ARF is different to the "E_MIN" and "E_MAX" columns of RMF. Therefore it is necessary to interpolate and extrapolate the ARF curve in order to match the spectrum (or RMF "EBOUNDS" extension). As for the XMM EPIC *MOS1* and *MOS2*, the ARF data points match the spectral channels, i.e., the energy positions of each ARF data point and spectral channel are consistent. Thus the interpolation is not needed. References: [1] CIAO: Auxiliary Response File http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/dictionary/arf.html [2] Definition of RMF and ARF file formats https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/docs/memos/cal_gen_92_002/cal_gen_92_002.html """ filename = None fitsobj = None # only consider the "SPECTRUM" extension header = None energ_lo = None energ_hi = None specresp = None # function of the interpolated ARF f_interp = None # energies of the spectral channels energy_channel = None # spectral channel grouping specification grouping = None groupped = False # groupped ARF channels with respect to the grouping specresp_grp = None def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.fitsobj = fits.open(filename) ext_specresp = self.fitsobj["SPECRESP"] self.header = ext_specresp.header self.energ_lo = ext_specresp.data["ENERG_LO"] self.energ_hi = ext_specresp.data["ENERG_HI"] self.specresp = ext_specresp.data["SPECRESP"] def get_data(self, groupped=False, group_squeeze=False, copy=True): if groupped: specresp = self.specresp_grp if group_squeeze: specresp = specresp[self.grouping == 1] else: specresp = self.specresp if copy: return specresp.copy() else: return specresp def get_energy(self, mean="geometric"): """ Return the mean energy values of the ARF. Arguments: * mean: type of the mean energy: + "geometric": geometric mean, i.e., e = sqrt(e_min*e_max) + "arithmetic": arithmetic mean, i.e., e = 0.5*(e_min+e_max) """ if mean == "geometric": energy = np.sqrt(self.energ_lo * self.energ_hi) elif mean == "arithmetic": energy = 0.5 * (self.energ_lo + self.energ_hi) else: raise ValueError("Invalid mean type: %s" % mean) return energy def interpolate(self, x=None, verbose=False): """ Cubic interpolate the ARF curve using `scipy.interpolate' If the requested point is outside of the data range, the fill value of *zero* is returned. Arguments: * x: points at which the interpolation to be calculated. Return: If x is None, then the interpolated function is returned, otherwise, the interpolated data are returned. """ if not hasattr(self, "f_interp") or self.f_interp is None: energy = self.get_energy() arf = self.get_data(copy=False) if verbose: print("INFO: interpolating '%s' (this may take a while) ..." \ % self.filename, file=sys.stderr) f_interp = sp.interpolate.interp1d(energy, arf, kind="cubic", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, assume_sorted=True) self.f_interp = f_interp if x is not None: return self.f_interp(x) else: return self.f_interp def apply_grouping(self, energy_channel, grouping, verbose=False): """ Group the ARF channels (INTERPOLATED with respect to the spectral channels) by the supplied grouping specification. Arguments: * energy_channel: energies of the spectral channel * grouping: spectral grouping specification Return: `self.specresp_grp' """ if self.groupped: return if verbose: print("INFO: Grouping spectrum '%s' ..." % self.filename, file=sys.stderr) self.energy_channel = energy_channel self.grouping = grouping # interpolate the ARF w.r.t the spectral channel energies arf_interp = self.interpolate(x=energy_channel, verbose=verbose) self.specresp_grp = group_data(arf_interp, grouping) self.groupped = True # class ARF }}} class RMF: # {{{ """ Class to handle the RMF (redistribution matrix file), which maps from energy space into detector pulse height (or position) space. Since detectors are not perfect, this involves a spreading of the observed counts by the detector resolution, which is expressed as a matrix multiplication. For X-ray spectral analysis, the RMF encodes the probability R(E,p) that a detected photon of energy E will be assisgned to a given channel value (PHA or PI) of p. The standard Legacy format [2] for the RMF uses a binary table in which each row contains R(E,p) for a single value of E as a function of p. Non-zero sequences of elements of R(E,p) are encoded using a set of variable length array columns. This format is compact but hard to manipulate and understand. **CAVEAT/NOTE**: + See also the above ARF CAVEAT/NOTE. + The "EBOUNDS" extension contains the `CHANNEL', `E_MIN' and `E_MAX' columns. This `CHANNEL' is the same as that of a spectrum. Therefore, the energy values determined from the `E_MIN' and `E_MAX' columns are used to interpolate and extrapolate the ARF curve. + The `ENERG_LO' and `ENERG_HI' columns of the "MATRIX" extension are the same as that of a ARF. References: [1] CIAO: Redistribution Matrix File http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/dictionary/rmf.html [2] Definition of RMF and ARF file formats https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/docs/memos/cal_gen_92_002/cal_gen_92_002.html """ filename = None fitsobj = None ## extension "MATRIX" hdr_matrix = None energ_lo = None energ_hi = None n_grp = None f_chan = None n_chan = None # raw squeezed RMF matrix data matrix = None ## extension "EBOUNDS" hdr_ebounds = None channel = None e_min = None e_max = None ## converted 2D RMF matrix/image from the squeezed binary table # size: len(energ_lo) x len(channel) rmfimg = None def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.fitsobj = fits.open(filename) ## "MATRIX" extension ext_matrix = self.fitsobj["MATRIX"] self.hdr_matrix = ext_matrix.header self.energ_lo = ext_matrix.data["ENERG_LO"] self.energ_hi = ext_matrix.data["ENERG_HI"] self.n_grp = ext_matrix.data["N_GRP"] self.f_chan = ext_matrix.data["F_CHAN"] self.n_chan = ext_matrix.data["N_CHAN"] self.matrix = ext_matrix.data["MATRIX"] ## "EBOUNDS" extension ext_ebounds = self.fitsobj["EBOUNDS"] self.hdr_ebounds = ext_ebounds.header self.channel = ext_ebounds.data["CHANNEL"] self.e_min = ext_ebounds.data["E_MIN"] self.e_max = ext_ebounds.data["E_MAX"] def get_energy(self, mean="geometric"): """ Return the mean energy values of the RMF "EBOUNDS". Arguments: * mean: type of the mean energy: + "geometric": geometric mean, i.e., e = sqrt(e_min*e_max) + "arithmetic": arithmetic mean, i.e., e = 0.5*(e_min+e_max) """ if mean == "geometric": energy = np.sqrt(self.e_min * self.e_max) elif mean == "arithmetic": energy = 0.5 * (self.e_min + self.e_max) else: raise ValueError("Invalid mean type: %s" % mean) return energy def get_rmfimg(self): """ Convert the RMF data in squeezed binary table (standard Legacy format) to a 2D image/matrix. """ def _make_rmfimg_row(n_channel, dtype, f_chan, n_chan, mat_row): # make sure that `f_chan' and `n_chan' are 1-D numpy array f_chan = np.array(f_chan).reshape(-1) f_chan -= 1 # FITS indices are 1-based n_chan = np.array(n_chan).reshape(-1) idx = np.concatenate([ np.arange(f, f+n) \ for f, n in zip(f_chan, n_chan) ]) rmfrow = np.zeros(n_channel, dtype=dtype) rmfrow[idx] = mat_row return rmfrow # if self.rmfimg is None: # Make the 2D RMF matrix/image n_energy = len(self.energ_lo) n_channel = len(self.channel) rmf_dtype = self.matrix[0].dtype rmfimg = np.zeros(shape=(n_energy, n_channel), dtype=rmf_dtype) for i in np.arange(n_energy)[self.n_grp > 0]: rmfimg[i, :] = _make_rmfimg_row(n_channel, rmf_dtype, self.f_chan[i], self.n_chan[i], self.matrix[i]) self.rmfimg = rmfimg return self.rmfimg def write_rmfimg(self, outfile, clobber=False): rmfimg = self.get_rmfimg() # merge headers header = self.hdr_matrix.copy(strip=True) header.extend(self.hdr_ebounds.copy(strip=True)) outfits = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=rmfimg, header=header) outfits.writeto(outfile, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) # class RMF }}} class Spectrum: # {{{ """ Class that deals with the X-ray spectrum file (usually *.pi). """ filename = None # FITS object return by `fits.open()' fitsobj = None # header of "SPECTRUM" extension header = None # "SPECTRUM" extension data channel = None # name of the spectrum data column (i.e., type, "COUNTS" or "RATE") spec_type = None # unit of the spectrum data ("count" for "COUNTS", "count/s" for "RATE") spec_unit = None # spectrum data spec_data = None # estimated spectral errors for each channel/group spec_err = None # statistical errors for each channel/group stat_err = None # grouping and quality grouping = None quality = None # whether the spectral data being groupped groupped = False # several important keywords EXPOSURE = None BACKSCAL = None AREASCAL = None RESPFILE = None ANCRFILE = None BACKFILE = None # numpy dtype and FITS format code of the spectrum data spec_dtype = None spec_fits_format = None # output filename for writing the spectrum if no filename provided outfile = None def __init__(self, filename, outfile=None): self.filename = filename self.fitsobj = fits.open(filename) ext_spec = self.fitsobj["SPECTRUM"] self.header = ext_spec.header.copy(strip=True) colnames = ext_spec.columns.names if "COUNTS" in colnames: self.spec_type = "COUNTS" elif "RATE" in colnames: self.spec_type = "RATE" else: raise ValueError("Invalid spectrum file") self.channel = ext_spec.data.columns["CHANNEL"].array col_spec_data = ext_spec.data.columns[self.spec_type] self.spec_data = col_spec_data.array.copy() self.spec_unit = col_spec_data.unit self.spec_dtype = col_spec_data.dtype self.spec_fits_format = col_spec_data.format # grouping and quality if "GROUPING" in colnames: self.grouping = ext_spec.data.columns["GROUPING"].array if "QUALITY" in colnames: self.quality = ext_spec.data.columns["QUALITY"].array # keywords self.EXPOSURE = self.header.get("EXPOSURE") self.BACKSCAL = self.header.get("BACKSCAL") self.AREASCAL = self.header.get("AREASCAL") self.RESPFILE = self.header.get("RESPFILE") self.ANCRFILE = self.header.get("ANCRFILE") self.BACKFILE = self.header.get("BACKFILE") # output filename self.outfile = outfile def get_data(self, group_squeeze=False, copy=True): """ Get the spectral data (i.e., self.spec_data). Arguments: * group_squeeze: whether squeeze the spectral data according to the grouping (i.e., exclude the channels that are not the first channel of the group, which also have value of ZERO). This argument is effective only the grouping being applied. """ if group_squeeze and self.groupped: spec_data = self.spec_data[self.grouping == 1] else: spec_data = self.spec_data if copy: return spec_data.copy() else: return spec_data def get_channel(self, copy=True): if copy: return self.channel.copy() else: return self.channel def set_data(self, spec_data, group_squeeze=True): """ Set the spectral data of this spectrum to the supplied data. """ if group_squeeze and self.groupped: assert sum(self.grouping == 1) == len(spec_data) self.spec_data[self.grouping == 1] = spec_data else: assert len(self.spec_data) == len(spec_data) self.spec_data = spec_data.copy() def add_stat_err(self, stat_err, group_squeeze=True): """ Add the "STAT_ERR" column as the statistical errors of each spectral group, which are estimated by utilizing the Monte Carlo techniques. """ self.stat_err = np.zeros(self.spec_data.shape, dtype=self.spec_data.dtype) if group_squeeze and self.groupped: assert sum(self.grouping == 1) == len(stat_err) self.stat_err[self.grouping == 1] = stat_err else: assert len(self.stat_err) == len(stat_err) self.stat_err = stat_err.copy() self.header["POISSERR"] = False def apply_grouping(self, grouping=None, quality=None): """ Apply the spectral channel grouping specification to the spectrum. NOTE: * The spectral data (i.e., self.spec_data) is MODIFIED! * The spectral data within the same group are summed up. * The self grouping is overwritten if `grouping' is supplied, as well as the self quality. """ if grouping is not None: self.grouping = grouping if quality is not None: self.quality = quality self.spec_data = group_data(self.spec_data, self.grouping) self.groupped = True def estimate_errors(self, gehrels=True): """ Estimate the statistical errors of each spectral group (after applying grouping) for the source spectrum (and background spectrum). If `gehrels=True', the statistical error for a spectral group with N photons is given by `1 + sqrt(N + 0.75)'; otherwise, the error is given by `sqrt(N)'. Results: `self.spec_err' """ eps = 1.0e-10 if gehrels: self.spec_err = 1.0 + np.sqrt(self.spec_data + 0.75) else: self.spec_err = np.sqrt(self.spec_data) # replace the zeros with a very small value (because # `np.random.normal' requires `scale' > 0) self.spec_err[self.spec_err <= 0.0] = eps def copy(self): """ Return a copy of this object, with the `np.ndarray' properties are copied. """ new = copy(self) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): setattr(new, k, v.copy()) return new def randomize(self): """ Randomize the spectral data according to the estimated spectral group errors by assuming the normal distribution. NOTE: this method should be called AFTER the `copy()' method. """ if self.spec_err is None: raise ValueError("No valid 'spec_err' presents") if self.groupped: idx = self.grouping == 1 self.spec_data[idx] = np.random.normal(self.spec_data[idx], self.spec_err[idx]) else: self.spec_data = np.random.normal(self.spec_data, self.spec_err) return self def fix_header_keywords(self, reset_kw=["ANCRFILE", "RESPFILE", "BACKFILE"]): """ Reset the keywords to "NONE" to avoid confusion or mistakes, and also add mandatory spectral keywords if missing. Reference: [1] The OGIP Spectral File Format, Sec. 3.1.1 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/docs/summary/ogip_92_007_summary.html """ default_keywords = { ## Mandatory keywords #"EXTNAME" : "SPECTRUM", "TELESCOP" : "NONE", "INSTRUME" : "NONE", "FILTER" : "NONE", #"EXPOSURE" : , "BACKFILE" : "NONE", "CORRFILE" : "NONE", "CORRSCAL" : 1.0, "RESPFILE" : "NONE", "ANCRFILE" : "NONE", "HDUCLASS" : "OGIP", "HDUCLAS1" : "SPECTRUM", "HDUVERS" : "1.2.1", "POISSERR" : True, #"CHANTYPE" : "PI", #"DETCHANS" : , ## Optional keywords for further information "BACKSCAL" : 1.0, "AREASCAL" : 1.0, # Type of spectral data: # (1) "TOTAL": gross spectrum (source+bkg); # (2) "NET": background-subtracted spectrum # (3) "BKG" background spectrum #"HDUCLAS2" : "NET", # Details of the type of data: # (1) "COUNT": data stored as counts # (2) "RATE": data stored as counts/s "HDUCLAS3" : { "COUNTS":"COUNT", "RATE":"RATE" }.get(self.spec_type), } # add mandatory keywords if missing for kw, value in default_keywords.items(): if kw not in self.header: self.header[kw] = value # reset the specified keywords for kw in reset_kw: self.header[kw] = default_keywords.get(kw) def write(self, filename=None, clobber=False): """ Create a new "SPECTRUM" table/extension and replace the original one, then write to output file. """ if filename is None: filename = self.outfile columns = [ fits.Column(name="CHANNEL", format="I", array=self.channel), fits.Column(name=self.spec_type, format=self.spec_fits_format, unit=self.spec_unit, array=self.spec_data), ] if self.grouping is not None: columns.append(fits.Column(name="GROUPING", format="I", array=self.grouping)) if self.quality is not None: columns.append(fits.Column(name="QUALITY", format="I", array=self.quality)) if self.stat_err is not None: columns.append(fits.Column(name="STAT_ERR", unit=self.spec_unit, format=self.spec_fits_format, array=self.stat_err)) ext_spec_cols = fits.ColDefs(columns) ext_spec = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(ext_spec_cols, header=self.header) self.fitsobj["SPECTRUM"] = ext_spec self.fitsobj.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber, checksum=True) # class Spectrum }}} class SpectrumSet(Spectrum): # {{{ """ This class handles a set of spectrum, including the source spectrum, RMF, ARF, and the background spectrum. **NOTE**: The "COUNTS" column data are converted from "int32" to "float32", since this spectrum will be subtracted/compensated according to the ratios of ARFs. """ # ARF object for this spectrum arf = None # RMF object for this spectrum rmf = None # background Spectrum object for this spectrum bkg = None # inner and outer radius of the region from which the spectrum extracted radius_inner = None radius_outer = None # total angular range of the spectral region angle = None # numpy dtype and FITS format code to which the spectrum data be # converted if the data is "COUNTS" #_spec_dtype = np.float32 #_spec_fits_format = "E" _spec_dtype = np.float64 _spec_fits_format = "D" def __init__(self, filename, outfile=None, arf=None, rmf=None, bkg=None): super().__init__(filename, outfile) # convert spectrum data type if necessary if self.spec_data.dtype != self._spec_dtype: self.spec_data = self.spec_data.astype(self._spec_dtype) self.spec_dtype = self._spec_dtype self.spec_fits_format = self._spec_fits_format if arf is not None: if isinstance(arf, ARF): self.arf = arf else: self.arf = ARF(arf) if rmf is not None: if isinstance(rmf, RMF): self.rmf = rmf else: self.rmf = RMF(rmf) if bkg is not None: if isinstance(bkg, Spectrum): self.bkg = bkg else: self.bkg = Spectrum(bkg) # convert background spectrum data type if necessary if self.bkg.spec_data.dtype != self._spec_dtype: self.bkg.spec_data = self.bkg.spec_data.astype(self._spec_dtype) self.bkg.spec_dtype = self._spec_dtype self.bkg.spec_fits_format = self._spec_fits_format def get_energy(self, mean="geometric"): """ Get the energy values of each channel if RMF present. NOTE: The "E_MIN" and "E_MAX" columns of the RMF is required to calculate the spectrum channel energies. And the channel energies are generally different to the "ENERG_LO" and "ENERG_HI" of the corresponding ARF. """ if self.rmf is None: return None else: return self.rmf.get_energy(mean=mean) def get_arf(self, mean="geometric", groupped=True, copy=True): """ Get the interpolated ARF data w.r.t the spectral channel energies if the ARF presents. Arguments: * groupped: (bool) whether to get the groupped ARF Return: (groupped) interpolated ARF data """ if self.arf is None: return None else: return self.arf.get_data(groupped=groupped, copy=copy) def read_xflt(self): """ Read the XFLT000# keywords from the header, check the validity (e.g., "XFLT0001" should equals "XFLT0002", "XFLT0003" should equals 0). Sum all the additional XFLT000# pairs (e.g., ) which describes the regions angluar ranges. """ eps = 1.0e-6 xflt0001 = float(self.header["XFLT0001"]) xflt0002 = float(self.header["XFLT0002"]) xflt0003 = float(self.header["XFLT0003"]) # XFLT000# validity check assert np.isclose(xflt0001, xflt0002) assert abs(xflt0003) < eps # outer radius of the region self.radius_outer = xflt0001 # angular regions self.angle = 0.0 num = 4 while True: try: angle_begin = float(self.header["XFLT%04d" % num]) angle_end = float(self.header["XFLT%04d" % (num+1)]) num += 2 except KeyError: break self.angle += (angle_end - angle_begin) # if NO additional XFLT000# keys exist, assume "annulus" region if self.angle < eps: self.angle = 360.0 def scale(self): """ Scale the spectral data (and spectral group errors if present) of the source spectrum (and background spectra if present) according to the region angular size to make it correspond to the whole annulus region (i.e., 360 degrees). NOTE: the spectral data and errors (i.e., `self.spec_data', and `self.spec_err') is MODIFIED! """ self.spec_data *= (360.0 / self.angle) if self.spec_err is not None: self.spec_err *= (360.0 / self.angle) # also scale the background spectrum if present if self.bkg: self.bkg.spec_data *= (360.0 / self.angle) if self.bkg.spec_err is not None: self.bkg.spec_err *= (360.0 / self.angle) def apply_grouping(self, grouping=None, quality=None, verbose=False): """ Apply the spectral channel grouping specification to the source spectrum, the ARF (which is used during the later spectral manipulations), and the background spectrum (if presents). NOTE: * The spectral data (i.e., self.spec_data) is MODIFIED! * The spectral data within the same group are summed up. * The self grouping is overwritten if `grouping' is supplied, as well as the self quality. """ super().apply_grouping(grouping=grouping, quality=quality) # also group the ARF accordingly self.arf.apply_grouping(energy_channel=self.get_energy(), grouping=self.grouping, verbose=verbose) # group the background spectrum if present if self.bkg: self.bkg.spec_data = group_data(self.bkg.spec_data, self.grouping) def estimate_errors(self, gehrels=True): """ Estimate the statistical errors of each spectral group (after applying grouping) for the source spectrum (and background spectrum). If `gehrels=True', the statistical error for a spectral group with N photons is given by `1 + sqrt(N + 0.75)'; otherwise, the error is given by `sqrt(N)'. Results: `self.spec_err' (and `self.bkg.spec_err') """ super().estimate_errors(gehrels=gehrels) eps = 1.0e-10 # estimate the errors for background spectrum if present if self.bkg: if gehrels: self.bkg.spec_err = 1.0 + np.sqrt(self.bkg.spec_data + 0.75) else: self.bkg.spec_err = np.sqrt(self.bkg.spec_data) self.bkg.spec_err[self.bkg.spec_err <= 0.0] = eps def subtract_bkg(self, inplace=True, add_history=False, verbose=False): """ Subtract the background contribution from the source spectrum. The `EXPOSURE' and `BACKSCAL' values are required to calculate the fraction/ratio for the background subtraction. Arguments: * inplace: whether replace the `spec_data' with the background- subtracted spectrum data; If True, the attribute `spec_bkg_subtracted' is also set to `True' when the subtraction finished. The keywords "BACKSCAL" and "AREASCAL" are set to 1.0. Return: background-subtracted spectrum data """ ratio = (self.EXPOSURE / self.bkg.EXPOSURE) * \ (self.BACKSCAL / self.bkg.BACKSCAL) * \ (self.AREASCAL / self.bkg.AREASCAL) operation = " SUBTRACT_BACKGROUND: %s - %s * %s" % \ (self.filename, ratio, self.bkg.filename) if verbose: print(operation, file=sys.stderr) spec_data_subbkg = self.spec_data - ratio * self.bkg.get_data() if inplace: self.spec_data = spec_data_subbkg self.spec_bkg_subtracted = True self.BACKSCAL = 1.0 self.AREASCAL = 1.0 # update header self.header["BACKSCAL"] = 1.0 self.header["AREASCAL"] = 1.0 self.header["BACKFILE"] = "NONE" self.header["HDUCLAS2"] = "NET" # background-subtracted spectrum # also record history if add_history: self.header.add_history(operation) return spec_data_subbkg def subtract(self, spectrumset, cross_arf, groupped=False, group_squeeze=False, add_history=False, verbose=False): """ Subtract the photons that originate from the surrounding regions but were scattered into this spectrum due to the finite PSF. The background of this spectrum and the given spectrum should both be subtracted before applying this subtraction for crosstalk correction, as well as the below `compensate()' procedure. NOTE: 1. The crosstalk ARF must be provided, since the `spectrumset.arf' is required to be its ARF without taking crosstalk into account: spec1_new = spec1 - spec2 * (cross_arf_2_to_1 / arf2) 2. The ARF are interpolated to match the energies of spetral channels. """ operation = " SUBTRACT: %s - (%s/%s) * %s" % (self.filename, cross_arf.filename, spectrumset.arf.filename, spectrumset.filename) if verbose: print(operation, file=sys.stderr) energy = self.get_energy() if groupped: spectrumset.arf.apply_grouping(energy_channel=energy, grouping=self.grouping, verbose=verbose) cross_arf.apply_grouping(energy_channel=energy, grouping=self.grouping, verbose=verbose) arfresp_spec = spectrumset.arf.get_data(groupped=True, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) arfresp_cross = cross_arf.get_data(groupped=True, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) else: arfresp_spec = spectrumset.arf.interpolate(x=energy, verbose=verbose) arfresp_cross = cross_arf.interpolate(x=energy, verbose=verbose) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): arf_ratio = arfresp_cross / arfresp_spec # fix nan/inf values due to division by zero arf_ratio[ ~ np.isfinite(arf_ratio) ] = 0.0 spec_data = self.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze) - \ spectrumset.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze)*arf_ratio self.set_data(spec_data, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) # record history if add_history: self.header.add_history(operation) def compensate(self, cross_arf, groupped=False, group_squeeze=False, add_history=False, verbose=False): """ Compensate the photons that originate from this regions but were scattered into the surrounding regions due to the finite PSF. formula: spec1_new = spec1 + spec1 * (cross_arf_1_to_2 / arf1) """ operation = " COMPENSATE: %s + (%s/%s) * %s" % (self.filename, cross_arf.filename, self.arf.filename, self.filename) if verbose: print(operation, file=sys.stderr) energy = self.get_energy() if groupped: cross_arf.apply_grouping(energy_channel=energy, grouping=self.grouping, verbose=verbose) arfresp_this = self.arf.get_data(groupped=True, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) arfresp_cross = cross_arf.get_data(groupped=True, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) else: arfresp_this = self.arf.interpolate(x=energy, verbose=verbose) arfresp_cross = cross_arf.interpolate(x=energy, verbose=verbose) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): arf_ratio = arfresp_cross / arfresp_this # fix nan/inf values due to division by zero arf_ratio[ ~ np.isfinite(arf_ratio) ] = 0.0 spec_data = self.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze) + \ self.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze) * arf_ratio self.set_data(spec_data, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) # record history if add_history: self.header.add_history(operation) def fix_negative(self, add_history=False, verbose=False): """ The subtractions may lead to negative counts, it may be necessary to fix these channels with negative values. """ neg_counts = self.spec_data < 0 N = len(neg_counts) neg_channels = np.arange(N, dtype=int)[neg_counts] if len(neg_channels) > 0: print("WARNING: %d channels have NEGATIVE counts" % \ len(neg_channels), file=sys.stderr) i = 0 while len(neg_channels) > 0: i += 1 if verbose: if i == 1: print("*** Fixing negative channels: iter %d..." % i, end="", file=sys.stderr) else: print("%d..." % i, end="", file=sys.stderr) for ch in neg_channels: neg_val = self.spec_data[ch] if ch < N-2: self.spec_data[ch] = 0 self.spec_data[(ch+1):(ch+3)] -= 0.5 * np.abs(neg_val) else: # just set to zero if it is the last 2 channels self.spec_data[ch] = 0 # update negative channels indices neg_counts = self.spec_data < 0 neg_channels = np.arange(N, dtype=int)[neg_counts] if i > 0: print("FIXED!", file=sys.stderr) # record history if add_history: self.header.add_history(" FIXED NEGATIVE CHANNELS") def set_radius_inner(self, radius_inner): """ Set the inner radius of the spectral region. """ assert radius_inner < self.radius_outer self.radius_inner = radius_inner def copy(self): """ Return a copy of this object. """ new = super().copy() if self.bkg: new.bkg = self.bkg.copy() return new def randomize(self): """ Randomize the source (and background if present) spectral data according to the estimated spectral group errors by assuming the normal distribution. NOTE: this method should be called AFTER the `copy()' method. """ super().randomize() if self.bkg: self.bkg.spec_data = np.random.normal(self.bkg.spec_data, self.bkg.spec_err) self.bkg.spec_data[self.grouping == -1] = 0.0 return self # class SpectrumSet }}} class Crosstalk: # {{{ """ XMM-Newton PSF Crosstalk effect correction. """ # `SpectrumSet' object for the spectrum to be corrected spectrumset = None # NOTE/XXX: do NOT use list (e.g., []) here, otherwise, all the # instances will share these list properties. # `SpectrumSet' and `ARF' objects corresponding to the spectra from # which the photons were scattered into this spectrum. cross_in_specset = None cross_in_arf = None # `ARF' objects corresponding to the regions to which the photons of # this spectrum were scattered into. cross_out_arf = None # grouping specification and quality data grouping = None quality = None # whether the spectrum is groupped groupped = False def __init__(self, config, arf_dict={}, rmf_dict={}, grouping=None, quality=None): """ Arguments: * config: a section of the whole config file (`ConfigObj' object) """ self.cross_in_specset = [] self.cross_in_arf = [] self.cross_out_arf = [] # this spectrum to be corrected self.spectrumset = SpectrumSet(filename=config["spec"], outfile=config["outfile"], arf=arf_dict.get(config["arf"], config["arf"]), rmf=rmf_dict.get(config.get("rmf"), config.get("rmf")), bkg=config.get("bkg")) # spectra and cross arf from which photons were scattered in for reg_in in config["cross_in"].values(): specset = SpectrumSet(filename=reg_in["spec"], arf=arf_dict.get(reg_in["arf"], reg_in["arf"]), rmf=rmf_dict.get(reg_in.get("rmf"), reg_in.get("rmf")), bkg=reg_in.get("bkg")) self.cross_in_specset.append(specset) self.cross_in_arf.append(arf_dict.get(reg_in["cross_arf"], ARF(reg_in["cross_arf"]))) # regions into which the photons of this spectrum were scattered into if "cross_out" in config.sections: cross_arf = config["cross_out"].as_list("cross_arf") for arffile in cross_arf: self.cross_out_arf.append(arf_dict.get(arffile, ARF(arffile))) # grouping and quality self.grouping = grouping self.quality = quality def apply_grouping(self, verbose=False): self.spectrumset.apply_grouping(grouping=self.grouping, quality=self.quality, verbose=verbose) # also group the related surrounding spectra for specset in self.cross_in_specset: specset.apply_grouping(grouping=self.grouping, quality=self.quality, verbose=verbose) self.groupped = True def estimate_errors(self, gehrels=True, verbose=False): if verbose: print("INFO: Estimating spectral errors ...") self.spectrumset.estimate_errors(gehrels=gehrels) # also estimate errors for the related surrounding spectra for specset in self.cross_in_specset: specset.estimate_errors(gehrels=gehrels) def do_correction(self, subtract_bkg=True, fix_negative=False, group_squeeze=True, add_history=False, verbose=False): """ Perform the crosstalk correction. The background contribution for each spectrum is subtracted first if `subtract_bkg' is True. The basic correction procedures are recorded to the header. """ if add_history: self.spectrumset.header.add_history("Crosstalk Correction BEGIN") self.spectrumset.header.add_history(" TOOL: %s (v%s) @ %s" % (\ os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), __version__, datetime.utcnow().isoformat())) # background subtraction if subtract_bkg: if verbose: print("INFO: subtract background ...", file=sys.stderr) self.spectrumset.subtract_bkg(inplace=True, add_history=add_history, verbose=verbose) # also apply background subtraction to the surrounding spectra for specset in self.cross_in_specset: specset.subtract_bkg(inplace=True, add_history=add_history, verbose=verbose) # subtractions if verbose: print("INFO: apply subtractions ...", file=sys.stderr) for specset, cross_arf in zip(self.cross_in_specset, self.cross_in_arf): self.spectrumset.subtract(spectrumset=specset, cross_arf=cross_arf, groupped=self.groupped, group_squeeze=group_squeeze, add_history=add_history, verbose=verbose) # compensations if verbose: print("INFO: apply compensations ...", file=sys.stderr) for cross_arf in self.cross_out_arf: self.spectrumset.compensate(cross_arf=cross_arf, groupped=self.groupped, group_squeeze=group_squeeze, add_history=add_history, verbose=verbose) # fix negative values in channels if fix_negative: if verbose: print("INFO: fix negative channel values ...", file=sys.stderr) self.spectrumset.fix_negative(add_history=add_history, verbose=verbose) if add_history: self.spectrumset.header.add_history("END Crosstalk Correction") def fix_header(self): # fix header keywords self.spectrumset.fix_header_keywords( reset_kw=["RESPFILE", "ANCRFILE", "BACKFILE"]) def copy(self): new = copy(self) # properly handle the copy of spectrumsets new.spectrumset = self.spectrumset.copy() new.cross_in_specset = [ specset.copy() \ for specset in self.cross_in_specset ] return new def randomize(self): self.spectrumset.randomize() for specset in self.cross_in_specset: specset.randomize() return self def get_spectrum(self, copy=True): if copy: return self.spectrumset.copy() else: return self.spectrumset def write(self, filename=None, clobber=False): self.spectrumset.write(filename=filename, clobber=clobber) # class Crosstalk }}} class Deprojection: # {{{ """ Perform the deprojection on a set of PROJECTED spectra with the assumption of spherical symmetry of the source object, and produce the DEPROJECTED spectra. NOTE: * Assumption of the spherical symmetry * Background should be subtracted before deprojection * ARF differences of different regions are taken into account Reference & Credit: [1] Direct X-ray Spectra Deprojection https://www-xray.ast.cam.ac.uk/papers/dsdeproj/ Sanders & Fabian 2007, MNRAS, 381, 1381 """ spectra = None grouping = None quality = None def __init__(self, spectra, grouping=None, quality=None, verbose=False): """ Arguments: * spectra: a set of spectra from the inner-most to the outer-most regions (e.g., spectra after correcting crosstalk effect) * grouping: grouping specification for all the spectra * quality: quality column for the spectra """ self.spectra = [] for spec in spectra: if not isinstance(spec, SpectrumSet): raise ValueError("Not a 'SpectrumSet' object") spec.read_xflt() self.spectra.append(spec) self.spectra = spectra self.grouping = grouping self.quality = quality # sort spectra by `radius_outer' self.spectra.sort(key=lambda x: x.radius_outer) # set the inner radii radii_inner = [0.0] + [ x.radius_outer for x in self.spectra[:-1] ] for spec, rin in zip(self.spectra, radii_inner): spec.set_radius_inner(rin) if verbose: print("Deprojection: loaded spectrum: radius: (%s, %s)" % \ (spec.radius_inner, spec.radius_outer), file=sys.stderr) # check EXPOSURE validity (all spectra must have the same exposures) exposures = [ spec.EXPOSURE for spec in self.spectra ] assert np.allclose(exposures[:-1], exposures[1:]) def subtract_bkg(self, verbose=True): for spec in self.spectra: if not spec.bkg: raise ValueError("Spectrum '%s' has NO background" % \ spec.filename) spec.subtract_bkg(inplace=True, verbose=verbose) def apply_grouping(self, verbose=False): for spec in self.spectra: spec.apply_grouping(grouping=self.grouping, quality=self.quality, verbose=verbose) def estimate_errors(self, gehrels=True): for spec in self.spectra: spec.estimate_errors(gehrels=gehrels) def scale(self): """ Scale the spectral data according to the region angular size. """ for spec in self.spectra: spec.scale() def do_deprojection(self, group_squeeze=True, add_history=False, verbose=False): # # TODO/XXX: How to apply ARF correction here??? # num_spec = len(self.spectra) tmp_spec_data = self.spectra[0].get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze) spec_shape = tmp_spec_data.shape spec_dtype = tmp_spec_data.dtype spec_per_vol = [None] * num_spec # for shellnum in reversed(range(num_spec)): if verbose: print("DEPROJECTION: deprojecting shell %d ..." % shellnum, file=sys.stderr) spec = self.spectra[shellnum] # calculate projected spectrum of outlying shells proj_spec = np.zeros(spec_shape, spec_dtype) for outer in range(shellnum+1, num_spec): vol = self.projected_volume( r1=self.spectra[outer].radius_inner, r2=self.spectra[outer].radius_outer, R1=spec.radius_inner, R2=spec.radius_outer) proj_spec += spec_per_vol[outer] * vol # this_spec = spec.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True) deproj_spec = this_spec - proj_spec # calculate the volume that this spectrum is from this_vol = self.projected_volume( r1=spec.radius_inner, r2=spec.radius_outer, R1=spec.radius_inner, R2=spec.radius_outer) # calculate the spectral data per unit volume spec_per_vol[shellnum] = deproj_spec / this_vol # set the spectral data to these deprojected values self.set_spec_data(spec_per_vol, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) # add history to header if add_history: self.add_history() def get_spec_data(self, group_squeeze=True, copy=True): """ Extract the spectral data of each spectrum after deprojection performed. """ return [ spec.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=copy) for spec in self.spectra ] def set_spec_data(self, spec_data, group_squeeze=True): """ Set `spec_data' for each spectrum to the deprojected spectral data. """ assert len(spec_data) == len(self.spectra) for spec, data in zip(self.spectra, spec_data): spec.set_data(data, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) def add_stat_err(self, stat_err, group_squeeze=True): """ Add the "STAT_ERR" column to each spectrum. """ assert len(stat_err) == len(self.spectra) for spec, err in zip(self.spectra, stat_err): spec.add_stat_err(err, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) def add_history(self): """ Append a brief history about this tool to the header. """ history = "Deprojected by %s (v%s) @ %s" % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), __version__, datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) for spec in self.spectra: spec.header.add_history(history) def fix_header(self): # fix header keywords for spec in self.spectra: spec.fix_header_keywords( reset_kw=["RESPFILE", "ANCRFILE", "BACKFILE"]) def write(self, filenames=[], clobber=False): """ Write the deprojected spectra to output file. """ if filenames == []: filenames = [ spec.outfile for spec in self.spectra ] for spec, outfile in zip(self.spectra, filenames): spec.write(filename=outfile, clobber=clobber) @staticmethod def projected_volume(r1, r2, R1, R2): """ Calculate the projected volume of a spherical shell of radii r1 -> r2 onto an annulus on the sky of radius R1 -> R2. This volume is the integral: Int(R=R1,R2) Int(x=sqrt(r1^2-R^2),sqrt(r2^2-R^2)) 2*pi*R dx dR = Int(R=R1,R2) 2*pi*R * (sqrt(r2^2-R^2) - sqrt(r1^2-R^2)) dR Note that the above integral is only half the total volume (i.e., front only). """ def sqrt_trunc(x): if x > 0: return np.sqrt(x) else: return 0.0 # p1 = sqrt_trunc(r1**2 - R2**2) p2 = sqrt_trunc(r1**2 - R1**2) p3 = sqrt_trunc(r2**2 - R2**2) p4 = sqrt_trunc(r2**2 - R1**2) return 2.0 * (2.0/3.0) * np.pi * ((p1**3 - p2**3) + (p4**3 - p3**3)) # class Deprojection }}} # Helper functions {{{ def calc_median_errors(results): """ Calculate the median and errors for the spectral data gathered through Monte Carlo simulations. NOTE: Errors calculation just use the quantiles, i.e., 1sigma ~= 68.3% = Q(84.15%) - Q(15.85%) """ results = np.array(results) # `results' now has shape: (mc_times, num_spec, num_channel) # sort by the Monte Carlo simulation axis results.sort(0) mc_times = results.shape[0] medians = results[ int(mc_times * 0.5) ] lowerpcs = results[ int(mc_times * 0.1585) ] upperpcs = results[ int(mc_times * 0.8415) ] errors = np.sqrt(0.5 * ((medians-lowerpcs)**2 + (upperpcs-medians)**2)) return (medians, errors) def set_argument(name, default, cmdargs, config): value = default if name in config.keys(): value = config.as_bool(name) value_cmd = vars(cmdargs)[name] if value_cmd != default: value = value_cmd # command arguments overwrite others return value # helper functions }}} # main routine {{{ def main(config, subtract_bkg, fix_negative, mc_times, verbose=False, clobber=False): # collect ARFs and RMFs into dictionaries (avoid interpolation every time) arf_files = set() rmf_files = set() for region in config.sections: config_reg = config[region] arf_files.add(config_reg.get("arf")) rmf_files.add(config_reg.get("rmf")) for reg_in in config_reg["cross_in"].values(): arf_files.add(reg_in.get("arf")) arf_files.add(reg_in.get("cross_arf")) if "cross_out" in config_reg.sections: for arf in config_reg["cross_out"].as_list("cross_arf"): arf_files.add(arf) arf_files = arf_files - set([None]) arf_dict = { arf: ARF(arf) for arf in arf_files } rmf_files = rmf_files - set([None]) rmf_dict = { rmf: RMF(rmf) for rmf in rmf_files } if verbose: print("INFO: arf_files:", arf_files, file=sys.stderr) print("INFO: rmf_files:", rmf_files, file=sys.stderr) # get the GROUPING and QUALITY data grouping_fits = fits.open(config["grouping"]) grouping = grouping_fits["SPECTRUM"].data.columns["GROUPING"].array quality = grouping_fits["SPECTRUM"].data.columns["QUALITY"].array # squeeze the groupped spectral data, etc. group_squeeze = True # crosstalk objects (BEFORE background subtraction) crosstalks_cleancopy = [] # crosstalk-corrected spectra cc_spectra = [] # correct crosstalk effects for each region first for region in config.sections: if verbose: print("INFO: processing '%s' ..." % region, file=sys.stderr) crosstalk = Crosstalk(config.get(region), arf_dict=arf_dict, rmf_dict=rmf_dict, grouping=grouping, quality=quality) crosstalk.apply_grouping(verbose=verbose) crosstalk.estimate_errors(verbose=verbose) # keep a (almost) clean copy of the crosstalk object crosstalks_cleancopy.append(crosstalk.copy()) if verbose: print("INFO: doing crosstalk correction ...", file=sys.stderr) crosstalk.do_correction(subtract_bkg=subtract_bkg, fix_negative=fix_negative, group_squeeze=group_squeeze, add_history=True, verbose=verbose) cc_spectra.append(crosstalk.get_spectrum(copy=True)) # load back the crosstalk-corrected spectra for deprojection if verbose: print("INFO: preparing spectra for deprojection ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection = Deprojection(spectra=cc_spectra, grouping=grouping, quality=quality, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print("INFO: scaling spectra according the region angular size...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.scale() if verbose: print("INFO: doing deprojection ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.do_deprojection(add_history=True, verbose=verbose) deproj_results = [ deprojection.get_spec_data( group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True) ] # Monte Carlo for spectral group error estimation print("INFO: Monte Carlo to estimate spectral errors (%d times) ..." % \ mc_times, file=sys.stderr) for i in range(mc_times): if i % 100 == 0: print("%d..." % i, end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) # correct crosstalk effects cc_spectra_copy = [] for crosstalk in crosstalks_cleancopy: # copy and randomize crosstalk_copy = crosstalk.copy().randomize() crosstalk_copy.do_correction(subtract_bkg=subtract_bkg, fix_negative=fix_negative, group_squeeze=group_squeeze, add_history=False, verbose=False) cc_spectra_copy.append(crosstalk_copy.get_spectrum(copy=True)) # deproject spectra deprojection_copy = Deprojection(spectra=cc_spectra_copy, grouping=grouping, quality=quality, verbose=False) deprojection_copy.scale() deprojection_copy.do_deprojection(add_history=False, verbose=False) deproj_results.append(deprojection_copy.get_spec_data( group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True)) print("DONE!", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) if verbose: print("INFO: Calculating the median and errors for each spectrum ...", file=sys.stderr) medians, errors = calc_median_errors(deproj_results) deprojection.set_spec_data(medians, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) deprojection.add_stat_err(errors, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) if verbose: print("INFO: Writing the crosstalk-corrected and deprojected " + \ "spectra with estimated statistical errors ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.fix_header() deprojection.write(clobber=clobber) # main routine }}} # main_deprojection routine {{{ def main_deprojection(config, mc_times, verbose=False, clobber=False): """ Only perform the spectral deprojection. """ # collect ARFs and RMFs into dictionaries (avoid interpolation every time) arf_files = set() rmf_files = set() for region in config.sections: config_reg = config[region] arf_files.add(config_reg.get("arf")) rmf_files.add(config_reg.get("rmf")) arf_files = arf_files - set([None]) arf_dict = { arf: ARF(arf) for arf in arf_files } rmf_files = rmf_files - set([None]) rmf_dict = { rmf: RMF(rmf) for rmf in rmf_files } if verbose: print("INFO: arf_files:", arf_files, file=sys.stderr) print("INFO: rmf_files:", rmf_files, file=sys.stderr) # get the GROUPING and QUALITY data grouping_fits = fits.open(config["grouping"]) grouping = grouping_fits["SPECTRUM"].data.columns["GROUPING"].array quality = grouping_fits["SPECTRUM"].data.columns["QUALITY"].array # squeeze the groupped spectral data, etc. group_squeeze = True # load spectra for deprojection if verbose: print("INFO: preparing spectra for deprojection ...", file=sys.stderr) proj_spectra = [] for region in config.sections: config_reg = config[region] specset = SpectrumSet(filename=config_reg["spec"], outfile=config_reg["outfile"], arf=arf_dict.get(config_reg["arf"], config_reg["arf"]), rmf=rmf_dict.get(config_reg["rmf"], config_reg["rmf"]), bkg=config_reg["bkg"]) proj_spectra.append(specset) deprojection = Deprojection(spectra=proj_spectra, grouping=grouping, quality=quality, verbose=verbose) deprojection.apply_grouping(verbose=verbose) deprojection.estimate_errors() if verbose: print("INFO: scaling spectra according the region angular size ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.scale() # keep a (almost) clean copy of the input projected spectra proj_spectra_cleancopy = [ spec.copy() for spec in proj_spectra ] if verbose: print("INFO: subtract the background ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.subtract_bkg(verbose=verbose) if verbose: print("INFO: doing deprojection ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.do_deprojection(add_history=True, verbose=verbose) deproj_results = [ deprojection.get_spec_data( group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True) ] # Monte Carlo for spectral group error estimation print("INFO: Monte Carlo to estimate spectral errors (%d times) ..." % \ mc_times, file=sys.stderr) for i in range(mc_times): if i % 100 == 0: print("%d..." % i, end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) # copy and randomize the input projected spectra proj_spectra_copy = [ spec.copy().randomize() for spec in proj_spectra_cleancopy ] # deproject spectra deprojection_copy = Deprojection(spectra=proj_spectra_copy, grouping=grouping, quality=quality, verbose=False) deprojection_copy.subtract_bkg(verbose=False) deprojection_copy.do_deprojection(add_history=False, verbose=False) deproj_results.append(deprojection_copy.get_spec_data( group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True)) print("DONE!", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) if verbose: print("INFO: Calculating the median and errors for each spectrum ...", file=sys.stderr) medians, errors = calc_median_errors(deproj_results) deprojection.set_spec_data(medians, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) deprojection.add_stat_err(errors, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) if verbose: print("INFO: Writing the deprojected spectra " + \ "with estimated statistical errors ...", file=sys.stderr) deprojection.fix_header() deprojection.write(clobber=clobber) # main_deprojection routine }}} # main_crosstalk routine {{{ def main_crosstalk(config, subtract_bkg, fix_negative, mc_times, verbose=False, clobber=False): """ Only perform the crosstalk correction. """ # collect ARFs and RMFs into dictionaries (avoid interpolation every time) arf_files = set() rmf_files = set() for region in config.sections: config_reg = config[region] arf_files.add(config_reg.get("arf")) rmf_files.add(config_reg.get("rmf")) for reg_in in config_reg["cross_in"].values(): arf_files.add(reg_in.get("arf")) arf_files.add(reg_in.get("cross_arf")) if "cross_out" in config_reg.sections: for arf in config_reg["cross_out"].as_list("cross_arf"): arf_files.add(arf) arf_files = arf_files - set([None]) arf_dict = { arf: ARF(arf) for arf in arf_files } rmf_files = rmf_files - set([None]) rmf_dict = { rmf: RMF(rmf) for rmf in rmf_files } if verbose: print("INFO: arf_files:", arf_files, file=sys.stderr) print("INFO: rmf_files:", rmf_files, file=sys.stderr) # get the GROUPING and QUALITY data if "grouping" in config.keys(): grouping_fits = fits.open(config["grouping"]) grouping = grouping_fits["SPECTRUM"].data.columns["GROUPING"].array quality = grouping_fits["SPECTRUM"].data.columns["QUALITY"].array group_squeeze = True else: grouping = None quality = None group_squeeze = False # crosstalk objects (BEFORE background subtraction) crosstalks_cleancopy = [] # crosstalk-corrected spectra cc_spectra = [] # correct crosstalk effects for each region first for region in config.sections: if verbose: print("INFO: processing '%s' ..." % region, file=sys.stderr) crosstalk = Crosstalk(config.get(region), arf_dict=arf_dict, rmf_dict=rmf_dict, grouping=grouping, quality=quality) if grouping is not None: crosstalk.apply_grouping(verbose=verbose) crosstalk.estimate_errors(verbose=verbose) # keep a (almost) clean copy of the crosstalk object crosstalks_cleancopy.append(crosstalk.copy()) if verbose: print("INFO: doing crosstalk correction ...", file=sys.stderr) crosstalk.do_correction(subtract_bkg=subtract_bkg, fix_negative=fix_negative, group_squeeze=group_squeeze, add_history=True, verbose=verbose) crosstalk.fix_header() cc_spectra.append(crosstalk.get_spectrum(copy=True)) # spectral data of the crosstalk-corrected spectra cc_results = [] cc_results.append([ spec.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True) for spec in cc_spectra ]) # Monte Carlo for spectral group error estimation print("INFO: Monte Carlo to estimate spectral errors (%d times) ..." % \ mc_times, file=sys.stderr) for i in range(mc_times): if i % 100 == 0: print("%d..." % i, end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) # correct crosstalk effects cc_spectra_copy = [] for crosstalk in crosstalks_cleancopy: # copy and randomize crosstalk_copy = crosstalk.copy().randomize() crosstalk_copy.do_correction(subtract_bkg=subtract_bkg, fix_negative=fix_negative, group_squeeze=group_squeeze, add_history=False, verbose=False) cc_spectra_copy.append(crosstalk_copy.get_spectrum(copy=True)) cc_results.append([ spec.get_data(group_squeeze=group_squeeze, copy=True) for spec in cc_spectra_copy ]) print("DONE!", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) if verbose: print("INFO: Calculating the median and errors for each spectrum ...", file=sys.stderr) medians, errors = calc_median_errors(cc_results) if verbose: print("INFO: Writing the crosstalk-corrected spectra " + \ "with estimated statistical errors ...", file=sys.stderr) for spec, data, err in zip(cc_spectra, medians, errors): spec.set_data(data, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) spec.add_stat_err(err, group_squeeze=group_squeeze) spec.write(clobber=clobber) # main_crosstalk routine }}} if __name__ == "__main__": # arguments' default values default_mode = "both" default_mc_times = 5000 # commandline arguments parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Correct the crosstalk effects for XMM EPIC spectra", epilog="Version: %s (%s)" % (__version__, __date__)) parser.add_argument("config", help="config file in which describes " +\ "the crosstalk relations ('ConfigObj' syntax)") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", dest="mode", default=default_mode, help="operation mode (both | crosstalk | deprojection)") parser.add_argument("-B", "--no-subtract-bkg", dest="subtract_bkg", action="store_false", help="do NOT subtract background first") parser.add_argument("-N", "--fix-negative", dest="fix_negative", action="store_true", help="fix negative channel values") parser.add_argument("-M", "--mc-times", dest="mc_times", type=int, default=default_mc_times, help="Monte Carlo times for error estimation") parser.add_argument("-C", "--clobber", dest="clobber", action="store_true", help="overwrite output file if exists") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="show verbose information") args = parser.parse_args() # merge commandline arguments and config config = ConfigObj(args.config) subtract_bkg = set_argument("subtract_bkg", True, args, config) fix_negative = set_argument("fix_negative", False, args, config) verbose = set_argument("verbose", False, args, config) clobber = set_argument("clobber", False, args, config) # operation mode mode = config.get("mode", default_mode) if args.mode != default_mode: mode = args.mode # Monte Carlo times mc_times = config.as_int("mc_times") if args.mc_times != default_mc_times: mc_times = args.mc_times if mode.lower() == "both": print("MODE: CROSSTALK + DEPROJECTION", file=sys.stderr) main(config, subtract_bkg=subtract_bkg, fix_negative=fix_negative, mc_times=mc_times, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber) elif mode.lower() == "deprojection": print("MODE: DEPROJECTION", file=sys.stderr) main_deprojection(config, mc_times=mc_times, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber) elif mode.lower() == "crosstalk": print("MODE: CROSSTALK", file=sys.stderr) main_crosstalk(config, subtract_bkg=subtract_bkg, fix_negative=fix_negative, mc_times=mc_times, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber) else: raise ValueError("Invalid operation mode: %s" % mode) print(WARNING) # 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