path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ciao_img_rotcrop.sh b/scripts/ciao_img_rotcrop.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6af03fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ciao_img_rotcrop.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Rotate the FITS image to be upright using 'dmregrid2',
+# and crop the outside blank areas of the rotated image
+# according to the CCD sizes.
+# NOTE:
+# * rotation angle is obtained from "ROLL_PNT" keyword
+# * rotation center is the central point of the input image
+# (in _image_ coordinate and in pixel unit)
+# * cropped image size is set to '1204x1204' for ACIS-S, and
+# '2066x2066' for ACIS-I
+# Aaron LI
+# 2015/08/23
+if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ printf "Usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <input_img> <output_img>\n"
+ exit 1
+# Get the rotation angle from "ROLL_PNT" keyword
+punlearn dmkeypar
+ROTANGLE=`dmkeypar ${INIMG} ROLL_PNT echo=yes`
+printf "## rotation angle (degree): ${ROTANGLE}\n"
+# Determine the rotation center
+ROTXCENTER=`dmlist ${INIMG} blocks | grep '^Block.*1:' | tr '(x)' ' ' | awk '{ print $(NF-1)/2 }'`
+ROTYCENTER=`dmlist ${INIMG} blocks | grep '^Block.*1:' | tr '(x)' ' ' | awk '{ print $NF/2 }'`
+printf "## rotation center (pixel): (${ROTXCENTER},${ROTYCENTER})\n"
+# Rotate the image with "dmregrid2"
+printf "# rotate image ...\n"
+punlearn dmregrid2
+dmregrid2 infile="${INIMG}" outfile="${TMP_ROT_IMG}" \
+ theta=${ROTANGLE} rotxcenter=${ROTXCENTER} rotycenter=${ROTYCENTER} \
+ clobber=yes
+# Determine the central point in _physical_ coordinate of the rotated image
+punlearn get_sky_limits
+get_sky_limits ${TMP_ROT_IMG} verbose=0
+XYGRID=`pget get_sky_limits xygrid`
+XC=`echo "${XYGRID}" | awk -F'[:,]' '{ print 0.5*($1+$2) }'`
+YC=`echo "${XYGRID}" | awk -F'[:,]' '{ print 0.5*($4+$5) }'`
+# Determine the crop box size
+## determine ACIS type {{{
+punlearn dmkeypar
+DETNAM=`dmkeypar ${TMP_ROT_IMG} DETNAM echo=yes`
+if echo "${DETNAM}" | \grep -q 'ACIS-0123'; then
+ printf "## \`DETNAM' (${DETNAM}) has chips 0123 => ACIS-I\n"
+ WIDTH="2066"
+ HEIGHT="2066"
+elif echo "${DETNAM}" | \grep -q 'ACIS-[0-6]*7'; then
+ printf "## \`DETNAM' (${DETNAM}) has chip 7 => ACIS-S\n"
+ WIDTH="1024"
+ HEIGHT="1024"
+ printf "ERROR: unknown detector type: ${DETNAM}\n"
+ exit 11
+printf "## set crop box size: ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}\n"
+## ACIS type }}}
+printf "## crop region: ${CROP_REG}\n"
+# Crop the rotated image to match CCD size
+printf "# crop rotated image ...\n"
+punlearn dmcopy
+dmcopy "${TMP_ROT_IMG}[sky=${CROP_REG}]" ${OUTIMG} clobber=yes
+# Clean temporary file
+rm -f ${TMP_ROT_IMG}
diff --git a/scripts/ciao_mkimg_det.sh b/scripts/ciao_mkimg_det.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e2d881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ciao_mkimg_det.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Make an image from evt2 file by binning the 'TDET' coordinates.
+# If the 'TDET' coordinate information is not available (e.g., blanksky),
+# the 'DET' coordinate is used for binning.
+# Aaron LI
+# 2015/08/21
+if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ printf "Usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <input:evt2> <output:img>\n"
+ exit 1
+# Test whether 'TEDT' coordinate exists?
+if dmlist ${EVT2} cols | grep -q tdet; then
+ COORDX="tdetx"
+ COORDY="tdety"
+ printf "WARNING: tdet coordinate NOT exist! use det instead.\n"
+ COORDX="detx"
+ COORDY="dety"
+# Get TDET/DET coordinate min & max values
+punlearn dmstat
+dmstat "${EVT2}[cols ${COORDX}]" >/dev/null 2>&1
+XMIN=`pget dmstat out_min`
+XMAX=`pget dmstat out_max`
+dmstat "${EVT2}[cols ${COORDY}]" >/dev/null 2>&1
+YMIN=`pget dmstat out_min`
+YMAX=`pget dmstat out_max`
+BINSPEC="[bin ${COORDX}=${XMIN}:${XMAX}:1,${COORDY}=${YMIN}:${YMAX}:1]"
+punlearn dmcopy
+CMD="dmcopy \"${EVT2}${BINSPEC}\" ${OUTIMG}"
+printf "CMD: ${CMD}\n"
+eval ${CMD}