path: root/xspec/xspec_coolfunc_v2.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'xspec/xspec_coolfunc_v2.tcl')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xspec/xspec_coolfunc_v2.tcl b/xspec/xspec_coolfunc_v2.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bfcbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xspec/xspec_coolfunc_v2.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## Task:
+## To generate `Temperature profile'
+## and `cooling function data file'
+## according to `deprojection spectra analysis' results
+## Requirements:
+## deprojection spectra analysis,
+## spectra loaded *in order* (in order to correctly calc *radius*)
+## use XSPEC model `projct*wabs*apec' (AS IT IS)
+## because this script cannot handle other *parameter numbers*
+## NOTES:
+## *solar abundance std* assumed to be `GRSA' (1998)
+## if error < 0.01, then assume error = 0.01
+## if fabs(error) < 1e-7, then set error as `NULL' in output
+## (this may be caused by frozen or tied params)
+## Output:
+## tcl_xspec_saveall.xcm (save all for the current state)
+## tcl_fitted_params.log (log the fitted parameters)
+## tcl_temp_profile.qdp (temp profile QDP file for graphing)
+## tcl_temp_profile.txt (temp profile data file for later fit)
+## tcl_coolfunc_dat.txt (coolfunc data file for later fit)
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com>
+## August 12, 2012
+## v1.1, 2012/08/12
+## improve description
+## modify error treatment
+## v2.0, 2012/08/14, LIweitiaNux
+## add `output a QDP file for temperature profile'
+## cancel `calc errors of abundance'
+## improve error treatment (add warning)
+## about {{{
+set NAME "xspec_coolfunc_v2.tcl"
+set VERSION "v2, 2012-08-14"
+## about }}}
+## ask `normalization' used to calculate cooling function
+puts -nonewline "LY> Input the NORMALIZATION used to calc cooling function: "
+set norm [ gets stdin ]
+## basic variables {{{
+## record process date
+set DATE [ exec date ]
+## basic vars }}}
+## xspec settings {{{
+# solar abundance std
+# use `grsa' (1998)
+set abund_std "grsa"
+# Return TCL results for XSPEC commands.
+set xs_return_result 1
+# Keep going until fit converges.
+query yes
+## xspec settings }}}
+## xspec, save current results {{{
+set fn_save "tcl_xspec_saveall.xcm"
+if {[ file exists $fn_save ]} {
+ exec mv -fv $fn_save ${fn_save}_bak
+save all $fn_save
+## xspec save all }}}
+## xspec log, log current fitted params {{{
+set fn_log "tcl_fitted_params.log"
+if {[ file exists $fn_log ]} {
+ exec mv -fv $fn_log ${fn_log}_bak
+log $fn_log
+show param
+log none
+## xspec log }}}
+## set output file {{{
+set tpro_qdp_fn "tcl_temp_profile.qdp"
+set tpro_fn "tcl_temp_profile.txt"
+set cool_fn "tcl_coolfunc_dat.txt"
+# tmp file used to calc `cooling function'
+set tmpxspec_fn "_tcl_xspec_tmp.xcm"
+set tmpres_fn "_tcl_coolres_tmp.txt"
+# check file status
+if {[ file exists $tpro_qdp_fn ]} {
+ exec mv -fv $tpro_qdp_fn ${tpro_qdp_fn}_bak
+if {[ file exists $tpro_fn ]} {
+ exec mv -fv $tpro_fn ${tpro_fn}_bak
+if {[ file exists $cool_fn ]} {
+ exec mv -fv $cool_fn ${cool_fn}_bak
+set tpro_qdp_fd [ open $tpro_qdp_fn w ]
+set tpro_fd [ open $tpro_fn w ]
+set cool_fd [ open $cool_fn w ]
+## output files }}}
+## datasets, number of data group
+tclout datasets
+set datasets $xspec_tclout
+## get `nH' and `redshift' at first
+tclout param 4
+scan $xspec_tclout "%f" nh
+tclout param 7
+scan $xspec_tclout "%f" redshift
+## QDP file header {{{
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "! generated by: ${NAME}"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "! created date: ${DATE}"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "SKIP SINGLE"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "READ SERR 1 2"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd ""
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "LABEL T Temperature Profile"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "LABEL F temperature error at 68% confidence level"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "LABEL X Radius (pixel)"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "LABEL Y Temperature (keV)"
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd ""
+puts $tpro_qdp_fd "! radius(pixel) radius_err temperature(keV) temp_err(60%)"
+## QDP }}}
+## output temperature profile and abundance
+for {set i 1} {$i <= ${datasets}} {incr i} {
+ # get the MID-radius of current spectra
+ tclout xflt $i
+ scan $xspec_tclout "%f %f" holder r_out
+ if {$i == 1} {
+ # the innermost region
+ set r_in 0.0
+ } else {
+ set j [ expr {$i - 1} ]
+ tclout xflt $j
+ scan $xspec_tclout "%f %f" holder r_in
+ }
+ set r [ expr {($r_in + $r_out) / 2.0} ]
+ set r_err [ expr {($r_out - $r_in) / 2.0} ]
+ puts "radius: $r, radius_err: $r_err ($r_in, $r_out)"
+ # output values: temperature and abundance
+ # determine the param number of temperature and abundance
+ # temperature
+ set temp_pn [ expr {8 * $i - 3} ]
+ tclout param $temp_pn
+ scan $xspec_tclout "%f" temp_val
+ error 1.0 $temp_pn
+ tclout error $temp_pn
+ scan $xspec_tclout "%f %f" temp_val_l temp_val_u
+ set temp_err [ expr {($temp_val_u - $temp_val_l) / 2.0} ]
+ # error treatment
+ if {abs($temp_err) < 1.0e-7} {
+ puts "*** WARNING: WRONG error values"
+ set temp_err "NULL"
+ } elseif {$temp_err < 0.01} {
+ set temp_err 0.01
+ }
+ puts "temperature (p${temp_pn}): $temp_val, $temp_err"
+ # abundance
+ set abund_pn [ expr {8 * $i - 2} ]
+ tclout param $abund_pn
+ scan $xspec_tclout "%f" abund_val
+ #error 1.0 $abund_pn
+ #tclout error $abund_pn
+ #scan $xspec_tclout "%f %f" abund_val_l abund_val_u
+ #set abund_err [ expr {($abund_val_u - $abund_val_l) / 2.0} ]
+ #if {abs($abund_err) < 1.0e-7} {
+ # puts "*** WARNING: WRONG error values"
+ # set abund_err "NULL"
+ # set ERR_FLAG "TRUE"
+ #} elseif {$abund_err < 0.01} {
+ # set abund_err 0.01
+ #}
+ #puts "abundance (p${abund_pn}): $abund_val $abund_err"
+ # output `temp_profile' related results
+ puts $tpro_qdp_fd "$r $r_err $temp_val $temp_err"
+ puts $tpro_fd "$r $r_err $temp_val $temp_err"
+ ## generate a xspec script to calc cooling function {{{
+ # remove previous files
+ if {[ file exists $tmpxspec_fn ]} {
+ exec rm -fv $tmpxspec_fn
+ }
+ if {[ file exists $tmpres_fn ]} {
+ exec rm -fv $tmpres_fn
+ }
+ # open script file
+ set tmpxspec_fd [ open $tmpxspec_fn w ]
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "set tmpres_fn \"$tmpres_fn\""
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "set tmpres_fd \[ open \$tmpres_fn w \]"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "query yes"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "statistic chi"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "method leven 10 0.01"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "abund ${abund_std}"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "xsect bcmc"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "cosmo 70 0 0.73"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "xset delta 0.01"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "systematic 0"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "dummyrsp 0.3 11.0 1024"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "model wabs*apec & ${nh} & ${temp_val} & ${abund_val} & ${redshift} & $norm & /*"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "flux 0.7 7.0"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "tclout flux 1"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "scan \$xspec_tclout \"%f %f %f %f\" holder holder holder res_flux"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "puts \$res_flux"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "puts \$tmpres_fd \$res_flux"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "close \$tmpres_fd"
+ puts $tmpxspec_fd "tclexit"
+ close $tmpxspec_fd
+ ## xspec script }}}
+ ## calc cooling function and output results {{{
+ # exec XSPEC to calculate
+ exec xspec - $tmpxspec_fn
+ # read results from files
+ set tmpres_fd [ open $tmpres_fn r ]
+ set tmpline [ gets $tmpres_fd ]
+ scan $tmpline "%f" coolf_val
+ puts "cooling function: $coolf_val"
+ close $tmpres_fd
+ puts $cool_fd "$r $coolf_val"
+ ## cooling function }}}
+## remove tmp files
+if {[ file exists $tmpres_fn ]} {
+ exec rm -fv $tmpres_fn
+## close file
+close $tpro_qdp_fd
+close $tpro_fd
+close $cool_fd
+## check `ERR_FLAG', print WARNING
+if {[ string equal $ERR_FLAG "TRUE" ]} {
+ puts "*** WARNING: there are WRONG error values"
+# EOF
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc= ft=tcl: #