Chandra ACIS analysis tools and documents ========================================= Weitian (Aaron) LI, Junhu GU, and Zhenghao ZHU Install/Compile --------------- Dependence: + ``libgsl-dev`` 1. ``mass_profile`` ``` $ cd mass_profile $ make clean $ heainit # initilize heasoft, to link libpgplot.a and libcpgplot.a $ ./ $ make ``` 2. ``cosmo_calc`` ``` $ cd tools/cosmo_calc $ make clean; make $ cp cosmo_calc ~/bin # within $PATH ``` Settings -------- Add the following settings to your shell's initialization file (e.g., ``~/.bashrc`` or ``~/.zshrc``). ``` # environment variables: export MASS_PROFILE_DIR="/path/to/mass_profile" export CHANDRA_SCRIPT_DIR="/path/to/script" # aliaes # ciao scripts alias chcld="${CIAO_SCRIPT_DIR}/" alias chr500="${CIAO_SCRIPT_DIR}/" # mass_profile related alias fitmass="${MASS_PROFILE_DIR}/" alias fitnfw="${MASS_PROFILE_DIR}/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat" alias fitsbp="${MASS_PROFILE_DIR}/" alias fitwang="${MASS_PROFILE_DIR}/fit_wang2012_model tcl_temp_profile.txt" alias calclxfx="${MASS_PROFILE_DIR}/" alias getlxfx="${MASS_PROFILE_DIR}/" ``` Usage ----- See the doc ``HOWTO_chandra_acis_analysis.txt`` License ------- The tools are distributed under the **MIT license** unless otherwise declared. The documents are distributed under the ??? license (comming...).