#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI # MIT license """ Calculate the cooling function profile with respect to the input temperature profile by interpolating the previously calculated cooling function table. In this way, the cooling function profile can be calculated very quickly, allowing much more iterations for the later Monte Carlo calculations. """ import os import sys import argparse import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate as interpolate def interpolate_cf(table, logy=True): temp, cf = table[:, 0], table[:, 1] if logy: cf = np.log10(cf) print("Interpolating cooling function table ...", file=sys.stderr) interp = interpolate.interp1d(temp, cf, kind="linear") return interp def calc_cf_profile(tprofile, interp, logy=True): print("Calculating cooling function profile ...", file=sys.stderr) radius, temp = tprofile[:, 0], tprofile[:, 1] cf = interp(temp) if logy: cf = 10 ** cf cfprofile = np.column_stack([radius, cf]) return cfprofile def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Calculate cooling function profile by interpolations") parser.add_argument("-t", "--table", dest="table", required=True, help="previously calculated cooling function table") parser.add_argument("-T", "--tprofile", dest="tprofile", required=True, help="temperature profile " + "(2-column: radius temperature)") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", dest="outfile", required=True, help="output cooling function profile") parser.add_argument("-C", "--clobber", dest="clobber", action="store_true", help="overwrite existing files") args = parser.parse_args() if (not args.clobber) and os.path.exists(args.outfile): raise OSError("Output file already exists: %s" % args.outfile) table = np.loadtxt(args.table) tprofile = np.loadtxt(args.tprofile) cf_interp = interpolate_cf(table) cf_profile = calc_cf_profile(tprofile, cf_interp) np.savetxt(args.outfile, cf_profile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()