#!/bin/sh # modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06 # export PATH="$ASCDS_BIN:$PATH" export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH" if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then : elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then CENTER_VAL="YES" else printf "usage:\n" printf " `basename $0` [c]" exit 1 fi if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then printf "*** ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n" exit 2 fi if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then printf "*** ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n" exit 3 fi export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat" printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n" if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then script_path=`which $0` base_path=`dirname ${script_path}` else base_path=`dirname $0` fi printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n" cfg_file="$1" printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n" # rmin for fit_nfw_mass nfw_rmin_kpc=`grep '^nfw_rmin_kpc' $cfg_file | awk '{ print $2 }'` # profile type name t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{ print $2 }'` printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n" # data file name t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{ print $2 }'` t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{ print $2 }'` # sbp config file sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{ print $2 }'` # temperature profile file T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'` cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{ print $2 }'` abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{ print $2 }'` nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{ print $2 }'` ## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{ # cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'` z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'` cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'` sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg} printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n" ## cm_per_pixel }}} da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"` dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"` printf "da= ${da}\n" printf "dl= ${dl}\n" ## sbp {{{ sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'` radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then printf "*** ERROR: radius_sbp_file not found\n" exit 200 fi TMP_RSBP="_tmp_rsbp.txt" [ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP} cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP} # mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file} radius_sbp_file="${TMP_RSBP}" ## sbp }}} # determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{ if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file} mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file} mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then T_param_center="wang2012_center_param.txt" T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp" $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee ${T_param_center} # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file} cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file} mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center} mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file} mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file} mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp else printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n" exit 10 fi # temp profile }}} $base_path/coolfunc_calc2.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file cfunc_bolo.dat cfunc_file_center="coolfunc_data_center.txt" cp -f ${cfunc_file} ${cfunc_file_center} mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt # fit sbp (double-beta) MODEL="double-beta" SBP_PROG="fit_dbeta_sbp" RES_SBPFIT="dbeta_param.txt" RES_SBPFIT_CENTER="dbeta_param_center.txt" ${base_path}/${SBP_PROG} $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null mv -fv ${RES_SBPFIT} ${RES_SBPFIT_CENTER} cat ${RES_SBPFIT_CENTER} mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp mv -fv rho_fit.dat rho_fit_center.dat $base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z $nfw_rmin_kpc 2> /dev/null mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp #exit 233 ## cooling time (-> use 'ciao_calc_ct.sh') $base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat ## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time! rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F'=' '{ print .048*$2 }'` printf "rcool= ${rcool}\n" ## center value {{{ if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then RES_CENTER="center_only_results.txt" [ -e "${RES_CENTER}" ] && mv -f ${RES_CENTER} ${RES_CENTER}_bak $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER} $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER} $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER} $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER} $base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee -a ${RES_CENTER} $base_path/fg_2500_500.py c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER} exit 0 fi ## center value }}} # clean previous files rm -f summary_shuffle_mass_profile.qdp rm -f summary_overdensity.qdp rm -f summary_mass_profile.qdp rm -f summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp ## count COUNT=1 #100 times of Monte-carlo simulation to determine error #just repeat above steps printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n" for i in `seq 1 100`; do # echo $t_data_file $base_path/shuffle_T.py $t_data_file temp_shuffled_t.dat $base_path/shuffle_sbp.py $sbp_data_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat # t_data_file=temp_shuffled_t.dat #exit if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then $base_path/fit_zyy_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file} elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then $base_path/fit_m0603246 temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file} elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then $base_path/fit_wang2012_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file} elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then $base_path/fit_allen_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file} elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then $base_path/fit_zzl_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file} else printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n" exit 10 fi #exit # clear ${TMP_SBP_CFG} TMP_SBP_CFG="temp_sbp.cfg" # : > ${TMP_SBP_CFG} [ -e "${TMP_SBP_CFG}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_SBP_CFG} cat $sbp_cfg | while read l; do if echo "$l" | grep -q 'sbp_file'; then echo "sbp_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG} elif echo "$l" | grep -q 'T_file'; then echo "T_file ${T_file}" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG} else echo "$l" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG} fi done ## count printf "## ${COUNT} ##\n" COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1` printf "## `pwd` ##\n" $base_path/coolfunc_calc2.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file} ${base_path}/${SBP_PROG} ${TMP_SBP_CFG} 2> /dev/null cat ${RES_SBPFIT} $base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat ${z} ${nfw_rmin_kpc} 2> /dev/null cat nfw_dump.qdp >> summary_mass_profile.qdp echo "no no no" >> summary_mass_profile.qdp cat overdensity.qdp >> summary_overdensity.qdp echo "no no no" >> summary_overdensity.qdp cat gas_mass_int.qdp >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp echo "no no no" >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp done # end `while' # recover `center_files' cp -f ${cfunc_file_center} ${cfunc_file} cp -f ${T_file_center} ${T_file} printf "\n+++++++++++++++++ MONTE CARLO END +++++++++++++++++++\n" ## analyze results RES_TMP="_tmp_result_mrl.txt" RES_FINAL="final_result.txt" [ -e "${RES_TMP}" ] && mv -fv ${RES_TMP} ${RES_TMP}_bak [ -e "${RES_FINAL}" ] && mv -fv ${RES_FINAL} ${RES_FINAL}_bak $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 | tee -a ${RES_TMP} $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 | tee -a ${RES_TMP} $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 | tee -a ${RES_TMP} $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 | tee -a ${RES_TMP} R200_VAL=`grep '^r200' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'` R500_VAL=`grep '^r500' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'` R1500_VAL=`grep '^r1500' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'` R2500_VAL=`grep '^r2500' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'` printf "## R200: ${R200_VAL}\n" printf "## R500: ${R500_VAL}\n" printf "## R1500: ${R1500_VAL}\n" printf "## R2500: ${R2500_VAL}\n" L200E=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z $R200_VAL $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'` L500E=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z $R500_VAL $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'` L1500E=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z $R1500_VAL $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'` L2500E=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z $R2500_VAL $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'` R200E=`grep '^r200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` R500E=`grep '^r500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` R1500E=`grep '^r1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` R2500E=`grep '^r2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` M200E=`grep '^m200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` M500E=`grep '^m500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` M1500E=`grep '^m1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` M2500E=`grep '^m2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` MG200E=`grep '^gas_m200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` MG500E=`grep '^gas_m500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` MG1500E=`grep '^gas_m1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` MG2500E=`grep '^gas_m2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` FG200E=`grep '^gas_fraction200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` FG500E=`grep '^gas_fraction500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` FG1500E=`grep '^gas_fraction1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` FG2500E=`grep '^gas_fraction2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'` printf "\n+++++++++++++++ RESULTS (${MODEL}) +++++++++++++++\n" printf "cfg: ${cfg_file}\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "model: ${MODEL}\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} cat ${RES_SBPFIT_CENTER} | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "r200= ${R200E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "m200= ${M200E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "L200= ${L200E} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_m200= ${MG200E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_fraction200= ${FG200E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "r500= ${R500E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "m500= ${M500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "L500= ${L500E} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_m500= ${MG500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_fraction500= ${FG500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "r1500= ${R1500E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "m1500= ${M1500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "L1500= ${L1500E} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_m1500= ${MG1500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_fraction1500= ${FG1500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "r2500= ${R2500E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "m2500= ${M2500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "L2500= ${L2500E} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_m2500= ${MG2500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas_fraction2500= ${FG2500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas mass 200= ${MG200E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas fractho 200= ${FG200E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas mass 500= ${MG500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas fractho 500= ${FG500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas mass 1500= ${MG1500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas fractho 1500= ${FG1500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas mass 2500= ${MG2500E} M_sun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "gas fractho 2500= ${FG2500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} $base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} $base_path/fg_2500_500.py | tee -a ${RES_FINAL} printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"