# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # app 'account' models # registration # from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from registration.signals import user_registered from account.extra import ContentTypeRestrictedFileField ###### account models ###### class UserProfile(models.Model): """ custom user profile connected with signal 'user_registered' sent by 'django-registration' NOTE: keep this model fields consistent with 'user_registered_callback' """ GENDERS = ( ('M', _("Male")), ('F', _("Female")), ('X', _("Secret")), ) # status choices of is_approved APPROVED_STATUS = ( ('Y', _("Yes")), ('N', _("No")), ('C', _("Checking")), ) # status choices of is_sponsored SPONSORED_STATUS = ( ('Y', _("Yes")), ('N', _("No")), ('C', _("Checking")), ) # choices for identify IDENTIFIES = ( ('OT', _("Other")), ('UG', _("Undergraudate (junior and below)")), ('U4', _("Undergraudate (senior)")), ('MG', _("Master graudate")), ('PG', _("PhD graudate")), ('PD', _("Post-doctoral")), ('SR', _("Assistant researcher")), ('AR', _("Associate researcher")), ('DR', _("Distinguished researcher")), ('RE', _("Researcher")), ('IN', _("Instructor")), ('SP', _("Assistant professor")), ('AP', _("Associate professor")), ('PR', _("Professor")), ) # model fields # FK default backward manager name 'userprofile_set' user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True, verbose_name=_("User")) realname = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=30) gender = models.CharField(_("Gender"), max_length=1, choices=GENDERS) institute = models.CharField(_("Institute"), max_length=100) identify = models.CharField(_("Identify"), max_length=2, choices=IDENTIFIES) # reasons to participate reason = models.TextField(_("Why attend")) # transcript: needed if undergraudate (junior and below) transcript = ContentTypeRestrictedFileField(upload_to=lambda instance, filename: u'account/{0}/{1}'.format(instance.user.username, filename), verbose_name=_("Transcript"), blank=True, null=True, content_types=settings.ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPES, max_upload_size=settings.ALLOWED_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) # supplement: record additional information supplement = models.TextField(_("Supplement"), blank=True) # store the infomation about approval and sponsorship is_approved = models.CharField(_("Is approved"), max_length=1, choices=APPROVED_STATUS, default='C') is_sponsored = models.CharField(_("Is sponsored"), max_length=1, choices=SPONSORED_STATUS, default='C') class Meta: verbose_name = _('user profile') verbose_name_plural = _('user profiles') def __unicode__(self): return u'UserProfile for %s' % self.user.username def is_transcript_required(self): """ if 'identify' is UG (undergraduate junior and below); then transcript is required, return True. Otherwise, return False """ if (self.identify == 'UG'): return True else: return False def get_approved(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return list of approved object """ return self.objects.filter(is_approved='Y') def get_sponsored(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return list of sponsored object """ return self.objects.filter(is_sponsored='Y') def get_gender_value(self): """ return the corresponding value of user's gender """ genders_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.GENDERS) return genders_dict.get(self.gender) def get_approved_value(self): """ return the corresponding value of is_approved for the user """ approved_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.APPROVED_STATUS) return approved_dict.get(self.is_approved) def get_sponsored_value(self): """ return the corresponding value of is_sponsored for the user """ sponsored_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.SPONSORED_STATUS) return sponsored_dict.get(self.is_sponsored) def get_identify_value(self): """ return the corresponding value of identify for the user """ identifies_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.IDENTIFIES) return identifies_dict.get(self.identify) def get_userfiles(self): """ return the UserFile objects related to this user NOTE: transcript is not included here. """ return self.user.userfile_set.all() class UserFile(models.Model): """ model to deal with user uploaded files """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("User")) title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=100) description = models.TextField(_("Description"), blank=True) file = ContentTypeRestrictedFileField(upload_to=lambda instance, filename: u'account/{0}/{1}'.format(instance.user.username, filename), verbose_name=_("File"), content_types=settings.ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPES, max_upload_size=settings.ALLOWED_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(_("Created time"), auto_now_add=True) modified_at = models.DateTimeField(_("Modified time"), auto_now=True) class Meta: verbose_name = _('user file') verbose_name_plural = _('user files') ordering = ['user', 'id'] def __unicode__(self): return u'UserFile of %s: %s' % (self.user.username, self.title) ###### signal callback ###### def user_registered_callback(sender, user, request, **kwargs): """ callback of signal 'user_registered' from 'django-registration' to create custom user profile ref: http://johnparsons.net/index.php/2013/06/28/creating-profiles-with-django-registration/ """ profile = UserProfile(user = user) profile.realname = request.POST['realname'] profile.gender = request.POST['gender'] profile.institute = request.POST['institute'] profile.identify = request.POST['identify'] profile.save() ### connect 'user_registered_callback' to signal user_registered.connect(user_registered_callback)