path: root/_offlineimaprc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '_offlineimaprc')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_offlineimaprc b/_offlineimaprc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bfbea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_offlineimaprc
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+## ~/.offlineimaprc
+## OfflineIMAP configuration
+## Reference:
+## [1] OfflineIMAP documentation
+## https://offlineimap.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
+## [2] ArchWiki - OfflineIMAP
+## https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/OfflineIMAP
+## [3] The Homely Mutt / Steve Losh
+## http://stevelosh.com/blog/2012/10/the-homely-mutt/
+## [4] Gmail - How actions sync in IMAP
+## https://support.google.com/mail/answer/77657
+## [5] Gmail - Deleting IMAP messages
+## https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78755
+## * How to rename a local OfflineIMAP managed folder
+## Credits: https://www.preining.info/blog/2015/09/rename-offlineimap-folder/
+## Aaron LI <aaronly.me@gmail.com>
+## Created: 2015-02-03
+## Updated: 2016-01-29
+# Store metadata aside with maildir
+metadata = ~/mail/offlineimap
+# Function 'mailpasswd': invoke gpg2 to decrypt passwords.
+pythonfile = ~/.offlineimap/offlineimap.py
+# List of accounts to be synced, separated by a comma.
+accounts = gmail-aly, gmail-li, outlook-aly, outlook-li, sjtu, autistici, foxmail
+# Control how many accuonts may be synced simulaneously
+# NOTE: if you are using autorefresh and have more than one account,
+# your must set this number to be >= to the number of accounts you
+# have; since any given sync run never "finishes" due to a timer,
+# you will never sync your additional accounts if this is 1.
+maxsyncaccounts = 7
+# UI: blinkenlights, ttyui, quiet (suppress anything but errors)
+ui = ttyui
+[Account example] ## {{{
+localrepository = example-local
+remoterepository = example-remote
+# Supported historical backend: plain, sqlite
+status_backend = sqlite
+# Minutes between sycns
+autorefresh = 15
+# Number of quick-syncs between autorefreshes.
+# Quick-syncs do not update if the only changes were to IMAP flags.
+quick = 5
+# pre and post sync hook to execute a external command.
+#presynchook = imapfilter
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository example-local]
+# Supported local repository types: Maildir, GmailMaildir, IMAP
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/example
+# Translate local folder names to remote folder names
+#nametrans = ???
+[Repository example-remote]
+# Remote repository type: IMAP, Gmail
+type = IMAP
+remotehost = imap.example.com
+remoteport = 993
+remoteuser = username@example.com
+#remotepass = password
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("example")
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+#cert_fingerprint = <SHA1_40_hex_digits>[, ...]
+# Hold the connection open, instead of closing the connection once
+# a sync is complete. (unit: seconds)
+keepalive = 60
+# Keep connection open between refreshes.
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+# Disable remote folder creation to match the local repository
+#createfolders = True
+# Filter the IMAP folders to be sync'ed
+# NOTE: operates on the *untranslated* folder name (i.e., before nametrans)
+#folderfilter = ???
+# Translate remote folder names to local folder names
+# Do NOT forget the *reverse nametrans* for local repository
+#nametrans = ???
+## example }}}
+[Account gmail-aly] ## {{{
+localrepository = gmail-aly-local
+remoterepository = gmail-aly-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+# Sync GMail labels with the local repository.
+synclabels = yes
+# Name of the header to use for label storage.
+# X-Label: space-separated
+# X-Keywords: comma-separated
+labelsheader = X-Keywords
+autorefresh = 30
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository gmail-aly-local]
+type = GmailMaildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/gmail-aly
+# Translate local folder names to remote folder names
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'INBOX',
+ 'sent' : '[Gmail]/Sent Mail',
+ 'archive' : '[Gmail]/All Mail',
+ 'flagged' : '[Gmail]/Starred',
+ 'drafts' : '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+ 'junk' : '[Gmail]/Spam',
+ 'trash' : '[Gmail]/Trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository gmail-aly-remote]
+type = Gmail
+remoteuser = aaronly.me@gmail.com
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("gmail-aly")
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+# Validity: Jan 20 12:35:31 2016 GMT - Apr 19 00:00:00 2016 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = 3d767a9418d07d2bc8655c14da03db47f0ace05d
+# Filter the IMAP folders to be sync'ed
+# NOTE: operates on the *untranslated* folder name (i.e., before nametrans)
+#folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+# 'INBOX', '[Gmail]/Sent Mail', '[Gmail]/All Mail',
+# '[Gmail]/Starred', '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+# '[Gmail]/Spam', '[Gmail]/Trash',
+# 'aly', 'google', 'test'
+# ]
+# Sync 'All Mail'/' and handle tags/labels with notmuch;
+# also sync 'Spam' and 'Trash' to manage spam and message deletion.
+# NOTE: Gmail do NOT allow delete message from 'All Mail';
+# however, if a message deleted from 'Spam' or 'Trash', it will be
+# deleted permanently.
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail', '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+ '[Gmail]/Spam', '[Gmail]/Trash',
+ ]
+# Translate remote folder names to local folder names
+# Do NOT forget the *reverse nametrans* for local repository
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'INBOX' : 'inbox',
+ '[Gmail]/Sent Mail' : 'sent',
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail' : 'archive',
+ '[Gmail]/Starred' : 'flagged',
+ '[Gmail]/Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ '[Gmail]/Spam' : 'junk',
+ '[Gmail]/Trash' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## gmail-aly }}}
+[Account gmail-li] ## {{{
+localrepository = gmail-li-local
+remoterepository = gmail-li-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+synclabels = yes
+labelsheader = X-Keywords
+autorefresh = 15
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository gmail-li-local]
+type = GmailMaildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/gmail-li
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'INBOX',
+ 'sent' : '[Gmail]/Sent Mail',
+ 'archive' : '[Gmail]/All Mail',
+ 'flagged' : '[Gmail]/Starred',
+ 'drafts' : '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+ 'junk' : '[Gmail]/Spam',
+ 'trash' : '[Gmail]/Trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository gmail-li-remote]
+type = Gmail
+remoteuser = liweitianux@gmail.com
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("gmail-li")
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+# Validity: Jan 20 12:35:31 2016 GMT - Apr 19 00:00:00 2016 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = 3d767a9418d07d2bc8655c14da03db47f0ace05d
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail', '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+ '[Gmail]/Spam', '[Gmail]/Trash',
+ ]
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'INBOX' : 'inbox',
+ '[Gmail]/Sent Mail' : 'sent',
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail' : 'archive',
+ '[Gmail]/Starred' : 'flagged',
+ '[Gmail]/Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ '[Gmail]/Spam' : 'junk',
+ '[Gmail]/Trash' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## gmail-li }}}
+[Account outlook-aly] ## {{{
+localrepository = outlook-aly-local
+remoterepository = outlook-aly-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+autorefresh = 30
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository outlook-aly-local]
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/outlook-aly
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'Inbox',
+ 'sent' : 'Sent',
+ 'drafts' : 'Drafts',
+ 'archive' : 'Archive',
+ 'junk' : 'Junk',
+ 'trash' : 'Deleted',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository outlook-aly-remote]
+type = IMAP
+remotehost = imap-mail.outlook.com
+remoteport = 993
+remoteuser = aaronly.me@outlook.com
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("outlook-aly")
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+# Validity: Dec 15 22:26:11 2015 GMT - Dec 15 22:26:11 2016 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = c914dd966dbd0912c36ec294f83d8d3b5a434729
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ 'Inbox', 'Sent', 'Archive',
+ 'Drafts', 'Junk', 'Deleted',
+ 'FreeBSD', 'OpenBSD',
+ ]
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'Inbox' : 'inbox',
+ 'Sent' : 'sent',
+ 'Archive' : 'archive',
+ 'Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ 'Junk' : 'junk',
+ 'Deleted' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## outlook-aly }}}
+[Account outlook-li] ## {{{
+localrepository = outlook-li-local
+remoterepository = outlook-li-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+autorefresh = 15
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository outlook-li-local]
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/outlook-li
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'Inbox',
+ 'sent' : 'Sent',
+ 'drafts' : 'Drafts',
+ 'archive' : 'Archive',
+ 'junk' : 'Junk',
+ 'trash' : 'Deleted',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository outlook-li-remote]
+type = IMAP
+remotehost = imap-mail.outlook.com
+remoteport = 993
+remoteuser = liweitianux@live.com
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("outlook-li")
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+# Validity: Dec 15 22:26:11 2015 GMT - Dec 15 22:26:11 2016 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = c914dd966dbd0912c36ec294f83d8d3b5a434729
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ 'Inbox', 'Sent', 'Archive',
+ 'Drafts', 'Junk', 'Deleted', 'Chats'
+ ]
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'Inbox' : 'inbox',
+ 'Sent' : 'sent',
+ 'Archive' : 'archive',
+ 'Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ 'Junk' : 'junk',
+ 'Deleted' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## outlook-li }}}
+[Account sjtu] ## {{{
+localrepository = sjtu-local
+remoterepository = sjtu-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+autorefresh = 15
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository sjtu-local]
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/sjtu
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'INBOX',
+ 'sent' : 'Sent',
+ 'drafts' : 'Drafts',
+ 'archive' : 'Archive',
+ 'junk' : 'Junk',
+ 'trash' : 'Trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository sjtu-remote]
+type = IMAP
+remotehost = imap.sjtu.edu.cn
+remoteport = 993
+remoteuser = liweitianux@sjtu.edu.cn
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("sjtu")
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+# Validity: May 22 00:46:47 2014 GMT - Apr 6 06:54:22 2017 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = b1ec0b44e7aefb983e01dbc3c7432b3aae4910fe
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ 'INBOX', 'Sent', 'Archive',
+ 'Drafts', 'Junk', 'Trash'
+ ]
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'INBOX' : 'inbox',
+ 'Sent' : 'sent',
+ 'Archive' : 'archive',
+ 'Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ 'Junk' : 'junk',
+ 'Trash' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## sjtu }}}
+[Account autistici] ## {{{
+localrepository = autistici-local
+remoterepository = autistici-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+autorefresh = 60
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository autistici-local]
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/autistici
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'INBOX',
+ 'sent' : 'Sent',
+ 'drafts' : 'Drafts',
+ 'archive' : 'Archive',
+ 'junk' : 'Spam',
+ 'trash' : 'Trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository autistici-remote]
+type = IMAP
+remotehost = mail.autistici.org
+remoteport = 993
+remoteuser = liweitianux@autistici.org
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("autistici")
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-autistici.crt
+# Validity: May 23 09:56:37 2015 GMT - May 22 09:56:37 2017 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = d59db2e0a7a8a0081d3111d3aaf51ccc7a3f20e2
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ 'INBOX', 'Sent', 'Archive',
+ 'Drafts', 'Spam', 'Trash'
+ ]
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'INBOX' : 'inbox',
+ 'Sent' : 'sent',
+ 'Archive' : 'archive',
+ 'Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ 'Spam' : 'junk',
+ 'Trash' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## autistici }}}
+[Account foxmail] ## {{{
+localrepository = foxmail-local
+remoterepository = foxmail-remote
+status_backend = sqlite
+autorefresh = 60
+quick = 5
+#postsynchook = ~/.offlineimap/postsync.sh
+[Repository foxmail-local]
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/mail/foxmail
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'inbox' : 'INBOX',
+ 'sent' : 'Sent Messages',
+ 'drafts' : 'Drafts',
+ 'archive' : 'Archive',
+ 'junk' : 'Junk',
+ 'trash' : 'Deleted Messages',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+[Repository foxmail-remote]
+type = IMAP
+remotehost = imap.qq.com
+remoteport = 993
+remoteuser = liweitianux@foxmail.com
+remotepasseval = mailpasswd("foxmail")
+ssl = yes
+sslcacertfile = ~/.private/ca-certificates.crt
+# Validity: Jan 27 00:00:00 2016 GMT - Oct 23 23:59:59 2016 GMT
+cert_fingerprint = 7a845668b97288ad8d265372f6e6e041c73e8d1e
+keepalive = 60
+holdconnectionopen = yes
+folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in [
+ 'INBOX', 'Sent Messages', 'Archive',
+ 'Drafts', 'Junk', 'Deleted Messages'
+ ]
+nametrans = lambda folder: {
+ 'INBOX' : 'inbox',
+ 'Sent Messages' : 'sent',
+ 'Archive' : 'archive',
+ 'Drafts' : 'drafts',
+ 'Junk' : 'junk',
+ 'Deleted Messages' : 'trash',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+## foxmail }}}
+# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=python: #