# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests from time import time class Py3status: """ Dynamically display the latest response time of the configured checks using the Pingdom API. We also verify the status of the checks and colorize if needed. Pingdom API doc : https://www.pingdom.com/services/api-documentation-rest/ #NOTE: This module needs the 'requests' python module from pypi https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests """ def pingdom_checks(self, json, i3status_config): response = {'full_text': '', 'name': 'pingdom_checks'} #NOTE: configure me ! APP_KEY = '' # create an APP KEY on pingdom first CACHE_TIMEOUT = 600 # recheck every 10 mins CHECKS = [] # checks' names you want added to your bar LATENCY_THRESHOLD = 500 # when to colorize the output LOGIN = '' # pingdom login PASSWORD = '' # pingdom password TIMEOUT = 15 POSITION = 0 r = requests.get( 'https://api.pingdom.com/api/2.0/checks', auth=(LOGIN, PASSWORD), headers={'App-Key': APP_KEY}, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) result = r.json() if 'checks' in result: for check in [ ck for ck in result['checks'] if ck['name'] in CHECKS ]: if check['status'] == 'up': response['full_text'] += '{}: {}ms, '.format( check['name'], check['lastresponsetime'] ) if check['lastresponsetime'] > LATENCY_THRESHOLD: response.update( {'color': i3status_config['color_degraded']} ) else: response['full_text'] += '{}: DOWN'.format( check['name'], check['lastresponsetime'] ) response.update({'color': i3status_config['color_bad']}) response['full_text'] = response['full_text'].strip(', ') response['cached_until'] = time() + CACHE_TIMEOUT return (POSITION, response)