## ## ~/.tcshrc ## ## Aaron LI ## Created: 2011-06-30 ## Updated: 2016-01-06 ## ### PATH ### if ( -d ~/bin ) then set path = ( ~/bin $path ) endif ## admin groups | grep -qE '\b(wheel|adm|sudo)\b' if ( $status == 0 ) then set path = ( $path /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin ) endif ### Environments ### # colors for 'ls' setenv CLICOLOR yes setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx # Misc setenv PAGER less setenv LESS '-ceiMs' setenv EDITOR vim setenv VISUAL vim ## skip remaining setup if not an interactive shell if ( $?USER == 0 || $?prompt == 0 ) exit ### color code ### # 1 for brighter colors # 4 for underlined text # 5 for flashing text # 30 for black foreground # 31 for red foreground # 32 for green foreground # 33 for yellow (or brown) foreground # 34 for blue foreground # 35 for purple foreground # 36 for cyan foreground # 37 for white (or gray) foreground # 40 for black background # 41 for red background # 42 for green background # 43 for yellow (or brown) background # 44 for blue background # 45 for purple background # 46 for cyan background # 47 for white (or gray) background #set cr = "%{\e[31m%}" # red #set cg = "%{\e[32m%}" # green #set cy = "%{\e[33m%}" # yellow #set c0 = "%{\e[0m%}" # recovery # prompt #set promptchars = ">#" #if ( $?prompt ) then # if ( "$uid" == "0" ) then # set prompt = "%B$cr%n%b$c0@$cy%m$cg.%? %B$cr%#%b " # else # set prompt = "%B$cg%n%b$c0@$cy%m$c0.%? %B$cg%#%b " # endif #endif #set rprompt = "%~" ### prompt ### set prompt='\ %B%n%b@%U%m%u %B%S%/%s%b\ %B%#%b ' # Prompt used when waiting for stufffor 'for' or 'while'... set prompt2="%R? " # Prompt used when correcting. set prompt3="CORRECT> %B%R%b (y|n|e)? " ### bindkey ### bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Delete bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word # Delete bindkey -k up history-search-backward # PageUp bindkey -k down history-search-forward # PageDown # vi-style key bindings #bindkey -v ### Tcsh settings ### set ignoreeof set listlinks set nobeep #set noclobber set history=512 set savehist=512 # Format of output string when someone logins or logouts set who="%n has %a %l from %M." set inputmode=insert set autolist set autocorrect # Use the history of commands to aid expansion. set autoexpand set complete=enhance set correct=cmd #set autologout = (30 5) #unset autologout # Symbolic links are expanded to their true values : chase # (possible values 'chase' 'ignore' 'expand') set symlinks=chase # After a 'Ctrl-Z', list all the jobs set listjobs # If the exit value is non-zero, print it #set printexitvalue # Ask for confirmation when 'rm *' set rmstar # Files that are to be ignored from completion. set fignore=(.o) #set time=(8 "\ #Time spent in user mode (CPU seconds) : %Us\ #Time spent in kernel mode (CPU seconds) : %Ss\ #Total time : %Es\ #CPU utilisation (percentage) : %P\ #Times the process was swapped : %W\ #Times of major page faults : %F\ #Times of minor page faults : %R") # Before printing prompt after a command, do #alias precmd date # Both 'set -n' and set '\003' styles will work. set echo_style=both ### Aliases ### #alias rm 'rm -iv' #alias mv 'mv -iv' #alias cp 'cp -iv' alias la 'ls -lAh' alias ll 'ls -lh' # for security alias del 'mv \!* ~/tmp' ## Tcsh completion if ( -d ~/.tcsh/completion ) then foreach tcsh_comp ( ~/.tcsh/completion/*.tcsh ) source $tcsh_comp end endif unset tcsh_comp ## local settings if ( -e ~/.tcshrc.local ) then source ~/.tcshrc.local endif ## run commands #fortune -s | cowsay -f ~/.littleprince.cow -W 48 #calendar # vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=tcsh: #