#! /usr/bin/env bash # === HEAVY LIFTING === shopt -s extglob extquote # NOTE: Todo.sh requires the .todo/config configuration file to run. # Place the .todo/config file in your home directory or use the -d option for a custom location. [ -f VERSION-FILE ] && . VERSION-FILE || VERSION="2.10" version() { cat <<-EndVersion TODO.TXT Command Line Interface v$VERSION First release: 5/11/2006 Original conception by: Gina Trapani (http://ginatrapani.org) Contributors: http://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/network License: GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html More information and mailing list at http://todotxt.com Code repository: http://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/tree/master EndVersion exit 1 } # Set script name and full path early. TODO_SH=$(basename "$0") TODO_FULL_SH="$0" export TODO_SH TODO_FULL_SH oneline_usage="$TODO_SH [-fhpantvV] [-d todo_config] action [task_number] [task_description]" usage() { cat <<-EndUsage Usage: $oneline_usage Try '$TODO_SH -h' for more information. EndUsage exit 1 } shorthelp() { cat <<-EndHelp Usage: $oneline_usage Actions: add|a "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context" addm "THINGS I NEED TO DO MORE THINGS I NEED TO DO" addto DEST "TEXT TO ADD" append|app ITEM# "TEXT TO APPEND" archive command [ACTIONS] deduplicate del|rm ITEM# [TERM] depri|dp ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...] do ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...] help [ACTION...] list|ls [TERM...] listall|lsa [TERM...] listaddons listcon|lsc [TERM...] listfile|lf [SRC [TERM...]] listpri|lsp [PRIORITIES] [TERM...] listproj|lsprj [TERM...] move|mv ITEM# DEST [SRC] prepend|prep ITEM# "TEXT TO PREPEND" pri|p ITEM# PRIORITY replace ITEM# "UPDATED TODO" report shorthelp Actions can be added and overridden using scripts in the actions directory. EndHelp # Only list the one-line usage from the add-on actions. This assumes that # add-ons use the same usage indentation structure as todo.sh. addonHelp | grep -e '^ Add-on Actions:' -e '^ [[:alpha:]]' cat <<-EndHelpFooter See "help" for more details. EndHelpFooter } help() { cat <<-EndOptionsHelp Usage: $oneline_usage Options: -@ Hide context names in list output. Use twice to show context names (default). -+ Hide project names in list output. Use twice to show project names (default). -c Color mode -d CONFIG_FILE Use a configuration file other than the default ~/.todo/config -f Forces actions without confirmation or interactive input -h Display a short help message; same as action "shorthelp" -p Plain mode turns off colors -P Hide priority labels in list output. Use twice to show priority labels (default). -a Don't auto-archive tasks automatically on completion -A Auto-archive tasks automatically on completion -n Don't preserve line numbers; automatically remove blank lines on task deletion -N Preserve line numbers -t Prepend the current date to a task automatically when it's added. -T Do not prepend the current date to a task automatically when it's added. -v Verbose mode turns on confirmation messages -vv Extra verbose mode prints some debugging information and additional help text -V Displays version, license and credits -x Disables TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER EndOptionsHelp [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 1 ] && cat <<-'EndVerboseHelp' Environment variables: TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE is same as option -a (0)/-A (1) TODOTXT_CFG_FILE=CONFIG_FILE is same as option -d CONFIG_FILE TODOTXT_FORCE=1 is same as option -f TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is same as option -n (0)/-N (1) TODOTXT_PLAIN is same as option -p (1)/-c (0) TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD is same as option -t (1)/-T (0) TODOTXT_VERBOSE=1 is same as option -v TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER=1 is same as option -x TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION="" run this when called with no arguments TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND="sort ..." customize list output TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER="sed ..." customize list after color, P@+ hiding TODOTXT_SOURCEVAR=\$DONE_FILE use another source for listcon, listproj EndVerboseHelp actionsHelp addonHelp } actionsHelp() { cat <<-EndActionsHelp Built-in Actions: add "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context" a "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context" Adds THING I NEED TO DO to your todo.txt file on its own line. Project and context notation optional. Quotes optional. addm "FIRST THING I NEED TO DO +project1 @context SECOND THING I NEED TO DO +project2 @context" Adds FIRST THING I NEED TO DO to your todo.txt on its own line and Adds SECOND THING I NEED TO DO to you todo.txt on its own line. Project and context notation optional. addto DEST "TEXT TO ADD" Adds a line of text to any file located in the todo.txt directory. For example, addto inbox.txt "decide about vacation" append ITEM# "TEXT TO APPEND" app ITEM# "TEXT TO APPEND" Adds TEXT TO APPEND to the end of the task on line ITEM#. Quotes optional. archive Moves all done tasks from todo.txt to done.txt and removes blank lines. command [ACTIONS] Runs the remaining arguments using only todo.sh builtins. Will not call any .todo.actions.d scripts. deduplicate Removes duplicate lines from todo.txt. del ITEM# [TERM] rm ITEM# [TERM] Deletes the task on line ITEM# in todo.txt. If TERM specified, deletes only TERM from the task. depri ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...] dp ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...] Deprioritizes (removes the priority) from the task(s) on line ITEM# in todo.txt. do ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...] Marks task(s) on line ITEM# as done in todo.txt. help [ACTION...] Display help about usage, options, built-in and add-on actions, or just the usage help for the passed ACTION(s). list [TERM...] ls [TERM...] Displays all tasks that contain TERM(s) sorted by priority with line numbers. Each task must match all TERM(s) (logical AND); to display tasks that contain any TERM (logical OR), use "TERM1\|TERM2\|..." (with quotes), or TERM1\\\|TERM2 (unquoted). Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). If no TERM specified, lists entire todo.txt. listall [TERM...] lsa [TERM...] Displays all the lines in todo.txt AND done.txt that contain TERM(s) sorted by priority with line numbers. Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). If no TERM specified, lists entire todo.txt AND done.txt concatenated and sorted. listaddons Lists all added and overridden actions in the actions directory. listcon [TERM...] lsc [TERM...] Lists all the task contexts that start with the @ sign in todo.txt. If TERM specified, considers only tasks that contain TERM(s). listfile [SRC [TERM...]] lf [SRC [TERM...]] Displays all the lines in SRC file located in the todo.txt directory, sorted by priority with line numbers. If TERM specified, lists all lines that contain TERM(s) in SRC file. Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). Without any arguments, the names of all text files in the todo.txt directory are listed. listpri [PRIORITIES] [TERM...] lsp [PRIORITIES] [TERM...] Displays all tasks prioritized PRIORITIES. PRIORITIES can be a single one (A) or a range (A-C). If no PRIORITIES specified, lists all prioritized tasks. If TERM specified, lists only prioritized tasks that contain TERM(s). Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). listproj [TERM...] lsprj [TERM...] Lists all the projects (terms that start with a + sign) in todo.txt. If TERM specified, considers only tasks that contain TERM(s). move ITEM# DEST [SRC] mv ITEM# DEST [SRC] Moves a line from source text file (SRC) to destination text file (DEST). Both source and destination file must be located in the directory defined in the configuration directory. When SRC is not defined it's by default todo.txt. prepend ITEM# "TEXT TO PREPEND" prep ITEM# "TEXT TO PREPEND" Adds TEXT TO PREPEND to the beginning of the task on line ITEM#. Quotes optional. pri ITEM# PRIORITY p ITEM# PRIORITY Adds PRIORITY to task on line ITEM#. If the task is already prioritized, replaces current priority with new PRIORITY. PRIORITY must be a letter between A and Z. replace ITEM# "UPDATED TODO" Replaces task on line ITEM# with UPDATED TODO. report Adds the number of open tasks and done tasks to report.txt. shorthelp List the one-line usage of all built-in and add-on actions. EndActionsHelp } addonHelp() { if [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ]; then didPrintAddonActionsHeader= for action in "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR"/* do if [ -f "$action" -a -x "$action" ]; then if [ ! "$didPrintAddonActionsHeader" ]; then cat <<-EndAddonActionsHeader Add-on Actions: EndAddonActionsHeader didPrintAddonActionsHeader=1 fi "$action" usage elif [ -d "$action" -a -x "$action/$(basename $action)" ]; then if [ ! "$didPrintAddonActionsHeader" ]; then cat <<-EndAddonActionsHeader Add-on Actions: EndAddonActionsHeader didPrintAddonActionsHeader=1 fi "$action/$(basename $action)" usage fi done fi } actionUsage() { for actionName do action="${TODO_ACTIONS_DIR}/${actionName}" if [ -f "$action" -a -x "$action" ]; then "$action" usage elif [ -d "$action" -a -x "$action/$(basename $action)" ]; then "$action/$(basename $action)" usage else builtinActionUsage=$(actionsHelp | sed -n -e "/^ ${actionName//\//\\/} /,/^\$/p" -e "/^ ${actionName//\//\\/}$/,/^\$/p") if [ "$builtinActionUsage" ]; then echo "$builtinActionUsage" echo else die "TODO: No action \"${actionName}\" exists." fi fi done } dieWithHelp() { case "$1" in help) help;; shorthelp) shorthelp;; esac shift die "$@" } die() { echo "$*" exit 1 } cleaninput() { # Parameters: When $1 = "for sed", performs additional escaping for use # in sed substitution with "|" separators. # Precondition: $input contains text to be cleaned. # Postcondition: Modifies $input. # Replace CR and LF with space; tasks always comprise a single line. input=${input//$'\r'/ } input=${input//$'\n'/ } if [ "$1" = "for sed" ]; then # This action uses sed with "|" as the substitution separator, and & as # the matched string; these must be escaped. # Backslashes must be escaped, too, and before the other stuff. input=${input//\\/\\\\} input=${input//|/\\|} input=${input//&/\\&} fi } getPrefix() { # Parameters: $1: todo file; empty means $TODO_FILE. # Returns: Uppercase FILE prefix to be used in place of "TODO:" where # a different todo file can be specified. local base=$(basename "${1:-$TODO_FILE}") echo "${base%%.[^.]*}" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' } getTodo() { # Parameters: $1: task number # $2: Optional todo file # Precondition: $errmsg contains usage message. # Postcondition: $todo contains task text. local item=$1 [ -z "$item" ] && die "$errmsg" [ "${item//[0-9]/}" ] && die "$errmsg" todo=$(sed "$item!d" "${2:-$TODO_FILE}") [ -z "$todo" ] && die "$(getPrefix "$2"): No task $item." } getNewtodo() { # Parameters: $1: task number # $2: Optional todo file # Precondition: None. # Postcondition: $newtodo contains task text. local item=$1 [ -z "$item" ] && die 'Programming error: $item should exist.' [ "${item//[0-9]/}" ] && die 'Programming error: $item should be numeric.' newtodo=$(sed "$item!d" "${2:-$TODO_FILE}") [ -z "$newtodo" ] && die "$(getPrefix "$2"): No updated task $item." } replaceOrPrepend() { action=$1; shift case "$action" in replace) backref= querytext="Replacement: " ;; prepend) backref=' &' querytext="Prepend: " ;; esac shift; item=$1; shift getTodo "$item" if [[ -z "$1" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then echo -n "$querytext" read input else input=$* fi # Retrieve existing priority and prepended date local -r priAndDateExpr='^\((.) \)\{0,1\}\([0-9]\{2,4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\} \)\{0,1\}' priority=$(sed -e "$item!d" -e "${item}s/${priAndDateExpr}.*/\\1/" "$TODO_FILE") prepdate=$(sed -e "$item!d" -e "${item}s/${priAndDateExpr}.*/\\2/" "$TODO_FILE") if [ "$prepdate" -a "$action" = "replace" ] && [ "$(echo "$input"|sed -e "s/${priAndDateExpr}.*/\\1\\2/")" ]; then # If the replaced text starts with a [priority +] date, it will replace # the existing date, too. prepdate= fi # Temporarily remove any existing priority and prepended date, perform the # change (replace/prepend) and re-insert the existing priority and prepended # date again. cleaninput "for sed" sed -i.bak -e "$item s/^${priority}${prepdate}//" -e "$item s|^.*|${priority}${prepdate}${input}${backref}|" "$TODO_FILE" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then getNewtodo "$item" case "$action" in replace) echo "$item $todo" echo "TODO: Replaced task with:" echo "$item $newtodo" ;; prepend) echo "$item $newtodo" ;; esac fi } #Preserving environment variables so they don't get clobbered by the config file OVR_TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE="$TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE" OVR_TODOTXT_FORCE="$TODOTXT_FORCE" OVR_TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS="$TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS" OVR_TODOTXT_PLAIN="$TODOTXT_PLAIN" OVR_TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD="$TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD" OVR_TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER="$TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER" OVR_TODOTXT_VERBOSE="$TODOTXT_VERBOSE" OVR_TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION="$TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION" OVR_TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND="$TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND" OVR_TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER="$TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER" # Prevent GREP_OPTIONS from malforming grep's output GREP_OPTIONS="" # == PROCESS OPTIONS == while getopts ":fhpcnNaAtTvVx+@Pd:" Option do case $Option in '@' ) ## HIDE_CONTEXT_NAMES starts at zero (false); increment it to one ## (true) the first time this flag is seen. Each time the flag ## is seen after that, increment it again so that an even ## number shows context names and an odd number hides context ## names. : $(( HIDE_CONTEXT_NAMES++ )) if [ $(( $HIDE_CONTEXT_NAMES % 2 )) -eq 0 ] then ## Zero or even value -- show context names unset HIDE_CONTEXTS_SUBSTITUTION else ## One or odd value -- hide context names export HIDE_CONTEXTS_SUBSTITUTION='[[:space:]]@[[:graph:]]\{1,\}' fi ;; '+' ) ## HIDE_PROJECT_NAMES starts at zero (false); increment it to one ## (true) the first time this flag is seen. Each time the flag ## is seen after that, increment it again so that an even ## number shows project names and an odd number hides project ## names. : $(( HIDE_PROJECT_NAMES++ )) if [ $(( $HIDE_PROJECT_NAMES % 2 )) -eq 0 ] then ## Zero or even value -- show project names unset HIDE_PROJECTS_SUBSTITUTION else ## One or odd value -- hide project names export HIDE_PROJECTS_SUBSTITUTION='[[:space:]][+][[:graph:]]\{1,\}' fi ;; a ) OVR_TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE=0 ;; A ) OVR_TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE=1 ;; c ) OVR_TODOTXT_PLAIN=0 ;; d ) TODOTXT_CFG_FILE=$OPTARG ;; f ) OVR_TODOTXT_FORCE=1 ;; h ) # Short-circuit option parsing and forward to the action. # Cannot just invoke shorthelp() because we need the configuration # processed to locate the add-on actions directory. set -- '-h' 'shorthelp' OPTIND=2 ;; n ) OVR_TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS=0 ;; N ) OVR_TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS=1 ;; p ) OVR_TODOTXT_PLAIN=1 ;; P ) ## HIDE_PRIORITY_LABELS starts at zero (false); increment it to one ## (true) the first time this flag is seen. Each time the flag ## is seen after that, increment it again so that an even ## number shows priority labels and an odd number hides priority ## labels. : $(( HIDE_PRIORITY_LABELS++ )) if [ $(( $HIDE_PRIORITY_LABELS % 2 )) -eq 0 ] then ## Zero or even value -- show priority labels unset HIDE_PRIORITY_SUBSTITUTION else ## One or odd value -- hide priority labels export HIDE_PRIORITY_SUBSTITUTION="([A-Z])[[:space:]]" fi ;; t ) OVR_TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD=1 ;; T ) OVR_TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD=0 ;; v ) : $(( TODOTXT_VERBOSE++ )) ;; V ) version ;; x ) OVR_TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER=1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # defaults if not yet defined TODOTXT_VERBOSE=${TODOTXT_VERBOSE:-1} TODOTXT_PLAIN=${TODOTXT_PLAIN:-0} TODOTXT_CFG_FILE=${TODOTXT_CFG_FILE:-$HOME/.todo/config} TODOTXT_FORCE=${TODOTXT_FORCE:-0} TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS=${TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS:-1} TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE=${TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE:-1} TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD=${TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD:-0} TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION=${TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION:-} TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND=${TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND:-env LC_COLLATE=C sort -f -k2} TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER=${TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER:-} TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER=${TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER:-cat} TODOTXT_GLOBAL_CFG_FILE=${TODOTXT_GLOBAL_CFG_FILE:-/etc/todo/config} # Export all TODOTXT_* variables export ${!TODOTXT_@} # Default color map export NONE='' export BLACK='\\033[0;30m' export RED='\\033[0;31m' export GREEN='\\033[0;32m' export BROWN='\\033[0;33m' export BLUE='\\033[0;34m' export PURPLE='\\033[0;35m' export CYAN='\\033[0;36m' export LIGHT_GREY='\\033[0;37m' export DARK_GREY='\\033[1;30m' export LIGHT_RED='\\033[1;31m' export LIGHT_GREEN='\\033[1;32m' export YELLOW='\\033[1;33m' export LIGHT_BLUE='\\033[1;34m' export LIGHT_PURPLE='\\033[1;35m' export LIGHT_CYAN='\\033[1;36m' export WHITE='\\033[1;37m' export DEFAULT='\\033[0m' # Default priority->color map. export PRI_A=$YELLOW # color for A priority export PRI_B=$GREEN # color for B priority export PRI_C=$LIGHT_BLUE # color for C priority export PRI_X=$WHITE # color unless explicitly defined # Default project and context colors. export COLOR_PROJECT=$NONE export COLOR_CONTEXT=$NONE # Default highlight colors. export COLOR_DONE=$LIGHT_GREY # color for done (but not yet archived) tasks # Default sentence delimiters for todo.sh append. # If the text to be appended to the task begins with one of these characters, no # whitespace is inserted in between. This makes appending to an enumeration # (todo.sh add 42 ", foo") syntactically correct. export SENTENCE_DELIMITERS=',.:;' [ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || { CFG_FILE_ALT="$HOME/todo.cfg" if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ] then TODOTXT_CFG_FILE="$CFG_FILE_ALT" fi } [ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || { CFG_FILE_ALT="$HOME/.todo.cfg" if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ] then TODOTXT_CFG_FILE="$CFG_FILE_ALT" fi } [ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || { CFG_FILE_ALT=$(dirname "$0")"/todo.cfg" if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ] then TODOTXT_CFG_FILE="$CFG_FILE_ALT" fi } [ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || { CFG_FILE_ALT="$TODOTXT_GLOBAL_CFG_FILE" if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ] then TODOTXT_CFG_FILE="$CFG_FILE_ALT" fi } if [ -z "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" -o ! -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ] then TODO_ACTIONS_DIR="$HOME/.todo/actions" export TODO_ACTIONS_DIR fi [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ] || { TODO_ACTIONS_DIR_ALT="$HOME/.todo.actions.d" if [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR_ALT" ] then TODO_ACTIONS_DIR="$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR_ALT" fi } # === SANITY CHECKS (thanks Karl!) === [ -r "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || dieWithHelp "$1" "Fatal Error: Cannot read configuration file $TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" . "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" # === APPLY OVERRIDES if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE" ] ; then TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE="$OVR_TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_FORCE" ] ; then TODOTXT_FORCE="$OVR_TODOTXT_FORCE" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS" ] ; then TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS="$OVR_TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_PLAIN" ] ; then TODOTXT_PLAIN="$OVR_TODOTXT_PLAIN" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD" ] ; then TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD="$OVR_TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER" ] ; then TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER="$OVR_TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_VERBOSE" ] ; then TODOTXT_VERBOSE="$OVR_TODOTXT_VERBOSE" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION" ] ; then TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION="$OVR_TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND" ] ; then TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND="$OVR_TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND" fi if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER" ] ; then TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER="$OVR_TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER" fi ACTION=${1:-$TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION} [ -z "$ACTION" ] && usage [ -d "$TODO_DIR" ] || mkdir -p $TODO_DIR 2> /dev/null || dieWithHelp "$1" "Fatal Error: $TODO_DIR is not a directory" ( cd "$TODO_DIR" ) || dieWithHelp "$1" "Fatal Error: Unable to cd to $TODO_DIR" [ -f "$TODO_FILE" -o -c "$TODO_FILE" ] || > "$TODO_FILE" [ -f "$DONE_FILE" -o -c "$DONE_FILE" ] || > "$DONE_FILE" [ -f "$REPORT_FILE" -o -c "$REPORT_FILE" ] || > "$REPORT_FILE" if [ $TODOTXT_PLAIN = 1 ]; then for clr in ${!PRI_@}; do export $clr=$NONE done PRI_X=$NONE DEFAULT=$NONE COLOR_DONE=$NONE COLOR_PROJECT=$NONE COLOR_CONTEXT=$NONE fi [[ "$HIDE_PROJECTS_SUBSTITUTION" ]] && COLOR_PROJECT="$NONE" [[ "$HIDE_CONTEXTS_SUBSTITUTION" ]] && COLOR_CONTEXT="$NONE" _addto() { file="$1" input="$2" cleaninput if [[ $TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD = 1 ]]; then now=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') input=$(echo "$input" | sed -e 's/^\(([A-Z]) \)\{0,1\}/\1'"$now /") fi echo "$input" >> "$file" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then TASKNUM=$(sed -n '$ =' "$file") echo "$TASKNUM $input" echo "$(getPrefix "$file"): $TASKNUM added." fi } shellquote() { typeset -r qq=\'; printf %s\\n "'${1//\'/${qq}\\${qq}${qq}}'"; } filtercommand() { filter=${1:-} shift post_filter=${1:-} shift for search_term do ## See if the first character of $search_term is a dash if [ "${search_term:0:1}" != '-' ] then ## First character isn't a dash: hide lines that don't match ## this $search_term filter="${filter:-}${filter:+ | }grep -i $(shellquote "$search_term")" else ## First character is a dash: hide lines that match this ## $search_term # ## Remove the first character (-) before adding to our filter command filter="${filter:-}${filter:+ | }grep -v -i $(shellquote "${search_term:1}")" fi done [ -n "$post_filter" ] && { filter="${filter:-}${filter:+ | }${post_filter:-}" } printf %s "$filter" } _list() { local FILE="$1" ## If the file starts with a "/" use absolute path. Otherwise, ## try to find it in either $TODO_DIR or using a relative path if [ "${1:0:1}" == / ]; then ## Absolute path src="$FILE" elif [ -f "$TODO_DIR/$FILE" ]; then ## Path relative to todo.sh directory src="$TODO_DIR/$FILE" elif [ -f "$FILE" ]; then ## Path relative to current working directory src="$FILE" elif [ -f "$TODO_DIR/${FILE}.txt" ]; then ## Path relative to todo.sh directory, missing file extension src="$TODO_DIR/${FILE}.txt" else die "TODO: File $FILE does not exist." fi ## Get our search arguments, if any shift ## was file name, new $1 is first search term _format "$src" '' "$@" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then echo "--" echo "$(getPrefix "$src"): ${NUMTASKS:-0} of ${TOTALTASKS:-0} tasks shown" fi } getPadding() { ## We need one level of padding for each power of 10 $LINES uses. LINES=$(sed -n '$ =' "${1:-$TODO_FILE}") printf %s ${#LINES} } _format() { # Parameters: $1: todo input file; when empty formats stdin # $2: ITEM# number width; if empty auto-detects from $1 / $TODO_FILE. # Precondition: None # Postcondition: $NUMTASKS and $TOTALTASKS contain statistics (unless $TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0). FILE=$1 shift ## Figure out how much padding we need to use, unless this was passed to us. PADDING=${1:-$(getPadding "$FILE")} shift ## Number the file, then run the filter command, ## then sort and mangle output some more if [[ $TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER = 1 ]]; then TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER="cat" fi items=$( if [ "$FILE" ]; then sed = "$FILE" else sed = fi \ | sed -e ''' N s/^/ / s/ *\([ 0-9]\{'"$PADDING"',\}\)\n/\1 / /^[ 0-9]\{1,\} *$/d ''' ) ## Build and apply the filter. filter_command=$(filtercommand "${pre_filter_command:-}" "${post_filter_command:-}" "$@") if [ "${filter_command}" ]; then filtered_items=$(echo -n "$items" | eval "${filter_command}") else filtered_items=$items fi filtered_items=$( echo -n "$filtered_items" \ | sed ''' s/^ /00000/; s/^ /0000/; s/^ /000/; s/^ /00/; s/^ /0/; ''' \ | eval ${TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND} \ | awk ''' function highlight(colorVar, color) { color = ENVIRON[colorVar] gsub(/\\+033/, "\033", color) return color } { clr = "" if (match($0, /^[0-9]+ x /)) { clr = highlight("COLOR_DONE") } else if (match($0, /^[0-9]+ \([A-Z]\) /)) { clr = highlight("PRI_" substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH - 3, 1)) clr = (clr ? clr : highlight("PRI_X")) if (ENVIRON["HIDE_PRIORITY_SUBSTITUTION"] != "") { $0 = substr($0, 1, RLENGTH - 4) substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH) } } end_clr = (clr ? highlight("DEFAULT") : "") prj_beg = highlight("COLOR_PROJECT") prj_end = (prj_beg ? (highlight("DEFAULT") clr) : "") ctx_beg = highlight("COLOR_CONTEXT") ctx_end = (ctx_beg ? (highlight("DEFAULT") clr) : "") gsub(/[ \t][ \t]*/, "\n&\n") len = split($0, words, /\n/) printf "%s", clr for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i) { if (words[i] ~ /^[+].*[A-Za-z0-9_]$/) { printf "%s", prj_beg words[i] prj_end } else if (words[i] ~ /^[@].*[A-Za-z0-9_]$/) { printf "%s", ctx_beg words[i] ctx_end } else { printf "%s", words[i] } } printf "%s\n", end_clr } ''' \ | sed ''' s/'"${HIDE_PROJECTS_SUBSTITUTION:-^}"'//g s/'"${HIDE_CONTEXTS_SUBSTITUTION:-^}"'//g s/'"${HIDE_CUSTOM_SUBSTITUTION:-^}"'//g ''' \ | eval ${TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER} \ ) [ "$filtered_items" ] && echo "$filtered_items" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then NUMTASKS=$( echo -n "$filtered_items" | sed -n '$ =' ) TOTALTASKS=$( echo -n "$items" | sed -n '$ =' ) fi if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 1 ]; then echo "TODO DEBUG: Filter Command was: ${filter_command:-cat}" fi } listWordsWithSigil() { sigil=$1 shift FILE=$TODO_FILE [ "$TODOTXT_SOURCEVAR" ] && eval "FILE=$TODOTXT_SOURCEVAR" eval "$(filtercommand 'cat "${FILE[@]}"' '' "$@")" | grep -o "[^ ]*${sigil}[^ ]\\+" | grep "^$sigil" | sort -u } export -f cleaninput getPrefix getTodo getNewtodo shellquote filtercommand _list listWordsWithSigil getPadding _format die # == HANDLE ACTION == action=$( printf "%s\n" "$ACTION" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' ) ## If the first argument is "command", run the rest of the arguments ## using todo.sh builtins. ## Else, run a actions script with the name of the command if it exists ## or fallback to using a builtin if [ "$action" == command ] then ## Get rid of "command" from arguments list shift ## Reset action to new first argument action=$( printf "%s\n" "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' ) elif [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action" -a -x "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action/$action" ] then "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action/$action" "$@" exit $? elif [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" -a -x "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action" ] then "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action" "$@" exit $? fi ## Only run if $action isn't found in .todo.actions.d case $action in "add" | "a") if [[ -z "$2" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then echo -n "Add: " read input else [ -z "$2" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH add \"TODO ITEM\"" shift input=$* fi _addto "$TODO_FILE" "$input" ;; "addm") if [[ -z "$2" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then echo -n "Add: " read input else [ -z "$2" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH addm \"TODO ITEM\"" shift input=$* fi # Set Internal Field Seperator as newline so we can # loop across multiple lines SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' # Treat each line seperately for line in $input ; do _addto "$TODO_FILE" "$line" done IFS=$SAVEIFS ;; "addto" ) [ -z "$2" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH addto DEST \"TODO ITEM\"" dest="$TODO_DIR/$2" [ -z "$3" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH addto DEST \"TODO ITEM\"" shift shift input=$* if [ -f "$dest" ]; then _addto "$dest" "$input" else die "TODO: Destination file $dest does not exist." fi ;; "append" | "app" ) errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH append ITEM# \"TEXT TO APPEND\"" shift; item=$1; shift getTodo "$item" if [[ -z "$1" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then echo -n "Append: " read input else input=$* fi case "$input" in [$SENTENCE_DELIMITERS]*) appendspace=;; *) appendspace=" ";; esac cleaninput "for sed" if sed -i.bak $item" s|^.*|&${appendspace}${input}|" "$TODO_FILE"; then if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then getNewtodo "$item" echo "$item $newtodo" fi else die "TODO: Error appending task $item." fi ;; "archive" ) # defragment blank lines sed -i.bak -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE" [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && grep "^x " "$TODO_FILE" grep "^x " "$TODO_FILE" >> "$DONE_FILE" sed -i.bak '/^x /d' "$TODO_FILE" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then echo "TODO: $TODO_FILE archived." fi ;; "del" | "rm" ) # replace deleted line with a blank line when TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is 1 errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH del ITEM# [TERM]" item=$2 getTodo "$item" if [ -z "$3" ]; then if [ $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]; then echo "Delete '$todo'? (y/n)" read ANSWER else ANSWER="y" fi if [ "$ANSWER" = "y" ]; then if [ $TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS = 0 ]; then # delete line (changes line numbers) sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE" else # leave blank line behind (preserves line numbers) sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" "$TODO_FILE" fi if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then echo "$item $todo" echo "TODO: $item deleted." fi else echo "TODO: No tasks were deleted." fi else sed -i.bak \ -e $item"s/^\((.) \)\{0,1\} *$3 */\1/g" \ -e $item"s/ *$3 *\$//g" \ -e $item"s/ *$3 */ /g" \ -e $item"s/ *$3 */ /g" \ -e $item"s/$3//g" \ "$TODO_FILE" getNewtodo "$item" if [ "$todo" = "$newtodo" ]; then [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "$item $todo" die "TODO: '$3' not found; no removal done." fi if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then echo "$item $todo" echo "TODO: Removed '$3' from task." echo "$item $newtodo" fi fi ;; "depri" | "dp" ) errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH depri ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]" shift; [ $# -eq 0 ] && die "$errmsg" # Split multiple depri's, if comma separated change to whitespace separated # Loop the 'depri' function for each item for item in ${*//,/ }; do getTodo "$item" if [[ "$todo" = \(?\)\ * ]]; then sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^(.) //" "$TODO_FILE" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then getNewtodo "$item" echo "$item $newtodo" echo "TODO: $item deprioritized." fi else echo "TODO: $item is not prioritized." fi done ;; "do" ) errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH do ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]" # shift so we get arguments to the do request shift; [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && die "$errmsg" # Split multiple do's, if comma separated change to whitespace separated # Loop the 'do' function for each item for item in ${*//,/ }; do getTodo "$item" # Check if this item has already been done if [ "${todo:0:2}" != "x " ]; then now=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') # remove priority once item is done sed -i.bak $item"s/^(.) //" "$TODO_FILE" sed -i.bak $item"s|^|x $now |" "$TODO_FILE" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then getNewtodo "$item" echo "$item $newtodo" echo "TODO: $item marked as done." fi else echo "TODO: $item is already marked done." fi done if [ $TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE = 1 ]; then # Recursively invoke the script to allow overriding of the archive # action. "$TODO_FULL_SH" archive fi ;; "help" ) shift ## Was help; new $1 is first help topic / action name if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # Don't use PAGER here; we don't expect much usage output from one / few actions. actionUsage "$@" else if [ -t 1 ] ; then # STDOUT is a TTY if which "${PAGER:-less}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # we have a working PAGER (or less as a default) help | "${PAGER:-less}" && exit 0 fi fi help # just in case something failed above, we go ahead and just spew to STDOUT fi ;; "shorthelp" ) if [ -t 1 ] ; then # STDOUT is a TTY if which "${PAGER:-less}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # we have a working PAGER (or less as a default) shorthelp | "${PAGER:-less}" && exit 0 fi fi shorthelp # just in case something failed above, we go ahead and just spew to STDOUT ;; "list" | "ls" ) shift ## Was ls; new $1 is first search term _list "$TODO_FILE" "$@" ;; "listall" | "lsa" ) shift ## Was lsa; new $1 is first search term TOTAL=$( sed -n '$ =' "$TODO_FILE" ) PADDING=${#TOTAL} post_filter_command="${post_filter_command:-}${post_filter_command:+ | }awk -v TOTAL=$TOTAL -v PADDING=$PADDING '{ \$1 = sprintf(\"%\" PADDING \"d\", (\$1 > TOTAL ? 0 : \$1)); print }' " cat "$TODO_FILE" "$DONE_FILE" | TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0 _format '' "$PADDING" "$@" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then TDONE=$( sed -n '$ =' "$DONE_FILE" ) TASKNUM=$(TODOTXT_PLAIN=1 TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0 _format "$TODO_FILE" 1 "$@" | sed -n '$ =') DONENUM=$(TODOTXT_PLAIN=1 TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0 _format "$DONE_FILE" 1 "$@" | sed -n '$ =') echo "--" echo "$(getPrefix "$TODO_FILE"): ${TASKNUM:-0} of ${TOTAL:-0} tasks shown" echo "$(getPrefix "$DONE_FILE"): ${DONENUM:-0} of ${TDONE:-0} tasks shown" echo "total $((TASKNUM + DONENUM)) of $((TOTAL + TDONE)) tasks shown" fi ;; "listfile" | "lf" ) shift ## Was listfile, next $1 is file name if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Files in the todo.txt directory:" cd "$TODO_DIR" && ls -1 *.txt else FILE="$1" shift ## Was filename; next $1 is first search term _list "$FILE" "$@" fi ;; "listcon" | "lsc" ) shift listWordsWithSigil '@' "$@" ;; "listproj" | "lsprj" ) shift listWordsWithSigil '+' "$@" ;; "listpri" | "lsp" ) shift ## was "listpri", new $1 is priority to list or first TERM pri=$(printf "%s\n" "$1" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | grep -e '^[A-Z]$' -e '^[A-Z]-[A-Z]$') && shift || pri="A-Z" post_filter_command="${post_filter_command:-}${post_filter_command:+ | }grep '^ *[0-9]\+ ([${pri}]) '" _list "$TODO_FILE" "$@" ;; "move" | "mv" ) # replace moved line with a blank line when TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is 1 errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH mv ITEM# DEST [SRC]" item=$2 dest="$TODO_DIR/$3" src="$TODO_DIR/$4" [ -z "$4" ] && src="$TODO_FILE" [ -z "$dest" ] && die "$errmsg" [ -f "$src" ] || die "TODO: Source file $src does not exist." [ -f "$dest" ] || die "TODO: Destination file $dest does not exist." getTodo "$item" "$src" [ -z "$todo" ] && die "$item: No such item in $src." if [ $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]; then echo "Move '$todo' from $src to $dest? (y/n)" read ANSWER else ANSWER="y" fi if [ "$ANSWER" = "y" ]; then if [ $TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS = 0 ]; then # delete line (changes line numbers) sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" -e '/./!d' "$src" else # leave blank line behind (preserves line numbers) sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" "$src" fi echo "$todo" >> "$dest" if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then echo "$item $todo" echo "TODO: $item moved from '$src' to '$dest'." fi else echo "TODO: No tasks moved." fi ;; "prepend" | "prep" ) errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH prepend ITEM# \"TEXT TO PREPEND\"" replaceOrPrepend 'prepend' "$@" ;; "pri" | "p" ) item=$2 newpri=$( printf "%s\n" "$3" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' ) errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH pri ITEM# PRIORITY note: PRIORITY must be anywhere from A to Z." [ "$#" -ne 3 ] && die "$errmsg" [[ "$newpri" = @([A-Z]) ]] || die "$errmsg" getTodo "$item" oldpri= if [[ "$todo" = \(?\)\ * ]]; then oldpri=${todo:1:1} fi if [ "$oldpri" != "$newpri" ]; then sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^(.) //" -e $item"s/^/($newpri) /" "$TODO_FILE" fi if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then getNewtodo "$item" echo "$item $newtodo" if [ "$oldpri" != "$newpri" ]; then if [ "$oldpri" ]; then echo "TODO: $item re-prioritized from ($oldpri) to ($newpri)." else echo "TODO: $item prioritized ($newpri)." fi fi fi if [ "$oldpri" = "$newpri" ]; then echo "TODO: $item already prioritized ($newpri)." fi ;; "replace" ) errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH replace ITEM# \"UPDATED ITEM\"" replaceOrPrepend 'replace' "$@" ;; "report" ) # archive first # Recursively invoke the script to allow overriding of the archive # action. "$TODO_FULL_SH" archive TOTAL=$( sed -n '$ =' "$TODO_FILE" ) TDONE=$( sed -n '$ =' "$DONE_FILE" ) NEWDATA="${TOTAL:-0} ${TDONE:-0}" LASTREPORT=$(sed -ne '$p' "$REPORT_FILE") LASTDATA=${LASTREPORT#* } # Strip timestamp. if [ "$LASTDATA" = "$NEWDATA" ]; then echo "$LASTREPORT" [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "TODO: Report file is up-to-date." else NEWREPORT="$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%T) ${NEWDATA}" echo "${NEWREPORT}" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "${NEWREPORT}" [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "TODO: Report file updated." fi ;; "deduplicate" ) if [ $TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS = 0 ]; then deduplicateSedCommand='d' else deduplicateSedCommand='s/^.*//; p' fi # To determine the difference when deduplicated lines are preserved, only # non-empty lines must be counted. originalTaskNum=$( sed -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE" | sed -n '$ =' ) # Look for duplicate lines and discard the second occurrence. # We start with an empty hold space on the first line. For each line: # G - appends newline + hold space to the pattern space # s/\n/&&/; - double up the first new line so we catch adjacent dups # /^\([^\n]*\n\).*\n\1/b dedup # If the first line of the hold space shows up again later as an # entire line, it's a duplicate. Jump to the "dedup" label, where # either of the following is executed, depending on whether empty # lines should be preserved: # d - Delete the current pattern space, quit this line and # move on to the next, or: # s/^.*//; p - Clear the task text, print this line and move on to # the next. # s/\n//; - else (no duplicate), drop the doubled newline # h; - replace the hold space with the expanded pattern space # P; - print up to the first newline (that is, the input line) # b - end processing of the current line sed -i.bak -n \ -e 'G; s/\n/&&/; /^\([^\n]*\n\).*\n\1/b dedup' \ -e 's/\n//; h; P; b' \ -e ':dedup' \ -e "$deduplicateSedCommand" \ "$TODO_FILE" newTaskNum=$( sed -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE" | sed -n '$ =' ) deduplicateNum=$(( originalTaskNum - newTaskNum )) if [ $deduplicateNum -eq 0 ]; then echo "TODO: No duplicate tasks found" else echo "TODO: $deduplicateNum duplicate task(s) removed" fi ;; "listaddons" ) if [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ]; then cd "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" || exit $? for action in * do if [ -f "$action" -a -x "$action" ]; then echo "$action" elif [ -d "$action" -a -x "$action/$action" ]; then echo "$action" fi done fi ;; * ) usage;; esac