"" "" ~/.vifm/vifmrc "" "" Weitian LI "" 2014/05/12 "" """ general settings {{{ " This is the actual command used to start vi. The default is vim. " If you would like to use another vi clone such Elvis or Vile " you will need to change this setting. set vicmd=vim " set vicmd=elvis\ -G\ termcap " set vicmd=vile " Trash Directory " The default is to move files that are deleted with dd or :d to " the trash directory. If you change this you will not be able to move " files by deleting them and then using p to put the file in the new location. " I recommend not changing this until you are familiar with vifm. " This probably shouldn't be an option. set trash " This is how many directories to store in the directory history. set history=100 " Follow links on l or Enter. set followlinks " With this option turned on you can run partially entered commands with " unambiguous beginning using :! (e.g. :!Te instead of :!Terminal or :!Te). set fastrun " Natural sort of (version) numbers within text. set sortnumbers " Maximum number of changes that can be undone. set undolevels=100 " If you installed the vifm.txt help file set vimhelp. " If would rather use a plain text help file set novimhelp. set novimhelp " If you would like to run an executable file when you " press return on the file name set this. set norunexec " Use KiB, MiB, ... instead of KB, MB, ... set iec " Selected color scheme "colorscheme Default colorscheme alycolors " The FUSE_HOME directory will be used as a root dir for all FUSE mounts. " Unless it exists with write/exec permissions set, vifm will attempt to " create it. set fusehome=/tmp/vifm_FUSE " Format for displaying time in file list. For example: " TIME_STAMP_FORMAT=%m/%d-%H:%M " See man date or man strftime for details. set timefmt=%m/%d\ %H:%M " Show list of matches on tab complition in command-line mode set wildmenu " Ignore case search unless it contains at least one uppercase letter set ignorecase set smartcase " Use increment searching (search while typing) set incsearch " Don't highlight search results automatically "set nohlsearch " Try to leave some space from cursor to upper/lower border in lists set scrolloff=4 " Don't do to much requests to slow file systems set slowfs=curlftpfs " Set custom status line look set statusline=" %t%= %A %10u:%-7g %15s %20d " " What should be saved automatically between vifm runs " Like in previous versions of vifm " set vifminfo=options,filetypes,commands,bookmarks,dhistory,state,cs " Like in vi set vifminfo=dhistory,savedirs,chistory,state,tui,shistory, \phistory,fhistory,dirstack,registers,bookmarks """ settings }}} """ marks {{{ " :mark mark /full/directory/path [filename] mark h ~/ mark b ~/bin/ mark d ~/documents/ mark m ~/music/ mark o ~/office/ mark p ~/pictures/ mark u ~/unix/ mark x ~/private/ """ marks }}} """ mappings {{{ " to speed up nmap ; : nmap s :shell nmap S :sort nmap w :view nmap o :!gvim --remote-tab-silent %f nmap O :!gvim %f " open file in the background using its default program nmap gb :file &l " Yank current directory path into the clipboard nmap yd :!echo %d | xclip %i " Yank current file path into the clipboard nmap yf :!echo %c:p | xclip %i " Mappings for faster renaming nmap I cw nmap cc cw nmap A cw " Opening console in current directory nmap ,t :!xterm & " Opening vim to edit .vifmrc nmap ,c :execute ':!vim $MYVIFMRC' | restart " Opening gvim to edit .vifmrc nmap ,C :!gvim --remote-tab-silent $MYVIFMRC & " Toggle wrap setting on ,w key nmap ,w :set wrap! nmap :!less %f nmap :edit nmap :copy nmap :move nmap :mkdir nmap :delete """ mappings }}} """ command {{{ " :com[mand] command_name action " The following macros can be used in a command " %a is replaced with the user arguments. " %c the current file under the cursor. " %C the current file under the cursor in the other directory. " %f the current selected file, or files. " %F the current selected file, or files in the other directory. " %b same as %f %F. " %d the current directory name. " %D the other window directory name. " %m run the command in a menu window command df df -h %m 2> /dev/null command diff vim -d %f %F command zip zip -r %f.zip %f command run !! ./%f command make !!make command vgrep vim "+grep %a" """ command }}} """ filetype & fileview {{{ " The file type is for the default programs to be used with " a file extension. " :filetype pattern1,pattern2 [{desc}]defaultprogram[ &],[{desc}]program2 " :fileviewer pattern1,pattern2 consoleviewer " The other programs for the file type can be accessed with the :file command " The command macros %f, %F, %d, %F may be used in the commands. " The % macro is ignored. To use a % you must put %%. " For automated FUSE mounts, you must register an extension with :file[x]type " in one of following formats: " " :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT|some_mount_command using %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR variables " %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime. " A sample line might look like this: " :filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear FUSE_MOUNT|fuse-zip %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR " " :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT2|some_mount_command using %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR variables " %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime. " A sample line might look like this: " :filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR " %PARAM value is filled from the first line of file (whole line). " Example first line for SshMount filetype: root@ " " You can also add %CLEAR if you want to clear screen before running FUSE " program. " Pdf filetype *.pdf zathura %f,apvlv %f,xpdf %f fileview *.pdf pdftotext -nopgbrk %c - " PostScript filextype *.ps,*.ps.gz gv %c %i & " Djvu filextype *.djvu apvlv %f " Audio filetype *.wav,*.mp3,*.flac,*.ogg,*.m4a \ {Play using ffplay} \ ffplay %c, \ {Play using MPlayer} \ mplayer %f, fileviewer *.mp3 mp3info " Video filextype *.avi,*.mp4,*.wmv,*.dat,*.3gp,*.ogv,*.mkv,*.mpg,*.vob,*.flv \ {View using ffplay} \ ffplay -fs %c, \ {View using Dragon} \ dragon %f, \ {View using mplayer} \ mplayer %f, fileviewer *.avi,*.mp4,*.wmv,*.dat,*.3gp,*.ogv,*.mkv,*.mpg,*.vob \ ffprobe -pretty %c 2>&1 " Web filetype *.html,*.htm links,mozilla,uzbl-browser %f %i & " Object filetype *.o nm %f | less " Image filextype *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm \ {View in feh} \ feh -FZ %d --start-at %d/%c 2>/dev/null &, \ {View in sxiv} \ sxiv, \ {View in gpicview} \ gpicview %c, fileviewer *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm \ convert -identify %f -verbose /dev/null " MD5 filetype *.md5 \ {Check MD5 hash sum} \ md5sum -c %f, " FuseZipMount filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear \ {Mount with fuse-zip} \ FUSE_MOUNT|fuse-zip %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR, \ {View contents} \ zip -sf %c | less, \ tar -xf %c, fileviewer *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear zip -sf %c " ArchiveMount filetype *.tar.bz2,*.tbz2,*.tgz,*.tar.gz \ {Mount with archivemount} \ FUSE_MOUNT|archivemount %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR, fileviewer *.tgz,*.tar.gz tar -tzf %c fileviewer *.tar.bz2,*.tbz2 tar -tjf %c " Rar2FsMount filetype *.rar \ {Mount with rar2fs} \ FUSE_MOUNT|rar2fs %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR, " IsoMount filetype *.iso \ {Mount with fuseiso} \ FUSE_MOUNT|fuseiso %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR, " SshMount filetype *.ssh \ {Mount with sshfs} \ FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR, " FtpMount filetype *.ftp \ {Mount with curlftpfs} \ FUSE_MOUNT2|curlftpfs -o ftp_port=-,,disable_eprt %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR, " Fuse7z filetype *.7z \ {Mount with fuse-7z} \ FUSE_MOUNT|fuse-7z %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR, " Office files filextype *.doc,*.docx,*.xls,*.xlsx libreoffice %f & fileview *.docx, docx2txt.pl %f - " Qt projects filextype *.pro qtcreator %f & " Directories filextype */ \ {View in thunar} \ Thunar %f &, fileview .*/,*/ tree %f " Open all other files with default system programs (you can also remove all " :file[x]type commands above to ensure they don't interfere with system-wide " settings). By default all unknown files are opened with 'vi[x]cmd' " uncommenting one of lines below will result in ignoring 'vi[x]cmd' option " for unknown file types. " For *nix: " filetype * xdg-open " For OS X: " filetype * open " For Windows: " filetype * start, explorer """ filetype & fileview }}} " vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=78 fenc=utf-8 ft=vifm: "