path: root/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters
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authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-01-07 15:21:31 +0800
committerAaron LI <aly@aaronly.me>2017-06-01 16:33:38 +0800
commitd799adeecbc1a836c92fa46fe1d80a3d5e8a34ec (patch)
treef9af78c6f7c51a6ada42873ac2ae1c71fd2a3222 /fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters
parentae919983f3d161c3e28f3122cdedb9718782cbe1 (diff)
Add clusters/halo.py: simulate single halo for cluster
Simulate (giant) radio halos following the "statistical magneto-turbulent model" proposed by Cassano & Brunetti (2005).
Diffstat (limited to 'fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters')
1 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py b/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ff6de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI <liweitianux@live.com>
+# MIT license
+Simulate (giant) radio halos following the "statistical
+magneto-turbulent model" proposed by Cassano & Brunetti (2005).
+[1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import astropy.units as au
+import astropy.constants as ac
+import scipy.interpolate
+import scipy.integrate
+import scipy.optimize
+from .cosmology import Cosmology
+from .solver import FokkerPlanckSolver
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class HaloSingle:
+ """
+ Simulate a single (giant) radio halos following the "statistical
+ magneto-turbulent model" proposed by Cassano & Brunetti (2005).
+ First, simulate the cluster merging history from the extended
+ Press-Schecter formalism using the Monte Carlo method; then derive
+ the merger energy and turbulence energy as well as its spectrum;
+ after that, calculate the electron acceleration and time evolution
+ by solving the Fokker-Planck equation; and finally derive the radio
+ emission from the electron spectra.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ M0 : float
+ Present-day (z=0) mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster.
+ configs : `ConfigManager`
+ A `ConfigManager` instance containing default and user configurations.
+ For more details, see the example configuration specifications.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ mec : float
+ Unit for electron momentum (p): mec = m_e * c, p = gamma * mec,
+ therefore value of p is the Lorentz factor.
+ cosmo : `~Cosmology`
+ Adopted cosmological model with custom utility functions.
+ mtree : `~MergerTree`
+ Merging history of this cluster.
+ """
+ # Merger tree (i.e., merging history) of this cluster
+ mtree = None
+ # Unit for electron momentum (p), thus its value is the Lorentz factor
+ mec = ac.m_e.cgs.value*ac.c.cgs.value # [g cm / s]
+ # Mean molecular weight
+ # Ref.: Ettori et al, 2013, Space Science Review, 177, 119-154, Eq.(6)
+ mu = 0.6
+ # Atomic mass unit (i.e., a.m.u.)
+ m_atom = ac.u.cgs.value # [g]
+ # Common units conversion
+ # TODO: move these to a separate module/class
+ Msun2g = au.solMass.to(au.g)
+ kpc2cm = au.kpc.to(au.cm)
+ keV2erg = au.keV.to(au.erg)
+ Gyr2s = au.Gyr.to(au.s)
+ def __init__(self, M0, configs):
+ self.M0 = M0 # [Msun]
+ self.configs = configs
+ self._set_configs()
+ def _set_configs(self):
+ """
+ Set up the necessary class attributes according to the configs.
+ """
+ comp = "extragalactic/halos"
+ self.zmax = self.configs.getn(comp+"/zmax")
+ # Mass threshold of the sub-cluster for a significant merger
+ self.merger_mass_th = self.configs.getn(comp+"/merger_mass_th")
+ self.radius_halo = self.configs.getn(comp+"/radius_halo")
+ self.magnetic_field = self.configs.getn(comp+"/magnetic_field")
+ self.eta_t = self.configs.getn(comp+"/eta_t")
+ self.eta_e = self.configs.getn(comp+"/eta_e")
+ self.pmin = self.configs.getn(comp+"/pmin")
+ self.pmax = self.configs.getn(comp+"/pmax")
+ self.pgrid_num = self.configs.getn(comp+"/pgrid_num")
+ self.time_step = self.configs.getn(comp+"/time_step")
+ self.injection_index = self.configs.getn(comp+"/injection_index")
+ # Cosmology model
+ self.H0 = self.configs.getn("cosmology/H0")
+ self.OmegaM0 = self.configs.getn("cosmology/OmegaM0")
+ self.cosmo = Cosmology(H0=self.H0, Om0=self.OmegaM0)
+ logger.info("Loaded and set up configurations")
+ def simulate_mergertree(self):
+ """
+ Simulate the merging history of the cluster using the extended
+ Press-Schechter formalism.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def calc_electron_spectrum(self):
+ """
+ Calculate the relativistic electron spectrum by solving the
+ Fokker-Planck equation.
+ """
+ fpsolver = FokkerPlanckSolver(
+ xmin=self.pmin, xmax=self.pmax,
+ grid_num=self.pgrid_num,
+ tstep=self.time_step,
+ f_advection=self.fp_advection,
+ f_diffusion=self.fp_diffusion,
+ f_injection=self.fp_injection,
+ )
+ p = fpsolver.x
+ # Assume NO initial electron distribution
+ n0_e = np.zeros(p.shape)
+ tstart = self.cosmo.age(self.zmax)
+ tstop = self.cosmo.age0
+ n_e = fpsolver.solve(u0=n0_e, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop)
+ return (p, n_e)
+ def kT_mass(self, mass):
+ """
+ Estimate the cluster ICM temperature from its mass by assuming
+ an (observed) temperature-mass relation.
+ TODO: upgrade this M-T relation.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mass : float
+ Mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster
+ Returns
+ -------
+ kT : float
+ Temperature of the ICM (unit: keV)
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Nevalainen et al. 2000, ApJ, 532, 694
+ Ettori et al, 2013, Space Science Review, 177, 119-154
+ NOTE: H0 = 50 * h50 [km/s/Mpc]
+ """
+ kT = 10 * (mass/1.23e15) ** (1/1.79) # [keV]
+ return kT
+ def _radius_virial(self, mass, z=0.0):
+ """
+ Calculate the virial radius of a cluster.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mass : float
+ Mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster
+ z : float
+ Redshift
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Rvir : float
+ Virial radius (unit: kpc) of the cluster at given redshift
+ """
+ Dc = self.cosmo.overdensity_virial(z)
+ rho = self.cosmo.rho_crit(z) # [g/cm^3]
+ R_vir = (3*mass*self.Msun2g / (4*np.pi * Dc * rho))**(1/3) # [cm]
+ R_vir /= self.kpc2cm # [kpc]
+ return R_vir
+ def _radius_stripping(self, mass, M_main, z):
+ """
+ Calculate the stripping radius of the sub-cluster at which
+ equipartition between static and ram pressure is established,
+ and the stripping is efficient outside this stripping radius.
+ Note that the value of the stripping radius obtained would
+ give the *mean value* of the actual stripping radius during
+ a merger.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mass : float
+ The mass (unit: Msun) of the sub-cluster.
+ M_main : float
+ The mass (unit: Msun) of the main cluster.
+ z : float
+ Redshift
+ Returns
+ -------
+ rs : float
+ The stripping radius of the sub-cluster.
+ Unit: kpc
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(11)
+ """
+ vi = self._velocity_impact(M_main, mass, z) * 1e5 # [cm/s]
+ kT = self.kT_mass(mass) * self.keV2erg # [erg]
+ coef = kT / (self.mu * self.m_atom * vi**2) # dimensionless
+ rho_avg = self._density_average(M_main, z) # [g/cm^3]
+ def equation(r):
+ return coef * self.density_profile(r, mass, z) / rho_avg - 1
+ r_vir = self._radius_virial(mass, z) # [kpc]
+ rs = scipy.optimize.brentq(equation, a=0, b=r_vir) # [kpc]
+ return rs
+ def _density_average(self, mass, z=0.0):
+ """
+ Average density of the cluster ICM.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ rho : float
+ Average ICM density (unit: g/cm^3)
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(12)
+ """
+ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0
+ Rv = self._radius_virial(mass, z) * self.kpc2cm # [cm]
+ V = (4*np.pi / 3) * Rv**3 # [cm^3]
+ rho = f_baryon * mass*self.Msun2g / V # [g/cm^3]
+ return rho
+ def density_profile(self, r, mass, z):
+ """
+ ICM (baryon) density profile, assuming the beta model.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ r : float
+ Radius (unit: kpc) where to calculate the density
+ mass : float
+ Cluster mass (unit: Msun)
+ z : float
+ Redshift
+ Returns
+ -------
+ rho_r : float
+ Density at the specified radius (unit: g/cm^3)
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(13)
+ """
+ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0
+ M_ICM = mass * f_baryon * self.Msun2g # [g]
+ r *= self.kpc2cm # [cm]
+ Rv = self._radius_virial(mass, z) * self.kpc2cm # [cm]
+ rc = self._beta_rc(Rv)
+ beta = self._beta_beta()
+ norm = self._beta_norm(M_ICM, beta, rc, Rv) # [g/cm^3]
+ rho_r = norm * (1 + (r/rc)**2) ** (-3*beta/2) # [g/cm^3]
+ return rho_r
+ @staticmethod
+ def _beta_rc(r_vir):
+ """
+ Core radius of the beta model for the ICM density profile.
+ TODO: upgrade this!
+ """
+ return 0.1*r_vir
+ @staticmethod
+ def _beta_beta():
+ """
+ Beta value of the beta model for the ICM density profile.
+ TODO: upgrade this!
+ """
+ return 0.8
+ @staticmethod
+ def _beta_norm(mass, beta, rc, r_vir):
+ """
+ Calculate the normalization of the beta model for the ICM
+ density profile.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mass : float
+ The mass (unit: g) of ICM
+ beta : float
+ Beta value of the assumed beta profile
+ rc : float
+ Core radius (unit: cm) of the assumed beta profile
+ r_vir : float
+ The virial radius (unit: cm) of the cluster
+ Returns
+ -------
+ norm : float
+ Normalization of the beta model (unit: g/cm^3)
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(14)
+ """
+ integration = scipy.integrate.quad(
+ lambda r: r*r * (1+(r/rc)**2) ** (-3*beta/2),
+ 0, r_vir)[0]
+ norm = mass / (4*np.pi * integration) # [g/cm^3]
+ return norm
+ def _velocity_impact(self, M_main, M_sub, z=0.0):
+ """
+ Calculate the relative impact velocity between the two merging
+ clusters when they are at a distance of virial radius.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ M_main : float
+ Mass of the main cluster (unit: Msun)
+ M_sub : float
+ Mass of the sub cluster (unit: Msun)
+ z : float
+ Redshift
+ Returns
+ -------
+ vi : float
+ Relative impact velocity (unit: km/s)
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(9)
+ """
+ eta_v = 4 * (1 + M_main/M_sub) ** (1/3)
+ R_vir = self._radius_virial(M_main, z) * self.kpc2cm # [cm]
+ G = ac.G.cgs.value
+ vi = np.sqrt(2*G * (1-1/eta_v) *
+ (M_main+M_sub)*self.Msun2g / R_vir) # [cm/s]
+ vi /= 1e5 # [km/s]
+ return vi
+ def _time_crossing(self, M_main, M_sub, z):
+ """
+ Calculate the crossing time of the sub-cluster during a merger.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ M_main : float
+ Mass of the main cluster (unit: Msun)
+ M_sub : float
+ Mass of the sub cluster (unit: Msun)
+ z : float
+ Redshift where the merger occurs.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ time : float
+ Crossing time (unit: Gyr)
+ """
+ R_vir = self._radius_virial(M_main, z) # [kpc]
+ vi = self._velocity_impact(M_main, M_sub, z) # [km/s]
+ # Unit conversion coefficient: [s kpc/km] => [Gyr]
+ # uconv = au.kpc.to(au.km) * au.s.to(au.Gyr)
+ uconv = 0.9777922216731284
+ time = uconv * R_vir / vi # [Gyr]
+ return time
+ def _z_end(self, z_begin, time):
+ """
+ Calculate the ending redshift from ``z_begin`` after elapsing
+ ``time``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ z_begin : float
+ Beginning redshift
+ time : float
+ Elapsing time (unit: Gyr)
+ """
+ t_begin = self.cosmo.age(z_begin) # [Gyr]
+ t_end = t_begin + time
+ if t_end >= self.cosmo.age(0):
+ z_end = 0.0
+ else:
+ z_end = self.cosmo.redshift(t_end)
+ return z_end
+ @property
+ def merger_events(self):
+ """
+ Trace only the main cluster, and filter out the significant
+ merger events.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ mevents : list[dict]
+ List of dictionaries that records all the merger events
+ of the main cluster.
+ The merger events are ordered by increasing redshifts.
+ """
+ events = []
+ tree = self.mtree
+ while tree:
+ if (tree.major and tree.minor and
+ tree.minor.node.mass >= self.merger_mass_th and
+ tree.major.node.z <= self.zmax):
+ events.append({
+ "M_main": tree.major.node.mass,
+ "M_sub": tree.minor.node.mass,
+ "z": tree.major.node.z,
+ "age": tree.major.node.age
+ })
+ tree = tree.major
+ return events
+ def _coef_acceleration(self, z):
+ """
+ Calculate the electron-acceleration coefficient at arbitrary
+ redshift, by interpolating the coefficients calculated at every
+ merger redshifts.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, "_coef_acceleration_interp"):
+ # Order the merger events by decreasing redshifts
+ mevents = list(reversed(self.merger_events))
+ redshifts = np.array([ev["z"] for ev in mevents])
+ chis = np.array([self._chi_at_zidx(zidx, mevents)
+ for zidx in range(len(redshifts))])
+ self._coef_acceleration_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
+ redshifts, chis, kind="linear",
+ bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
+ logger.info("Interpolated acceleration coefficients w.r.t. z")
+ return self._coef_acceleration_interp(z)
+ def _chi_at_zidx(self, zidx, mevents):
+ """
+ Calculate electron-acceleration coefficient at the specified
+ merger event which is specified with a redshift index.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ zidx : int
+ Index of the redshift where to calculate the coefficient.
+ mevents : list[dict]
+ List of dictionaries that records all the merger events
+ of the main cluster.
+ The merger events should be ordered by increasing time
+ (or decreasing redshifts).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ chi : float
+ The calculated electron-acceleration coefficient.
+ (unit: Gyr^-1)
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(40)
+ """
+ redshifts = np.array([ev["z"] for ev in mevents])
+ zbegin = mevents[zidx]["z"]
+ M_main = mevents[zidx]["M_main"]
+ M_sub = mevents[zidx]["M_sub"]
+ t_crossing = self._time_crossing(M_main, M_sub, zbegin)
+ zend = self._z_end(zbegin, t_crossing)
+ try:
+ zend_idx = np.where(redshifts < zend)[0][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ # Specified redshift already the last/smallest one
+ zend_idx = zidx + 1
+ #
+ coef = 2.23e-16 * self.eta_t / (self.radius_halo/500)**3 # [s^-1]
+ coef *= self.Gyr2s # [Gyr^-1]
+ chi = 0.0
+ for ev in mevents[zidx:zend_idx]:
+ M_main = ev["M_main"]
+ M_sub = ev["M_sub"]
+ z = ev["z"]
+ R_vir = self._radius_virial(M_main, z)
+ rs = self._radius_stripping(M_sub, M_main, z)
+ kT = self.kT_mass(M_main)
+ term1 = ((M_main+M_sub)/2e15 * (2.6e3/R_vir)) ** (3/2)
+ term2 = (rs/500)**2 / np.sqrt(kT/7)
+ if rs <= self.radius_halo:
+ term3 = 1.0
+ else:
+ term3 = (self.radius_halo/rs) ** 2
+ chi += coef * term1 * term2 * term3
+ return chi
+ def fp_injection(self, p, t=None):
+ """
+ Electron injection term for the Fokker-Planck equation.
+ The injected electrons are assumed to have a power-law spectrum
+ and a constant injection rate.
+ Qe(p) = Ke * (p/pmin)**(-s)
+ Ke = ((s-2)*eta_e) * (e_th/(pmin*c)) / (t0*pmin)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ p : float
+ Electron momentum (unit: mec), i.e., Lorentz factor
+ t : None
+ Currently a constant injection rate is assumed, therefore
+ this parameter is not used. Keep it for the consistency
+ with other functions.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Qe : float
+ Current electron injection rate at specified energy (p).
+ Unit: [cm^-3 Gyr^-1 mec^-1]
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eqs.(31-33)
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, "_electron_injection_rate"):
+ e_th = self.e_thermal # [erg/cm^3]
+ term1 = (self.injection_index-2) * self.eta_e
+ term2 = e_th / (self.pmin * self.mec * ac.c.cgs.value) # [cm^-3]
+ term3 = 1.0 / (self.cosmo.age0 * self.pmin) # [Gyr^-1 mec^-1]
+ Ke = term1 * term2 * term3
+ self._electron_injection_rate = Ke
+ else:
+ Ke = self._electron_injection_rate
+ Qe = Ke * (p/self.pmin) ** (-self.injection_index)
+ return Qe
+ def fp_diffusion(self, p, t):
+ """
+ Diffusion term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ p : float
+ Electron momentum (unit: mec), i.e., Lorentz factor
+ t : float
+ Current time when solving the equation (unit: Gyr)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Dpp : float
+ Diffusion coefficient
+ Unit: [mec^2/Gyr]
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(36)
+ [2] Donnert 2013, AN, 334, 615
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013AN....334..515D
+ Eq.(15)
+ """
+ z = self.cosmo.redshift(t)
+ chi = self._coef_acceleration(z) # [Gyr^-1]
+ # NOTE: Cassano & Brunetti's formula misses a factor of 2.
+ Dpp = chi * p**2 / 4 # [mec^2/Gyr]
+ return Dpp
+ def fp_advection(self, p, t):
+ """
+ Advection term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation,
+ which describes a systematic tendency for upward or downard
+ drift of particles.
+ This term is also called the "generalized cooling function" by
+ Donnert & Brunetti (2014), which includes all relevant energy
+ loss functions and the energy gain function due to turbulence.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Hp : float
+ Advection coefficient
+ Unit: [mec/Gyr]
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Donnert & Brunetti 2014, MNRAS, 443, 3564
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.443.3564D
+ Eq.(15)
+ [2] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eqs.(30,36,38,39)
+ """
+ Hp = (abs(self._dpdt_ion(p, t)) +
+ abs(self._dpdt_rad(p, t)) -
+ (self.fp_diffusion(p, t) * 2 / p))
+ return Hp
+ def _dpdt_ion(self, p, t):
+ """
+ Energy loss through ionization and Coulomb collisions.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(38)
+ """
+ z = self.cosmo.redshift(t)
+ n_th = self._n_thermal(self.M0, z)
+ coef = -3.3e-29 * self.Gyr2s / self.mec # [mec/Gyr]
+ dpdt = coef * n_th * (1 + np.log(p/n_th) / 75)
+ return dpdt
+ def _dpdt_rad(self, p, t):
+ """
+ Energy loss via synchrotron emission and IC scattering off the CMB.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C
+ Eq.(39)
+ """
+ z = self.cosmo.redshift(t)
+ coef = -4.8e-4 * self.Gyr2s / self.mec # [mec/Gyr]
+ dpdt = (coef * (p*self.mec)**2 *
+ ((self.magnetic_field/3.2)**2 + (1+z)**4))
+ return dpdt
+ @property
+ def e_thermal(self):
+ """
+ Calculate the present-day thermal energy density of the ICM.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ e_th : float
+ Energy density of the ICM (unit: erg/cm^3)
+ """
+ mass = self.M0
+ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0
+ kT = self.kT_mass(mass) # [keV]
+ N = mass * self.Msun2g * f_baryon / (self.mu * self.m_atom)
+ E_th = kT*self.keV2erg * N # [erg]
+ Rv = self._radius_virial(mass) * self.kpc2cm # [cm]
+ V = (4*np.pi / 3) * Rv**3 # [cm^3]
+ e_th = E_th / V # [erg/cm^3]
+ return e_th
+ def _n_thermal(self, mass, z=0.0):
+ """
+ Calculate the present-day number density of the ICM thermal plasma.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mass : float
+ Mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster
+ z : float
+ Redshift
+ Returns
+ -------
+ n_th : float
+ Number density of the ICM (unit: cm^-3)
+ """
+ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0
+ N = mass * self.Msun2g * f_baryon / (self.mu * self.m_atom)
+ Rv = self._radius_virial(mass, z) * self.kpc2cm # [cm]
+ V = (4*np.pi / 3) * Rv**3 # [cm^3]
+ n_th = N / V # [cm^-3]
+ return n_th