path: root/fg21sim/galactic
diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-10-16 00:16:54 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-10-17 14:55:10 +0800
commit07ee081db52687b414f892b5c7e14c76a82872f2 (patch)
treeee68f7b55845c07e6a68af468530ed5aabf391f8 /fg21sim/galactic
parent7506a5b37699f27fbfabd104501dc2c6b7e2ad5c (diff)
galactic: Add new component "galactic/snr": supernova remnants
NOTE: very preliminary, and missing many necessary functions!
Diffstat (limited to 'fg21sim/galactic')
2 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fg21sim/galactic/__init__.py b/fg21sim/galactic/__init__.py
index ebf7999..5bdd659 100644
--- a/fg21sim/galactic/__init__.py
+++ b/fg21sim/galactic/__init__.py
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
from .synchrotron import Synchrotron
from .freefree import FreeFree
+from .snr import SuperNovaRemnants
diff --git a/fg21sim/galactic/snr.py b/fg21sim/galactic/snr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7709a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fg21sim/galactic/snr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Weitian LI <liweitianux@live.com>
+# MIT license
+Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) emission simulations.
+import os
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import numpy as np
+from astropy.io import fits
+import astropy.units as au
+import healpy as hp
+import pandas as pd
+from ..utils import write_fits_healpix
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SuperNovaRemnants:
+ """
+ Simulate the Galactic supernova remnants emission.
+ ???
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ configs : ConfigManager object
+ An `ConfigManager` object contains default and user configurations.
+ For more details, see the example config specification.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ ???
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [Green2014]
+ Green, D. A.,
+ "A catalogue of 294 Galactic supernova remnants",
+ 2014, Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 42, 47-58,
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014BASI...42...47G
+ .. [GreenSNRDataWeb]
+ A Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants
+ http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/snrs/
+ """
+ def __init__(self, configs):
+ self.configs = configs
+ self._set_configs()
+ def _set_configs(self):
+ """Load the configs and set the corresponding class attributes."""
+ comp = "galactic/snr"
+ self.catalog_path = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/catalog")
+ self.catalog_outfile = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/catalog_outfile")
+ self.resolution = self.configs.getn(comp+"/resolution") * au.arcmin
+ self.prefix = self.configs.getn(comp+"/prefix")
+ self.save = self.configs.getn(comp+"/save")
+ self.output_dir = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/output_dir")
+ #
+ self.filename_pattern = self.configs.getn("output/filename_pattern")
+ self.use_float = self.configs.getn("output/use_float")
+ self.clobber = self.configs.getn("output/clobber")
+ self.nside = self.configs.getn("common/nside")
+ self.freq_unit = au.Unit(self.configs.getn("frequency/unit"))
+ #
+ logger.info("Loaded and set up configurations")
+ def _load_catalog(self):
+ """Load the Galactic SNRs catalog data."""
+ self.catalog = pd.read_csv(self.catalog_path)
+ nrow, ncol = self.catalog.shape
+ logger.info("Loaded SNRs catalog data from: {0}".format(
+ self.catalog_path))
+ logger.info("SNRs catalog data: {0} objects, {1} columns".format(
+ nrow, ncol))
+ # Set the units for columns
+ self.units = {
+ "glon": au.deg,
+ "glat": au.deg,
+ "size": au.arcmin,
+ "flux": au.Jy,
+ }
+ # The flux densities are given at 1 GHz
+ self.catalog_flux_freq = 1.0 * au.GHz
+ def _save_catalog_inuse(self):
+ """Save the effective/inuse SNRs catalog data to a CSV file.
+ ----
+ - Only the effective/inuse SNRs are saved (i.e., without the ones
+ that are filtered out).
+ - Also save the simulated rotation column.
+ - The unnecessary columns are striped.
+ """
+ if self.catalog_outfile is None:
+ logger.warning("Catalog output file not set, so do NOT save.")
+ return
+ pass
+ def _filter_catalog(self):
+ """Filter the catalog data to remove the objects with incomplete
+ data.
+ The following cases are filtered out:
+ - Missing angular size
+ - Missing flux density data
+ - Missing spectral index value
+ ----
+ The objects with uncertain data are currently kept.
+ """
+ cond1 = pd.isnull(self.catalog["size_major"])
+ cond2 = pd.isnull(self.catalog["size_minor"])
+ cond3 = pd.isnull(self.catalog["flux"])
+ cond4 = pd.isnull(self.catalog["specindex"])
+ cond_keep = ~(cond1 | cond2 | cond3 | cond4)
+ n_total = len(cond_keep)
+ n_delete = cond_keep.sum()
+ n_delete_p = n_delete / n_total * 100
+ n_remain = n_total - n_delete
+ self.catalog = self.catalog[cond_keep]
+ # Reset index
+ self.catalog.reset_index(inplace=True)
+ logger.info("SNRs catalog: filtered out " +
+ "{0:d} ({1:.1f}) objects".format(n_delete, n_delete_p))
+ logger.info("SNRs catalog: remaining {0} objects".format(n_remain))
+ def _add_random_rotation(self):
+ """Add random rotation angles for each SNR as column "rotation"
+ within the `catalog` data frame.
+ The rotation angles are uniformly distributed within [0, 360).
+ The rotation happens on the spherical surface, i.e., not with respect
+ to the line of sight, but to the Galactic frame coordinate axes.
+ """
+ num = len(self.catalog)
+ angles = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=360.0, size=num)
+ rotation = pd.Series(data=angles, name="rotation")
+ self.catalog["rotation"] = rotation
+ logger.info("Added random rotation angles as the 'rotation' column")
+ def _calc_Tb(self, flux, specindex, frequency):
+ """Calculate the brightness temperature at requested frequency
+ by assuming a power-law spectral shape.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ flux : float
+ The flux density (unit: [ Jy ]) at the reference frequency
+ (`self.catalog_flux_freq`).
+ specindex : float
+ The spectral index of the power-law spectrum
+ frequency : float
+ The frequency (unit: [ MHz ]) where the brightness temperature
+ requested.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Tb : float
+ Brightness temperature at the requested frequency, unit [ K ]
+ ----
+ The power-law spectral shape is assumed for *flux density* other
+ than the *brightness temperature*.
+ Therefore, the flux density at the requested frequency should first
+ be calculated by extrapolating the spectrum, then convert the flux
+ density to derive the brightness temperature.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _simulate_frequency(self, frequency):
+ """Simulate the Galactic SNRs emission map at the specified frequency.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _make_filename(self, **kwargs):
+ """Make the path of output file according to the filename pattern
+ and output directory loaded from configurations.
+ """
+ data = {
+ "prefix": self.prefix,
+ }
+ data.extend(kwargs)
+ filename = self.filename_pattern.format(**data)
+ filetype = self.configs.getn("output/filetype")
+ if filetype == "fits":
+ filename += ".fits"
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("unsupported filetype: %s" % filetype)
+ filepath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename)
+ return filepath
+ def _make_header(self):
+ """Make the header with detail information (e.g., parameters and
+ history) for the simulated products.
+ """
+ header = fits.Header()
+ header["COMP"] = ("Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs)",
+ "Emission component")
+ header["CREATOR"] = (__name__, "File creator")
+ # TODO:
+ history = []
+ comments = []
+ for hist in history:
+ header.add_history(hist)
+ for cmt in comments:
+ header.add_comment(cmt)
+ self.header = header
+ logger.info("Created FITS header")
+ def output(self, hpmap, frequency):
+ """Write the simulated free-free map to disk with proper header
+ keywords and history.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir):
+ os.mkdir(self.output_dir)
+ logger.info("Created output dir: {0}".format(self.output_dir))
+ #
+ filepath = self._make_filepath(frequency=frequency)
+ if not hasattr(self, "header"):
+ self._make_header()
+ header = self.header.copy()
+ header["FREQ"] = (frequency, "Frequency [ MHz ]")
+ header["DATE"] = (
+ datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone().isoformat(),
+ "File creation date"
+ )
+ if self.use_float:
+ hpmap = hpmap.astype(np.float32)
+ write_fits_healpix(filepath, hpmap, header=header,
+ clobber=self.clobber)
+ logger.info("Write simulated map to file: {0}".format(filepath))
+ def simulate(self, frequencies):
+ """Simulate the free-free map at the specified frequencies."""
+ hpmaps = []
+ for f in np.array(frequencies, ndmin=1):
+ logger.info("Simulating free-free map at {0} ({1}) ...".format(
+ f, self.freq_unit))
+ hpmap_f = self._simulate_frequency(f)
+ hpmaps.append(hpmap_f)
+ if self.save:
+ self.output(hpmap_f, f)
+ return hpmaps