path: root/fg21sim/utils/reproject.py
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authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-10-10 15:50:17 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-10-10 15:50:17 +0800
commit2d1bd712c8efed8222c95371adec85bc69100439 (patch)
tree21c3ddf5354a35b4e71ff4b41c3e716bc54cbe64 /fg21sim/utils/reproject.py
parentc1c5b3d5e899f8e385c90aae4ff881ecad3c7422 (diff)
utils/reproject.py: Implement zea2healpix()
The "zea2healpix()" function reprojects the maps in ZEA (zenithal/azithumal equal area) projection to HEALPix data in Galactic frame with RING ordering. The other two helper functions "_image_to_healpix()" and "_convert_wcs()" are almost copied from the "reproject" project [1]. Thanks! TODO: * Add some more logging * Implement the "inpaint" argument to inpaint the HEALPix map if exists missing pixels [1] reproject: https://github.com/astrofrog/reproject
Diffstat (limited to 'fg21sim/utils/reproject.py')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fg21sim/utils/reproject.py b/fg21sim/utils/reproject.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b129dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fg21sim/utils/reproject.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Weitian LI <liweitianux@live.com>
+# MIT license
+FITS WCS (world coordinate system) reprojection utilities.
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
+import astropy.units as au
+from astropy.coordinates import Galactic, UnitSphericalRepresentation
+from astropy.wcs import WCS
+from astropy.wcs.utils import wcs_to_celestial_frame
+from astropy.io import fits
+import healpy as hp
+from .healpix import _make_healpix_header
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _convert_wcs(lon_in, lat_in, frame_in, frame_out):
+ """Convert (longitude, latitude) coordinates from the input frame to
+ the specified output frame.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lon_in : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ The longitude to convert, unit degree, [0, 360)
+ lat_in : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ The latitude to convert, unit degree, [-90, 90]
+ frame_in, frame_out : tuple or `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
+ The input and output frames, which can be passed either as a tuple of
+ ``(frame, lon_unit, lat_unit)`` or as a `~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ lon_out, lat_out : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ Output longitude and latitude in the output frame
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] reproject - wcs_utils.convert_world_coordinates()
+ https://github.com/astrofrog/reproject
+ """
+ if isinstance(frame_in, WCS):
+ coordframe_in = wcs_to_celestial_frame(frame_in)
+ lon_in_unit = au.Unit(frame_in.wcs.cunit[0])
+ lat_in_unit = au.Unit(frame_in.wcs.cunit[1])
+ else:
+ coordframe_in, lon_in_unit, lat_in_unit = frame_in
+ #
+ if isinstance(frame_out, WCS):
+ coordframe_out = wcs_to_celestial_frame(frame_out)
+ lon_out_unit = au.Unit(frame_out.wcs.cunit[0])
+ lat_out_unit = au.Unit(frame_out.wcs.cunit[1])
+ else:
+ coordframe_out, lon_out_unit, lat_out_unit = frame_out
+ #
+ data = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon_in*lon_in_unit, lat_in*lat_in_unit)
+ coords_in = coordframe_in.realize_frame(data)
+ coords_out = coords_in.transform_to(coordframe_out)
+ data_out = coords_out.represent_as("unitspherical")
+ lon_out = data_out.lon.to(lon_out_unit).value
+ lat_out = data_out.lat.to(lon_out_unit).value
+ return lon_out, lat_out
+def _image_to_healpix(image, wcs, nside, order=1, hemisphere=None):
+ """Convert image in a normal WCS projection to HEALPix data of *RING*
+ ordering and *Galactic* coordinate system.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ Input image array to be reprojected into HEALPix format.
+ wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
+ The WCS of the input image.
+ order : int, optional
+ The order of the spline interpolation, valid range: 0-5
+ hemisphere : str, optional
+ Specify the hemisphere on which the pixels to be reprojected.
+ Valid values: `"N"/"NORTH"/"NORTHERN"` (northern),
+ `"S"/"SOUTH"/"SOUTHERN"` (southern), or `None`.
+ If None, then no pixel filtering applied.
+ Note: northern hemisphere includes the equator, while southern not.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ hpdata : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ Projected HEALPix data array (1D) of length 12*nside*nside.
+ The invalid pixels are filled with value NaN (`np.nan`).
+ ----
+ Since the HEALPix map is full-sky, however, the input image may contains
+ only part of the full sky (e.g., one of the ZEA-projected image contains
+ only either northern or southern Galactic hemisphere), so the argument
+ `hemisphere` should be specified if applicable.
+ Otherwise, the WCS (of input image) can NOT correctly convert the
+ requested sky coordinates to the pixels in the input image.
+ If the requested coordinates beyond the available scope of the input
+ image, then the converted pixel positions may be negative or even WRONG.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] reproject - healpix.core.image_to_healpix()
+ https://github.com/astrofrog/reproject
+ """
+ if (hemisphere is not None) and (
+ hemisphere.upper() not in ["N", "NORTH", "NORTHERN",
+ "S", "SOUTH", "SOUTHERN"]):
+ raise ValueError("invalid hemisphere: {0}".format(hemisphere))
+ #
+ npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
+ hpidx = np.arange(npix).astype(np.int)
+ # Calculate the longitude and latitude in frame of output HEALPix
+ theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpidx, nest=False)
+ lon_hp = np.degrees(phi)
+ lat_hp = 90.0 - np.degrees(theta)
+ # Convert between the celestial coordinate systems
+ coordsys_hp = Galactic()
+ frame_hp = (coordsys_hp, au.deg, au.deg)
+ lon_in, lat_in = _convert_wcs(lon_hp, lat_hp, frame_hp, wcs)
+ # Filter the pixels on the specified hemisphere
+ if hemisphere is None:
+ mask = np.ones(lat_in.shape).astype(np.bool)
+ elif hemisphere.upper() in ["N", "NORTH", "NORTHERN"]:
+ # northern hemisphere (include the equator)
+ mask = lat_in >= 0.0
+ else:
+ # southern hemisphere
+ mask = lat_in < 0.0
+ lon_in = lon_in[mask]
+ lat_in = lat_in[mask]
+ # Look up pixels in the input coordinate system
+ # NOTE: note the order of returns: (Y, X)
+ yi, xi = wcs.wcs_world2pix(lon_in, lat_in, 0)
+ # Interpolate to obtain the HEALPix data from the input image
+ data = map_coordinates(image, [xi, yi], order=order,
+ mode="constant", cval=np.nan)
+ # Make the HEALPix array with above hemisphere mask considered
+ hpdata = np.zeros(shape=npix, dtype=data.dtype)
+ hpdata[mask] = data
+ hpdata[~mask] = np.nan
+ return hpdata
+def zea2healpix(img1, img2, nside, order=1, inpaint=False,
+ append_history=None, append_comment=None):
+ """Reproject the maps in ZEA (zenithal/azimuthal equal area) projection
+ to Galactic frame and organize in HEALPix format.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ img1, img2 : str or `~astropy.io.fits.PrimaryHDU`
+ Two input ZEA-projected FITS files
+ nside : int
+ Nside for the output HEALPix data
+ order : int, optional
+ Interpolation order, valid range: 0-5
+ inpaint : bool, optional
+ Whether to inpaint the missing pixels
+ append_history : list[str], optional
+ Append the provided history to the output FITS header
+ append_comment : list[str], optional
+ Append the provided comment to the output FITS header
+ Returns
+ -------
+ hp_data : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ Reprojected HEALPix data
+ hp_header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`
+ FITS header for the reprojected HEALPix data
+ ----
+ - One ZEA-projected FITS file only contains either the northern Galactic
+ hemisphere (LAM_NSGP=1), or southern Galactic hemisphere (LAM_NSGP=-1).
+ Thus two ZEA-projected FITS files should both be provided to get the
+ full-sky map.
+ - The two reprojected HEALPix data are simply added to compose the
+ full-sky HEALPix map. Duplicate/overlapping pixels are warned.
+ - The combined full-sky HEALPix map may still have some missing pixels,
+ which is also warned.
+ TODO: inpaint the missing pixels by interpolation
+ """
+ if isinstance(img1, str):
+ img1 = fits.open(img1)[0]
+ if isinstance(img2, str):
+ img2 = fits.open(img2)[0]
+ zea_img1, zea_hdr1 = img1.data, img1.header
+ zea_img2, zea_hdr2 = img2.data, img2.header
+ ZEA_NSGP = {1: "Northern", -1: "Southern"}
+ zea_hemisphere1 = ZEA_NSGP.get(zea_hdr1["LAM_NSGP"])
+ zea_hemisphere2 = ZEA_NSGP.get(zea_hdr2["LAM_NSGP"])
+ logger.info("Read ZEA image1: {0}, shape {1}".format(
+ zea_hemisphere1, zea_img1.shape))
+ logger.info("Read ZEA image2: {0}, shape {1}".format(
+ zea_hemisphere2, zea_img2.shape))
+ zea_wcs1 = WCS(zea_hdr1)
+ zea_wcs2 = WCS(zea_hdr2)
+ logger.info("Reproject ZEA images to HEALPix ...")
+ hp_data1 = _image_to_healpix(zea_img1, zea_wcs1, nside=nside, order=order,
+ hemisphere=zea_hemisphere1.upper())
+ hp_data2 = _image_to_healpix(zea_img2, zea_wcs2, nside=nside, order=order,
+ hemisphere=zea_hemisphere2.upper())
+ # Merge the two HEALPix data
+ hp_footprint1 = (~np.isnan(hp_data1)).astype(np.int)
+ hp_footprint2 = (~np.isnan(hp_data2)).astype(np.int)
+ hp_data1[np.isnan(hp_data1)] = 0.0
+ hp_data2[np.isnan(hp_data2)] = 0.0
+ hp_data = hp_data1 + hp_data2
+ logger.info("Done reprojection and merge two hemispheres")
+ # Duplicated pixels and missing pixels
+ pix_dup = (hp_footprint1 + hp_footprint2) == 2
+ if pix_dup.sum() > 0:
+ logger.warning("Reprojected HEALPix data has %d duplicated pixel(s)" %
+ pix_dup.sum())
+ pix_missing = (hp_footprint1 + hp_footprint2) == 0
+ if pix_missing.sum() > 0:
+ logger.warning("Reprojected HEALPix data has %d missing pixel(s)" %
+ pix_missing.sum())
+ # XXX/TODO: inpaint
+ # HEALPix FITS header
+ header = zea_hdr1.copy(strip=True)
+ keys = ["CTYPE1", "CTYPE2", "CRPIX1", "CRPIX2", "CRVAL1", "CRVAL2",
+ "CD1_1", "CD1_2", "CD2_1", "CD2_2",
+ for k in keys:
+ if k in header:
+ del header[k]
+ hp_header = _make_healpix_header(header, nside=nside,
+ append_history=append_history,
+ append_comment=append_comment)
+ logger.info("Made HEALPix FITS header")
+ return (hp_data, hp_header)