path: root/fg21sim/webui/static/js
diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-11-13 17:17:51 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-11-13 17:17:51 +0800
commit81434114e4d03cce101d3a732795afa4835fe7c8 (patch)
tree5ccc9bb31e10f01d36c85d99c90e5ab44b2d3827 /fg21sim/webui/static/js
parent2db6464949e65df55396640dda598ffcdd27420c (diff)
webui: Import "jQuery Modal" v0.8.0
Thanks: http://jquerymodal.com/ https://github.com/kylefox/jquery-modal
Diffstat (limited to 'fg21sim/webui/static/js')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fg21sim/webui/static/js/jquery.modal.js b/fg21sim/webui/static/js/jquery.modal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6663f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fg21sim/webui/static/js/jquery.modal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ A simple jQuery modal (http://github.com/kylefox/jquery-modal)
+ Version 0.8.0
+(function (factory) {
+ // Making your jQuery plugin work better with npm tools
+ // http://blog.npmjs.org/post/112712169830/making-your-jquery-plugin-work-better-with-npm
+ if(typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
+ factory(require("jquery"), window, document);
+ }
+ else {
+ factory(jQuery, window, document);
+ }
+}(function($, window, document, undefined) {
+ var modals = [],
+ getCurrent = function() {
+ return modals.length ? modals[modals.length - 1] : null;
+ },
+ selectCurrent = function() {
+ var i,
+ selected = false;
+ for (i=modals.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ if (modals[i].$blocker) {
+ modals[i].$blocker.toggleClass('current',!selected).toggleClass('behind',selected);
+ selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $.modal = function(el, options) {
+ var remove, target;
+ this.$body = $('body');
+ this.options = $.extend({}, $.modal.defaults, options);
+ this.options.doFade = !isNaN(parseInt(this.options.fadeDuration, 10));
+ this.$blocker = null;
+ if (this.options.closeExisting)
+ while ($.modal.isActive())
+ $.modal.close(); // Close any open modals.
+ modals.push(this);
+ if (el.is('a')) {
+ target = el.attr('href');
+ //Select element by id from href
+ if (/^#/.test(target)) {
+ this.$elm = $(target);
+ if (this.$elm.length !== 1) return null;
+ this.$body.append(this.$elm);
+ this.open();
+ //AJAX
+ } else {
+ this.$elm = $('<div>');
+ this.$body.append(this.$elm);
+ remove = function(event, modal) { modal.elm.remove(); };
+ this.showSpinner();
+ el.trigger($.modal.AJAX_SEND);
+ $.get(target).done(function(html) {
+ if (!$.modal.isActive()) return;
+ el.trigger($.modal.AJAX_SUCCESS);
+ var current = getCurrent();
+ current.$elm.empty().append(html).on($.modal.CLOSE, remove);
+ current.hideSpinner();
+ current.open();
+ el.trigger($.modal.AJAX_COMPLETE);
+ }).fail(function() {
+ el.trigger($.modal.AJAX_FAIL);
+ var current = getCurrent();
+ current.hideSpinner();
+ modals.pop(); // remove expected modal from the list
+ el.trigger($.modal.AJAX_COMPLETE);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.$elm = el;
+ this.$body.append(this.$elm);
+ this.open();
+ }
+ };
+ $.modal.prototype = {
+ constructor: $.modal,
+ open: function() {
+ var m = this;
+ this.block();
+ if(this.options.doFade) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ m.show();
+ }, this.options.fadeDuration * this.options.fadeDelay);
+ } else {
+ this.show();
+ }
+ $(document).off('keydown.modal').on('keydown.modal', function(event) {
+ var current = getCurrent();
+ if (event.which == 27 && current.options.escapeClose) current.close();
+ });
+ if (this.options.clickClose)
+ this.$blocker.click(function(e) {
+ if (e.target==this)
+ $.modal.close();
+ });
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ modals.pop();
+ this.unblock();
+ this.hide();
+ if (!$.modal.isActive())
+ $(document).off('keydown.modal');
+ },
+ block: function() {
+ this.$elm.trigger($.modal.BEFORE_BLOCK, [this._ctx()]);
+ this.$body.css('overflow','hidden');
+ this.$blocker = $('<div class="jquery-modal blocker current"></div>').appendTo(this.$body);
+ selectCurrent();
+ if(this.options.doFade) {
+ this.$blocker.css('opacity',0).animate({opacity: 1}, this.options.fadeDuration);
+ }
+ this.$elm.trigger($.modal.BLOCK, [this._ctx()]);
+ },
+ unblock: function(now) {
+ if (!now && this.options.doFade)
+ this.$blocker.fadeOut(this.options.fadeDuration, this.unblock.bind(this,true));
+ else {
+ this.$blocker.children().appendTo(this.$body);
+ this.$blocker.remove();
+ this.$blocker = null;
+ selectCurrent();
+ if (!$.modal.isActive())
+ this.$body.css('overflow','');
+ }
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ this.$elm.trigger($.modal.BEFORE_OPEN, [this._ctx()]);
+ if (this.options.showClose) {
+ this.closeButton = $('<a href="#close-modal" rel="modal:close" class="close-modal ' + this.options.closeClass + '">' + this.options.closeText + '</a>');
+ this.$elm.append(this.closeButton);
+ }
+ this.$elm.addClass(this.options.modalClass).appendTo(this.$blocker);
+ if(this.options.doFade) {
+ this.$elm.css('opacity',0).show().animate({opacity: 1}, this.options.fadeDuration);
+ } else {
+ this.$elm.show();
+ }
+ this.$elm.trigger($.modal.OPEN, [this._ctx()]);
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ this.$elm.trigger($.modal.BEFORE_CLOSE, [this._ctx()]);
+ if (this.closeButton) this.closeButton.remove();
+ var _this = this;
+ if(this.options.doFade) {
+ this.$elm.fadeOut(this.options.fadeDuration, function () {
+ _this.$elm.trigger($.modal.AFTER_CLOSE, [_this._ctx()]);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.$elm.hide(0, function () {
+ _this.$elm.trigger($.modal.AFTER_CLOSE, [_this._ctx()]);
+ });
+ }
+ this.$elm.trigger($.modal.CLOSE, [this._ctx()]);
+ },
+ showSpinner: function() {
+ if (!this.options.showSpinner) return;
+ this.spinner = this.spinner || $('<div class="' + this.options.modalClass + '-spinner"></div>')
+ .append(this.options.spinnerHtml);
+ this.$body.append(this.spinner);
+ this.spinner.show();
+ },
+ hideSpinner: function() {
+ if (this.spinner) this.spinner.remove();
+ },
+ //Return context for custom events
+ _ctx: function() {
+ return { elm: this.$elm, $blocker: this.$blocker, options: this.options };
+ }
+ };
+ $.modal.close = function(event) {
+ if (!$.modal.isActive()) return;
+ if (event) event.preventDefault();
+ var current = getCurrent();
+ current.close();
+ return current.$elm;
+ };
+ // Returns if there currently is an active modal
+ $.modal.isActive = function () {
+ return modals.length > 0;
+ }
+ $.modal.getCurrent = getCurrent;
+ $.modal.defaults = {
+ closeExisting: true,
+ escapeClose: true,
+ clickClose: true,
+ closeText: 'Close',
+ closeClass: '',
+ modalClass: "modal",
+ spinnerHtml: null,
+ showSpinner: true,
+ showClose: true,
+ fadeDuration: null, // Number of milliseconds the fade animation takes.
+ fadeDelay: 1.0 // Point during the overlay's fade-in that the modal begins to fade in (.5 = 50%, 1.5 = 150%, etc.)
+ };
+ // Event constants
+ $.modal.BEFORE_BLOCK = 'modal:before-block';
+ $.modal.BLOCK = 'modal:block';
+ $.modal.BEFORE_OPEN = 'modal:before-open';
+ $.modal.OPEN = 'modal:open';
+ $.modal.BEFORE_CLOSE = 'modal:before-close';
+ $.modal.CLOSE = 'modal:close';
+ $.modal.AFTER_CLOSE = 'modal:after-close';
+ $.modal.AJAX_SEND = 'modal:ajax:send';
+ $.modal.AJAX_SUCCESS = 'modal:ajax:success';
+ $.modal.AJAX_FAIL = 'modal:ajax:fail';
+ $.modal.AJAX_COMPLETE = 'modal:ajax:complete';
+ $.fn.modal = function(options){
+ if (this.length === 1) {
+ new $.modal(this, options);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ // Automatically bind links with rel="modal:close" to, well, close the modal.
+ $(document).on('click.modal', 'a[rel~="modal:close"]', $.modal.close);
+ $(document).on('click.modal', 'a[rel~="modal:open"]', function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $(this).modal();
+ });