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diff --git a/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py b/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py
index c5da9eb..c498bb6 100644
--- a/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py
+++ b/fg21sim/extragalactic/clusters/halo.py
@@ -891,6 +891,124 @@ class RadioHaloAM(RadioHalo1M):
m = self._merger_event(t)
return m["t"]
+ def _time_adjust(self):
+ """
+ Determine the time points when spectrum adjustment is needed.
+ Different mergers generate turbulence in regions of different radius,
+ therefore, the accelerated spectrum needs appropriate adjustment.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ t_adj : list[float]
+ List of (cosmic) times when the adjustment is needed.
+ NOTE: May be empty, e.g., only one merger event.
+ Unit: [Gyr]
+ """
+ mergers = [(t, t+self.duration_turb(t)) for t in self.t_merger]
+ t_begin = [t for t, __ in mergers]
+ t_end = [t for __, t in mergers]
+ tps = sorted(t_begin + t_end)
+ radii = [self.radius_turb_eff(t, use_last=False) for t in tps]
+ tinfo = {t: {"begin": t in t_begin, "end": t in t_end, "radius": r}
+ for t, r in zip(tps, radii)}
+ t_adj = []
+ for r1, r2, t in zip(radii, radii[1:], tps[1:]):
+ if np.isclose(r1, r2):
+ continue
+ ti = tinfo[t]
+ if ti["end"] and np.isclose(ti["radius"], 0):
+ continue
+ t_adj.append(t)
+ return t_adj
+ def _adjust_spectrum(self, spec_in, t, spec_ref):
+ """
+ Adjust the electron spectrum to take into account the change of
+ turbulence region size. If the current turbulence radius is
+ smaller than the maximum turbulence radius, then dilute the
+ accelerated part of the spectrum according to the volume ratio.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ spec_in : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ The spectrum at the ending of the given acceleration period.
+ t : float
+ The corresponding time of the given spectrum ``spec_in``.
+ Unit: [Gyr]
+ spec_ref : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
+ The spectrum at the beginning of the given acceleration period.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ spec : Adjusted spectrum.
+ """
+ r = self.radius_turb_eff(t, use_last=True)
+ r_max = self.radius_turb_max
+ if np.isclose(r, r_max):
+ return spec_in
+ logger.debug("Adjusting the accelerated spectrum ...")
+ spec_diff = spec_in - spec_ref
+ idx = spec_diff > 0
+ spec = np.array(spec_ref)
+ spec[idx] += spec_diff[idx] * (r/r_max)**3
+ d = helper.density_number_electron(spec, self.gamma)
+ d_in = helper.density_number_electron(spec_in, self.gamma)
+ spec *= d_in / d
+ return spec
+ def calc_electron_spectrum(self, tstart=None, tstop=None, n0_e=None,
+ fiducial=False):
+ """
+ Calculate the relativistic electron spectrum by solving the
+ Fokker-Planck equation.
+ Given that different mergers have different turbulence radii, the
+ spectrum needs appropriate adjustments to take this into account.
+ At the beginning of each merger, the accelerated part of the
+ spectrum (i.e., where the electron density increases compared to
+ last adjustment) is scaled according to the ratio of the previous
+ turbulence volume to the maximum turbulence volume, i.e., dilute
+ the accelerated spectrum to the maximum turbulence volume.
+ """
+ if tstart is None:
+ tstart = self.t_begin
+ if tstop is None:
+ tstop = self.t_obs
+ if n0_e is None:
+ n0_e = self.electron_spec_init
+ if fiducial:
+ self._acceleration_disabled = True
+ self.fpsolver.tstep = self.time_step * 2 # To save time
+ logger.debug("Calculating the [fiducial] electron spectrum ...")
+ n_e = self.fpsolver.solve(u0=n0_e, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop)
+ self._acceleration_disabled = False
+ self.fpsolver.tstep = self.time_step
+ return n_e
+ logger.debug("Calculating the electron spectrum ...")
+ tps = [self.t_begin] + self._time_adjust + [self.t_obs]
+ n1_e = n0_e
+ for t1, t2 in zip(tps, tps[1:]):
+ if tstart >= t2 or tstop < t1:
+ continue
+ if tstart > t1:
+ t1 = tstart
+ if tstop < t2:
+ t2 = tstop
+ logger.debug("Time period: [%.2f, %.2f] [Gyr] ..." % (t1, t2))
+ n2_e = self.fpsolver.solve(u0=n1_e, tstart=t1, tstop=t2)
+ n2_e = self._adjust_spectrum(n2_e, t2, spec_ref=n1_e)
+ n1_e = n2_e
+ return n2_e
class RadioHalo: