# Copyright (c) 2016 Weitian LI <liweitianux@live.com>
# MIT license
# References:
# [1] https://configobj.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configobj.html
# [2] https://github.com/pazz/alot/blob/master/alot/settings/manager.py

Configuration manager.

import os
import sys
import logging
from logging import FileHandler, StreamHandler
from functools import reduce
import pkg_resources

from configobj import ConfigObj, ConfigObjError, flatten_errors
from validate import Validator

from ..errors import ConfigError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_configspec():
    """Found and read all the configuration specifications"""
    files = sorted(pkg_resources.resource_listdir(__name__, ""))
    # NOTE:
    # Explicit convert the filter results to a list, since the returned
    # iterator can ONLY be used ONCE.
    specfiles = list(filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".conf.spec"), files))
    if os.environ.get("DEBUG_FG21SIM"):
        print("DEBUG: Found config specifications: %s" % ", ".join(specfiles),
    # NOTE:
    # `resource_string()` returns the resource in *binary/bytes* string
    configspec = "\n".join([
        pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, fn).decode("utf-8")
        for fn in specfiles
    return configspec

class ConfigManager:
    """Manage the default configurations with specifications, as well as
    the user configurations.

    Both the default configurations and user configurations are validated
    against the bundled specifications.

    userconfig: str, optional
        Filename/path to the user configuration file.
        If provided, the user configurations is also loaded, validated, and
        merged into the configurations data.
        The user configuration can also be later loaded by

    _config : `~configobj.ConfigObj`
        The current effective configurations.
    _configspec : `~configobj.ConfigObj`
        The configuration specifications bundled with this package.
    userconfig : str
        The filename and path to the user-provided configurations.
        - This attribute only presents after loading the user configuration
          by ``self.read_userconfig()``;
        - This attribute is used to determine the absolute path of the
          configs specifying the input templates or data files, therefore
          allow the use of relative path for those configs.
    def __init__(self, userconfig=None):
        """Load the bundled default configurations and specifications.
        If the ``userconfig`` provided, the user configurations is also
        loaded, validated, and merged.
        configspec = _get_configspec()
        self._configspec = ConfigObj(configspec, interpolation=False,
                                     list_values=False, _inspec=True)
        configs_default = ConfigObj(interpolation=False,
        self._config = self._validate(configs_default)
        if userconfig:

    def read_config(self, config):
        """Read, validate and merge the input config.

        config : str, or list[str]
            Input config to be validated and merged.
            This parameter can be the filename of the config file, or a list
            contains the lines of the configs.
            newconfig = ConfigObj(config, interpolation=False,
        except ConfigObjError as e:
            raise ConfigError(e)
        newconfig = self._validate(newconfig)
        logger.info("Loaded additional config: {0}".format(config))

    def read_userconfig(self, userconfig):
        """Read user configuration file, validate, and merge into the
        default configurations.

        userconfig : str
            Filename/path to the user configuration file.

        The user configuration file can be loaded *only once*, i.e.,
        *only one* user configuration file supported.
        Since the *path* of the user configuration file is recorded, and
        thus allow the use of *relative path* of some input files (e.g.,
        "galactic/synchrotron/template") within the configurations.
        if hasattr(self, "userconfig"):
            raise ConfigError('User configuration already loaded from "%s"' %
            config = open(userconfig).read().split("\n")
        except IOError:
            raise ConfigError('Cannot read config from "%s"' % userconfig)
        self.userconfig = os.path.abspath(userconfig)
        logger.info("Loaded user config: {0}".format(self.userconfig))

    def _validate(self, config):
        """Validate the config against the specification using a default
        validator.  The validated config values are returned if success,
        otherwise, the ``ConfigError`` raised with details.
        validator = Validator()
            results = config.validate(validator, preserve_errors=True)
        except ConfigObjError as e:
            raise ConfigError(e.message)
        if results is not True:
            error_msg = ""
            for (section_list, key, res) in flatten_errors(config, results):
                if key is not None:
                    if res is False:
                        msg = 'key "%s" in section "%s" is missing.'
                        msg = msg % (key, ", ".join(section_list))
                        msg = 'key "%s" in section "%s" failed validation: %s'
                        msg = msg % (key, ", ".join(section_list), res)
                    msg = 'section "%s" is missing' % ".".join(section_list)
                error_msg += msg + "\n"
            raise ConfigError(error_msg)
        return config

    def get(self, key, fallback=None):
        """Get config value by key."""
        return self._config.get(key, fallback)

    def getn(self, key, sep="/"):
        """Get the config value from the nested dictionary configs using
        a list of keys or a "sep"-separated keys strings.

        key : str, or list[str]
            List of keys or a string separated by a specific character
            (e.g., "/") to specify the item in the ``self._config``, which
            is a nested dictionary.
            e.g., ``["section1", "key2"]``, ``"section1/key2"``
        sep : str (len=1), optional
            If the above "keys" is a string, then this parameter specify
            the character used to separate the multi-level keys.
            This parameter should be a string of length 1 (i.e., a character).

        - Stackoverflow: Checking a Dictionary using a dot notation string
        if len(sep) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Invalid parameter 'sep': %s" % sep)
        if isinstance(key, str):
            key = key.split(sep)
        return reduce(dict.get, key, self._config)

    def get_path(self, key):
        """Return the absolute path of the file/directory specified by the
        config keys.

        key : str
            "/"-separated string specifying the config name of the

        path : str
            The absolute path (if user configuration loaded) or relative
            path specified by the input key, or ``None`` if specified
            config is ``None``.

            If the value of the specified config is not string.

        - The "~" (tilde) inside path is expanded to the user home directory.
        - The relative path (with respect to the user configuration file)
          is converted to absolute path if `self.userconfig` presents.
        value = self.getn(key)
        if value is None:
            logger.warning("Specified config '%s' is None or not exist" % key)
            return None
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            msg = "Specified config '%s' is non-string: %s" % (key, value)
            raise ValueError(msg)
        path = os.path.expanduser(value)
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            # Got relative path, try to convert to the absolute path
            if hasattr(self, "userconfig"):
                # User configuration loaded
                path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.userconfig), path)
                logger.warning("Cannot convert to absolute path: %s" % path)
        return os.path.normpath(path)

    def frequencies(self):
        """Get or calculate if ``frequency/type = custom`` the frequencies
        where to perform the simulations.

        frequencies : list[float]
            List of frequencies where the simulations are requested.
        if self.getn("frequency/type") == "custom":
            # The value is validated to be a float list
            frequencies = self.getn("frequency/frequencies")
            # Calculate the frequency values
            start = self.getn("frequency/start")
            stop = self.getn("frequency/stop")
            step = self.getn("frequency/step")
            num = int((stop - start) / step + 1)
            frequencies = [start + step*i for i in range(num)]
        return frequencies

    def logging(self):
        """Get and prepare the logging configurations for
        ``logging.basicConfig()`` to initialize the logging module.

        ``basicConfig()`` will automatically create a ``Formatter`` with the
        giving ``format`` and ``datefmt`` for each handlers if necessary,
        and then adding the handlers to the "root" logger.
        conf = self.get("logging")
        level = conf["level"]
        if os.environ.get("DEBUG_FG21SIM"):
            print("DEBUG: Force 'DEBUG' logging level", file=sys.stderr)
            level = "DEBUG"
        # logging handlers
        handlers = []
        stream = conf["stream"]
        if stream:
            handlers.append(StreamHandler(getattr(sys, stream)))
        logfile = conf["filename"]
        filemode = conf["filemode"]
        if logfile:
            handlers.append(FileHandler(logfile, mode=filemode))
        logconf = {
            "level": getattr(logging, level),
            "format": conf["format"],
            "datefmt": conf["datefmt"],
            "filemode": filemode,
            "handlers": handlers,
        return logconf