# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI <weitian@aaronly.me>
# MIT license

Calculate the synchrotron emission and inverse Compton emission
for simulated radio halos.

.. [cassano2005]
   Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313

.. [era2016]
   Condon & Ransom 2016
   Essential Radio Astronomy

.. [you1998]
   You 1998
   The Radiation Mechanisms in Astrophysics, 2nd Edition, Beijing
   Sec.4.2.3, p.187

import logging
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
import scipy.special
from scipy import integrate, interpolate

from ...utils.units import (Units as AU, Constants as AC)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _interp_sync_kernel(xmin=1e-3, xmax=10.0, xsample=256):
    Sample the synchrotron kernel function at the specified X
    positions and make an interpolation, to optimize the speed
    when invoked to calculate the synchrotron emissivity.

    Do NOT simply bound the synchrotron kernel within the specified
    [xmin, xmax] range, since it decreases as a power law of index
    1/3 at the left end, and decreases exponentially at the right end.
    Bounding it with interpolation will cause the synchrotron emissivity
    been *overestimated* on the higher frequencies.

    xmin, xmax : float, optional
        The lower and upper cuts for the kernel function.
        Default: [1e-3, 10.0]
    xsample : int, optional
        Number of samples within [xmin, xmax] used to do interpolation.

    F_interp : function
        The interpolated kernel function ``F(x)``.
    xx = np.logspace(np.log10(xmin), np.log10(xmax), num=xsample)
    Fxx = [xp * integrate.quad(lambda t: scipy.special.kv(5/3, t),
                               a=xp, b=np.inf)[0]
           for xp in xx]
    F_interp = interpolate.interp1d(xx, Fxx, kind="quadratic",
                                    bounds_error=True, assume_sorted=True)
    return F_interp

class SynchrotronEmission:
    Calculate the synchrotron emissivity from a given population
    of electrons.

    gamma : `~numpy.ndarray`
        The Lorentz factors of electrons.
    n_e : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Electron number density spectrum.
        Unit: [cm^-3]
    B : float
        The assumed uniform magnetic field within the cluster ICM.
        Unit: [uG]
    # The interpolated synchrotron kernel function ``F(x)`` within
    # the specified range.
    # NOTE: See the *WARNING* above.
    F_xmin = 1e-3
    F_xmax = 10.0
    F_xsample = 256
    F_interp = _interp_sync_kernel(F_xmin, F_xmax, F_xsample)

    def __init__(self, gamma, n_e, B):
        self.gamma = np.asarray(gamma)
        self.n_e = np.asarray(n_e)
        self.B = B  # [uG]

    def B_gauss(self):
        Magnetic field in unit of [G] (i.e., Gauss)
        return self.B * 1e-6  # [uG] -> [G]

    def frequency_larmor(self):
        Electron Larmor frequency (a.k.a. gyro frequency):
            ν_L = e * B / (2*π * m0 * c) = e * B / (2*π * mec)
        =>  ν_L [MHz] = 2.8 * B [G]

        Unit: [MHz]
        nu_larmor = AC.e * self.B_gauss / (2*np.pi * AU.mec)  # [Hz]
        return nu_larmor * 1e-6  # [Hz] -> [MHz]

    def frequency_crit(self, gamma, theta=np.pi/2):
        Synchrotron critical frequency.

        Critical frequency:
            ν_c = (3/2) * γ^2 * sin(θ) * ν_L

        gamma : `~numpy.ndarray`
            Electron Lorentz factors γ
        theta : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            The angles between the electron velocity and the magnetic field,
            the pitch angle.
            Unit: [rad]

        nu_c : `~numpy.ndarray`
            Critical frequencies
            Unit: [MHz]
        nu_c = 1.5 * gamma**2 * np.sin(theta) * self.frequency_larmor
        return nu_c

    def F(cls, x):
        Synchrotron kernel function.

        * Use interpolation to optimize the speed, as well as to
          help vectorize this function for easier calling.

        x : `~numpy.ndarray`
            Points where to calculate the kernel function values.
            NOTE: X values will be bounded, e.g., within [1e-5, 20]

        y : `~numpy.ndarray`
            Calculated kernel function values.

        References: Ref.[you1998]
        x = np.array(x, ndmin=1)
        y = np.zeros(x.shape)
        idx = (x >= cls.F_xmin) & (x <= cls.F_xmax)
        y[idx] = cls.F_interp(x[idx])
        # Left end: power law of index 1/3
        idx = (x < cls.F_xmin)
        A = cls.F_interp(cls.F_xmin)
        y[idx] = A * (x[idx] / cls.F_xmin)**(1/3)
        # Right end: exponentially decrease
        idx = (x > cls.F_xmax)
        y[idx] = (0.5*np.pi * x[idx])**0.5 * np.exp(-x[idx])
        return y

    def emissivity(self, frequencies):
        Calculate the synchrotron emissivity (power emitted per volume
        and per frequency) at the requested frequency.

        Since ``self.gamma`` and ``self.n_e`` are sampled on a logarithmic
        grid, we integrate over ``ln(gamma)`` instead of ``gamma`` directly:
            I = int_gmin^gmax f(g) d(g)
              = int_ln(gmin)^ln(gmax) f(g) g d(ln(g))

        Assume that the electrons have a pitch angle of ``pi/2`` with
        respect to the magnetic field. (I think it is a good simplification
        considering that the magnetic field is also assumed to be uniform.)

        frequencies : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The frequencies where to calculate the synchrotron emissivity.
            Unit: [MHz]

        syncem : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The calculated synchrotron emissivity at each specified
            Unit: [erg/s/cm^3/Hz]
        j_coef = np.sqrt(3) * AC.e**3 * self.B_gauss / AU.mec2
        nu_c = self.frequency_crit(self.gamma)

        frequencies = np.array(frequencies, ndmin=1)
        syncem = np.zeros(shape=frequencies.shape)
        for i, freq in enumerate(frequencies):
            logger.debug("Calculating emissivity at %.2f [MHz]" % freq)
            kernel = self.F(freq / nu_c)
            # Integrate over energy ``gamma`` in logarithmic grid
            syncem[i] = j_coef * integrate.simps(
                self.n_e*kernel*self.gamma, x=np.log(self.gamma))

        if len(syncem) == 1:
            return syncem[0]
            return syncem