# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI # MIT license """ Simulate (giant) radio halos following the "statistical magneto-turbulent model" proposed by Cassano & Brunetti (2005). References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C """ import logging import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate import scipy.integrate import scipy.optimize from .formation import ClusterFormation from .solver import FokkerPlanckSolver from ...utils.cosmology import Cosmology from ...utils.units import (Units as AU, UnitConversions as AUC, Constants as AC) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HaloSingle: """ Simulate a single (giant) radio halos following the "statistical magneto-turbulent model" proposed by Cassano & Brunetti (2005). First, simulate the cluster merging history from the extended Press-Schecter formalism using the Monte Carlo method; then derive the merger energy and turbulence energy as well as its spectrum; after that, calculate the electron acceleration and time evolution by solving the Fokker-Planck equation; and finally derive the radio emission from the electron spectra. References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Parameters ---------- M0 : float Present-day (z=0) mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster. configs : `ConfigManager` A `ConfigManager` instance containing default and user configurations. For more details, see the example configuration specifications. Attributes ---------- mec : float Unit for electron momentum (p): mec = m_e * c, p = gamma * mec, therefore value of p is the Lorentz factor. cosmo : `~Cosmology` Adopted cosmological model with custom utility functions. mtree : `~MergerTree` Merging history of this cluster. """ # Unit for electron momentum (p), thus its value is the Lorentz factor mec = AU.mec # [g cm / s] # Merger tree (i.e., merging history) of this cluster mtree = None def __init__(self, M0, configs): self.M0 = M0 # [Msun] self.configs = configs self._set_configs() def _set_configs(self): """ Set up the necessary class attributes according to the configs. """ comp = "extragalactic/halos" self.zmax = self.configs.getn(comp+"/zmax") # Mass threshold of the sub-cluster for a significant merger self.merger_mass_th = self.configs.getn(comp+"/merger_mass_th") self.radius_halo = self.configs.getn(comp+"/radius_halo") self.magnetic_field = self.configs.getn(comp+"/magnetic_field") self.eta_t = self.configs.getn(comp+"/eta_t") self.eta_e = self.configs.getn(comp+"/eta_e") self.pmin = self.configs.getn(comp+"/pmin") self.pmax = self.configs.getn(comp+"/pmax") self.pgrid_num = self.configs.getn(comp+"/pgrid_num") self.buffer_np = self.configs.getn(comp+"/buffer_np") self.time_step = self.configs.getn(comp+"/time_step") self.injection_index = self.configs.getn(comp+"/injection_index") # Cosmology model self.H0 = self.configs.getn("cosmology/H0") self.OmegaM0 = self.configs.getn("cosmology/OmegaM0") self.cosmo = Cosmology(H0=self.H0, Om0=self.OmegaM0) logger.info("Loaded and set up configurations") def simulate_mergertree(self): """ Simulate the merging history of the cluster using the extended Press-Schechter formalism. Attributes ---------- mtree : `~MergerTree` Generated merger tree of this cluster. Returns ------- mtree : `~MergerTree` Generated merger tree of this cluster. """ self.formation = ClusterFormation(self.M0, self.configs) self.mtree = self.formation.simulate_mergertree() return self.mtree def calc_electron_spectrum(self, zbegin=None, zend=None): """ Calculate the relativistic electron spectrum by solving the Fokker-Planck equation. Parameters ---------- zbegin : float, optional The redshift from where to solve the Fokker-Planck equation. Default: ``self.zmax``. zend : float, optional The redshift where to stop solving the Fokker-Planck equation. Default: 0 (i.e., present) Returns ------- p : `~numpy.ndarray` The momentum grid adopted for solving the equation. Unit: [mec] n_e : `~numpy.ndarray` The solved electron spectrum at ``zend``. Unit: [cm^-3 mec^-1] """ fpsolver = FokkerPlanckSolver( xmin=self.pmin, xmax=self.pmax, grid_num=self.pgrid_num, buffer_np=self.buffer_np, tstep=self.time_step, f_advection=self.fp_advection, f_diffusion=self.fp_diffusion, f_injection=self.fp_injection, ) p = fpsolver.x # Assume NO initial electron distribution n0_e = np.zeros(p.shape) if zbegin is None: tstart = self.cosmo.age(self.zmax) else: tstart = self.cosmo.age(zbegin) if zend is None: tstop = self.cosmo.age0 else: tstop = self.cosmo.age(zend) n_e = fpsolver.solve(u0=n0_e, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop) return (p, n_e) def kT_mass(self, mass): """ Estimate the cluster ICM temperature from its mass by assuming an (observed) temperature-mass relation. TODO: upgrade this M-T relation. Parameters ---------- mass : float Mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster Returns ------- kT : float Temperature of the ICM (unit: keV) References ---------- [1] Nevalainen et al. 2000, ApJ, 532, 694 Ettori et al, 2013, Space Science Review, 177, 119-154 NOTE: H0 = 50 * h50 [km/s/Mpc] """ kT = 10 * (mass/1.23e15) ** (1/1.79) # [keV] return kT def _radius_virial(self, mass, z=0.0): """ Calculate the virial radius of a cluster. Parameters ---------- mass : float Mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster z : float Redshift Returns ------- Rvir : float Virial radius (unit: kpc) of the cluster at given redshift """ Dc = self.cosmo.overdensity_virial(z) rho = self.cosmo.rho_crit(z) # [g/cm^3] R_vir = (3*mass*AUC.Msun2g / (4*np.pi * Dc * rho))**(1/3) # [cm] R_vir *= AUC.cm2kpc # [kpc] return R_vir def _radius_stripping(self, mass, M_main, z): """ Calculate the stripping radius of the sub-cluster at which equipartition between static and ram pressure is established, and the stripping is efficient outside this stripping radius. Note that the value of the stripping radius obtained would give the *mean value* of the actual stripping radius during a merger. Parameters ---------- mass : float The mass (unit: Msun) of the sub-cluster. M_main : float The mass (unit: Msun) of the main cluster. z : float Redshift Returns ------- rs : float The stripping radius of the sub-cluster. Unit: kpc References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(11) """ vi = self._velocity_impact(M_main, mass, z) * 1e5 # [cm/s] kT = self.kT_mass(mass) * AUC.keV2erg # [erg] coef = kT / (AC.mu * AC.u * vi**2) # dimensionless rho_avg = self._density_average(M_main, z) # [g/cm^3] def equation(r): return coef * self.density_profile(r, mass, z) / rho_avg - 1 r_vir = self._radius_virial(mass, z) # [kpc] rs = scipy.optimize.brentq(equation, a=0, b=r_vir) # [kpc] return rs def _density_average(self, mass, z=0.0): """ Average density of the cluster ICM. Returns ------- rho : float Average ICM density (unit: g/cm^3) References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(12) """ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0 Rv = self._radius_virial(mass, z) * AUC.kpc2cm # [cm] V = (4*np.pi / 3) * Rv**3 # [cm^3] rho = f_baryon * mass*AUC.Msun2g / V # [g/cm^3] return rho def density_profile(self, r, mass, z): """ ICM (baryon) density profile, assuming the beta model. Parameters ---------- r : float Radius (unit: kpc) where to calculate the density mass : float Cluster mass (unit: Msun) z : float Redshift Returns ------- rho_r : float Density at the specified radius (unit: g/cm^3) References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(13) """ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0 M_ICM = mass * f_baryon * AUC.Msun2g # [g] r *= AUC.kpc2cm # [cm] Rv = self._radius_virial(mass, z) * AUC.kpc2cm # [cm] rc = self._beta_rc(Rv) beta = self._beta_beta() norm = self._beta_norm(M_ICM, beta, rc, Rv) # [g/cm^3] rho_r = norm * (1 + (r/rc)**2) ** (-3*beta/2) # [g/cm^3] return rho_r @staticmethod def _beta_rc(r_vir): """ Core radius of the beta model for the ICM density profile. TODO: upgrade this! """ return 0.1*r_vir @staticmethod def _beta_beta(): """ Beta value of the beta model for the ICM density profile. TODO: upgrade this! """ return 0.8 @staticmethod def _beta_norm(mass, beta, rc, r_vir): """ Calculate the normalization of the beta model for the ICM density profile. Parameters ---------- mass : float The mass (unit: g) of ICM beta : float Beta value of the assumed beta profile rc : float Core radius (unit: cm) of the assumed beta profile r_vir : float The virial radius (unit: cm) of the cluster Returns ------- norm : float Normalization of the beta model (unit: g/cm^3) References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(14) """ integration = scipy.integrate.quad( lambda r: r*r * (1+(r/rc)**2) ** (-3*beta/2), 0, r_vir)[0] norm = mass / (4*np.pi * integration) # [g/cm^3] return norm def _velocity_impact(self, M_main, M_sub, z=0.0): """ Calculate the relative impact velocity between the two merging clusters when they are at a distance of virial radius. Parameters ---------- M_main : float Mass of the main cluster (unit: Msun) M_sub : float Mass of the sub cluster (unit: Msun) z : float Redshift Returns ------- vi : float Relative impact velocity (unit: km/s) References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(9) """ eta_v = 4 * (1 + M_main/M_sub) ** (1/3) R_vir = self._radius_virial(M_main, z) * AUC.kpc2cm # [cm] vi = np.sqrt(2*AC.G * (1-1/eta_v) * (M_main+M_sub)*AUC.Msun2g / R_vir) # [cm/s] vi /= AUC.km2cm # [km/s] return vi def _time_crossing(self, M_main, M_sub, z): """ Calculate the crossing time of the sub-cluster during a merger. Parameters ---------- M_main : float Mass of the main cluster (unit: Msun) M_sub : float Mass of the sub cluster (unit: Msun) z : float Redshift where the merger occurs. Returns ------- time : float Crossing time (unit: Gyr) """ R_vir = self._radius_virial(M_main, z) # [kpc] vi = self._velocity_impact(M_main, M_sub, z) # [km/s] # Unit conversion coefficient: [s kpc/km] => [Gyr] uconv = AUC.kpc2km * AUC.s2Gyr time = uconv * R_vir / vi # [Gyr] return time def _z_end(self, z_begin, time): """ Calculate the ending redshift from ``z_begin`` after elapsing ``time``. Parameters ---------- z_begin : float Beginning redshift time : float Elapsing time (unit: Gyr) """ t_begin = self.cosmo.age(z_begin) # [Gyr] t_end = t_begin + time if t_end >= self.cosmo.age(0): z_end = 0.0 else: z_end = self.cosmo.redshift(t_end) return z_end @property def merger_events(self): """ Trace only the main cluster, and filter out the significant merger events. Returns ------- mevents : list[dict] List of dictionaries that records all the merger events of the main cluster. NOTE: The merger events are ordered by increasing redshifts. """ events = [] tree = self.mtree while tree: if (tree.main and tree.sub and tree.sub.data["mass"] >= self.merger_mass_th and tree.main.data["z"] <= self.zmax): events.append({ "z": tree.main.data["z"], "age": tree.main.data["age"], "M_main": tree.main.data["mass"], "M_sub": tree.sub.data["mass"], }) tree = tree.main return events def _coef_acceleration(self, z): """ Calculate the electron-acceleration coefficient at arbitrary redshift. Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift where to calculate the acceleration coefficient. Returns ------- chi : float The calculated electron-acceleration coefficient. (unit: Gyr^-1) Attributes ---------- _coef_acceleration_data : (`~numpy.ndarray`, `~numpy.ndarray`) (zgrid, chigrid) tuple with ``zgrid`` the array of redshifts grid with even spacing ``zbs``, and ``chigrid`` the array of acceleration coefficients at each redshift. XXX/NOTE -------- This coefficient may be very small and even zero, then the diffusion coefficient of the Fokker-Planck equation is thus very small and even zero, which cause problems for calculating some quantities (e.g., w(x), C(x)) and wrong/invalid results. To avoid these problems, force the minimal value of this coefficient to be 1/(10*t0), which t0 is the present-day age of the universe. """ # Redshift bin size zbs = 0.01 if not hasattr(self, "_coef_acceleration_data"): # Order the merger events by decreasing redshifts mevents = list(reversed(self.merger_events)) chi_z = [self._chi_at_zidx(zidx, mevents) for zidx in range(len(mevents))] zgrid = np.arange(0.0, self.zmax+zbs, step=zbs) chigrid = np.zeros(zgrid.shape) for (chi_, zbegin, zend) in chi_z: # NOTE: zbegin > zend mask = (zgrid <= zbegin) & (zgrid >= zend) chigrid[mask] += chi_ self._coef_acceleration_data = (zgrid, chigrid) zgrid, chigrid = self._coef_acceleration_data # XXX: force a minimal value instead of zero or too small chi_min = 1 / (10 * self.cosmo.age0) try: zi = np.where(z < zgrid)[0][0] slope = (chigrid[zi]-chigrid[zi-1]) / (zgrid[zi]-zgrid[zi-1]) chi = (z-zgrid[zi]) * slope + chigrid[zi] except IndexError: # Given z >= zgrid[-1] chi = 0.0 if chi > chi_min: return chi else: return chi_min def _chi_at_zidx(self, zidx, mevents): """ Calculate electron-acceleration coefficient at the specified merger event which is specified with a redshift index. Parameters ---------- zidx : int Index of the redshift where to calculate the coefficient. mevents : list[dict] List of dictionaries that records all the merger events of the main cluster. NOTE: The merger events should be ordered by increasing time (or decreasing redshifts). Returns ------- chi : float The calculated electron-acceleration coefficient. (unit: Gyr^-1) zbegin : float The redshift when the merger begins zend : float The redshift when the merger ends NOTE: zbegin > zend References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(40) """ redshifts = np.array([ev["z"] for ev in mevents]) zbegin = mevents[zidx]["z"] M_main = mevents[zidx]["M_main"] M_sub = mevents[zidx]["M_sub"] t_crossing = self._time_crossing(M_main, M_sub, zbegin) zend = self._z_end(zbegin, t_crossing) try: zend_idx = np.where(redshifts < zend)[0][0] except IndexError: # Specified redshift already the last/smallest one zend_idx = zidx + 1 # coef = 2.23e-16 * self.eta_t / (self.radius_halo/500)**3 # [s^-1] coef *= AUC.Gyr2s # [Gyr^-1] chi = 0.0 for ev in mevents[zidx:zend_idx]: M_main = ev["M_main"] M_sub = ev["M_sub"] z = ev["z"] R_vir = self._radius_virial(M_main, z) rs = self._radius_stripping(M_sub, M_main, z) kT = self.kT_mass(M_main) term1 = ((M_main+M_sub)/2e15 * (2.6e3/R_vir)) ** (3/2) term2 = (rs/500)**2 / np.sqrt(kT/7) if rs <= self.radius_halo: term3 = 1.0 else: term3 = (self.radius_halo/rs) ** 2 chi += coef * term1 * term2 * term3 return (chi, zbegin, zend) def fp_injection(self, p, t=None): """ Electron injection term for the Fokker-Planck equation. The injected electrons are assumed to have a power-law spectrum and a constant injection rate. Qe(p) = Ke * (p/pmin)**(-s) Ke = ((s-2)*eta_e) * (e_th/(pmin*c)) / (t0*pmin) Parameters ---------- p : float Electron momentum (unit: mec), i.e., Lorentz factor t : None Currently a constant injection rate is assumed, therefore this parameter is not used. Keep it for the consistency with other functions. Returns ------- Qe : float Current electron injection rate at specified energy (p). Unit: [cm^-3 Gyr^-1 mec^-1] References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eqs.(31-33) """ if not hasattr(self, "_electron_injection_rate"): e_th = self.e_thermal # [erg/cm^3] term1 = (self.injection_index-2) * self.eta_e term2 = e_th / (self.pmin * self.mec * AC.c) # [cm^-3] term3 = 1.0 / (self.cosmo.age0 * self.pmin) # [Gyr^-1 mec^-1] Ke = term1 * term2 * term3 self._electron_injection_rate = Ke else: Ke = self._electron_injection_rate Qe = Ke * (p/self.pmin) ** (-self.injection_index) return Qe def fp_diffusion(self, p, t): """ Diffusion term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation. Parameters ---------- p : float Electron momentum (unit: mec), i.e., Lorentz factor t : float Current time when solving the equation (unit: Gyr) Returns ------- Dpp : float Diffusion coefficient Unit: [mec^2/Gyr] References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(36) [2] Donnert 2013, AN, 334, 615 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013AN....334..515D Eq.(15) """ z = self.cosmo.redshift(t) chi = self._coef_acceleration(z) # [Gyr^-1] # NOTE: Cassano & Brunetti's formula misses a factor of 2. Dpp = chi * p**2 / 4 # [mec^2/Gyr] return Dpp def fp_advection(self, p, t): """ Advection term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation, which describes a systematic tendency for upward or downard drift of particles. This term is also called the "generalized cooling function" by Donnert & Brunetti (2014), which includes all relevant energy loss functions and the energy gain function due to turbulence. Returns ------- Hp : float Advection coefficient Unit: [mec/Gyr] References ---------- [1] Donnert & Brunetti 2014, MNRAS, 443, 3564 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.443.3564D Eq.(15) [2] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eqs.(30,36,38,39) """ Hp = (abs(self._dpdt_ion(p, t)) + abs(self._dpdt_rad(p, t)) - (self.fp_diffusion(p, t) * 2 / p)) return Hp def _dpdt_ion(self, p, t): """ Energy loss through ionization and Coulomb collisions. References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(38) """ z = self.cosmo.redshift(t) n_th = self._n_thermal(self.M0, z) coef = -3.3e-29 * AUC.Gyr2s / self.mec # [mec/Gyr] dpdt = coef * n_th * (1 + np.log(p/n_th) / 75) return dpdt def _dpdt_rad(self, p, t): """ Energy loss via synchrotron emission and IC scattering off the CMB. References ---------- [1] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C Eq.(39) """ z = self.cosmo.redshift(t) coef = -4.8e-4 * AUC.Gyr2s / self.mec # [mec/Gyr] dpdt = (coef * (p*self.mec)**2 * ((self.magnetic_field/3.2)**2 + (1+z)**4)) return dpdt @property def e_thermal(self): """ Calculate the present-day thermal energy density of the ICM. Returns ------- e_th : float Energy density of the ICM (unit: erg/cm^3) """ mass = self.M0 f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0 kT = self.kT_mass(mass) # [keV] N = mass * AUC.Msun2g * f_baryon / (AC.mu * AC.u) E_th = kT*AUC.keV2erg * N # [erg] Rv = self._radius_virial(mass) * AUC.kpc2cm # [cm] V = (4*np.pi / 3) * Rv**3 # [cm^3] e_th = E_th / V # [erg/cm^3] return e_th def _n_thermal(self, mass, z=0.0): """ Calculate the present-day number density of the ICM thermal plasma. Parameters ---------- mass : float Mass (unit: Msun) of the cluster z : float Redshift Returns ------- n_th : float Number density of the ICM (unit: cm^-3) """ f_baryon = self.cosmo.Ob0 / self.cosmo.Om0 N = mass * AUC.Msun2g * f_baryon / (AC.mu * AC.u) Rv = self._radius_virial(mass, z) * AUC.kpc2cm # [cm] V = (4*np.pi / 3) * Rv**3 # [cm^3] n_th = N / V # [cm^-3] return n_th