# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI <weitian@aaronly.me>
# MIT license

Simulate (giant) radio halo originating from the last/ most recent
cluster-cluster major merger event, following the "statistical
magneto-turbulent model" proposed by [cassano2005]_, but with many
modifications and simplifications.

.. [brunetti2011]
   Brunetti & Lazarian 2011, MNRAS, 410, 127

.. [cassano2005]
   Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313

.. [cassano2006]
   Cassano, Brunetti & Setti, 2006, MNRAS, 369, 1577

.. [cassano2012]
   Cassano et al. 2012, A&A, 548, A100

.. [donnert2013]
   Donnert 2013, AN, 334, 615

.. [donnert2014]
   Donnert & Brunetti 2014, MNRAS, 443, 3564

.. [sarazin1999]
   Sarazin 1999, ApJ, 520, 529

import logging

import numpy as np

from . import helper
from .solver import FokkerPlanckSolver
from .emission import SynchrotronEmission
from ...configs import CONFIGS
from ...utils import COSMO
from ...utils.units import (Units as AU,
                            UnitConversions as AUC)
from ...utils.convert import Fnu_to_Tb_fast

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RadioHalo:
    Simulate the extended radio halo emission from galaxy cluster
    experiencing on-going/recent merger.

    1. Calculate the merger crossing time (t_cross; ~1 Gyr);
    2. Calculate the diffusion coefficient (Dpp) from the systematic
       acceleration timescale (tau_acc; ~0.1 Gyr).  The acceleration
       diffusion is assumed to have an action time ~ t_cross (i.e.,
       only during merger crossing), and then been disabled (i.e.,
       only radiation and ionization losses later);
    3. Assume the electrons are constantly injected and has a power-law
       energy spectrum;
    4. Determine the initial electron density

    M_obs : float
        Cluster virial mass at the current observation (simulation end) time.
        Unit: [Msun]
    z_obs : float
        Redshift of the current observation (simulation end) time.
    M_main, M_sub : float
        The main and sub cluster masses before the (major) merger.
        Unit: [Msun]
    z_merger : float
        The redshift when the (major) merger begins.

    fpsolver : `~FokkerPlanckSolver`
        The solver instance to calculate the electron spectrum evolution.
    radius : float
        The halo radius (scales with the virial radius)
        Unit: [kpc]
    def __init__(self, M_obs, z_obs, M_main, M_sub, z_merger,
        self.M_obs = M_obs
        self.z_obs = z_obs
        self.M_main = M_main
        self.M_sub = M_sub
        self.z_merger = z_merger

        self.configs = configs

    def _set_configs(self):
        comp = "extragalactic/halos"
        self.beta_turb = self.configs.getn(comp+"/beta_turb")
        self.eta_e = self.configs.getn(comp+"/eta_e")
        self.gamma_min = self.configs.getn(comp+"/gamma_min")
        self.gamma_max = self.configs.getn(comp+"/gamma_max")
        self.gamma_np = self.configs.getn(comp+"/gamma_np")
        self.buffer_np = self.configs.getn(comp+"/buffer_np")
        self.time_step = self.configs.getn(comp+"/time_step")
        self.injection_index = self.configs.getn(comp+"/injection_index")

    def _set_solver(self):
        self.fpsolver = FokkerPlanckSolver(
            xmin=self.gamma_min, xmax=self.gamma_max,

    def gamma(self):
        The logarithmic grid adopted for solving the equation.
        return self.fpsolver.x

    def age_obs(self):
        return COSMO.age(self.z_obs)

    def age_merger(self):
        return COSMO.age(self.z_merger)

    def time_crossing(self):
        The time duration of the sub-cluster crossing the main cluster,
        which is also used to approximate the merging time, during which
        the turbulence acceleration is regarded as effective.
        Unit: [Gyr]
        return helper.time_crossing(self.M_main, self.M_sub,

    def radius(self):
        The halo radius derived from the virial radius by a scaling
        Unit: [kpc]
        mass = self.M_main + self.M_sub  # [Msun]
        r_halo = helper.radius_halo(mass, self.z_merger)  # [kpc]
        return r_halo

    def angular_radius(self):
        The angular radius of the radio halo.
        Unit: [arcsec]
        DA = COSMO.DA(self.z) * 1e3  # [Mpc] -> [kpc]
        theta = self.radius / DA  # [rad]
        return theta * AUC.rad2arcsec

    def volume(self):
        The halo volume, calculated from the above radius.
        Unit: [cm^3]
        r_cm = self.radius * AUC.kpc2cm
        return (4*np.pi/3) * r_cm**3

    def magnetic_field(self):
        The magnetic field strength at the simulated observation
        time (i.e., cluster mass of ``self.M_obs``), will be used
        to calculate the synchrotron emissions.

        Unit: [uG]
        return helper.magnetic_field(self.M_obs)

    def calc_electron_spectrum(self, zbegin=None, zend=None, n0_e=None):
        Calculate the relativistic electron spectrum by solving the
        Fokker-Planck equation.

        zbegin : float, optional
            The redshift from where to solve the Fokker-Planck equation.
            Default: ``self.z_merger``.
        zend : float, optional
            The redshift where to stop solving the Fokker-Planck equation.
            Default: ``self.z_obs``.
        n0_e : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            The initial electron number distribution.
            Unit: [cm^-3].
            Default: accumulated constantly injected electrons until zbegin.

        electron_spec : float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The solved electron spectrum at ``zend``.
            Unit: [cm^-3]
        if zbegin is None:
            tstart = COSMO.age(self.z_merger)
            tstart = COSMO.age(zbegin)
        if zend is None:
            tstop = COSMO.age(self.z_obs)
            tstop = COSMO.age(zend)
        if n0_e is None:
            # Accumulated constantly injected electrons until ``tstart``.
            n_inj = self.fp_injection(self.gamma)
            n0_e = n_inj * tstart

        self.electron_spec = self.fpsolver.solve(u0=n0_e, tstart=tstart,
        return self.electron_spec

    def calc_emissivity(self, frequencies, n_e=None, gamma=None):
        Calculate the synchrotron emissivity for the derived electron

        frequencies : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The frequencies where to calculate the synchrotron emissivity.
            Unit: [MHz]
        n_e : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            The electron spectrum (w.r.t. Lorentz factors γ).
            If not provided, then used the cached ``self.electron_spec``
            solved above.
            Unit: [cm^-3]
        gamma : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            The Lorentz factors γ of the electron spectrum.
            If not provided, then used ``self.gamma``.

        emissivity : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The calculated synchrotron emissivity at each specified
            Unit: [erg/s/cm^3/Hz]
        if n_e is None:
            n_e = self.electron_spec
        if gamma is None:
            gamma = self.gamma
        syncem = SynchrotronEmission(gamma=gamma, n_e=n_e,
        emissivity = syncem.emissivity(frequencies)
        return emissivity

    def calc_power(self, emissivity):
        Calculate the synchrotron power (i.e., power *emitted* per
        unit frequency) from emissivity.

        The calculated power (a.k.a. spectral luminosity) is in units of
        [W/Hz] which is common in radio astronomy, instead of [erg/s/Hz]!
            1 [W] = 1e7 [erg/s]

        emissivity : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The synchrotron emissivity at multiple frequencies.
            Unit: [erg/s/cm^3/Hz]

        power : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The calculated synchrotron power w.r.t. each input emissivity.
            Unit: [W/Hz]
        emissivity = np.asarray(emissivity)
        power = emissivity * self.volume  # [erg/s/Hz]
        power *= 1e-7  # [erg/s/Hz] -> [W/Hz]
        return power

    def calc_flux(self, emissivity):
        Calculate the synchrotron flux density (i.e., power *observed*
        per unit frequency) from emissivity.

        emissivity : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The synchrotron emissivity at multiple frequencies.
            Unit: [erg/s/cm^3/Hz]

        flux : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The calculated synchrotron flux w.r.t. each input emissivity.
            Unit: [Jy] = 1e-23 [erg/s/cm^2/Hz] = 1e-26 [W/m^2/Hz]
        power = self.calc_power(emissivity)  # [W/Hz]
        DL = COSMO.DL(self.z) * AUC.Mpc2m  # [m]
        flux = 1e26 * power / (4*np.pi * DL*DL)  # [Jy]
        return flux

    def calc_brightness_mean(self, emissivity, frequencies, pixelsize=None):
        Calculate the mean surface brightness (power observed per unit
        frequency and per unit solid angle) at the specified frequencies
        from emissivity.

        If the solid angle that the radio halo extends is smaller than
        the specified pixel area, then the halo is assumed to cover a
        solid angle of 1 pixel.

        emissivity : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The synchrotron emissivity at multiple frequencies.
            Unit: [erg/s/cm^3/Hz]
        frequencies : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The frequencies where to calculate the synchrotron emissivity.
            Unit: [MHz]
        pixelsize : float, optional
            The pixel size of the output simulated sky image.
            Unit: [arcsec]

        Tb : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The mean surface brightness at each frequency.
            Unit: [K] <-> [Jy/pixel]
        omega = np.pi * self.angular_radius**2  # [arcsec^2]
        if pixelsize:
            pixelarea = pixelsize ** 2  # [arcsec^2]
            if omega < pixelarea:
                omega = pixelarea
                logger.warning("Halo sky coverage (%.2f [arcsec^2])" % omega,
                               " < pixel area (%.2f [arcsec^2])" % pixelarea)

        flux = self.calc_flux(emissivity)
        Tb = [Fnu_to_Tb_fast(Fnu, omega, freq)
              for Fnu, freq in zip(np.array(flux, ndmin=1),
                                   np.array(frequencies, ndmin=1))]
        if len(Tb) == 1:
            return Tb[0]
            return np.array(Tb)

    def fp_injection(self, gamma, t=None):
        Electron injection (rate) term for the Fokker-Planck equation.

        The injected electrons are assumed to have a power-law spectrum
        and a constant injection rate.

        Qe(γ) = Ke * γ^(-s),
        Ke: constant injection rate

        gamma : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Lorentz factors of electrons
        t : None
            Currently a constant injection rate is assumed, therefore
            this parameter is not used.  Keep it for the consistency
            with other functions.

        Qe : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Current electron injection rate at specified energies (gamma).
            Unit: [cm^-3 Gyr^-1]

        Ke = self._injection_rate
        Qe = Ke * gamma**(-self.injection_index)
        return Qe

    def fp_diffusion(self, gamma, t):
        Diffusion term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation.

        The diffusion coefficients cannot be zero or negative, which
        may cause unstable or wrong results.  So constrain ``tau_acc``
        be a sufficient large but finite number.

        gamma : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The Lorentz factors of electrons
        t : float
            Current (cosmic) time when solving the equation
            Unit: [Gyr]

        diffusion : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Diffusion coefficients
            Unit: [Gyr^-1]

        tau_acc = self._tau_acceleration(t)  # [Gyr]
        diffusion = gamma**2 / (4 * tau_acc)
        return diffusion

    def fp_advection(self, gamma, t):
        Advection term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation,
        which describes a systematic tendency for upward or downard
        drift of particles.

        This term is also called the "generalized cooling function"
        by [donnert2014], which includes all relevant energy loss
        functions and the energy gain function due to turbulence.

        advection : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Advection coefficients, describing the energy loss/gain rates.
            Unit: [Gyr^-1]
        advection = (abs(self._loss_ion(gamma, t)) +
                     abs(self._loss_rad(gamma, t)) -
                     (self.fp_diffusion(gamma, t) * 2 / gamma))
        return advection

    def _mass(self, t):
        Calculate the main cluster mass at the given (cosmic) time.

        We assume that the main cluster grows (i.e., gains mass) linearly
        in time from (M_main, z_merge) to (M_obs, z_obs).

        t : float
            The (cosmic) time/age.
            Unit: [Gyr]

        mass : float
            The mass of the main cluster.
            Unit: [Msun]
        t_merger = self.age_merger
        rate = (self.M_obs - self.M_main) / (self.age_obs - t_merger)
        mass = rate * (t - t_merger) + self.M_main
        return mass

    def _tau_acceleration(self, t):
        Calculate the systematic acceleration timescale at the
        given (cosmic) time.

        A reference value of the acceleration time due to TTD
        (transit-time damping) resonance is ~0.1 Gyr (Ref.[brunetti2011],
        Eq.(27) below); the formula derived by [cassano2005] (Eq.(40))
        has a dependence on ``beta_turb``.

        A zero diffusion coefficient may lead to unstable/wrong results,
        so constrain this acceleration timescale be finite.

        tau : float
            The acceleration timescale.
            Unit: [Gyr]
        # The reference/typical acceleration timescale
        tau_ref = 0.1  # [Gyr]
        # The maximum timescale to avoid unstable results
        tau_max = 100.0  # [Gyr]

        if t > self.age_merger + self.time_crossing:
            tau = tau_max
            tau = tau_ref / self.beta_turb
        return tau

    def _injection_rate(self):
        The constant electron injection rate assumed.
        Unit: [cm^-3 Gyr^-1]

        The injection rate is parametrized by assuming that the total
        energy injected in the relativistic electrons during the cluster
        life (e.g., ``age_obs`` here) is a fraction (``self.eta_e``)
        of the total thermal energy of the cluster.

        Note that we assume that the relativistic electrons only permeate
        the halo volume (i.e., of radius ``self.radius``) instead of the
        whole cluster volume (of virial radius).

        Qe(γ) = Ke * γ^(-s),
        int[ Qe(γ) γ me c^2 ]dγ * t_cluster * V_halo =
            eta_e * e_th * V_cluster
        Ke = [(s-2) * eta_e * e_th * γ_min^(s-2) * (R_vir/R_halo)^3 /
              me / c^2 / t_cluster]

        s = self.injection_index
        R_halo = self.radius  # [kpc]
        R_vir = helper.radius_virial(self.M_obs, self.z_obs)  # [kpc]
        e_thermal = helper.density_energy_thermal(self.M_obs, self.z_obs)
        term1 = (s-2) * self.eta_e * e_thermal  # [erg cm^-3]
        term2 = self.gamma_min**(s-2) * (R_vir/R_halo)**3
        term3 = AU.mec2 * self.age_obs  # [erg Gyr]
        Ke = term1 * term2 / term3  # [cm^-3 Gyr^-1]
        return Ke

    def _loss_ion(self, gamma, t):
        Energy loss through ionization and Coulomb collisions.

        gamma : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The Lorentz factors of electrons
        t : float
            The cosmic time/age
            Unit: [Gyr]

        loss : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The energy loss rates
            Unit: [Gyr^-1]

        z = COSMO.redshift(t)
        mass = self._mass(t)
        n_th = helper.density_number_thermal(mass, z)
        coef = -1.20e-12 * AUC.Gyr2s  # [Gyr^-1]
        loss = coef * n_th * (1 + np.log(gamma/n_th) / 75)
        return loss

    def _loss_rad(self, gamma, t):
        Energy loss via synchrotron emission and inverse Compton
        scattering off the CMB photons.

        z = COSMO.redshift(t)
        mass = self._mass(t)
        B = helper.magnetic_field(mass)
        coef = -1.37e-20 * AUC.Gyr2s  # [Gyr^-1]
        loss = coef * gamma**2 * ((B/3.25)**2 + (1+z)**4)
        return loss