# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Weitian LI # MIT license """ Simulate (giant) radio halos originating from the recent merger events, which generate cluster-wide turbulence and accelerate the primary (i.e., fossil) relativistic electrons to high energies to be synchrotron-bright. This *turbulence re-acceleration* model is currently most widely accepted to explain the (giant) radio halos. The simulation method is somewhat based on the statistical (Monte Carlo) method proposed by [cassano2005]_, but with extensive modifications and improvements. References ---------- .. [brunetti2011] Brunetti & Lazarian 2011, MNRAS, 410, 127 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011MNRAS.410..127B .. [cassano2005] Cassano & Brunetti 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1313 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005MNRAS.357.1313C .. [cassano2006] Cassano, Brunetti & Setti, 2006, MNRAS, 369, 1577 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006MNRAS.369.1577C .. [cassano2012] Cassano et al. 2012, A&A, 548, A100 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012A%26A...548A.100C .. [donnert2013] Donnert 2013, AN, 334, 615 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013AN....334..515D .. [donnert2014] Donnert & Brunetti 2014, MNRAS, 443, 3564 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.443.3564D .. [hogg1999] Hogg 1999, arXiv:astro-ph/9905116 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1999astro.ph..5116H .. [miniati2015] Miniati 2015, ApJ, 800, 60 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015ApJ...800...60M .. [pinzke2017] Pinzke, Oh & Pfrommer 2017, MNRAS, 465, 4800 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.465.4800P .. [sarazin1999] Sarazin 1999, ApJ, 520, 529 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1999ApJ...520..529S """ import logging from functools import lru_cache import numpy as np from scipy import integrate from . import helper from .solver import FokkerPlanckSolver from .emission import HaloEmission from ...share import CONFIGS, COSMO from ...utils.units import (Units as AU, UnitConversions as AUC, Constants as AC) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RadioHalo1M: """ Simulate the radio halo properties for a galaxy cluster that is experiencing an on-going merger or had a merger recently. Description ----------- 1. Calculate the turbulence persistence time (tau_turb; ~<1 Gyr); 2. Calculate the diffusion coefficient (D_pp) from the systematic acceleration timescale (tau_acc; ~0.1 Gyr). The acceleration diffusion is assumed to have an action time ~ tau_turb (i.e., only during turbulence persistence), and then is disabled (i.e., only radiation and ionization losses later); 3. Assume the electrons are constantly injected and has a power-law energy spectrum, determine the injection rate by further assuming that the total injected electrons has energy of a fraction (eta_e) of the ICM total thermal energy; 4. Set the electron density/spectrum be the accumulated electrons injected during t_merger time, then evolve it for time_init period considering only losses and constant injection, in order to derive an approximately steady electron spectrum for following use; 5. Calculate the magnetic field from the cluster total mass (which is assumed to be growth linearly from M_main to M_obs); 6. Calculate the energy losses for the coefficients of Fokker-Planck equation; 7. Solve the Fokker-Planck equation to derive the relativistic electron spectrum at t_obs (i.e., z_obs); 8. Calculate the synchrotron emissivity from the derived electron spectrum. Parameters ---------- M_obs : float Cluster virial mass at the current observation (simulation end) time. Unit: [Msun] z_obs : float Redshift of the current observation (simulation end) time. M_main, M_sub : float The main and sub cluster masses before the (major) merger. Unit: [Msun] z_merger : float The redshift when the (major) merger begins. Attributes ---------- fpsolver : `~FokkerPlanckSolver` The solver instance to calculate the electron spectrum evolution. radius : float The halo radius Unit: [kpc] gamma : 1D float `~numpy.ndarray` The Lorentz factors of the adopted logarithmic grid to solve the equation. _acceleration_disabled : bool Whether the turbulence acceleration is intentionally disabled? """ compID = "extragalactic/halos" name = "giant radio halos" def __init__(self, M_obs, z_obs, M_main, M_sub, z_merger, configs=CONFIGS): self.M_obs = M_obs self.z_obs = z_obs self.age_obs = COSMO.age(z_obs) self.M_main = M_main self.M_sub = M_sub self.z_merger = z_merger self.age_merger = COSMO.age(z_merger) self._acceleration_disabled = False self._set_configs(configs) self._set_solver() def _set_configs(self, configs): comp = self.compID self.configs = configs self.f_acc = configs.getn(comp+"/f_acc") self.f_radius = configs.getn(comp+"/f_radius") self.zeta_ins = configs.getn(comp+"/zeta_ins") self.eta_turb = configs.getn(comp+"/eta_turb") self.eta_e = configs.getn(comp+"/eta_e") self.x_cr = configs.getn(comp+"/x_cr") self.gamma_min = configs.getn(comp+"/gamma_min") self.gamma_max = configs.getn(comp+"/gamma_max") self.gamma_np = configs.getn(comp+"/gamma_np") self.buffer_np = configs.getn(comp+"/buffer_np") if self.buffer_np == 0: self.buffer_np = None self.time_step = configs.getn(comp+"/time_step") self.time_init = configs.getn(comp+"/time_init") self.injection_index = configs.getn(comp+"/injection_index") self.fiducial_freq = configs.getn(comp+"/fiducial_freq") self.fiducial_factor = configs.getn(comp+"/fiducial_factor") self.f_rc = configs.getn(comp+"/f_rc") self.beta = configs.getn(comp+"/beta") def _set_solver(self): self.fpsolver = FokkerPlanckSolver( xmin=self.gamma_min, xmax=self.gamma_max, x_np=self.gamma_np, tstep=self.time_step, f_advection=self.fp_advection, f_diffusion=self.fp_diffusion, f_injection=self.fp_injection, buffer_np=self.buffer_np, ) @property @lru_cache() def gamma(self): """ The logarithmic grid adopted for solving the equation. """ return self.fpsolver.x @property def age_begin(self): """ The cosmic time when the merger begins. Unit: [Gyr] """ return self.age_merger def time_turbulence(self, t=None): """ The duration that the compressive turbulence persists, which is estimated as: τ_turb ≅ L / v_impact = 2*R_turb / v_impact. During this period, the merger-induced turbulence is regarded to accelerate the relativistic electrons effectively. Unit: [Gyr] """ t_merger = self._merger_time(t) mass_main = self.mass_main(t=t_merger) mass_sub = self.mass_sub(t=t_merger) z_merger = COSMO.redshift(t_merger) vi = helper.velocity_impact(mass_main, mass_sub, z_merger) # [km/s] distance = 2 * self.radius_turbulence(t_merger) uconv = AUC.kpc2km * AUC.s2Gyr # [s kpc/km] => [Gyr] time = uconv * distance / vi # [Gyr] return time def mach_turbulence(self, t=None): """ The turbulence Mach number determined from its velocity dispersion. """ t_merger = self._merger_time(t) cs = helper.speed_sound(self.kT(t_merger)) # [km/s] v_turb = self._velocity_turb(t_merger) # [km/s] return v_turb / cs @lru_cache() def radius_turbulence(self, t): """ The radius of the turbulence injection region, which is calculated as the mean of the stripping radius of the sub-cluster and the core radius of the main cluster. Unit: [kpc] """ z = COSMO.redshift(t) M_main = self.mass_main(t) r_c = self.f_rc * helper.radius_virial(M_main, z) r_s = self.radius_stripping(t) return (r_c + r_s) / 2 @lru_cache() def radius_stripping(self, t): """ The stripping radius of the in-falling sub-cluster at time t. Unit: [kpc] """ z = COSMO.redshift(t) M_main = self.mass_main(t) M_sub = self.mass_sub(t) return helper.radius_stripping(M_main, M_sub, z, configs=self.configs) def calc_radius(self): """ The estimated radius of the simulated radio halo. Unit: [kpc] """ return self.radius_turbulence(self.age_merger) * self.f_radius @lru_cache() def kT(self, t): """ The ICM mean temperature of the main cluster. Unit: [keV] """ M_main = self.mass_main(t) z = COSMO.redshift(t) return helper.kT_cluster(mass=M_main, z=z, configs=self.configs) def tau_acceleration(self, t): """ Calculate the electron acceleration timescale due to turbulent waves, which describes the turbulent acceleration efficiency. The turbulent acceleration timescale has order of ~0.1 Gyr. Here we consider the turbulence cascade mode through scattering in the high-β ICM mediated by plasma instabilities (firehose, mirror) rather than Coulomb scattering. Therefore, the fast modes damp by TTD (transit time damping) on relativistic rather than thermal particles, and the diffusion coefficient is given by: D_pp = (4π * p^2 * ζ / X_cr / L_turb) * ^2 / c_s^3 where: ζ: efficiency factor for the effectiveness of plasma instabilities X_cr: relative energy density of cosmic rays L_turb: turbulence injection scale v_turb: turbulence velocity dispersion c_s: sound speed Thus the acceleration timescale is: τ_acc = p^2 / (4*D_pp) = (X_cr * c_s^3 * L_turb) / (16π * ζ * ^2) WARNING ------- Current test shows that a very large acceleration timescale (e.g., 1000 or even larger) will cause problems (maybe due to some limitations within the current calculation scheme), for example, the energy losses don't seem to have effect in such cases, so the derived initial electron spectrum is almost the same as the raw input one, and the emissivity at medium/high frequencies even decreases when the turbulence acceleration begins! By carrying out some tests, the value of 10 [Gyr] is adopted for the maximum acceleration timescale. Parameters ---------- t : float, optional The cosmic time when to determine the acceleration timescale. Unit: [Gyr] Returns ------- tau : float The acceleration timescale at the requested time. Unit: [Gyr] References ---------- * Ref.[pinzke2017],Eq.(37) * Ref.[miniati2015],Eq.(29) """ # Maximum acceleration timescale when no turbulence acceleration # NOTE: see the above WARNING! tau_max = 10.0 # [Gyr] if not self._is_turb_active(t): return tau_max t_merger = self._merger_time(t) L_turb = 2 * self.radius_turbulence(t_merger) # [kpc] cs = helper.speed_sound(self.kT(t_merger)) # [km/s] v_turb = self._velocity_turb(t_merger) # [km/s] tau = (self.x_cr * cs**3 * L_turb / (16*np.pi * self.zeta_ins * v_turb**4)) # [s kpc/km] tau *= AUC.s2Gyr * AUC.kpc2km # [Gyr] tau *= self.f_acc # custom tune parameter # Impose the maximum acceleration timescale if tau > tau_max: tau = tau_max return tau @property @lru_cache() def injection_rate(self): """ The constant electron injection rate assumed. Unit: [cm^-3 Gyr^-1] The injection rate is parametrized by assuming that the total energy injected in the relativistic electrons during the cluster life (e.g., ``age_obs`` here) is a fraction (``self.eta_e``) of the total thermal energy of the cluster. The electrons are assumed to be injected throughout the cluster ICM/volume, i.e., do not restricted inside the halo volume. Qe(γ) = Ke * γ^(-s), int[ Qe(γ) γ me c^2 ]dγ * t_cluster = η_e * e_th => Ke = [(s-2) * η_e * e_th * γ_min^(s-2) / (me * c^2 * t_cluster)] References ---------- Ref.[cassano2005],Eqs.(31,32,33) """ s = self.injection_index e_th = helper.density_energy_thermal(self.M_obs, self.z_obs, configs=self.configs) term1 = (s-2) * self.eta_e * e_th # [erg cm^-3] term2 = self.gamma_min**(s-2) term3 = AU.mec2 * self.age_obs # [erg Gyr] Ke = term1 * term2 / term3 # [cm^-3 Gyr^-1] return Ke @property def electron_spec_init(self): """ The electron spectrum at ``age_begin`` to be used as the initial condition for the Fokker-Planck equation. This initial electron spectrum is derived from the accumulated electron spectrum injected throughout the ``age_begin`` period, by solving the same Fokker-Planck equation, but only considering energy losses and constant injection, evolving for a period of ``time_init`` in order to obtain an approximately steady electron spectrum. Units: [cm^-3] """ # Accumulated electrons constantly injected until ``age_begin`` n_inj = self.fp_injection(self.gamma) n0_e = n_inj * (self.age_begin - self.time_init) logger.debug("Deriving the initial electron spectrum ...") self._acceleration_disabled = True tstart = self.age_begin tstop = self.age_begin + self.time_init self.fpsolver.tstep = self.time_step * 3 # To save time n_e = self.fpsolver.solve(u0=n0_e, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop) self._acceleration_disabled = False self.fpsolver.tstep = self.time_step return n_e def calc_electron_spectrum(self, tstart=None, tstop=None, n0_e=None, fiducial=False): """ Calculate the relativistic electron spectrum by solving the Fokker-Planck equation. Parameters ---------- tstart : float, optional The (cosmic) time from when to solve the Fokker-Planck equation for relativistic electrons evolution. Default: ``self.age_begin``. Unit: [Gyr] tstop : float, optional The (cosmic) time when to derive final relativistic electrons spectrum for synchrotron emission calculations. Default: ``self.age_obs``. Unit: [Gyr] n0_e : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional The initial electron spectrum (number distribution). Default: ``self.electron_spec_init`` Unit: [cm^-3] fiducial : bool Whether to disable the turbulent acceleration and derive the fiducial electron spectrum? Default: ``False`` Returns ------- n_e : float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` The solved electron spectrum. Unit: [cm^-3] """ if tstart is None: tstart = self.age_begin if tstop is None: tstop = self.age_obs if n0_e is None: n0_e = self.electron_spec_init if fiducial: self._acceleration_disabled = True self.fpsolver.tstep = self.time_step * 2 # To save time logger.debug("Calculating the %s electron spectrum ..." % ("[fiducial]" if fiducial else "")) n_e = self.fpsolver.solve(u0=n0_e, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop) self._acceleration_disabled = False self.fpsolver.tstep = self.time_step return n_e def is_genuine(self, n_e): """ Check whether the radio halo is genuine/observable by comparing the emissivity to the corresponding fiducial value, which is calculated from the fiducial electron spectrum derived with turbulent acceleration turned off. Parameters ---------- n_e : float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` The finally derived electron spectrum. Unit: [cm^-3] Returns ------- genuine : bool Whether the radio halo is genuine? factor : float Acceleration factor of the flux. """ haloem = HaloEmission(gamma=self.gamma, n_e=n_e, B=1) em = haloem.calc_emissivity(self.fiducial_freq) ne_fiducial = self.calc_electron_spectrum(fiducial=True) haloem.n_e = ne_fiducial em_fiducial = haloem.calc_emissivity(self.fiducial_freq) factor = em / em_fiducial return (factor >= self.fiducial_factor, factor) def fp_injection(self, gamma, t=None): """ Electron injection (rate) term for the Fokker-Planck equation. NOTE ---- The injected electrons are assumed to have a power-law spectrum and a constant injection rate. Qe(γ) = Ke * γ^(-s), Ke: constant injection rate Parameters ---------- gamma : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` Lorentz factors of electrons t : None Currently a constant injection rate is assumed, therefore this parameter is not used. Keep it for the consistency with other functions. Returns ------- Qe : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` Current electron injection rate at specified energies (gamma). Unit: [cm^-3 Gyr^-1] References ---------- Ref.[cassano2005],Eqs.(31,32,33) """ Ke = self.injection_rate # [cm^-3 Gyr^-1] Qe = Ke * gamma**(-self.injection_index) return Qe def fp_diffusion(self, gamma, t): """ Diffusion term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation. The diffusion is directly related to the electron acceleration which is described by the ``tau_acc`` acceleration timescale parameter. WARNING ------- A zero diffusion coefficient may lead to unstable/wrong results, since it is not properly taken care of by the solver. Parameters ---------- gamma : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` The Lorentz factors of electrons t : float Current (cosmic) time when solving the equation Unit: [Gyr] Returns ------- diffusion : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` Diffusion coefficients Unit: [Gyr^-1] References ---------- Ref.[donnert2013],Eq.(15) """ tau_acc = self.tau_acceleration(t) gamma = np.asarray(gamma) diffusion = gamma**2 / 4 / tau_acc return diffusion def fp_advection(self, gamma, t): """ Advection term/coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation, which describes a systematic tendency for upward or downward drift of particles. This term is also called the "generalized cooling function" by [donnert2014], which includes all relevant energy loss functions and the energy gain function due to turbulence. Returns ------- advection : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` Advection coefficient. Unit: [Gyr^-1] """ if self._is_turb_active(t): # Turbulence acceleration and beyond advection = (abs(self._energy_loss(gamma, t)) - (self.fp_diffusion(gamma, t) * 2 / gamma)) else: # To derive the initial electron spectrum advection = abs(self._energy_loss(gamma, self.age_begin)) return advection def _merger_time(self, t=None): """ The (cosmic) time when the merger begins. Unit: [Gyr] """ return self.age_merger def mass_merged(self, t=None): """ The mass of the merged cluster. Unit: [Msun] """ return self.M_main + self.M_sub def mass_sub(self, t=None): """ The mass of the sub cluster. Unit: [Msun] """ return self.M_sub def mass_main(self, t): """ Calculate the main cluster mass at the given (cosmic) time. Unit: [Msun] NOTE ---- Since we currently only consider the last major merger event, there may be a long time between ``z_merger`` and ``z_obs``. So we assume that the main cluster grows linearly in time from (M_main, z_merger) to (M_obs, z_obs). """ t0 = self.age_begin rate = (self.M_obs - self.M_main) / (self.age_obs - t0) mass = rate * (t - t0) + self.M_main # [Msun] return mass def magnetic_field(self, t): """ Calculate the mean magnetic field strength of the main cluster mass at the given (cosmic) time. Unit: [uG] """ z = COSMO.redshift(t) mass = self.mass_main(t) # [Msun] return helper.magnetic_field(mass=mass, z=z, configs=self.configs) @lru_cache() def _rho_gas_f(self, t): """ The gas density profile of the merged cluster. Returns ------- f(r) : function A function that calculates the gas density of unit [Msun/kpc^3]. """ z = COSMO.redshift(t) M_main = self.mass_main(t) M_sub = self.mass_sub(t) return helper.calc_gas_density_profile(mass=M_main+M_sub, z=z, f_rc=self.f_rc, beta=self.beta) @lru_cache() def _velocity_turb(self, t): """ Calculate the turbulence velocity dispersion. NOTE ---- During the merger, a fraction of the merger kinetic energy is transferred into the turbulence within the region of radius R_turb. Then estimate the turbulence velocity dispersion from its energy. Merger energy: E_merger ≅ <ρ_gas> * v_i^2 * V_turb V_turb = ᴨ * r_s^2 * R_vir Turbulence energy: E_turb ≅ η_turb * E_merger ≅ 0.5 * M_turb * => Velocity dispersion: ≅ 2*η_turb * <ρ_gas> * v_i^2 * V_turb / M_turb M_turb = int_0^R_turb[ ρ_gas(r)*4ᴨ*r^2 ]dr where: <ρ_gas>: mean gas density of the main cluster R_vir: virial radius of the main cluster R_turb: radius of turbulence region v_i: impact velocity r_s: stripping radius of the in-falling sub-cluster Returns ------- v_turb : float The turbulence velocity dispersion Unit: [km/s] """ z = COSMO.redshift(t) rho_gas_f = self._rho_gas_f(t) R_turb = self.radius_turbulence(t) # [kpc] M_turb = 4*np.pi * integrate.quad(lambda r: rho_gas_f(r) * r**2, a=0, b=R_turb)[0] # [Msun] M_main = self.mass_main(t) M_sub = self.mass_sub(t) v_i = helper.velocity_impact(M_main, M_sub, z) # [km/s] rho_main = helper.density_number_thermal(M_main, z) # [cm^-3] rho_main *= AC.mu*AC.u * AUC.g2Msun * AUC.kpc2cm**3 # [Msun/kpc^3] R_vir = helper.radius_virial(M_main, z) # [kpc] r_s = self.radius_stripping(t) # [kpc] V_turb = np.pi * r_s**2 * R_vir # [kpc^3] E_turb = self.eta_turb * rho_main * v_i**2 * V_turb v2_turb = 2 * E_turb / M_turb # [km^2/s^2] return np.sqrt(v2_turb) # [km/s] def _is_turb_active(self, t): """ Is the turbulence acceleration is active at the given time? """ if self._acceleration_disabled: return False t_merger = self._merger_time(t) t_turb = self.time_turbulence(t_merger) return (t >= t_merger) and (t <= t_merger + t_turb) def _energy_loss(self, gamma, t): """ Energy loss mechanisms: * inverse Compton scattering off the CMB photons * synchrotron radiation * Coulomb collisions Reference: Ref.[sarazin1999],Eqs.(6,7,9) Parameters ---------- gamma : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` The Lorentz factors of electrons t : float The cosmic time/age Unit: [Gyr] Returns ------- loss : float, or float 1D `~numpy.ndarray` The energy loss rates Unit: [Gyr^-1] """ gamma = np.asarray(gamma) z = COSMO.redshift(t) B = self.magnetic_field(t) # [uG] mass = self.mass_main(t) n_th = helper.density_number_thermal(mass, z) # [cm^-3] loss_ic = -4.32e-4 * gamma**2 * (1+z)**4 loss_syn = -4.10e-5 * gamma**2 * B**2 loss_coul = -3.79e4 * n_th * (1 + np.log(gamma/n_th) / 75) return loss_ic + loss_syn + loss_coul class RadioHaloAM(RadioHalo1M): """ Simulate the radio halo properties for a galaxy cluster with all its on-going merger and past merger events taken into account. Parameters ---------- M_obs : float Cluster virial mass at the observation (simulation end) time. Unit: [Msun] z_obs : float Redshift of the observation (simulation end) time. M_main, M_sub : list[float] List of main and sub cluster masses at each merger event, from current to earlier time. Unit: [Msun] z_merger : list[float] The redshifts at each merger event, from small to large. merger_num : int Number of merger events traced for the cluster. radius : float The radius of the radio halo. Unit: [kpc] """ def __init__(self, M_obs, z_obs, M_main, M_sub, z_merger, merger_num, radius, configs=CONFIGS): M_main = np.asarray(M_main[:merger_num]) M_sub = np.asarray(M_sub[:merger_num]) z_merger = np.asarray(z_merger[:merger_num]) super().__init__(M_obs=M_obs, z_obs=z_obs, M_main=M_main, M_sub=M_sub, z_merger=z_merger, configs=configs) self.merger_num = merger_num self.radius_ = radius # [kpc] @property def radius(self): """ The radius of the final radio halo. Unit: [kpc] """ return self.radius_ @property def age_begin(self): """ The cosmic time when the merger begins, i.e., the earliest merger. Unit: [Gyr] """ return self.age_merger[-1] def _merger_idx(self, t): """ Determine the index of the merger event within which the given time is located, i.e.: age_merger[idx-1] >= t > age_merger[idx] """ return (self.age_merger > t).sum() def _merger_time(self, t): """ Determine the beginning time of the merger event within which the given time is located. """ idx = self._merger_idx(t) return self.age_merger[idx] def _merger(self, t): """ Return the merger event at cosmic time ``t``. """ idx = self._merger_idx(t) return { "idx": idx, "M_main": self.M_main[idx], "M_sub": self.M_sub[idx], "z": self.z_merger[idx], "age": self.age_merger[idx], } def mass_merged(self, t): """ The mass of merged cluster at the given (cosmic) time. Unit: [Msun] """ if t >= self.age_obs: return self.M_obs else: merger = self._merger(t) return (merger["M_main"] + merger["M_sub"]) def mass_sub(self, t): """ The mass of the sub cluster at the given (cosmic) time. Unit: [Msun] """ merger = self._merger(t) return merger["M_sub"] def mass_main(self, t): """ Calculate the main cluster mass at the given (cosmic) time. Parameters ---------- t : float The (cosmic) time/age. Unit: [Gyr] Returns ------- mass : float The mass of the main cluster. Unit: [Msun] """ merger1 = self._merger(t) idx1 = merger1["idx"] mass1 = merger1["M_main"] t1 = merger1["age"] if idx1 == 0: mass0 = self.M_obs t0 = self.age_obs else: idx0 = idx1 - 1 mass0 = self.M_main[idx0] t0 = self.age_merger[idx0] rate = (mass0 - mass1) / (t0 - t1) return (mass1 + rate * (t - t1)) @property def time_turbulence_avg(self): """ Calculate the time-averaged turbulence acceleration active time within the period from ``age_begin`` to ``age_obs``. Unit: [Gyr] """ dt = self.time_step xt = np.arange(self.age_begin, self.age_obs+dt/2, step=dt) t_turb = np.array([self.time_turbulence(t) for t in xt]) return np.sum(t_turb * dt) / (len(xt) * dt) @property def mach_turbulence_avg(self): """ Calculate the time-averaged turbulence Mach number within the period from ``age_begin`` to ``age_obs``. """ dt = self.time_step xt = np.arange(self.age_begin, self.age_obs+dt/2, step=dt) mach = np.array([self.mach_turbulence(t) for t in xt]) return np.sum(mach * dt) / (len(xt) * dt) @property def tau_acceleration_avg(self): """ Calculate the time-averaged turbulence acceleration timescale (i.e., efficiency) within the period from ``age_begin`` to ``age_obs``. Unit: [Gyr] """ dt = self.time_step xt = np.arange(self.age_begin, self.age_obs+dt/2, step=dt) tau = np.array([self.tau_acceleration(t) for t in xt]) return np.sum(tau * dt) / (len(xt) * dt) @property def time_acceleration_fraction(self): """ Calculate the fraction of time within the period from ``age_begin`` to ``age_obs`` that the turbulence acceleration is active. """ dt = self.fpsolver.tstep xt = np.arange(self.age_begin, self.age_obs+dt/2, step=dt) active = np.array([self._is_turb_active(t) for t in xt], dtype=int) return active.mean()