# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI # MIT license """ Simulate the extended radio emissions from the galaxy cluster, e.g., giant radio halos, radio relics. NOTE ---- There are other types of extended radio emissions not considered yet, e.g., mini-halos, roundish radio relics, etc. References ---------- .. [cassano2012] Cassano et al. 2012, A&A, 548, A100 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012A%26A...548A.100C """ import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .formation import ClusterFormation from .halo import RadioHalo from ...configs import configs from ...sky import get_sky from ...utils import cosmo from ...utils.io import dataframe_to_csv logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GalaxyClusters: """ Simulate the extended radio emissions from the galaxy clusters. NOTE ---- Currently, only the *giant radio halos* are considered, while other types of extended emissions are missing, e.g., mini-halos, elongated relics, roundish relics. Attributes ---------- configs : `~ConfigManager` A `ConfigManager` instance containing default and user configurations. For more details, see the example configuration specifications. halo_configs : dict A dictionary containing the configurations for halo simulation. sky : `~SkyPatch` or `SkyHealpix` The sky instance to deal with the simulation sky as well as the output map. XXX: current full-sky HEALPix map is NOT supported! """ # Component name name = "galaxy clusters (halos)" def __init__(self, configs=configs): self.configs = configs self.sky = get_sky(configs) self._set_configs() def _set_configs(self): """ Load the configs and set the corresponding class attributes. """ comp = "extragalactic/clusters" self.catalog_path = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/catalog") self.catalog_outfile = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/catalog_outfile") self.prefix = self.configs.getn(comp+"/prefix") self.save = self.configs.getn(comp+"/save") self.output_dir = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/output_dir") self.merger_mass_min = self.configs.getn(comp+"/merger_mass_min") self.ratio_major = self.configs.getn(comp+"/ratio_major") self.tau_merger = self.configs.getn(comp+"/tau_merger") self.filename_pattern = self.configs.getn("output/filename_pattern") self.use_float = self.configs.getn("output/use_float") self.checksum = self.configs.getn("output/checksum") self.clobber = self.configs.getn("output/clobber") # Sky and resolution if self.sky.type_ == "patch": self.resolution = self.sky.pixelsize # [arcsec] else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: full-sky simulations") logger.info("Loaded and set up configurations") def _load_catalog(self): """ Load the sampled (z, mass) catalogs from the Press-Schechter formalism for the clusters in this sky patch. Catalog columns --------------- * ``z`` : redshifts * ``mass`` : cluster mass; unit: [Msun] """ self.catalog = pd.read_csv(self.catalog_path, comment="#") self.catalog_comment = [ "z : redshift", "mass : cluster total mass [Msun]", ] num = len(self.catalog) logger.info("Loaded (z, mass) catalog: %d clusters" % num) def _process_catalog(self): """ Do some basic processes to the catalog: * Generate random positions within the sky for each cluster; * Generate random elongated fraction; * Generate random rotation angle. Catalog columns --------------- * ``lon`` : longitudes; unit: [deg] * ``lat`` : latitudes; unit: [deg] * ``felong`` : elongated fraction, defined as the ratio of elliptical semi-major axis to semi-minor axis; restricted within [0.3, 1.0] * ``rotation`` : rotation angle; uniformly distributed within [0, 360.0); unit: [deg] NOTE ---- felong (elongated fraction) :: Adopt a definition (felong = b/a) similar to the Hubble classification for the elliptical galaxies. As for the elliptical galaxies classification, E7 is the limit (e.g., Wikipedia), therefore felong is also restricted within [0.3, 1.0], and sampled from a cut and absolute normal distribution centered at 1.0 with sigma ~0.7/3 (<= 3σ). """ logger.info("Preliminary processes to the catalog ...") num = len(self.catalog) lon, lat = self.sky.random_points(n=num) self.catalog["lon"] = lon self.catalog["lat"] = lat self.catalog_comment.append( "lon, lat : longitudes and latitudes [deg]") logger.info("Added catalog columns: lon, lat.") felong_min = 0.3 sigma = (1.0 - felong_min) / 3.0 felong = 1.0 - np.abs(np.random.normal(scale=sigma, size=num)) felong[felong < felong_min] = felong_min self.catalog["felong"] = felong self.catalog_comment.append( "felong : elongated fraction (= b/a)") logger.info("Added catalog column: felong.") rotation = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=360.0, size=num) self.catalog["rotation"] = rotation self.catalog_comment.append( "rotation : ellipse rotation angle [deg]") logger.info("Added catalog column: rotation.") def _simulate_mergers(self): """ Simulate the *recent major merger* event for each cluster. First simulate the cluster formation history by tracing the merger and accretion events of the main cluster, then identify the most recent major merger event according to the mass ratio of two merging clusters. And the properties of the found merger event are appended to the catalog. NOTE ---- There may be no such recent major merger event satisfying the criteria, since we only tracing ``tau_merger`` (~3 Gyr) back. On the other hand, the cluster may only experience minor merger or accretion events. Catalog columns --------------- * ``rmm_mass1``, ``rmm_mass2`` : masses of the main and sub clusters upon the recent major merger event; unit: [Msun] * ``rmm_z``, ``rmm_age`` : redshift and cosmic age; unit: [Gyr] of the recent major merger event. """ logger.info("Simulating the galaxy formation to identify " + "the most recent major merger event ...") num = len(self.catalog) mdata = np.zeros(shape=(num, 4)) mdata.fill(np.nan) num_major = 0 # number of clusters with recent major merger for i, row in zip(range(num), self.catalog.itertuples()): ii = i + 1 if ii % 50 == 0: logger.info("[%d/%d] %.1f%% ..." % (ii, num, 100*ii/num)) z0, M0 = row.z, row.mass age0 = cosmo.age(z0) zmax = cosmo.redshift(age0 - self.tau_merger) clform = ClusterFormation(M0=M0, z0=z0, zmax=zmax, ratio_major=self.ratio_major, merger_mass_min=self.merger_mass_min) clform.simulate_mergertree(main_only=True) mmev = clform.recent_major_merger if mmev: num_major += 1 mdata[i, :] = [mmev["M_main"], mmev["M_sub"], mmev["z"], mmev["age"]] mdf = pd.DataFrame(data=mdata, columns=["rmm_mass1", "rmm_mass2", "rmm_z", "rmm_age"]) self.catalog = self.catalog.join(mdf, how="outer") self.catalog_comment += [ "rmm_mass1 : main cluster mass at recent major merger; [Msun]", "rmm_mass2 : sub cluster mass at recent major merger; [Msun]", "rmm_z : redshift of the recent major merger", "rmm_age : cosmic age of the recent major merger; [Gyr]", ] logger.info("Simulated and identified recent major merger events.") logger.info("%d (%.1f%%) clusters have recent major mergers." % (num_major, 100*num_major/num)) """ """ def preprocess(self): """ Perform the preparation procedures for the later simulations. Attributes ---------- _preprocessed : bool This attribute presents and is ``True`` after the preparation procedures have been done. """ if hasattr(self, "_preprocessed") and self._preprocessed: return logger.info("{name}: preprocessing ...".format(name=self.name)) self._load_catalog() self._process_catalog() # self._simulate_mergers() # TODO ??? self._preprocessed = True def postprocess(self): """ Do some necessary post-simulation operations. """ logger.info("{name}: postprocessing ...".format(name=self.name)) # Save the final resulting clusters catalog logger.info("Save the resulting catalog ...") if self.catalog_outfile is None: logger.warning("Catalog output file not set; skip saving!") else: dataframe_to_csv(self.catalog, outfile=self.catalog_outfile, comment=self.catalog_comment, clobber=self.clobber)