# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI <weitian@aaronly.me>
# MIT license

Press-Schechter (PS) formalism

First determine the number of clusters within a sky patch (i.e., sky
coverage) according to the cluster distribution predicted by the PS
formalism; then sampling from the halo mass function to derive the mass
and redshift for each cluster.

import logging
import random
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import hmf

from ...share import CONFIGS, COSMO
from ...utils.units import UnitConversions as AUC
from ...utils.io import write_dndlnm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PSFormalism:
    Press-Schechter (PS) formalism

    Calculate the halo mass distribution with respect to mass and redshift,
    determine the clusters number counts and generate their distribution
    (mass and z) within a sky patch of certain coverage.
    def __init__(self, configs=CONFIGS):
        self.configs = configs

    def _set_configs(self):
        Load the required configurations and set them.
        comp = "extragalactic/psformalism"
        self.model = self.configs.getn(comp+"/model")
        self.M_min = self.configs.getn(comp+"/M_min")
        self.M_max = self.configs.getn(comp+"/M_max")
        self.M_step = self.configs.getn(comp+"/M_step")
        self.z_min = self.configs.getn(comp+"/z_min")
        self.z_max = self.configs.getn(comp+"/z_max")
        self.z_step = self.configs.getn(comp+"/z_step")
        self.dndlnm_outfile = self.configs.get_path(comp+"/dndlnm_outfile")

        comp = "extragalactic/clusters"
        self.Mmin_cluster = self.configs.getn(comp+"/mass_min")  # [Msun]
        self.boost = self.configs.getn(comp+"/boost")

        self.clobber = self.configs.getn("output/clobber")

    def hmf_model(self):
        return {"PS": "PS",
                "SMT": "SMT",
                "JENKINS": "Jenkins"}[self.model.upper()]

    def hmf_massfunc(self, z=0.0):
        Halo mass function as a `~hmf.MassFunction` instance.
        if not hasattr(self, "_hmf_massfunc"):
            h = COSMO.h
            cosmo = COSMO._cosmo
            self._hmf_massfunc = hmf.MassFunction(
            logger.info("Initialized '%s' halo mass function." %

        massfunc = self._hmf_massfunc
        return massfunc

    def z(self):
        The redshift points where to calculate the dndlnm data.
        return np.arange(self.z_min, self.z_max+self.z_step/2, self.z_step)

    def mass(self):
        The mass points where to calculate the dndlnm data.

        The maximum mass end is exclusive, to be  consistent with hmf's
        mass function!
        return 10 ** np.arange(np.log10(self.M_min),

    def dndlnm(self):
        The calculated halo mass distributions data.
        if not hasattr(self, "_dndlnm"):
            self._dndlnm = self.calc_dndlnm()
        return self._dndlnm

    def calc_dndlnm(self):
        Calculate the halo mass distributions expressed in ``dndlnm``,
        the differential mass distribution in terms of natural log of
        Unit: [Mpc^-3] (the little "h" is folded into the values)

        dndlnm = d n(M,z) / d ln(M); [Mpc^-3]
        describes the number of halos per comoving volume (Mpc^3) at
        redshift z per unit logarithmic mass interval at mass M.
        logger.info("Calculating dndlnm data ...")
        dndlnm = []
        h = COSMO.h
        for z_ in self.z:
            massfunc = self.hmf_massfunc(z_)
            dndlnm.append(massfunc.dndlnm * h**3)
        self._dndlnm = np.array(dndlnm)
        logger.info("Calculated dndlnm within redshift: %.1f - %.1f" %
                    (self.z_min, self.z_max))
        return self._dndlnm

    def write(self, outfile=None):
        Write the calculate dndlnm data into file as NumPy ".npz" format.
        if outfile is None:
            outfile = self.dndlnm_outfile
        write_dndlnm(outfile, dndlnm=self.dndlnm, z=self.z, mass=self.mass,
        logger.info("Wrote dndlnm data into file: %s" % outfile)

    def Mmin_halo(self):
        return self.Mmin_cluster * COSMO.darkmatter_fraction

    def delta(x, logeven=False):
        Calculate the delta values for each element of a vector,
        assuming they are evenly or log-evenly distributed,
        by extrapolating.
        x = np.asarray(x)
        if logeven:
            ratio = x[1] / x[0]
            x_left = x[0] / ratio
            x_right = x[-1] * ratio
            step = x[1] - x[0]
            x_left = x[0] - step
            x_right = x[-1] + step
        x2 = np.concatenate([[x_left], x, [x_right]])
        dx = (x2[2:] - x2[:-2]) / 2
        return dx

    def number_grid(self):
        The halo number per unit solid angle [sr] distribution w.r.t.
        mass and redshift.
        Unit: [/sr]
        if not hasattr(self, "_number_grid"):
            dz = self.delta(self.z)
            dM = self.delta(self.mass, logeven=True)
            dlnM = dM / self.mass
            dlnMgrid, dzgrid = np.meshgrid(dlnM, dz)
            __, zgrid = np.meshgrid(self.mass, self.z)
            dVcgrid = COSMO.dVc(zgrid)  # [Mpc^3/sr]
            self._number_grid = self.dndlnm * dlnMgrid * (dVcgrid*dzgrid)

        return self._number_grid

    def calc_cluster_counts(self, coverage):
        Calculate the total number of clusters (>= minimum mass) within
        the FoV coverage according to the halo number density distribution.

        coverage : float
            The coverage of the sky patch within which to determine the
            total number of clusters.
            Unit: [deg^2]

        counts : int
            The total number of clusters within the sky patch.

        logger.info("Calculating the total number of clusters within "
                    "sky patch of coverage %.1f [deg^2]" % coverage)
        coverage *= AUC.deg2rad**2  # [deg^2] -> [rad^2] = [sr]
        midx = (self.mass >= self.Mmin_halo)
        numgrid = self.number_grid
        counts = np.sum(numgrid[:, midx]) * coverage
        counts *= self.boost  # number boost factor
        self.counts = int(np.round(counts))
        logger.info("Total number of clusters: %d" % self.counts)
        return self.counts

    def sample_z_m(self, counts=None):
        Randomly generate the requested number of pairs of (z, M) following
        the halo number distribution.

        First derive the cluster (M>=Mmin) number distribution w.r.t.
        redshifts, from which the redshift for each cluster is sampled
        using the acceptance-rejection algorithm.  Then for each cluster
        at redshift z, the corresponding halo mass distribution is used
        to generate the cluster mass using the same algorithm.

        Sampling masses in logarithmic scale improve the speed very
        significantly (~30x)!

        counts : int, optional
            The number of (z, mass) pairs to be sampled.
            If not specified, then default to ``self.counts``

        df : `~pandas.DataFrame`
            A Pandas data frame with 2 columns, i.e., ``z`` and ``mass``.
        comment : list[str]
            Comments to the above data frame.

        clusters : df
        clusters_comment : comment
        if counts is None:
            counts = self.counts
        logger.info("Sampling (z, mass) pairs for %d clusters ..." % counts)

        z = self.z
        zmin = z.min()
        zmax = z.max()
        log10mass = np.log10(self.mass)
        log10Mmin = np.log10(self.Mmin_halo)
        log10Mmax = log10mass.max()
        midx = (log10mass >= log10Mmin)
        log10mass = log10mass[midx]
        Ngrid = self.number_grid[:, midx]

        logger.info("Sampling redshifts ...")
        z_list = []
        zi_list = []
        Nzdist = Ngrid.sum(axis=1)
        NMax = Nzdist.max()
        i = 0
        while i < counts:
            zc = random.uniform(zmin, zmax)
            zi = (z < zc).sum()
            Nzc = Nzdist[zi]
            r = random.random()
            if r < Nzc/NMax:
                i += 1

        logger.info("Sampling masses ...")
        mass_list = []
        NMax_list = Ngrid.max(axis=1)
        i = 0
        while i < counts:
            zi = zi_list[i]
            NMax = NMax_list[zi]
            Nmassdist = Ngrid[zi, :]
            log10Mc = random.uniform(log10Mmin, log10Mmax)
            Mi = (log10mass < log10Mc).sum()
            NMc = Nmassdist[Mi]
            r = random.random()
            if r < NMc/NMax:
                i += 1

        logger.info("Sampled %d pairs of (z, mass) for each cluster" % counts)
        df = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([z_list, mass_list]),
                          columns=["z", "mass"])
        df["mass"] /= COSMO.darkmatter_fraction
        comment = [
            "halo mass function model: %s" % self.hmf_model,
            "cluster minimum mass: %.2e [Msun]" % self.Mmin_cluster,
            "dark matter fraction: %.2f" % COSMO.darkmatter_fraction,
            "cluster counts: %d" % counts,
            "boost factor for cluster counts: %s" % self.boost,
            "z - redshift",
            "mass - cluster total mass [Msun]",
        self.clusters = df
        self.clusters_comment = comment
        return (df, comment)