# Copyright (c) 2016-2017,2019 Weitian LI # MIT License """ Manage and manipulate the simulation products. """ import os import shutil import json import logging from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from .errors import ManifestError from .utils.hashutil import calc_md5 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Products: """ Manage and manipulate the simulation products. Parameters ---------- manifestfile : str, optional The absolute path to the manifest file for loading. load : bool, optional Load the specified manifest file if ``True``. Attributes ---------- manifest : dict The manifest of the simulation products. See the below "Manifest Format" section for more details. manifestfile : str The absolute path to the loaded manifest file. Manifest Format --------------- `` { "frequency" : { "frequencies" : [ ], "id" : [ ], "unit": , }, : [ { "frequency" : , "healpix" : { "path" : , "size" : , "md5" : , }, "hpx" : { "path" : , "size" : , "md5" : , }, }, ... ], ... } `` """ def __init__(self, manifestfile=None, load=True): self.manifest = OrderedDict() self.manifestfile = manifestfile if (manifestfile is not None) and load: self.load(manifestfile) @property def frequencies(self): """ Get the frequencies of the products from the manifest. """ return self.manifest["frequency"] @frequencies.setter def frequencies(self, value): """ Set the frequencies of the products and store in the manifest. Each frequency has an ID (also its index in the frequencies list). Parameters ---------- value : list[float], or tuple(list[float], str) The list of simulation frequencies, or a tuple of the frequencies and its unit (default: MHz). """ if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2: frequencies, unit = value else: frequencies = value unit = "MHz" # self.manifest["frequency"] = { "frequencies": list(frequencies), "id": list(range(len(frequencies))), "unit": unit, } logger.info("Number of frequencies: {0}, ".format(len(frequencies)) + "unit: {0}".format(unit)) def find_frequency_id(self, frequency, atol=1e-3): """ Find the ID of the given frequency by comparing it to the frequencies list. Parameters ---------- frequency : float The input frequency for which to find its the ID atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance parameter. For finite values, isclose uses the following equation to test whether two floating point values are equivalent: absolute(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * absolute(b)) Returns ------- id : int The ID of the input frequency, and ``-1`` if not found. ``None`` if frequencies currently not set. """ try: frequencies = np.asarray(self.frequencies["frequencies"]) fid = self.frequencies["id"] res = np.where(np.isclose(frequencies, frequency, atol=atol))[0] if len(res) == 0: return -1 else: return fid[res[0]] except KeyError: # Frequencies currently not set return None def add_product(self, comp_id, freq_id, filepath): """ Add one single simulation product to the manifest. The metadata (file path, size and MD5 checksum) of simulation products are stored in the manifest. Parameters ---------- comp_id : str ID of the component to be added. freq_id : int Frequency ID filepath : str File path of the product (HEALPix maps). Raises ------ ManifestError : The attribute ``self.manifestfile`` is not set. """ if self.manifestfile is None: raise ManifestError("'self.manifestfile' is not set") frequencies = self.frequencies["frequencies"] if comp_id not in self.manifest.keys(): self.manifest[comp_id] = [{} for i in range(len(frequencies))] root_dir = self.get_root_dir() self.manifest[comp_id][freq_id] = { "frequency": frequencies[freq_id], "healpix": { # Relative path to the HEALPix map file from this manifest "path": os.path.relpath(filepath, root_dir), "size": os.path.getsize(filepath), # [byte] "md5": calc_md5(filepath), } } logger.info("Added one product to the manifest: {0}".format(filepath)) def add_component(self, comp_id, paths): """ Add a simulation component to the manifest. The simulation products (file path, size and MD5 checksum) are stored in the manifest. Parameters ---------- comp_id : str ID of the component to be added. paths : list[str] List of the file paths of the component products (HEALPix maps). Raises ------ ManifestError : * The attribute ``self.manifestfile`` is not set. * Number of input paths dose NOT equal to number of frequencies """ if self.manifestfile is None: raise ManifestError("'self.manifestfile' is not set") frequencies = self.frequencies["frequencies"] if len(paths) != len(frequencies): raise ManifestError("Number of paths (%d) != " % len(paths) + "number of frequencies") for freq_id, filepath in enumerate(paths): self.add_product(comp_id, freq_id, filepath) logger.info("Added component '{0}' to the manifest".format(comp_id)) def checksum(self, comp_id, freq_id): """ Calculate the checksum for products and compare with the existing manifest. Parameters ---------- comp_id : str ID of the component whose product will be checksum'ed freq_id : int The frequency ID of the specific product within the component. Returns ------- match : bool Whether the MD5 checksum of the on-disk product matches the checksum stored in the manifest. hash : str The MD5 checksum value of the on-disk product. """ root_dir = self.get_root_dir() metadata = self.get_product(comp_id, freq_id) filepath = os.path.join(root_dir, metadata["healpix"]["path"]) hash_true = metadata["healpix"]["md5"] hash_ondisk = calc_md5(filepath) return (hash_ondisk == hash_true, hash_ondisk) def get_root_dir(self): """ Get the root directory where the products locate, which is also the directory where the manifest file locates. Returns ------- root_dir : str The absolute path of the products root directory. Raises ------ ManifestError : The manifest currently not loaded, thus unable to determine the products root directory. """ try: return os.path.dirname(self.manifestfile) except AttributeError: raise ManifestError("Manifest currently not loaded!") def get_product(self, comp_id, freq_id): return self.manifest[comp_id][freq_id] def get_product_abspath(self, comp_id, freq_id, ptype="healpix"): """ Get the absolute path to the specified product. Parameters ---------- comp_id : str ID of the component whose product will be checksum'ed freq_id : int The frequency ID of the specific product within the component. ptype : str, optional The type of product whose path will be retrieved. Valid values: ``healpix`` (default), ``hpx``. Returns ------- abspath : str The absolute path to the specified product Raises ------ ValueError : Invalid ``ptype`` other than ``healpix`` and ``hpx``. KeyError : The requested product type not available (e.g., the HPX image is not generated yet) """ if ptype not in ["healpix", "hpx"]: raise ValueError("Invalid ptype: {0}".format(ptype)) root_dir = self.get_root_dir() metadata = self.get_product(comp_id, freq_id) abspath = os.path.join(root_dir, metadata[ptype]["path"]) return abspath def convert_hpx(self, comp_id, freq_id, clobber=False): """ Convert the specified HEALPix map product to HPX projected FITS image. Also add the metadata of the HPX image to the manifest. Raises ------ IOError : Output HPX image already exists and ``clobber=False`` """ from astropy.io import fits from .utils.healpix import healpix2hpx root_dir = self.get_root_dir() metadata = self.get_product(comp_id, freq_id) infile = os.path.join(root_dir, metadata["healpix"]["path"]) outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + "_hpx.fits" if os.path.exists(outfile): if clobber: os.remove(outfile) logger.warning("Removed existing HPX image: %s" % outfile) else: raise IOError("Output HPX image already exists: %s" % outfile) # Convert HEALPix map to HPX projected FITS image logger.info("Converting HEALPix map to HPX image: %s" % infile) hpx_data, hpx_header = healpix2hpx(infile) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=hpx_data, header=hpx_header) hdu.writeto(outfile) logger.info("Converted HEALPix map to HPX image: %s" % outfile) size = os.path.getsize(outfile) md5 = calc_md5(outfile) metadata["hpx"] = { "path": os.path.relpath(outfile, root_dir), "size": size, "md5": md5, } return (outfile, size, md5) def reset(self): self.manifest = OrderedDict() self.manifestfile = None logger.warning("Reset products manifest!") def dump(self, outfile=None, clobber=False, backup=True): """ Dump the manifest as a JSON file. Parameters ---------- outfile : str, optional The path to the output manifest file. If not provided, then use ``self.manifestfile``. NOTE: This must be an *absolute path*. Prefix ``~`` (tilde) is allowed and will be expanded. clobber : bool, optional Overwrite the output file if already exists. backup : bool, optional Backup the output file with suffix ``.old`` if already exists. Raises ------ ValueError : The given ``outfile`` is NOT an absolute path. Or the ``self.manifestfile`` is ``None`` while the ``outfile`` is missing. OSError : If the target filename already exists and ``clobber=False``. """ if outfile is None: if self.manifestfile is None: raise ValueError("outfile is missing and " + "self.manifestfile is None") else: outfile = self.manifestfile logger.info("Output to self.manifestfile: {0}".format(outfile)) outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile) if not os.path.isabs(outfile): raise ValueError("Not an absolute path: {0}".format(outfile)) if os.path.exists(outfile): if clobber: # Make a backup with suffix ``.old`` backfile = outfile + ".old" shutil.copyfile(outfile, backfile) logger.info("Backed up old manifest file as: " + backfile) else: raise OSError("File already exists: {0}".format(outfile)) with open(outfile, "w") as fp: json.dump(self.manifest, fp, indent=4) fp.write("\n") logger.info("Dumped manifest to file: {0}".format(outfile)) def load(self, infile): """ Load the manifest from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- infile : str The path to the input manifest file. NOTE: This must be an *absolute path*. Prefix ``~`` (tilde) is allowed and will be expanded. Raises ------ ValueError : The given ``infile`` is NOT an absolute path. OSError : Cannot read the input manifest file. """ infile = os.path.expanduser(infile) if not os.path.isabs(infile): raise ValueError("Not an absolute path: {0}".format(infile)) self.reset() self.manifest = json.load(open(infile), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) self.manifestfile = infile logger.info("Loaded manifest from file: {0}".format(infile))