# Copyright (c) 2016 Weitian LI <liweitianux@live.com>
# MIT license

Products-related handlers

ProductsAJAXHandler :
    Handle the AJAX requests to manipulate the simulation products.

ProductsDownloadHandler :
    Handle the download request for the simulation products.

import os
import logging
import shutil
import mimetypes

import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.process
from tornado.web import StaticFileHandler, HTTPError
from tornado.escape import json_decode, json_encode

from .base import BaseRequestHandler
from ...errors import ManifestError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ProductsAJAXHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
    Handle the AJAX requests from the client to manage the simulation products.

    from_localhost : bool
        ``True`` if the request is from the localhost, otherwise ``False``.
    def initialize(self):
        """Hook for subclass initialization.  Called for each request."""
        self.products = self.application.products
        if self.request.remote_ip == "":
            self.from_localhost = True
            self.from_localhost = False

    def get(self):
        Handle the READ-ONLY products manifest manipulations.

        Supported actions:
        - get: Get the current products manifest
        - which: Locate the command/program (check whether the command/program
                 can be found in PATH and is executable)
        - download: Download the specified product (HEALPix map / HPX image)
        - open: Open the HPX image of a specified product using a sub-process
                NOTE: Only allowed when accessing from the localhost
        action = self.get_argument("action", "get")
        if action == "get":
            # Get current products manifest
            success = True
            response = {
                "manifest": self.products.manifest,
                "localhost": self.from_localhost,
        elif action == "which":
            # Locate (and check) the command/program
            cmd = json_decode(self.get_argument("cmd"))
            cmdpath = shutil.which(cmd)
            if cmdpath:
                success = True
                response = {
                    "isExecutable": True,
                    "cmdPath": cmdpath,
                success = False
                reason = "Cannot locate the executable for: {0}".format(cmd)
        elif action == "open":
            # Open the HPX image of a specified product using a sub-process
            comp_id = json_decode(self.get_argument("compID"))
            freq_id = json_decode(self.get_argument("freqID"))
            viewer = json_decode(self.get_argument("viewer"))
            pid, error = self._open_hpx(comp_id, freq_id, viewer)
            if pid is not None:
                success = True
                response = {"pid": pid}
                success = False
                reason = error
            # ERROR: bad action
            success = False
            reason = "Bad request action: {0}".format(action)
        if success:
            logger.debug("Response: {0}".format(response))
            self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
            logger.warning("Request failed: {0}".format(reason))
            self.send_error(400, reason=reason)

    def post(self):
        Handle the READ-WRITE products manifest manipulations.

        Supported actions:
        - load: Load the products manifest from file
        - save: Save the current products manifest to file
        - reset: Reset existing products manifest
        - convert: Convert the product from HEALPix map to HPX image
        request = json_decode(self.request.body)
        logger.debug("Received request: {0}".format(request))
        action = request.get("action")
        response = {"action": action}
        if action == "load":
            # Load the manifest from supplied file
                success, reason = self._load_products(request["manifestfile"])
            except KeyError:
                success = False
                reason = "'manifestfile' is missing"
        elif action == "save":
            # Save current products manifest to file
                success, reason = self._save_products(request["outfile"],
            except KeyError:
                success = False
                reason = "'outfile' or 'clobber' is missing"
        elif action == "reset":
            # Reset existing products manifest
            success = self._reset_products()
        elif action == "convert":
            # Convert the product from HEALPix map to HPX image
                comp_id = request["compID"]
                freq_id = request["freqID"]
                success, reason = self._convert_hpx(comp_id, freq_id)
                data = self.products.get_product(comp_id, freq_id)
                response["data"] = data
            except KeyError:
                success = False
                reason = "'compID' or 'freqID' is missing"
            # ERROR: bad action
            success = False
            reason = "Bad request action: {0}".format(action)
        if success:
            response["success"] = success
            logger.debug("Response: {0}".format(response))
            self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
            logger.warning("Request failed: {0}".format(reason))
            self.send_error(400, reason=reason)

    def _reset_products(self):
        """Reset the existing products manifest."""
        return True

    def _load_products(self, manifestfile):
        Load the products manifest from file.

        manifestfile: str
            The path to the products manifest file, which must be
            an *absolute path*.

        success : bool
            ``True`` if the operation succeeded, otherwise, ``False``.
        error : str
            If failed, this ``error`` saves the details, otherwise, ``None``.
        success = False
        error = None
        if os.path.isabs(os.path.expanduser(manifestfile)):
            success = True
            error = "Not an absolute path"
        return (success, error)

    def _save_products(self, outfile, clobber=False):
        Save current products manifest to file.

        outfile: str
            The filepath to the output manifest file, which must be
            an *absolute path*.
        clobber : bool, optional
            Whether overwrite the output file if already exists?

        success : bool
            ``True`` if the operation succeeded, otherwise, ``False``.
        error : str
            If failed, this ``error`` saves the details, otherwise, ``None``.
        success = False
        error = None
            self.products.dump(outfile, clobber=clobber)
            success = True
        except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
            error = str(e)
        return (success, error)

    def _convert_hpx(self, comp_id, freq_id):
        Convert the HEALPix map of the product to HPX projected FITS image.

        FIXME/TODO: make this non-blocking!
        success = False
        error = None
            self.products.convert_hpx(comp_id, freq_id, clobber=True)
            success = True
        except IOError as e:
            error = str(e)
        return (success, error)

    def _open_hpx(self, comp_id, freq_id, viewer):
        Open the HPX image of a specified product using a sub-process

        Only allowed when accessing from the localhost

        comp_id : str
            ID of the component whose product will be checksum'ed
        freq_id : int
            The frequency ID of the specific product within the component.
        viewer : str
            The executable name or path to the FITS viewer.

        pid : int
            ID of the sub process which opened the HPX image.
            ``None`` if failed to open the image.
        error : str
            If failed, this ``error`` saves the details, otherwise, ``None``.
        pid = None
        error = None
        if self.from_localhost:
                filepath = self.products.get_product_abspath(
                    comp_id, freq_id, ptype="hpx")
                cmd = [viewer, filepath]
                p = tornado.process.Subprocess(cmd)
                pid = p.pid
                logger.info("(PID: {0}) ".format(pid) +
                            "Opened HPX image: {0}".format(" ".join(cmd)))
            except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
                error = str(e)
            error = "Action 'open' only allowed from localhost"
        return (pid, error)

class ProductsDownloadHandler(StaticFileHandler):
    Handle the download request for the simulation products.
    def initialize(self):
        """Hook for subclass initialization.  Called for each request."""
            self.root = self.application.products.get_root_dir()
        except ManifestError as e:
            self.root = None

    def get_absolute_path(cls, root, path):
        Return the absolute location of ``path`` relative to ``root``.

        ``root`` is the path configured for this handler,
        which is ``self.root``
        if root is None:
            reason = "Manifest currently not loaded!"
            raise HTTPError(400, reason=reason)
            return os.path.join(root, path)

    def validate_absolute_path(self, root, absolute_path):
        Validate and return the absolute path.

        root = os.path.abspath(root)
        if not root.endswith(os.path.sep):
            root += os.path.sep
        if not (absolute_path + os.path.sep).startswith(root):
            # Only files under the specified root can be accessed
            raise HTTPError(403, "%s is not in the root directory", self.path)
        if not os.path.exists(absolute_path):
            raise HTTPError(404)
        if not os.path.isfile(absolute_path):
            raise HTTPError(403, "%s is not a file", self.path)
        return absolute_path

    def make_static_url(cls):
        This method originally constructs a versioned URL for the given
        path, which is not applicable here, so disable it.
        raise RuntimeError("Not supported!")

    def get_content_type(self):
        Returns the ``Content-Type`` header to be used for this request.
        # Add MIME types support used here
        mimetypes.add_type("application/fits", ".fits")
        mimetypes.add_type("text/plain", ".conf")
        return super().get_content_type()