{# # Copyright (c) 2016 Weitian LI <liweitianux@live.com> # MIT license # # Console part #} <section id="console"> <h2 class="heading"> <span class="icon fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="text">Console</span> <span class="toggle fa fa-chevron-circle-up" title="Collapse contents"></span> </h2> <div class="body"> <hr /> <p class="status"><strong> <span class="fa fa-dashboard" aria-hidden="true"></span> Simulation status: <span id="task-status" class="label label-default"> <span class="icon fa fa-coffee" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="text">Not started</span> </span> </strong></p> <p class="button-group"> <button type="button" id="task-start"><span class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></span> Start</button> <!-- TODO/FIXME: how to kill a running thread/process? <button type="button" class="button button-warning" id="task-stop" disabled="disabled"><span class="fa fa-stop" aria-hidden="true"></span> Stop</button> --> </p> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <span class="panel-title"> <span class="icon fa fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="text">Logging Messages</span> <span class="toggle fa fa-chevron-circle-up" title="Collapse contents"></span> </span> <span class="panel-control"> <span id="log-toggle-debug" title="Toggle display of DEBUG messages" class="btn fa fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span id="log-toggle-info" title="Toggle display of INFO messages" class="btn fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span id="log-toggle-warning" title="Toggle display of WARNING messages" class="btn fa fa-warning" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span id="log-toggle-error" title="Toggle display of ERROR messages" class="btn fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span id="log-delete" title="Delete all messages" class="btn fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></span> </span> </div> <div id="log-messages" class="panel-body"> </div> </div> <!-- panel --> </div> <!-- body --> </section>