/** \file fitter.hpp */ #ifndef FITTER_HPP #define FITTER_HPP #define OPT_HEADER #include "opt_exception.hpp" #include "optimizer.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace opt_utilities { /////////////////////////////////// //////class data/////////////////// //////contain single data point//// /////////////////////////////////// template class statistic; template class param_modifier; /** \brief representing a single data point \tparam Ty the type of y \tparam Tx the type of x */ template class data { private: Tx x,x_lower_err,x_upper_err; Ty y,y_lower_err,y_upper_err; public: /** construct function \param _x x \param _y y \param _y_lower_err lower y error \param _y_upper_err upper y error \param _x_lower_err lower x error \param _x_upper_err upper x error */ data(const Tx& _x,const Ty& _y, const Ty& _y_lower_err, const Ty& _y_upper_err,const Tx& _x_lower_err,const Tx& _x_upper_err) { opt_eq(x,_x); opt_eq(x_lower_err,_x_lower_err); opt_eq(x_upper_err,_x_upper_err); opt_eq(y,_y); opt_eq(y_lower_err,_y_lower_err); opt_eq(y_upper_err,_y_upper_err); } /** default construct */ data() :x(), x_lower_err(), x_upper_err(), y(), y_lower_err(), y_upper_err() {} /** copy construct */ data(const data& rhs) { opt_eq(x,rhs.x); opt_eq(x_lower_err,rhs.x_lower_err); opt_eq(x_upper_err,rhs.x_upper_err); opt_eq(y,rhs.y); opt_eq(y_lower_err,rhs.y_lower_err); opt_eq(y_upper_err,rhs.y_upper_err); } /** Assignment operator */ data& operator=(const data& rhs) { opt_eq(x,rhs.x); opt_eq(x_lower_err,rhs.x_lower_err); opt_eq(x_upper_err,rhs.x_upper_err); opt_eq(y,rhs.y); opt_eq(y_lower_err,rhs.y_lower_err); opt_eq(y_upper_err,rhs.y_upper_err); return *this; } public: /** set x \return x */ const Tx& get_x()const { return x; } /** \return x lower error */ const Tx& get_x_lower_err()const { return x_lower_err; } /** \return x upper error */ const Tx& get_x_upper_err()const { return x_upper_err; } /** \return y */ const Ty& get_y()const { return y; } /** \return y lower error */ const Ty& get_y_lower_err()const { return y_lower_err; } /** \return y upper error */ const Ty& get_y_upper_err()const { return y_upper_err; } /** set x \param _x x */ void set_x(const Tx& _x) { opt_eq(x,_x); } /** set x lower error \param _x x lower error */ void set_x_lower_err(const Tx& _x) { opt_eq(x_lower_err,_x); } /** set x upper error \param _x x upper error */ void set_x_upper_err(const Tx& _x) { opt_eq(x_upper_err,_x); } /** set y \param _y y */ void set_y(const Ty& _y) { opt_eq(y,_y); } /** set y lower error \param _y y lower error */ void set_y_lower_err(const Ty& _y) { opt_eq(y_lower_err,_y); } /** set y upper error \param _y y upper error */ void set_y_upper_err(const Ty& _y) { opt_eq(y_upper_err,_y); } }; /** \brief virtual class representing a set of data \tparam Ty type of y \tparam Tx type of x */ template class data_set { private: virtual const data& do_get_data(size_t i)const=0; virtual void do_set_data(size_t i,const data& d) { throw data_unsetable(); } virtual size_t do_size()const=0; virtual void do_add_data(const data&)=0; virtual void do_clear()=0; virtual data_set* do_clone()const=0; /** \return the type name of self */ virtual const char* do_get_type_name()const { return typeid(*this).name(); } virtual void do_destroy() { delete this; } public: /** get data \param i the order of the data point \return the const reference of a class data point */ const data& get_data(size_t i)const { return this->do_get_data(i); } void set_data(size_t i,const data& d) { do_set_data(i,d); } /** \return the size of the data set */ size_t size()const { return do_size(); } /** add data point \param d data point */ void add_data(const data& d) { return do_add_data(d); } /** clear the data set */ void clear() { do_clear(); } /** clone self \return a clone of self */ data_set* clone()const { return this->do_clone(); } const char* get_type_name()const { return this->do_get_type_name(); } /** destroy the cloned object */ void destroy() { do_destroy(); } /** destruct function */ virtual ~data_set(){} }; /** \brief the information of a model parameter \tparam Tp type of model param type \tparam Tstr the type of string type used */ template class param_info { private: Tstr name; //bool frozen; typename element_type_trait::element_type value; typename element_type_trait::element_type lower_limit; typename element_type_trait::element_type upper_limit; Tstr description; public: /** construct function \param _name the name of the param \param _v the value of the param \param _l the lower boundary of the param \param _u the upper boundary of the param */ param_info(const Tstr& _name, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& _v, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& _l=0, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& _u=0, const Tstr& desc=Tstr()) :name(_name),value(_v),lower_limit(_l), upper_limit(_u),description(desc) {} /** default construct */ param_info() :name(),description() {} /** copy construct function */ param_info(const param_info& rhs) :name(rhs.name),description(rhs.description) { opt_eq(value,rhs.value); opt_eq(lower_limit,rhs.lower_limit); opt_eq(upper_limit,rhs.upper_limit); } /** assignment operator */ param_info& operator=(const param_info& rhs) { name=rhs.name; description=rhs.description; opt_eq(value,rhs.value); opt_eq(lower_limit,rhs.lower_limit); opt_eq(upper_limit,rhs.upper_limit); return *this; } /** \return the name of the parameter */ const Tstr& get_name()const { return this->name; } /** \return the current value of the parameter */ const typename element_type_trait::element_type& get_value()const { return value; } /** \return the lower boundary */ const typename element_type_trait::element_type& get_lower_limit()const { return lower_limit; } /** \return the upper boundary */ const typename element_type_trait::element_type& get_upper_limit()const { return upper_limit; } const Tstr& get_description()const { return description; } /** set the value \param x the value of the parameter */ void set_value(const typename element_type_trait::element_type& x) { opt_eq(value,x); } /** set the lower boundary \param x the lower boundary */ void set_lower_limit(const typename element_type_trait::element_type& x) { opt_eq(lower_limit,x); } /** set the upper limit \param x the upper boundary */ void set_upper_limit(const typename element_type_trait::element_type& x) { opt_eq(upper_limit,x); } /** set the name of the parameter \param _name the name of the parameter */ void set_name(const Tstr& _name) { name=_name; } void set_description(const Tstr& desc) { description=desc; } }; /** \brief virtual class representing a model \tparam Ty the type of the returned value of the model \tparam Tx the type of the self-var \tparam Tp the type of the model param \tparam Tstr the type of the string used */ template class model { private: std::vector > param_info_list; param_info null_param; // int num_free_params; param_modifier* p_param_modifier; private: virtual model* do_clone()const=0; virtual void do_destroy() { delete this; } /** \return the type name of self */ virtual const char* do_get_type_name()const { return typeid(*this).name(); } public: /** \return the cloned object */ model* clone()const { return do_clone(); } const char* get_type_name()const { return this->do_get_type_name(); } /** destroy the cloned object */ void destroy() { do_destroy(); } public: /** default construct function */ model() :p_param_modifier(0) {} /** copy construct */ model(const model& rhs) :p_param_modifier(0) { param_info_list=rhs.param_info_list; if(rhs.p_param_modifier!=0) { set_param_modifier(*(rhs.p_param_modifier)); } null_param=rhs.null_param; } /** assignment operator */ model& operator=(const model& rhs) { if(this==&rhs) { return *this; } if(rhs.p_param_modifier!=0) { set_param_modifier(*(rhs.p_param_modifier)); } param_info_list=rhs.param_info_list; null_param=rhs.null_param; return *this; } /** destructure function */ virtual ~model() { if(p_param_modifier) { //delete p_param_modifier; p_param_modifier->destroy(); } } /** set the param modifier \param pm param modifier */ void set_param_modifier(const param_modifier& pm) { if(p_param_modifier!=0) { //delete p_param_modifier; p_param_modifier->destroy(); } p_param_modifier=pm.clone(); p_param_modifier->set_model(*this); } /** clear the param modifier */ void clear_param_modifier() { if(p_param_modifier!=0) { //delete p_param_modifier; p_param_modifier->destroy(); } p_param_modifier=0; } /** \return the param_modifier */ param_modifier& get_param_modifier() { if(p_param_modifier==0) { throw param_modifier_undefined(); } return *p_param_modifier; } /** \return the param_modifier */ const param_modifier& get_param_modifier()const { if(p_param_modifier==0) { throw param_modifier_undefined(); } return *p_param_modifier; } /** report the param status \return the param status */ Tstr report_param_status(const Tstr& s)const { if(p_param_modifier==0) { return Tstr(); } return p_param_modifier->report_param_status(s); } /** \param pname the name of the param \return the param info */ const param_info& get_param_info(const Tstr& pname)const { for(typename std::vector >::const_iterator i=param_info_list.begin(); i!=param_info_list.end();++i) { if(i->get_name()==pname) { return *i; } } std::cerr<<"Param unfound!"<& get_param_info(size_t n)const { return param_info_list[n%get_num_params()]; } /** \return the full parameter vector */ Tp get_all_params()const { Tp result; resize(result,param_info_list.size()); for(size_t i=0;iget_num_free_params(); } return get_num_params(); } /** \param pinfo param information being set */ void set_param_info(const param_info& pinfo) { for(typename std::vector >::iterator i=param_info_list.begin(); i!=param_info_list.end();++i) { if(i->get_name()==pinfo.get_name()) { i->set_value(pinfo.get_value()); i->set_lower_limit(pinfo.get_lower_limit()); i->set_upper_limit(pinfo.get_upper_limit()); return; } } throw param_not_found(); } /** \param pname the name of the parameter \param v the value of the pearameter */ void set_param_value(const Tstr& pname, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& v) { //int porder=0; for(typename std::vector >::iterator i=param_info_list.begin(); i!=param_info_list.end();++i) { if(i->get_name()==pname) { i->set_value(v); return; } } std::cerr<<"param "<::element_type& v) { //int porder=0; for(typename std::vector >::iterator i=param_info_list.begin(); i!=param_info_list.end();++i) { if(i->get_name()==pname) { i->set_lower_limit(v); return; } } std::cerr<<"param "<::element_type& v) { //int porder=0; for(typename std::vector >::iterator i=param_info_list.begin(); i!=param_info_list.end();++i) { if(i->get_name()==pname) { i->set_upper_limit(v); return; } } std::cerr<<"param "<& pinfo) { param_info_list.push_back(pinfo); // this->num_free_params++; } /** clear the param information list */ void clear_param_info() { // this->num_free_params=0; param_info_list.clear(); } public: /** \return the description of the model */ Tstr to_string()const { return do_to_string(); } Tp reform_param(const Tp& p)const { if(p_param_modifier==0) { return p; } return p_param_modifier->reform(p); } Tp deform_param(const Tp& p)const { if(p_param_modifier==0) { return p; } return p_param_modifier->deform(p); } /** evaluate the model \param x the self var \param p the parameter \return the model value */ Ty eval(const Tx& x,const Tp& p) { return do_eval(x,reform_param(p)); } Ty eval_raw(const Tx& x,const Tp& p) { return do_eval(x,reform_param(p)); } private: virtual Ty do_eval(const Tx& x,const Tp& p)=0; private: virtual Tstr do_to_string()const { return Tstr(); } }; /** \brief class to perform the model fitting \tparam Ty the type of the model return type \tparam Tx the type of the model self-var \tparam Tp the type of the model param \tparam Ts statistic type \tparam Tstr the type of string used */ template class fitter { private: model* p_model; statistic* p_statistic; data_set* p_data_set; optimizer optengine; public: /** default construct function */ fitter() :p_model(0),p_statistic(0),p_data_set(0),optengine() {} /** copy construct function */ fitter(const fitter& rhs) :p_model(0),p_statistic(0),p_data_set(0),optengine() { if(rhs.p_model!=0) { set_model(*(rhs.p_model)); } if(rhs.p_statistic!=0) { set_statistic(*(rhs.p_statistic)); //assert(p_statistic->p_fitter!=0); } if(rhs.p_data_set!=0) { load_data(*(rhs.p_data_set)); } optengine=rhs.optengine; } /** assignment operator */ fitter& operator=(const fitter& rhs) { if(this==&rhs) { return *this; } if(rhs.p_model!=0) { set_model(*(rhs.p_model)); } if(rhs.p_statistic!=0) { set_statistic(*(rhs.p_statistic)); } if(rhs.p_data_set!=0) { load_data(*(rhs.p_data_set)); } optengine=rhs.optengine; return *this; } /** destruct function */ virtual ~fitter() { if(p_model!=0) { //delete p_model; p_model->destroy(); } if(p_statistic!=0) { //delete p_statistic; p_statistic->destroy(); } if(p_data_set!=0) { //delete p_data_set; p_data_set->destroy(); } } /** evaluate the model */ Ty eval_model(const Tx& x,const Tp& p) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->eval(x,p); } Ty eval_model_raw(const Tx& x,const Tp& p) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->eval_raw(x,p); } public: /** set the model \param m model to be used */ void set_model(const model& m) { if(p_model!=0) { //delete p_model; p_model->destroy(); } p_model=m.clone(); //p_model=&m; // current_param.resize(m.get_num_params()); } /** set the statistic (e.g., chi square, least square c-statistic etc.) \param s statistic to be used */ void set_statistic(const statistic& s) { if(p_statistic!=0) { //delete p_statistic; p_statistic->destroy(); } p_statistic=s.clone(); //p_statistic=&s; p_statistic->set_fitter(*this); } /** set parameter modifier \param pm parameter modifier to be used */ void set_param_modifier(const param_modifier& pm) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_modifier(pm); } /** clear the param modifier */ void clear_param_modifier() { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->clear_param_modifier(); } /** Get the inner kept param modifier \return the reference of param_modifier */ param_modifier& get_param_modifier() { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_modifier(); } /** Get the inner kept param modifier \return the reference of param_modifier */ const param_modifier& get_param_modifier()const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_modifier(); } /** report the status of a parameter \param s the name of a parameter \return string used to describe the parameter */ Tstr report_param_status(const Tstr& s)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->report_param_status(s); } /** load the data set \param da a data set */ void load_data(const data_set& da) { if(p_data_set!=0) { //delete p_data_set; p_data_set->destroy(); } p_data_set=da.clone(); if(p_statistic!=0) { p_statistic->set_fitter(*this); } } /** get the data set that have been loaded \return the const reference of inner data_set */ data_set& get_data_set() { if(p_data_set==0) { throw data_unloaded(); } return *(this->p_data_set); } /** get the data set that have been loaded \return the const reference of inner data_set */ const data_set& get_data_set()const { if(p_data_set==0) { throw data_unloaded(); } return *(this->p_data_set); } /** Get the model used \return the reference of model used */ model& get_model() { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return *(this->p_model); } /** Get the model used \return the reference of model used */ const model& get_model()const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return *(this->p_model); } /** Get the statistic used \return the reference of the statistic used */ statistic& get_statistic() { if(p_statistic==0) { throw statistic_undefined(); } return *(this->p_statistic); } /** Get the statistic used \return the reference of the statistic used */ const statistic& get_statistic()const { if(p_statistic==0) { throw statistic_undefined(); } return *(this->p_statistic); } /** Get the optimization method that used \return the reference of the opt_method */ opt_method& get_opt_method() { return optengine.get_opt_method(); } /** Get the optimization method that used \return the reference of the opt_method */ const opt_method& get_opt_method()const { return optengine.get_opt_method(); } public: /** set the value of a parameter \param pname the name of the parameter \param v the value of the parameter */ void set_param_value(const Tstr& pname, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& v) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_value(pname,v); } /** set the lower limit of a parameter \param pname the name of the parameter \param v the lower limit of the parameter */ void set_param_lower_limit(const Tstr& pname, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& v) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_lower_limit(pname,v); } /** set the upper limit of a parameter \param pname the name of the parameter \param v the upper limit of the parameter */ void set_param_upper_limit(const Tstr& pname, const typename element_type_trait::element_type& v) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_upper_limit(pname,v); } /** set the values of all parameters \param param the vector containing the value of all parameters */ void set_param_value(const Tp& param) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_value(param); } /** set the lower limits of all parameters \param param the vector containing the lower limits of all parameters */ void set_param_lower_limit(const Tp& param) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_lower_limit(param); } /** set the upper limits of all parameters \param param the vector containing the upper limits of all parameters */ void set_param_upper_limit(const Tp& param) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_upper_limit(param); } /** get the parameter value \param pname the name of the parameter \return the value of the parameter */ typename element_type_trait::element_type get_param_value(const Tstr& pname)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_info(pname).get_value(); } /** get the lower limit of a parameter \param pname the name of a parameter \return the lower limit of a parameter */ typename element_type_trait::element_type get_param_lower_limit(const Tstr& pname)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_info(pname).get_lower_limit(); } /** get the upper limit of a parameter \param pname the name of a parameter \return the upper limit of a parameter */ typename element_type_trait::element_type get_param_upper_limit(const Tstr& pname)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_info(pname).get_upper_limit(); } /** \param pinfo the param information being set */ void set_param_info(const param_info& pinfo) { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } p_model->set_param_info(pinfo); } /** get the param_info of a parameter \param pname the name of the parameter \return the const reference of a param_info object */ const param_info& get_param_info(const Tstr& pname)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_info(pname); } /** get the param_info of a parameter by its order \param n the order of the parameter \return the const reference of a param_info object */ const param_info& get_param_info(size_t n)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_info(n); } /** get the order of a parameter by its name \param pname the name of the parameter \return the order of the parameter */ size_t get_param_order(const Tstr& pname)const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_param_order(pname); } /** get the number of parameters \return the number of parameters */ size_t get_num_params()const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } return p_model->get_num_params(); } /** get all params \return the vector containing the values of all parameters */ Tp get_all_params()const { if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } //return current_param; return p_model->get_all_params(); } /** set the optimization method used to perform the model fitting \param pm the opt_method to be used */ void set_opt_method(const opt_method& pm) { //assert(p_optimizer!=0); optengine.set_opt_method(pm); } /** set the precision \param y the precision */ void set_precision(typename element_type_trait::element_type y) { optengine.set_precision(y); } /** perform the fitting */ Tp fit() { // assert(p_model!=0); if(p_model==0) { throw model_undefined(); } if(p_data_set==0) { throw data_unloaded(); } //assert(p_optimizer!=0); //assert(p_data_set!=0); //assert(p_statistic!=0); if(p_statistic==0) { throw statistic_undefined(); } optengine.set_func_obj(*p_statistic); Tp current_param; Tp current_lower_limits; Tp current_upper_limits; opt_eq(current_param,p_model->get_all_params()); opt_eq(current_lower_limits,p_model->get_all_lower_limits()); opt_eq(current_upper_limits,p_model->get_all_upper_limits()); Tp start_point; Tp upper_limits; Tp lower_limits; opt_eq(start_point,p_model->deform_param(current_param)); opt_eq(upper_limits,p_model->deform_param(current_upper_limits)); opt_eq(lower_limits,p_model->deform_param(current_lower_limits)); // std::cout<get_all_params(); } optengine.set_lower_limit(lower_limits); optengine.set_upper_limit(upper_limits); optengine.set_start_point(start_point); Tp result; opt_eq(result,optengine.optimize()); Tp decurrent_param; opt_eq(decurrent_param,p_model->reform_param(result)); //current_param.resize(decurrent_param.size()); resize(current_param,get_size(decurrent_param)); opt_eq(current_param,decurrent_param); p_model->set_param_value(current_param); // return current_param; return p_model->get_all_params(); } /** stop the fitting */ void stop() { optengine.stop(); } }; /** \brief virtual class representing a statistic \tparam Ty the type of the model return type \tparam Tx the type of the model self-var \tparam Tp the type of the model param \tparam Ts statistic type \tparam Tstr the type of string used */ template class statistic :public func_obj { private: fitter* p_fitter; private: virtual statistic* do_clone()const=0; virtual void do_destroy() { delete this; } virtual Tstr do_to_string()const { return Tstr(); } /** \return the type name of self */ virtual const char* do_get_type_name()const { return typeid(*this).name(); } public: /** clone the existing object \return the clone of self */ statistic* clone()const { return this->do_clone(); } const char* get_type_name()const { return this->do_get_type_name(); } /** destroy the cloned object */ void destroy() { return do_destroy(); } Tstr to_string()const { return do_to_string(); } /** default construct */ statistic() :p_fitter(0) {} /** copy construct */ statistic(const statistic& rhs) :func_obj(static_cast& >(rhs)) ,p_fitter(rhs.p_fitter) {} /** assignment operator */ statistic& operator=(const statistic& rhs) { if(this==&rhs) { return *this; } p_fitter=rhs.p_fitter; return *this; } /** destructure function */ virtual ~statistic() {} /** set the fitter \param pfitter the fitter to be linked */ virtual void set_fitter(fitter& pfitter) { p_fitter=&pfitter; } /** get the attached fitter \return the const reference of the fitter object */ virtual const fitter& get_fitter()const { if(p_fitter==0) { throw fitter_unset(); } return *p_fitter; } /** evaluating the model \param x the self-var \param p the parameter \return the evaluated model value */ Ty eval_model(const Tx& x,const Tp& p) { if(p_fitter==0) { throw fitter_unset(); } return p_fitter->eval_model(x,p); } /** get the data_set object managed by the fitter object \return the const reference of the data_set object */ const data_set& get_data_set()const { if(p_fitter==0) { throw fitter_unset(); } return p_fitter->get_data_set(); } }; /** \brief Used to modify the parameter, e.g., freezing, bind \tparam Ty the type of the model return type \tparam Tx the type of the model self-var \tparam Tp the type of the model param \tparam Tstr the type of string used */ template class param_modifier { private: model* p_model; public: /** constructing full parameter list from the free parameters */ Tp reform(const Tp& p)const { return do_reform(p); } /** constructing the free parameter from the full parameters */ Tp deform(const Tp& p)const { return do_deform(p); } /** return the clone of self \return the clone of self */ param_modifier* clone()const { return do_clone(); } const char* get_type_name()const { return this->do_get_type_name(); } /** destroy the cloned object */ void destroy() { do_destroy(); } /** \return the type name of self */ virtual const char* do_get_type_name()const { return typeid(*this).name(); } public: /** the default construct function */ param_modifier() :p_model(0) {} /** copy construct function */ param_modifier(const param_modifier& rhs) :p_model(rhs.p_model) {} /** assignment operator */ param_modifier& operator=(const param_modifier& rhs) { if(this==&rhs) { return *this; } p_model=rhs.p_model; return *this; } public: /** Attach the fitter object \param pf the fitter to be attached */ void set_model(model& pf) { p_model=&pf; update(); } /** get the model attached \return the const reference of the model */ const model& get_model()const { if(p_model==0) { std::cout<<"dajf;asdjfk;"; throw model_undefined(); } return *(this->p_model); } /** calculate the number of free parameters */ size_t get_num_free_params()const { return do_get_num_free_params(); } /** report the status of parameters \param pname parameter name \return the string used to describe the parameter */ Tstr report_param_status(const Tstr& name)const { return do_report_param_status(name); } /** destruct function */ virtual ~param_modifier(){} private: virtual Tp do_reform(const Tp& p)const=0; virtual Tp do_deform(const Tp& p)const=0; virtual size_t do_get_num_free_params()const=0; virtual Tstr do_report_param_status(const Tstr&)const=0; virtual void update(){} virtual param_modifier* do_clone()const=0; virtual void do_destroy() { delete this; } }; } #endif //EOF