#!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 1 ] then : else echo $# echo "Usage $0 " exit fi # you need gs-common, pstoedit and skencil to # get this script working export BASENAME="`basename $1 .tex`"; echo $BASENAME latex ${BASENAME}.tex dvips ${BASENAME}.dvi # Outline fonts eps2eps -dNOCACHE ${BASENAME}.ps ${BASENAME}2.ps # Fix bounding box ps2epsi ${BASENAME}2.ps ${BASENAME}.ps rm ${BASENAME}2.ps # Convert to Sketch pstoedit -f sk ${BASENAME}.ps ${BASENAME}.sk # Convert to SVG skconvert ${BASENAME}.sk ${BASENAME}.svg #echo -e return "\"\c" >${BASENAME}.info echo "" >>${BASENAME}.svg echo "std::string result;">${BASENAME}.info #cat ${BASENAME}.svg | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' -e 's/\"/\\\"/g' >>${BASENAME}.info cat ${BASENAME}.svg|while read line do line=`echo $line|sed -e 's/\"/\\\"/g'` echo "result+=\"$line\";">>${BASENAME}.info echo "result+=\"\\n\";">>${BASENAME}.info done echo "return result;" >>${BASENAME}.info