path: root/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete
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Diffstat (limited to '97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete')
2 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete/forms.py b/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete/forms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e0b709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete/forms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+forms for apps/indicator
+from django import forms
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from indicator import models as im
+import sympy
+from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError
+class IndicatorCategoryForm(forms.ModelForm): # {{{
+ """
+ form for 'models.IndicatorCategory'
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ model = im.IndicatorCategory
+ exclude = ('addByUser',)
+# }}}
+class IndicatorForm(forms.ModelForm): # {{{
+ """
+ form for 'models.Indicator'
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ model = im.Indicator
+ exclude = ('addByUser',)
+# }}}
+class UnitForm(forms.ModelForm): # {{{
+ """
+ form for 'models.Unit'
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ model = im.Unit
+ exclude = ('addByUser',)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(UnitForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # store 'instance_id', for edting instance
+ self.instance_id = self.instance.id
+ # 'clean_standard()' cannot raise Vali dationError correctly??
+ # TODO: clean each field and generate errors accordingly.
+ def clean(self):
+ cleaned_data = super(UnitForm, self).clean()
+ instance_id = self.instance_id
+ standard = cleaned_data['standard']
+ indicator = cleaned_data['indicator']
+ std_unit_list = indicator.get_unit(type="standard")
+ relation = cleaned_data.get('relation', u'')
+ if standard:
+ if std_unit_list and (instance_id != std_unit_list[0].id):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'标准单位已存在'),
+ code='standard')
+ cleaned_data['relation'] = u'v'
+ else:
+ try:
+ fsym = sympy.sympify(relation)
+ except SympifyError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'"%(relation)s" 不是合法的表达式'),
+ code='relation_invalid',
+ params={'relation': relation})
+ # always return the full collection of cleaned data
+ return cleaned_data
+# }}}
+class InnateConfineForm(forms.ModelForm): # {{{
+ """
+ form for 'models.InnateConfine'
+ """
+ unit = forms.ModelChoiceField(label=u"标准单位",
+ queryset=im.Unit.objects.filter(standard=True))
+ class Meta:
+ model = im.InnateConfine
+ exclude = ('addByUser',)
+ def clean(self): # {{{
+ """
+ check the validity of data
+ """
+ cleaned_data = super(InnateConfineForm, self).clean()
+ indicator = cleaned_data['indicator']
+ unit = cleaned_data.get('unit')
+ val_norm = cleaned_data.get('val_norm')
+ human_max = cleaned_data.get('human_max')
+ human_min = cleaned_data.get('human_min')
+ math_max = cleaned_data.get('math_max')
+ math_min = cleaned_data.get('math_min')
+ # check data
+ if indicator.dataType in [indicator.FLOAT_TYPE,
+ indicator.RANGE_TYPE, indicator.FLOAT_RANGE_TYPE]:
+ # check unit
+ if not (unit and unit.standard):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'unit 未填写/不是标准单位'),
+ code='unit')
+ if (human_max is None) or (human_min is None):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'human_max/human_min 未填写'),
+ code='human_empty')
+ if (human_max <= human_min):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'human_max <= human_min'),
+ code='human_relation')
+ # check 'math_max' and 'math_min'
+ if (math_max is None) or (math_min is None):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'math_max/math_min 未填写'),
+ code='math_empty')
+ if (math_max <= math_min):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'math_max <= math_min'),
+ code='math_relation')
+ # compare 'human*' and 'math*'
+ if (human_max > math_max) or (human_min < math_min):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'Error: human_max>math_max / human_min<math_min'),
+ code='human_math_relation')
+ # check finished
+ elif indicator.dataType == indicator.INTEGER_TYPE:
+ # 整数型
+ try:
+ val_norm = int(val_norm)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValidationError(_(u'val_norm="%(val_norm)s" 不是整数型值'),
+ code='val_norm_int',
+ params={'val_norm': val_norm})
+ elif indicator.dataType == indicator.PM_TYPE:
+ # 阴阳(+/-)型
+ if (len(val_norm) == 1) and (val_norm in [u'+', u'-']):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'val_norm 只接受 "+"/"-"'),
+ code='val_norm_pm')
+ elif indicator.dataType in [indicator.RADIO_TYPE,
+ indicator.CHECKBOX_TYPE]:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'RADIO_TYPE, CHECKBOX_TYPE 验证未实现'),
+ code='radio_checkbox')
+ else:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'数据不符合要求'),
+ code='data_type_invalid')
+ # all checks finished
+ return cleaned_data
+ # }}}
+# }}}
+class IndicatorRecordForm(forms.ModelForm): # {{{
+ """
+ form for 'models.IndicatorRecord'
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ model = im.IndicatorRecord
+ exclude = ('user',)
+ def clean(self): # {{{
+ cleaned_data = super(IndicatorRecordForm, self).clean()
+ # get data
+ indicator = cleaned_data['indicator']
+ unit = cleaned_data.get('unit')
+ _value = cleaned_data.get('value')
+ _val_max = cleaned_data.get('val_max')
+ _val_min = cleaned_data.get('val_min')
+ # check data # {{{
+ if indicator.dataType == indicator.INTEGER_TYPE:
+ # integer
+ try:
+ value = int(_value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'value 不是整数类型'),
+ code='value_integer')
+ elif indicator.dataType == indicator.FLOAT_TYPE:
+ # float
+ if not unit:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'unit 未填写'),
+ code='unit_empty')
+ try:
+ value = float(_value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'value 不是浮点数类型'),
+ code='value_float')
+ elif indicator.dataType == indicator.RANGE_TYPE:
+ # range
+ val_max = _val_max
+ val_min = _val_min
+ if not unit:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'unit 未填写'),
+ code='unit_empty')
+ if (val_max is None) or (val_min is None):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'val_max/val_min 未填写'),
+ code='val_empty')
+ if (val_max <= val_min):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'val_max <= val_min'),
+ code='val_relation')
+ elif indicator.dataType == indicator.FLOAT_RANGE_TYPE:
+ # float/range
+ if not unit:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'unit 未填写'),
+ code='unit_empty')
+ if value:
+ # float (first)
+ try:
+ value = float(_value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'value 不是浮点数类型'),
+ code='value_float')
+ elif (val_max is not None) or (val_min is not None):
+ # range
+ val_max = _val_max
+ val_min = _val_min
+ if (val_max <= val_min):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'val_max <= val_min'),
+ code='val_relation')
+ else:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'请填写 value 或者 "val_max + val_min"'),
+ code='value_val')
+ elif indicator.dataType == indicator.PM_TYPE:
+ # +/-
+ value = _value
+ if (len(value) == 1) and (value in [u'+', u'-']):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'value 只接受 "+"/"-"'),
+ code='value_pm')
+ elif indicator.dataType in [indicator.RADIO_TYPE,
+ indicator.CHECKBOX_TYPE]:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'RADIO_TYPE, CHECKBOX_TYPE 验证未实现'),
+ code='radio_checkbox')
+ else:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'数据不符合要求'),
+ code='data_type_invalid')
+ # }}}
+ # check confine # {{{
+ # [INTEGER_TYPE, PM_TYPE] already validated above
+ if indicator.dataType in [indicator.FLOAT_TYPE,
+ indicator.RANGE_TYPE, indicator.FLOAT_RANGE_TYPE]:
+ # check confine if specified for the indicator
+ if not indicator.check_confine():
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'该指标未指定 InnateConfine'),
+ code='innateconfine')
+ # innateconfine ok
+ confine = indicator.innate_confine
+ human_max = confine.human_max
+ human_min = confine.human_min
+ math_max = confine.math_max
+ math_min = confine.math_min
+ # unit conversion
+ unit_rel = unit.relation
+ v = sympy.symbols('v')
+ rel_sym = sympy.sympify(unit_rel)
+ # data
+ value = _value
+ val_max = _val_max
+ val_min = _val_min
+ # value
+ if value:
+ try:
+ value = float(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'value 不是浮点数类型'),
+ code='value_float')
+ # 'value' unit conversion
+ try:
+ value_std = float(rel_sym.evalf(subs={v: value}))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'"%s" 求值错误,请检查只有变量"v"' % unit_rel),
+ code='value_evalf')
+ if (value_std < math_min) or (value_std > math_max):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'value(std) < math_min or value(std) > math_max'),
+ code='value_std_relation')
+ # val_max
+ if val_max is not None:
+ # unit conversion
+ try:
+ val_max_std = float(rel_sym.evalf(
+ subs={v: val_max}))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'"%s" 求值错误,请检查只有变量"v"' % unit_rel),
+ code='val_max_evalf')
+ if (val_max_std <= math_min) or (
+ val_max_std > math_max):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'val_max(std) <= math_min or val_max(std) > math_max'),
+ code='val_max_std_relation')
+ # val_min
+ if val_min is not None:
+ try:
+ val_min_std = float(rel_sym.evalf(
+ subs={v: val_min}))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'"%s" 求值错误,请检查只有变量"v"' % unit_rel),
+ code='val_min_evalf')
+ if (val_min_std < math_min) or (
+ val_min_std >= math_max):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'val_min(std) < math_min or val_min(std) >= math_max'),
+ code='val_min_std_relation')
+ # }}}
+ # return cleaned data
+ return cleaned_data
+ # }}}
+# }}}
+class RecordHistoryForm(forms.ModelForm): # {{{
+ """
+ form for 'models.RecordHistory'
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ model = im.RecordHistory
+ exclude = ('indicatorRecord',)
+# }}}
+# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=python.django: #
diff --git a/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete/views_forms.py b/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete/views_forms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89af21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/97suifangqa/apps/indicator/obsolete/views_forms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+views for used with forms.py
+splitted from 'views.py'
+from indicator.forms import *
+###### forms ######
+## add_edit_category # {{{
+def add_edit_category(request, category_id=None, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ add/edit category: 'models.IndicatorCategory'
+ for 'staff' or 'normal user'
+ """
+ # get or create model instance
+ if category_id:
+ category_id = int(category_id)
+ category = get_object_or_404(im.IndicatorCategory,
+ id=category_id)
+ action = 'Edit'
+ # check the user
+ # 'staff' can edit all data;
+ # normal users can only edit their own.
+ if category.addByUser != request.user and (
+ not request.user.is_staff):
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ else:
+ category = im.IndicatorCategory(addByUser=request.user)
+ action = 'Add'
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = IndicatorCategoryForm(request.POST, instance=category)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ # form posted and valid
+ # save form to create/update the model instance
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with data of the specified instance
+ form = IndicatorCategoryForm(instance=category)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'IndicatorCategory',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+# }}}
+# add_edit_indicator # {{{
+def add_edit_indicator(request, indicator_id=None, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ add/edit indicator: 'models.Indicator'
+ for 'staff' or 'normal user'
+ """
+ if indicator_id:
+ indicator_id = int(indicator_id)
+ indicator = get_object_or_404(im.Indicator,
+ id=indicator_id)
+ action = 'Edit'
+ # check the user
+ # 'staff' can edit all data;
+ # normal users can only edit their own.
+ if indicator.addByUser != request.user and (
+ not request.user.is_staff):
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ else:
+ indicator = im.Indicator(addByUser=request.user)
+ action = 'Add'
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = IndicatorForm(request.POST, instance=indicator)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ # form posted and valid
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with instance
+ form = IndicatorForm(instance=indicator)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'Indicator',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+# }}}
+## add_edit_unit {{{
+def add_edit_unit(request, unit_id=None, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ add unit for indicator
+ """
+ if unit_id:
+ unit_id = int(unit_id)
+ unit = get_object_or_404(im.Unit, id=unit_id)
+ action = 'Edit'
+ # check the user
+ # 'staff' can edit all data;
+ # normal users can only edit their own.
+ if unit.addByUser != request.user and (
+ not request.user.is_staff):
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ else:
+ unit = im.Unit(addByUser=request.user)
+ action = 'Add'
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = UnitForm(request.POST, instance=unit)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ # form posted and valid
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with instance
+ form = UnitForm(instance=unit)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'Unit',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+# }}}
+## add_edit_confine {{{
+def add_edit_confine(request, confine_id=None, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ InnateConfine
+ add confines for indicator
+ """
+ if confine_id:
+ confine_id = int(confine_id)
+ confine = get_object_or_404(im.InnateConfine, id=confine_id)
+ action = 'Edit'
+ # check the user
+ # 'staff' can edit all data;
+ # normal users can only edit their own.
+ if confine.addByUser != request.user and (
+ not request.user.is_staff):
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ else:
+ confine = im.InnateConfine(addByUser=request.user)
+ action = 'Add'
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = InnateConfineForm(request.POST, instance=confine)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ # form posted and valid
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with instance
+ form = InnateConfineForm(instance=confine)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'InnateConfine',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+# }}}
+## add_edit_record {{{
+def add_edit_record(request, record_id=None, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ add/edit 'IndicatorRecord'
+ staff 能自由地修改所有的记录,并且无需填写"修改原因";
+ 普通用户只能修改自己的记录,而且必须填写"修改原因" -> RecordHistory
+ * 当用户选择好"indicator"后,重新筛选"unit",只提供与"indicator"
+ 对应的"unit"供选择;
+ * 对"普通用户"增加限制,修改数据"记录"时必须同时提交"修改原因",
+ 对应模型"RecordHistory"。
+ """
+ if record_id:
+ record_id = int(record_id)
+ record = get_object_or_404(im.IndicatorRecord, id=record_id)
+ action = 'Edit'
+ # check the user
+ if request.user.is_staff:
+ # 'staff' can edit all data;
+ pass
+ elif request.user == record.user:
+ # user modify the record
+ return HttpResponse("Not finished yet ...")
+ #return modify_record(request, record_id)
+ else:
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ else:
+ record = im.IndicatorRecord(user=request.user)
+ action = 'Add'
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = IndicatorRecordForm(request.POST, instance=record)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ #raise ValueError
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with instance
+ form = IndicatorRecordForm(instance=record)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'IndicatorRecord',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+# }}}
+## modify_record {{{
+def modify_record(request, record_id=None, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ modify an existing IndicatorRecord
+ a new 'RecordHistory' is added to record the modification reason
+ and backup the original data
+ """
+ if record_id:
+ record_id = int(record_id)
+ record = get_object_or_404(im.IndicatorRecord, id=record_id)
+ action = 'Edit'
+ # check the user
+ if request.user.is_staff:
+ # 'staff' can edit all data;
+ return add_edit_record(request, record_id)
+ elif request.user == record.user:
+ # user modify the record
+ action = 'Modify'
+ pass
+ else:
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ else:
+ return add_edit_record(request)
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = IndicatorRecordForm(request.POST, instance=record)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ # form posted and valid
+ # TODO
+ raise ValueError(u"该功能尚未完整实现")
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with instance
+ form = IndicatorRecordForm(instance=record)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'IndicatorRecord',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+## }}}
+## add_recordhistory_view {{{
+def add_recordhistory_view(request, record_id, template='indicator/simple.html'):
+ """
+ add 'RecordHistory' for a record by given
+ 'staff' should use the 'admin' interface.
+ """
+ record_id = int(record_id)
+ record = get_object_or_404(im.IndicatorRecord, id=record_id)
+ recordhistory = im.RecordHistory(indicatorRecord=record)
+ action = 'Add'
+ # check the user
+ if request.user != record.user:
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = RecordHistoryForm(request.POST, instance=recordhistory)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ # form posted and valid
+ form.save()
+ # redirect url, avoid page reload/refresh
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/indicator/done/')
+ else:
+ # form with instance
+ form = RecordHistoryForm(instance=recordhistory)
+ return render(request, template, {
+ 'object': 'RecordHistory',
+ 'action': action,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+# }}}