path: root/97suifangqa/apps/recommend/static/javascripts/add_edit_blog_info.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '97suifangqa/apps/recommend/static/javascripts/add_edit_blog_info.js')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/97suifangqa/apps/recommend/static/javascripts/add_edit_blog_info.js b/97suifangqa/apps/recommend/static/javascripts/add_edit_blog_info.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d994e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/97suifangqa/apps/recommend/static/javascripts/add_edit_blog_info.js
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+// js for 'add_edit_blog_info' page
+// 2013/10/08
+// a list contains all the configs data objects
+var research_configs_list = new Array();
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ // make a configs list from 'research_configs {{{
+ var obj_keys = Object.keys(research_configs);
+ for (var i=0; i<obj_keys.length; i++) {
+ var key = obj_keys[i];
+ var configs = research_configs[key].configs;
+ research_configs_list = research_configs_list.concat(configs);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // categories buttons {{{
+ var cate_btns_html = '';
+ for (var i=1; i<=rind_num; i++) {
+ var btn_id = 'btn_cate_'+i;
+ var btn_value = i+'个指标';
+ cate_btns_html += '<input type="button" class="unselected" id="'+btn_id + '" value="'+btn_value + '" /> &ensp; ';
+ };
+ $("#cate_btns").html(cate_btns_html);
+ // button actions
+ $('#cate_btns input[type="button"]').on("click", document, function() {
+ // unselect all buttons
+ //console.log(this);
+ $('#cate_btns input[type="button"]').removeClass("selected");
+ $('#cate_btns input[type="button"]').addClass("unselected");
+ $(this).removeClass("unselected");
+ $(this).addClass("selected");
+ // unselect buttons of combinations
+ $('#comb_divs input[type="button"]').removeClass("selected");
+ $('#comb_divs input[type="button"]').addClass("unselected");
+ // hide configs div's
+ $('#conf_divs .conf_comb').hide();
+ // display category of combinations
+ var cate_id = $(this).attr('id').replace('btn_cate_', '');
+ $('#comb_divs .comb').hide();
+ $('#div_comb_'+cate_id).show();
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // indicator combinations div's and buttons {{{
+ var comb_divs_html = '';
+ for (var i=1; i<=rind_num; i++) {
+ var id = 'div_comb_'+i;
+ comb_divs_html += '<div class="comb" id="'+id + '" style="display: none;">\n';
+ // combinations buttons
+ var btn_comb_html = '';
+ var combs = rind_categories['N'+i];
+ for (var j=0; j<combs.length; j++) {
+ var btn_id = combs[j].tag;
+ // get value for button
+ var btn_value = get_comb_btn_value(combs[j].data);
+ btn_comb_html += '<input type="button" class="unselected" id="'+btn_id + '" value="'+btn_value + '" /> &ensp; ';
+ };
+ comb_divs_html += btn_comb_html + '\n</div>\n';
+ };
+ $("#comb_divs").html(comb_divs_html);
+ // button actions
+ $('#comb_divs input[type="button"]').on("click", document, function() {
+ // unselect all buttons
+ $('#comb_divs input[type="button"]').removeClass("selected");
+ $('#comb_divs input[type="button"]').addClass("unselected");
+ $(this).removeClass("unselected");
+ $(this).addClass("selected");
+ // display configs of the combination
+ var comb_id = $(this).attr('id');
+ $('#conf_divs .conf_comb').hide();
+ $('#div_conf_'+comb_id).show();
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // config div's & info input {{{
+ var conf_divs_html = '';
+ for (var i=0; i<rind_combs.length; i++) {
+ var comb = rind_combs[i];
+ var id = 'div_conf_'+comb.tag;
+ conf_divs_html += '<div class="conf_comb" id="'+id + '" style="display: none;">\n';
+ // configs input
+ var conf_input_html = '<table class="conf">\n';
+ // table head
+ conf_input_html += '<thead style="display: none;">\n<tr class="head">';
+ conf_input_html += '<th class="name"></th> <th class="response"></th> <th class="weight"></th>';
+ conf_input_html += '</tr></thead>\n';
+ // table body
+ conf_input_html += '<tbody>\n';
+ var configs = research_configs[comb.tag].configs;
+ //console.log(configs);
+ for (var j=0; j<configs.length; j++) {
+ // odd or even (for table tr style)
+ if (j%2 == 0) {
+ var odd_even = 'odd';
+ }
+ else {
+ var odd_even = 'even';
+ }
+ var conf = configs[j];
+ var conf_id = conf.tag;
+ var conf_tr_html = '<tr class="conf '+odd_even + '" id="'+conf_id + '">';
+ // display name column
+ conf_tr_html += '<td class="name">' + conf.display + '</td>';
+ // treat response column (prompt & select input)
+ conf_tr_html += '<td class="response">' + treat_responses_objs.name + ': <select class="treat_response"></select></td>';
+ // weight column
+ conf_tr_html += '<td class="weight">权重: <input type="text" class="weight" value="" /></td>';
+ //
+ conf_tr_html += '</tr>\n';
+ conf_input_html += conf_tr_html;
+ };
+ conf_input_html += '</tbody>\n</table>';
+ //console.log(conf_input_html);
+ conf_divs_html += conf_input_html + '\n</div>\n';
+ };
+ $("#conf_divs").html(conf_divs_html);
+ // }}}
+ // treat response select {{{
+ $("select.treat_response").each(function() {
+ // add options for 'select'
+ var select_html = '';
+ // add empty value
+ select_html += '<option value="" selected="selected">----</option>\n';
+ for (var i=0; i<treat_responses_list.length; i++) {
+ var tr = treat_responses_list[i];
+ select_html += '<option class="response tr'+tr.id+'" value="id'+tr.id + '">' + tr.name + '</option>\n';
+ }
+ $(this).html(select_html);
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // validate weight {{{
+ $("input.weight").on("validate", null, function(e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var value = $(this).val();
+ var number = parseFloat(value);
+ if (value == "") {
+ $(this).removeClass("valid invalid");
+ }
+ else if (isNaN(number)) {
+ $(this).removeClass("valid");
+ $(this).addClass("invalid");
+ }
+ else if (number<0.0 || number>10.0) {
+ $(this).removeClass("valid");
+ $(this).addClass("invalid");
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).removeClass("invalid");
+ $(this).addClass("valid");
+ }
+ });
+ $("input.weight").on("change", null, function() {
+ $(this).trigger("validate");
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // validate tr conf {{{
+ // if only one of the 'treat_response' or 'weight' has data
+ // then 'invalid'
+ $("tr.conf").on("validate", null, function(e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var weight_jq = $(this).find("input.weight");
+ var response_jq = $(this).find("select.treat_response");
+ //console.log(weight_jq);
+ // NOTES:
+ // only trigger 'validate' of '.weight' element, when
+ // the event originated on any element apart from '.weight'
+ // REF: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5967923/jquery-trigger-click-gives-too-much-recursion
+ if (! $(e.target).is(".weight")) {
+ weight_jq.trigger("validate");
+ }
+ if (weight_jq.hasClass("invalid")) {
+ $(this).addClass("invalid");
+ }
+ // only one of the 'treat_response' or 'weight' has data
+ if (weight_jq.val() !== '' && response_jq.val() === '') {
+ $(this).addClass("invalid");
+ }
+ else if (weight_jq.val() === '' && response_jq.val() !== '') {
+ $(this).addClass("invalid");
+ }
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // fill provided configs data {{{
+ $("tr.conf").each(function() {
+ var conf_id = $(this).attr('id');
+ var conf_obj = get_config_obj(conf_id);
+ if (conf_obj.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
+ // this config already in database
+ var tr_id = conf_obj.treatResponse_id;
+ $(this).find('select>option.tr'+tr_id).prop('selected', true);
+ $(this).find('.weight').val(conf_obj.weight);
+ // validate tr config
+ $(this).trigger('validate');
+ }
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // back_to_list button {{{
+ $("#back_to_list").bind("click", function() {
+ var msg = '注意:当前页面未保存的信息将会丢失。是否继续?';
+ var ans = confirm(msg);
+ if (ans) {
+ window.location.href = recommend_index_url;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ // }}}
+ // submit info button {{{
+ $("#submit_info").on("click", null, function() {
+ // validate tr conf data
+ $("tr.conf").trigger("validate");
+ if ($("tr.conf.invalid").length) {
+ alert('存在有错误数据的行,请更正后再提交');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // collect conf data
+ var configs_list = new Array();
+ $("tr.conf").each(function() {
+ var conf_id = $(this).attr('id');
+ var conf_obj = get_config_obj(conf_id);
+ // get config data
+ var weight_jq = $(this).find("input.weight");
+ var response_jq = $(this).find("select.treat_response");
+ var weight = weight_jq.val();
+ var tr_id = response_jq.val().replace('id', '');
+ //
+ if (conf_obj.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
+ if (weight === '' && tr_id === '') {
+ // delete config
+ conf_obj['action'] = 'delete';
+ conf_obj['weight'] = null;
+ conf_obj['treatResponse_id'] = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ // edit config
+ conf_obj['action'] = 'edit';
+ conf_obj['weight'] = parseFloat(weight);
+ conf_obj['treatResponse_id'] = parseInt(tr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (weight !== '' && tr_id !== '') {
+ // add config
+ conf_obj['action'] = 'add';
+ conf_obj['weight'] = parseFloat(weight);
+ conf_obj['treatResponse_id'] = parseInt(tr_id);
+ }
+ else {
+ // null config
+ conf_obj['action'] = null;
+ conf_obj['weight'] = null;
+ conf_obj['treatResponse_id'] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // push config data
+ configs_list.push(conf_obj);
+ });
+ //console.log(configs_list);
+ // ajax post configs data {{{
+ var time = moment().valueOf();
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: recommend_url + 'ajax/add_edit_configs/',
+ data: {
+ csrfmiddlewaretoken: document.getElementsByName('csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value,
+ configs_list: JSON.stringify(configs_list),
+ blog_id: blog_id,
+ time: time
+ },
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function(dataJson) {
+ if (dataJson.failed == true) {
+ // submit failed
+ alert('Error: submit failed');
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ alert('submit successful');
+ // reload page (do not use cache)
+ location.reload(true);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // }}}
+ });
+ // }}}
+// generate value for combination button
+// sort id list by magnitude
+function get_comb_btn_value(rid_list) {
+ // sort id list numerically (smallest first)
+ rid_list.sort(function(a, b) { return a-b });
+ var value = '';
+ for (var i=0; i<rid_list.length; i++) {
+ var key = 'id'+rid_list[i];
+ value += rind_objs[key].indicator_name + ' | ';
+ }
+ value = value.replace(/\s*\|\s*$/, '');
+ return value;
+// return the config js obj (copy)
+// by searching the given 'tag' in 'research_configs_list'
+function get_config_obj(tag) {
+ var result = $.grep(research_configs_list,
+ function(e) { return e.tag == tag });
+ if (result.length == 1) {
+ return $.extend({}, result[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ return null;
+ }
+// vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc= ft=javascript: //