path: root/97suifangqa/apps/sciblog/views.py
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Diffstat (limited to '97suifangqa/apps/sciblog/views.py')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/97suifangqa/apps/sciblog/views.py b/97suifangqa/apps/sciblog/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c6a4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/97suifangqa/apps/sciblog/views.py
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import json
+from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
+from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_detail
+from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
+from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
+from .models import SciBlog, ResultContent
+from .forms import SciBlogSearchForm, ProperNounSearchForm
+from info.forms import QuerySearchForm
+import itertools
+def blog_detail(request, blogid, block):
+ u'''
+ /blog/1/
+ 一个简单的显式blog详细内容的view函数
+ '''
+ block = block or "source"
+ template = 'sciblog/blog_detail_%s.html' % block
+ blog = get_object_or_404(SciBlog, id=blogid)
+ blockid = block
+ # 用户已经收藏?
+ collected = request.user.is_authenticated() and blog.collected_by.filter(id=request.user.id)
+ # 用户已经懂了?
+ understood = request.user.is_authenticated() and blog.catched_by.filter(id=request.user.id)
+ # 与该文章相关的段落注释和专业名词
+ annotations = blog.annotations.all_json(user=request.user)
+ return render(request, template, locals())
+def blog_index(request):
+ """
+ Temporary handler for index page render
+ You might want to rename/relocate this
+ """
+ return render(request,"sciblog/index.html",locals())
+def generator_has_content(generator):
+ '''
+ Returns (has_content, generator) based on the input generator
+ If generator has at least one item, has_content is True.
+ Otherwise, has_content is False.
+ generator will return all items in the input generator
+ '''
+ #Simplified logic using itertools
+ checkgen, outputgen = itertools.tee(generator, 2)
+ has_content = False
+ for item in checkgen:
+ has_content = True
+ break
+ return (has_content, outputgen)
+def objects_of_sqs(sqs):
+ u'''
+ 返回search squery set结果对应的model object
+ '''
+ return itertools.imap(lambda x: x.object, sqs)
+def limit(resultSet, count = 10):
+ return itertools.islice(resultSet, count)
+def query(request):
+ u'''
+ Blog查询
+ '''
+ tab = 'list'
+ search_history = request.session.get('search_history', '').split('&&&')
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ form = SciBlogSearchForm(request.GET)
+ elif request.method == 'POST':
+ form = SciBlogSearchForm(request.POST)
+ if form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['q']:
+ q = form.cleaned_data['q']
+ search_history = [s for s in search_history if s != q]
+ search_history.insert(0, q)
+ search_history = search_history[0:5] #只保存最新的五条搜索记录
+ request.session['search_history'] = '&&&'.join(search_history)
+ results = form.search()
+ (has_blogs, blogs) = generator_has_content(limit(objects_of_sqs(results),10))
+ questuinsqs = QuerySearchForm(request.GET).search()
+ (has_relate_questions, questions) = generator_has_content(limit(objects_of_sqs(questuinsqs),8))
+ ppnounsqs = ProperNounSearchForm(request.GET).search()
+ (hasppnouns, ppnouns) = generator_has_content(limit(objects_of_sqs(ppnounsqs),10))
+ return render(request, 'sciblog/blog_list.html', locals())
+ else:
+ (has_blogs, blogs) = generator_has_content(limit(SciBlog.objects.all(),10))
+ return render(request, 'sciblog/blog_list.html', locals())
+def blog_collection(request):
+ blogs = request.user.blog_collection.all()
+ tab = 'collection'
+ has_blogs = len(blogs) > 0
+ ppnouns = request.user.annotation_collection.all()
+ has_ppnouns = request.user.annotation_collection.count() > 0
+ return render(request, 'sciblog/blog_list.html', locals())
+def add_user_to_m2m(request, objid, m2m ='collected_by', model = SciBlog):
+ u'''
+ 响应收藏按钮和'懂了'按钮的点击
+ '''
+ result = {"error":False, 'added':True}
+ result['id'] = objid
+ result['model'] = model._meta.verbose_name_plural
+ user = request.user
+ try:
+ obj = model.objects.get(id=objid)
+ m2m = getattr(obj, m2m)
+ if not m2m.filter(id = user.id):
+ # 还没有收藏或点击懂了
+ m2m.add(user)
+ else:
+ # 已经收藏或点击了懂了
+ m2m.remove(user)
+ result['added'] = False
+ result['times'] = m2m.count()
+ except:
+ result['error'] = True
+ result['added'] = False
+ return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result),
+ mimetype = 'application/json')
+def show_result(request, resultid):
+ result = get_object_or_404(ResultContent, id=resultid)
+ blog = result.blog
+ return render(request, 'sciblog/blog_detail_results-detail.html', locals())