path: root/97suifangqa/sass/sass-extensions/zen-grids/stylesheets/zen/_grids.scss
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1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/97suifangqa/sass/sass-extensions/zen-grids/stylesheets/zen/_grids.scss b/97suifangqa/sass/sass-extensions/zen-grids/stylesheets/zen/_grids.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6310e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/97suifangqa/sass/sass-extensions/zen-grids/stylesheets/zen/_grids.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Mixins for the Zen Grids system.
+// Specify the number of columns in the grid.
+$zen-column-count: 1 !default;
+// Specify the width of the gutters; half of the gutter will be placed on each
+// side of a grid column.
+$zen-gutter-width: 20px !default;
+// You can generate more efficient CSS if you manually apply the
+// zen-grid-item-base mixin to all grid items from within a single ruleset.
+$zen-auto-include-item-base: true !default;
+$zen-auto-include-flow-item-base: true !default;
+// Specify the width of the entire grid. Defaults to 100% for a fluid responsive
+// design, but you can change this to a pixel value if you need a fixed grid.
+$zen-grid-width: 100% !default;
+// The box-sizing polyfill for IE6/7 requires an absolute path to the
+// boxsizing.htc file. See https://github.com/Schepp/box-sizing-polyfill
+$box-sizing-polyfill-path: "" !default;
+// Specify the CSS3 box-sizing method. The default, "border-box", is compatible
+// with all modern browsers, including IE 8 and later. Use "content-box" for
+// wider compatibility (Note: you'll also need to set $legacy-support-for-ie7
+// and $legacy-support-for-ie6 to true.)
+$zen-box-sizing: border-box !default;
+// Turn off IE6/7 support since we're defaulting to box-sizing: border-box.
+$legacy-support-for-ie7: false !default;
+$legacy-support-for-ie6: false !default;
+// Specify the default floating direction for zen's mixins.
+$zen-float-direction: left !default;
+// This is a helper variable for RTL layouts.
+$zen-reverse-all-floats: false !default;
+// Apply this to the grid container element.
+@mixin zen-grid-container () {
+ @if ($legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7) {
+ *position: relative; // @TODO: This is a pre-IE8 line of code; don't remember why its needed.
+ }
+ // We use the "micro clearfix", instead of Compass' clearfix or pie-clearfix.
+ &:before,
+ &:after {
+ content: "";
+ display: table;
+ }
+ &:after {
+ clear: both;
+ }
+ @if ($legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7) {
+ *zoom: 1;
+ }
+// Apply this to any grid item that is also a grid container element for a
+// nested grid. It must be applied after the zen-grid-item() mixin.
+@mixin zen-nested-container () {
+ padding: {
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ }
+// Apply this to each grid item. Set the $column-span to the number of columns
+// that the grid item spans. And set the $column-position to the column number
+// the grid item starts on.
+// For grid items that are floated right, the $column-position is counted
+// from the right instead of from the left.
+@mixin zen-grid-item (
+ $column-span,
+ $column-position,
+ $float-direction: $zen-float-direction,
+ $column-count: $zen-column-count,
+ $gutter-width: $zen-gutter-width,
+ $grid-width: $zen-grid-width,
+ $box-sizing: $zen-box-sizing,
+ $reverse-all-floats: $zen-reverse-all-floats,
+ $auto-include-item-base: $zen-auto-include-item-base
+) {
+ // Calculate the unit width.
+ $unit-width: zen-unit-width($column-count, $grid-width);
+ // Determine the float direction and its reverse.
+ $dir: $float-direction;
+ @if $reverse-all-floats {
+ $dir: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ }
+ $rev: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ float: $dir;
+ $width: $column-span * $unit-width;
+ @if $box-sizing == content-box {
+ @if not comparable($width, $gutter-width) {
+ $units-gutter: unit($gutter-width);
+ $units-grid: unit($grid-width);
+ @warn "The layout cannot be calculated correctly; when using box-sizing: content-box, the units of the gutter (#{$units-gutter} did not match the units of the grid width (#{$units-grid}).";
+ }
+ $width: $width - $gutter-width;
+ }
+ width: $width;
+ margin: {
+ #{$dir}: ($column-position - 1) * $unit-width;
+ #{$rev}: (1 - $column-position - $column-span) * $unit-width;
+ }
+ // Auto-apply the unit base mixin.
+ @if $auto-include-item-base {
+ @include zen-grid-item-base($gutter-width, $box-sizing);
+ }
+// Applies a standard set of properites to all grid items in the layout.
+// See the note about the $zen-auto-include-item-base and
+// $zen-auto-include-flow-item-base variables for when to use this mixin.
+// The mixin has the following optional parameters, but its better to use the
+// $zen-gutter-width and $zen-box-sizing variables instead:
+// - $gutter-width: Half of this value is applied as padding to the left and
+// right sides of the item.
+// - $box-sizing: The type of CSS3 box model each box should use. Can be set to
+// content-box or border-box. Defaults to content-box, but border-box is way
+// cooler. IE 6 and 7 don't support border-box.
+@mixin zen-grid-item-base (
+ $gutter-width: $zen-gutter-width,
+ $box-sizing: $zen-box-sizing,
+ $flow-direction: $zen-float-direction,
+ $reverse-all-flows: $zen-reverse-all-floats
+) {
+ $dir: $flow-direction;
+ @if $reverse-all-flows {
+ $dir: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ }
+ padding: {
+ left: zen-half-gutter($gutter-width, left, $dir);
+ right: zen-half-gutter($gutter-width, right, $dir);
+ }
+ // Specify the border-box properties.
+ @if $box-sizing == border-box {
+ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -ms-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ // Prevent borders since they'll break the layout with content-box.
+ @if $box-sizing == content-box {
+ border: 0 !important;
+ }
+ // Prevent overflowing content from being hidden beneath other grid items.
+ word-wrap: break-word; // A very nice CSS3 property.
+ @if ($legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7) {
+ @if $box-sizing == border-box and $box-sizing-polyfill-path == "" {
+ @warn "IE legacy support is on, but $box-sizing is set to #{$box-sizing} and the $box-sizing-polyfill-path is empty.";
+ }
+ @if $box-sizing-polyfill-path != "" {
+ *behavior: url($box-sizing-polyfill-path);
+ }
+ @if $legacy-support-for-ie6 {
+ _display: inline; // Display inline or double your floated margin! [1]
+ _overflow: hidden; // Prevent overflowing content from breaking the layout.
+ _overflow-y: visible; // In IE6, overflow visible is broken [2]
+ // 1. http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html
+ // 2. http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/wrongWithIE/?chapter=overflow%3Avisible%3B
+ }
+ }
+// Apply this to content boxes that need to be cleared below other content boxes.
+@mixin zen-clear (
+ $float-direction: $zen-float-direction,
+ $reverse-all-floats: $zen-reverse-all-floats
+) {
+ // Determine the float direction.
+ $dir: $float-direction;
+ @if $reverse-all-floats {
+ $dir: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ }
+ clear: $dir;
+// Apply this to flow items that need to be floated.
+@mixin zen-float (
+ $float-direction: $zen-float-direction,
+ $reverse-all-floats: $zen-reverse-all-floats
+) {
+ // Determine the float direction.
+ $dir: $float-direction;
+ @if $reverse-all-floats {
+ $dir: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ }
+ float: $dir;
+// Apply this to an HTML item that is in the normal flow of a document to help
+// align it to the grid. Set the $column-span to the number of columns that the
+// HTML element should span. For responsive layouts with a percentage-based grid
+// width, set the $parent-column-count to the number of columns that the parent
+// element spans; fixed-unit layouts using px, em, etc. do not need to specify
+// this.
+// Unlike the zen-grid-item() mixin, this mixin does not float the HTML item; it
+// also does not have a half-gutter on each side. By default, it has no gutter
+// in the "alpha position" (the left side) and a full gutter in the "omega
+// position" (the right side.) You can turn on or off the alpha and omega
+// gutters by setting the $alpha-gutter and $omega-gutter parameters to true or
+// false.
+// Note: when the $flow-direction is set to right (for RTL languages), the alpha
+// position is on the right and the omega position is on the left.
+@mixin zen-grid-flow-item (
+ $column-span,
+ $parent-column-count: false,
+ $alpha-gutter: false,
+ $omega-gutter: true,
+ $flow-direction: $zen-float-direction,
+ $column-count: $zen-column-count,
+ $gutter-width: $zen-gutter-width,
+ $grid-width: $zen-grid-width,
+ $box-sizing: $zen-box-sizing,
+ $reverse-all-flows: $zen-reverse-all-floats,
+ $auto-include-flow-item-base: $zen-auto-include-flow-item-base
+) {
+ $columns: $column-count;
+ @if unit($grid-width) == "%" {
+ @if $parent-column-count == false {
+ @warn "For responsive layouts with a percentage-based grid width, you must set the $column-count to the number of columns that the parent element spans.";
+ }
+ @else {
+ $columns: $parent-column-count;
+ }
+ }
+ $dir: $flow-direction;
+ @if $reverse-all-flows {
+ $dir: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ }
+ $rev: zen-direction-flip($dir);
+ // Calculate the item's width.
+ $width: zen-grid-item-width($column-span, $columns, $grid-width);
+ @if $box-sizing == content-box {
+ @if not comparable($width, $gutter-width) {
+ $units-gutter: unit($gutter-width);
+ $units-grid: unit($grid-width);
+ @warn "The layout cannot be calculated correctly; when using box-sizing: content-box, the units of the gutter (#{$units-gutter} did not match the units of the grid width (#{$units-grid}).";
+ }
+ $width: $width - $gutter-width;
+ }
+ width: $width;
+ // Auto-apply the unit base mixin.
+ @if $auto-include-flow-item-base {
+ @include zen-grid-item-base($gutter-width, $box-sizing);
+ }
+ // Ensure the HTML item either has a full gutter or no gutter on each side.
+ padding-#{$dir}: 0;
+ @if $alpha-gutter {
+ margin-#{$dir}: $gutter-width;
+ }
+ $offset: ($columns - $column-span) * $gutter-width / $columns;
+ padding-#{$rev}: $offset;
+ @if $omega-gutter {
+ margin-#{$rev}: $gutter-width - $offset;
+ }
+ @else {
+ margin-#{$rev}: -($offset);
+ }
+// Helper functions for the Zen mixins.
+// Returns a half gutter width.
+@function zen-half-gutter(
+ $gutter-width: $zen-gutter-width,
+ $gutter-side: $zen-float-direction,
+ $flow-direction: $zen-float-direction
+) {
+ $half-gutter: $gutter-width / 2;
+ // Special handling in case gutter has an odd number of pixels.
+ @if unit($gutter-width) == "px" {
+ @if $gutter-side == $flow-direction {
+ @return floor($half-gutter);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return ceil($half-gutter);
+ }
+ }
+ @return $half-gutter;
+// Calculates the unit width of a column.
+@function zen-unit-width (
+ $column-count: $zen-column-count,
+ $grid-width: $zen-grid-width
+) {
+ $unit-width: $grid-width / $column-count;
+ @if unit($unit-width) == "px" and floor($unit-width) != ceil($unit-width) {
+ @warn "You may experience rounding errors as the grid width, #{$grid-width}, does not divide evenly into #{$column-count} columns.";
+ }
+ @return $unit-width;
+// Calculates the width of a grid item that spans the specified number of columns.
+@function zen-grid-item-width (
+ $column-span,
+ $column-count: $zen-column-count,
+ $grid-width: $zen-grid-width
+) {
+ @return $column-span * zen-unit-width($column-count, $grid-width);
+// Returns the opposite direction, given "left" or "right".
+@function zen-direction-flip($dir) {
+ @if $dir == left {
+ @return right;
+ }
+ @else if $dir == right {
+ @return left;
+ }
+ @else if $dir == none or $dir == both {
+ @return $dir;
+ }
+ @warn "Invalid direction passed to zen-direction-flip().";
+ @return both;