path: root/isuifang_solr/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'isuifang_solr/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/isuifang_solr/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt b/isuifang_solr/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e76f36e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isuifang_solr/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/norwegian/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Norwegian stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | This stop word list is for the dominant bokmål dialect. Words unique
+ | to nynorsk are marked *.
+ | Revised by Jan Bruusgaard <Jan.Bruusgaard@ssb.no>, Jan 2005
+og | and
+i | in
+jeg | I
+det | it/this/that
+at | to (w. inf.)
+en | a/an
+et | a/an
+den | it/this/that
+til | to
+er | is/am/are
+som | who/that
+på | on
+de | they / you(formal)
+med | with
+han | he
+av | of
+ikke | not
+ikkje | not *
+der | there
+så | so
+var | was/were
+meg | me
+seg | you
+men | but
+ett | one
+har | have
+om | about
+vi | we
+min | my
+mitt | my
+ha | have
+hadde | had
+hun | she
+nå | now
+over | over
+da | when/as
+ved | by/know
+fra | from
+du | you
+ut | out
+sin | your
+dem | them
+oss | us
+opp | up
+man | you/one
+kan | can
+hans | his
+hvor | where
+eller | or
+hva | what
+skal | shall/must
+selv | self (reflective)
+sjøl | self (reflective)
+her | here
+alle | all
+vil | will
+bli | become
+ble | became
+blei | became *
+blitt | have become
+kunne | could
+inn | in
+når | when
+være | be
+kom | come
+noen | some
+noe | some
+ville | would
+dere | you
+som | who/which/that
+deres | their/theirs
+kun | only/just
+ja | yes
+etter | after
+ned | down
+skulle | should
+denne | this
+for | for/because
+deg | you
+si | hers/his
+sine | hers/his
+sitt | hers/his
+mot | against
+å | to
+meget | much
+hvorfor | why
+dette | this
+disse | these/those
+uten | without
+hvordan | how
+ingen | none
+din | your
+ditt | your
+blir | become
+samme | same
+hvilken | which
+hvilke | which (plural)
+sånn | such a
+inni | inside/within
+mellom | between
+vår | our
+hver | each
+hvem | who
+vors | us/ours
+hvis | whose
+både | both
+bare | only/just
+enn | than
+fordi | as/because
+før | before
+mange | many
+også | also
+slik | just
+vært | been
+være | to be
+båe | both *
+begge | both
+siden | since
+dykk | your *
+dykkar | yours *
+dei | they *
+deira | them *
+deires | theirs *
+deim | them *
+di | your (fem.) *
+då | as/when *
+eg | I *
+ein | a/an *
+eit | a/an *
+eitt | a/an *
+elles | or *
+honom | he *
+hjå | at *
+ho | she *
+hoe | she *
+henne | her
+hennar | her/hers
+hennes | hers
+hoss | how *
+hossen | how *
+ikkje | not *
+ingi | noone *
+inkje | noone *
+korleis | how *
+korso | how *
+kva | what/which *
+kvar | where *
+kvarhelst | where *
+kven | who/whom *
+kvi | why *
+kvifor | why *
+me | we *
+medan | while *
+mi | my *
+mine | my *
+mykje | much *
+no | now *
+nokon | some (masc./neut.) *
+noka | some (fem.) *
+nokor | some *
+noko | some *
+nokre | some *
+si | his/hers *
+sia | since *
+sidan | since *
+so | so *
+somt | some *
+somme | some *
+um | about*
+upp | up *
+vere | be *
+vore | was *
+verte | become *
+vort | become *
+varte | became *
+vart | became *