path: root/img
diff options
authorAaron LI <aly@aaronly.me>2017-10-16 10:59:31 +0800
committerAaron LI <aly@aaronly.me>2017-10-16 10:59:31 +0800
commit020c5df2758d299f72d4badc98f8255edfa61b3a (patch)
tree558ed7e4286ce88bab7f76f121987c3994a747ab /img
parent2a4f07ece389ab3454afeeeced8480a1c958f8f9 (diff)
Move some scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'img')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 388 deletions
diff --git a/img/force_field_transform.jl b/img/force_field_transform.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b3872a..0000000
--- a/img/force_field_transform.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env julia
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Force field transform
-# Aaron LI
-# 2015/07/14
-using FITSIO;
-@everywhere function meshgrid(vx, vy)
- m, n = length(vy), length(vx)
- vx = reshape(vx, 1, n)
- vy = reshape(vy, m, 1)
- (repmat(vx, m, 1), repmat(vy, 1, n))
-# Calculate the forces between the specified point with respect to the image.
-@everywhere function force(p0, img)
- img = copy(img);
- x0, y0 = p0;
- v0 = img[y0, x0];
- img[y0, x0] = 0.0;
- rows, cols = size(img);
- x, y = meshgrid(1:cols, 1:rows);
- x[y0, x0] = -1;
- y[y0, x0] = -1;
- f_x = v0 .* img .* (x-x0) ./ ((x-x0).^2 + (y-y0).^2).^1.5;
- f_y = v0 .* img .* (y-y0) ./ ((x-x0).^2 + (y-y0).^2).^1.5;
- #return (f_x, f_y);
- return (sum(f_x), sum(f_y));
-# Perform the "force field transform" for the input image.
-# Return:
-# (amplitudes, angles)
-# amplitudes: the amplitudes of the resulting forces of each pixel
-# angles: the directions of the resulting forces of each pixel,
-# in unit radian.
-@everywhere function force_field_transform_serial(img, rowstart=1, rowend="end")
- rows, cols = size(img)
- if rowend == "end"
- rowend = rows
- end
- amplitudes = zeros(rows, cols)
- angles = zeros(rows, cols)
- t0 = time()
- t_p = t0 + 30 # in 30 seconds
- for y = rowstart:rowend
- for x = 1:cols
- t1 = time()
- if (t1 >= t_p)
- percent = 100*((y-rowstart)*cols + x+1) / ((rowend-rowstart+1)*cols)
- @printf("Worker #%d: progress: %.3f%%; %.1f min\n",
- myid(), percent, (t1-t0)/60.0)
- t_p += 30 # in 30 seconds
- end
- F_x, F_y = force((x, y), img)
- #@printf("F_x, F_y = (%f, %f)\n", F_x, F_y);
- amplitudes[y, x] = sqrt(F_x^2 + F_y^2)
- angles[y, x] = atan2(F_y, F_x)
- end
- end
- t1 = time()
- @printf("Worker #%d: finished in %.1f min!\n", myid(), (t1-t0)/60.0)
- return (amplitudes, angles)
-# parallel-capable
-function force_field_transform(img)
- t0 = time()
- rows, cols = size(img)
- np = nprocs()
- amplitudes = cell(np)
- angles = cell(np)
- # split rows for each process
- rows_chunk = div(rows, np)
- rowstart = cell(np)
- rowend = cell(np)
- @sync begin
- for p = 1:np
- rowstart[p] = 1 + rows_chunk * (p-1)
- if p == np
- rowend[p] = rows
- else
- rowend[p] = rowstart[p] + rows_chunk - 1
- end
- # perform transform
- @async begin
- amplitudes[p], angles[p] = remotecall_fetch(p,
- force_field_transform_serial,
- img, rowstart[p], rowend[p])
- end
- end
- end
- t1 = time()
- @printf("Finished in %.1f min!\n", (t1-t0)/60.0)
- return (sum(amplitudes), sum(angles))
-# arguments
-if length(ARGS) != 3
- println("Usage: PROG <input_fits_img> <out_fits_amplitudes> <out_fits_angles>");
- exit(1);
-infile = ARGS[1];
-outfile_ampl = ARGS[2];
-outfile_angles = ARGS[3];
-fits_img = FITS(infile);
-img = read(fits_img[1]);
-header = read_header(fits_img[1]);
-# perform force field transform
-ampl, angles = force_field_transform(img);
-outfits_ampl = FITS(outfile_ampl, "w");
-outfits_angles = FITS(outfile_angles, "w");
-write(outfits_ampl, ampl; header=header);
-write(outfits_angles, angles; header=header);
-#= vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=julia: =#
diff --git a/img/force_field_transform.py b/img/force_field_transform.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b185c8..0000000
--- a/img/force_field_transform.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf -*-
-# Force field transform (Hurley et al., 2002, 2005)
-Force field transform
-import sys
-import time
-import numpy as np
-def force(p1, p2):
- """
- The force between two points of the image.
- Arguments:
- p1, p2: (value, x, y)
- Return:
- # (force, angle): value and direction of the force.
- # angle: (-pi, pi], with respect to p1.
- (f_x, f_y): x and y components of the force
- """
- v1, x1, y1 = p1
- v2, x2, y2 = p2
- #force = v1*v2 / ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
- #angle = np.atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1)
- #return (force, angle)
- f_x = v1 * v2 * (x2-x1) / ((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)**1.5
- f_y = v1 * v2 * (y2-y1) / ((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)**1.5
- return (f_x, f_y)
-def force_array(p0, img):
- """
- The forces between the input point with respect to the image.
- Arguments:
- p0: (x, y), note (x, y) start with zero.
- img: input image, a numpy array
- Return:
- (f_x, f_y): x and y components of the forces of the same size
- of the input image
- """
- x0, y0 = p0
- v0 = img[y0, x0]
- img[y0, x0] = 0.0
- x, y = np.meshgrid(range(img.shape[1]), range(img.shape[0]))
- x[y0, x0] = -1
- y[y0, x0] = -1
- f_x = v0 * img * (x-x0) / ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)**1.5
- f_y = v0 * img * (y-y0) / ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)**1.5
- return (f_x, f_y)
-def vector_add(v1, v2):
- """
- Add two vectors and return the results.
- Arguments:
- v1, v2: two input vectors of format (f_x, f_y)
- Return:
- (F_x, F_y)
- """
- f1_x, f1_y = v1
- f2_x, f2_y = v2
- return (f1_x+f2_x, f1_y+f2_y)
-def force_summation(pixel, img):
- """
- Calculate the resulting force of the specified pixel with respect to
- the image.
- Argument:
- pixel: the position (x, y) of the pixel to be calculated
- img: the input image
- Return:
- (F_x, F_y): x and y components of the resulting force.
- """
- img = np.array(img)
- x0, y0 = pixel
- f_x, f_y = force_array((x0, y0), img)
- return (f_x.sum(), f_y.sum())
-def force_field_transform(img):
- """
- Perform the "force field transform" on the input image.
- Arguments:
- img: input 2D image
- Return:
- (amplitudes, angles)
- amplitudes: the amplitudes of the resulting forces of each pixel
- angles: the directions of the resulting forces of each pixel,
- in unit radian.
- """
- img = np.array(img)
- amplitudes = np.zeros(img.shape)
- angles = np.zeros(img.shape)
- rows, cols = img.shape
- t0 = time.time()
- t_p = t0 + 30 # in 30 seconds
- for y in range(rows):
- for x in range(cols):
- t1 = time.time()
- if t1 >= t_p:
- percent = 100 * (y*cols + x + 1) / (rows * cols)
- print("progress: %.3f%%; %.1f min" % (percent, (t1-t0)/60.0),
- file=sys.stderr)
- t_p += 30 # in 30 seconds
- f_x, f_y = force_array((x, y), img)
- F_x, F_y = f_x.sum(), f_y.sum()
- amplitudes[y, x] = np.sqrt(F_x**2 + F_y**2)
- angles[y, x] = np.math.atan2(F_y, F_x)
- return (amplitudes, angles)
diff --git a/img/force_field_transform_fft.jl b/img/force_field_transform_fft.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index c5bf905..0000000
--- a/img/force_field_transform_fft.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# To do force field transform using FFT
-# Aaron LI
-# 2015/07/16
-function forcefieldtransform_fft(img)
- rows, cols = size(img)
- pic = zeros(3*rows, 3*cols)
- pic[1:rows, 1:cols] = img
- # unit force field
- unit_ff = complex(zeros(3*rows, 3*cols))
- for r = 1:(2*rows-1)
- for c = 1:(2*cols)
- d = (rows+cols*im) - (r+c*im)
- if (r, c) == (rows, cols)
- unit_ff[r, c] = 0 + 0im
- else
- unit_ff[r, c] = d / abs(d)^3
- end
- end
- end
- # FIXME matrix sizes
- ff = sqrt(rows*cols) * ifft(fft(pic) .* fft(unit_ff))
- #ff_crop = ff[rows:2*rows, cols:2*cols]
diff --git a/img/forcefield.jl b/img/forcefield.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2c236..0000000
--- a/img/forcefield.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Force field transform with specified size of mask.
-# Aaron LI
-# 2015/07/19
-# Make the specified sized force field mask.
-# NOTE: the number of rows and cols must be odd.
-function ff_mask(rows=5, cols=5)
- rows % 2 == 1 || error("rows must be odd number")
- cols % 2 == 1 || error("cols must be odd number")
- mask = complex(zeros(rows, cols))
- for r = range(-div(rows, 2), rows)
- for c = range(-div(cols, 2), cols)
- i, j = r + div(rows+1, 2), c + div(cols+1, 2)
- #@printf("(r,c) = (%d,%d); (i,j) = (%d,%d)\n", r, c, i, j)
- d = c + r*im
- if abs(d) < 1e-8
- mask[i, j] = 0.0
- else
- mask[i, j] = d / abs(d)^3
- end
- end
- end
- return mask / sum(abs(mask))
-# Padding image by specified number of rows and cols.
-# Default padding mode: mirror
-function pad_image(img, pad_rows, pad_cols, mode="mirror")
- rows, cols = size(img)
- rows_new, cols_new = rows + 2*pad_rows, cols + 2*pad_cols
- img_pad = zeros(rows_new, cols_new)
- img_pad[(pad_rows+1):(pad_rows+rows), (pad_cols+1):(pad_cols+cols)] = img
- for r = 1:rows_new
- for c = 1:cols_new
- if mode == "mirror"
- if r <= pad_rows
- r_mirror = 2*(pad_rows+1) - r
- elseif r <= pad_rows+rows
- r_mirror = r
- else
- r_mirror = 2*(pad_rows+rows) - r
- end
- if c <= pad_cols
- c_mirror = 2*(pad_cols+1) - c
- elseif c <= pad_cols+cols
- c_mirror = c
- else
- c_mirror = 2*(pad_cols+cols) - c
- end
- if (r_mirror, c_mirror) != (r, c)
- #@printf("(%d,%d) <= (%d,%d)\n", r, c, r_mirror, c_mirror)
- img_pad[r, c] = img_pad[r_mirror, c_mirror]
- end
- else
- error("mode not supported")
- end
- end
- end
- return img_pad
-# Perform force field transform for the image.
-function ff_transform(img, mask, mode="mirror")
- rows, cols = size(img)
- mask_rows, mask_cols = size(mask)
- pad_rows, pad_cols = div(mask_rows, 2), div(mask_cols, 2)
- img_pad = pad_image(img, pad_rows, pad_cols)
- # result images
- ff_amplitudes = zeros(rows, cols)
- ff_angles = zeros(rows, cols)
- # calculate transformed values
- for r = (pad_rows+1):(pad_rows+rows)
- for c = (pad_cols+1):(pad_cols+cols)
- force = sum(img_pad[r, c] * img_pad[(r-pad_rows):(r+pad_rows), (c-pad_cols):(c+pad_cols)] .* mask)
- ff_amplitudes[r-pad_rows, c-pad_cols] = abs(force)
- ff_angles[r-pad_rows, c-pad_cols] = angle(force)
- end
- end
- return ff_amplitudes, ff_angles
diff --git a/img/png2gif.sh b/img/png2gif.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1357be3..0000000
--- a/img/png2gif.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#convert ???.png -background white -alpha remove -resize 50% -layers optimize -delay 5 -loop 0 simu.gif
-[ ! -d gifs ] && mkdir gifs
-for f in ???.png; do
- convert $f -trim -resize 50% gifs/${f%.png}.gif
-gifsicle --delay=5 --loop --colors=256 --optimize=3 gifs/???.gif > simu.gif