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1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/astro/21cm/make_lightcone.py b/astro/21cm/make_lightcone.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93b29df
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+++ b/astro/21cm/make_lightcone.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Weitian LI <weitian@aaronly.me>
+# MIT License
+Make the light-cone cube of HI 21cm signals along the line-of-sight (LoS)
+direction from the simulated deltaTb coeval cubes (brightness temperature,
+in units of [K]), e.g., by SimFast21.
+The HI reionization simulation gives so-called *coeval cubes*, 3D volumes
+of density and HI fraction at the same cosmological redshift. However, an
+observer cannot observe these coeval cubes, but they can be used to create
+the observable *light-cone* cubes, utilizing the method outlined in
+The created light-cone cubes constructed in this way *differ* from the
+observational ones in that the field of view (FoV) has a constant comoving
+size and not a constant angular size.
+.. [datta2012]
+ Datta et al. 2012, MNRAS, 424, 1877
+ "Light-cone effect on the reionization 21-cm power spectrum";
+ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.424.1877D
+.. SimFast21: https://github.com/mariogrs/Simfast21
+Sample Configuration (YAML format)
+# Parameters for the flat ΛCDM cosmology
+H0: 71.0
+Om0: 0.27
+# Whether overwrite existing output file? (default: False)
+clobber: False
+# Data type of the input deltaTb cubes. (default: float32)
+dtype: float32
+# Unit of the deltaTb cubes. (default: K)
+unit: K
+# Redshifts of the input cubes (required)
+# (zmin, zmax, dz from SimFast21 configuration file)
+# Simulation cube side length [Mpc] (required)
+# (sim_length from SimFast21 configuration file)
+# Number of cells of the input cubes (required)
+# (N_smoothed from SimFast21 configuration file)
+# Filename pattern of the input coeval cubes
+infiles_pattern: "deltaTb_z{z:05.3f}_N{Nside:d}_L{Lside:.1f}.dat"
+# Filename of output light-cone cube (required)
+outfile: deltaTb_lightcone.fits
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import yaml
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import interpolate
+import astropy.io.fits as fits
+from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+class Configs:
+ def __init__(self, configfile):
+ self.filepath = os.path.abspath(configfile)
+ self.configs = yaml.load(open(configfile))
+ logger.info("Loaded configurations from file: %s" % configfile)
+ for item in [("H0", 71.0),
+ ("Om0", 0.27),
+ ("clobber", False),
+ ("dtype", "float32"),
+ ("unit", "K"),
+ "zmin",
+ "zmax",
+ "dz",
+ "Lside",
+ "Nside",
+ "infiles_pattern",
+ "outfile"]:
+ if isinstance(item, tuple):
+ option, default = item
+ setattr(self, option, self.configs.get(option, default))
+ else:
+ setattr(self, item, self.configs[item])
+ logger.info("Set configurations")
+ self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=self.H0, Om0=self.Om0)
+ @property
+ def redshifts(self):
+ return np.arange(self.zmin, self.zmax+self.dz/2, step=self.dz)
+ def get_infile(self, z):
+ data = {"z": z, "Nside": self.Nside, "Lside": self.Lside}
+ filename = self.infiles_pattern.format(**data)
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ return filename
+ else:
+ raise OSError("requested file does not exists: %s" % filename)
+ def get_cubepair(self, z):
+ """
+ Get the consecutive two cubes enclosing the given redshift.
+ """
+ redshifts = self.redshifts
+ i2 = np.sum(redshifts <= z)
+ i1 = i2 - 1
+ z1 = redshifts[i1]
+ cube1 = self.get_infile(z1)
+ try:
+ z2 = redshifts[i2]
+ cube2 = self.get_infile(z2)
+ except IndexError:
+ z2 = None
+ cube2 = None
+ return [(z1, cube1), (z2, cube2)]
+ @property
+ def Dc_limit(self):
+ Dc_min, Dc_max = self.cosmo.comoving_distance(
+ [self.zmin, self.zmax]).value # [Mpc]
+ return (Dc_min, Dc_max)
+ def Dc_to_redshift(self, Dc):
+ """
+ Calculate the redshift corresponding to the given comoving distance
+ (along LoS) by using interpolation.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, "_Dc_interp"):
+ Dc_min, Dc_max = self.Dc_limit
+ dDc = self.Lside / self.Nside
+ N = int((Dc_max - Dc_min) / dDc)
+ z_ = np.linspace(self.zmin, self.zmax, num=N)
+ Dc_ = self.cosmo.comoving_distance(z_).value # [Mpc]
+ self._Dc_interp = interpolate.interp1d(Dc_, z_, kind="linear")
+ return self._Dc_interp(Dc)
+class CubePair:
+ """
+ A pair of (redshift) consecutive coeval cubes.
+ """
+ z1 = None
+ z2 = None
+ infile1 = None
+ infile2 = None
+ cube1 = None
+ cube2 = None
+ def __init__(self, Nside, dtype="float32"):
+ self.Nside = Nside
+ self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
+ def set(self, cubepair):
+ (z1, infile1), (z2, infile2) = cubepair
+ if self.infile1 != infile1:
+ self.infile1 = infile1
+ self.z1 = z1
+ self.cube1 = self.load(infile1)
+ logger.info("Loaded cube1 [z=%.3f] from: %s" % (z1, infile1))
+ if self.infile2 != infile2:
+ self.infile2 = infile2
+ self.z2 = z2
+ self.cube2 = self.load(infile2)
+ logger.info("Loaded cube2 [z=%.3f] from: %s" % (z2, infile2))
+ def load(self, infile):
+ cube = np.fromfile(open(infile, "rb"), dtype=self.dtype)
+ cube = cube.reshape((self.Nside, self.Nside, self.Nside))
+ return cube
+ def get_slice(self, idx, z):
+ q = idx % self.Nside
+ if abs(z-self.z1) < 1e-5:
+ # The last slice, and z2/infile2/cube2 is None
+ return self.cube1[:, :, q]
+ else:
+ if self.z2 is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("z2/infile2/cube2 missing!")
+ # linear interpolation
+ s1 = self.cube1[:, :, q]
+ s2 = self.cube2[:, :, q]
+ slope = (s2 - s1) / (self.z2 - self.z1)
+ return s1 + slope * (z - self.z1)
+class LightCone:
+ """
+ Light-cone cube mimic the observation of HI signal.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, configs):
+ self.configs = configs
+ Nside = self.configs.Nside
+ Nslice = self.Nslice
+ self.cube = np.zeros(shape=(Nslice, Nside, Nside),
+ dtype=np.dtype(self.configs.dtype))
+ logger.info("Light-cone cube shape: %dx%d (cells) * %d (slices)" %
+ (Nside, Nside, Nslice))
+ def set_slice(self, idx, data):
+ self.cube[idx, :, :] = data
+ @property
+ def slices_Dc(self):
+ """
+ The slices evenly distributed along the LoS representing with
+ comoving distances. [Mpc]
+ """
+ dDc = self.configs.Lside / self.configs.Nside
+ Dc_min, Dc_max = self.configs.Dc_limit
+ Dc = np.arange(Dc_min, Dc_max, step=dDc)
+ return Dc
+ @property
+ def Nslice(self):
+ return len(self.slices_Dc)
+ @property
+ def header(self):
+ dDc = self.configs.Lside / self.configs.Nside
+ Dc_min, Dc_max = self.configs.Dc_limit
+ header = fits.Header()
+ header["BUNIT"] = (self.configs.unit, "Data unit")
+ header["zmin"] = (self.configs.zmin, "HI simulation minimum redshift")
+ header["zmax"] = (self.configs.zmax, "HI simulation maximum redshift")
+ header["dz"] = (self.configs.dz, "HI simulation redshift step size")
+ header["Dc_min"] = (Dc_min, "[cMpc] comoving distance at zmin")
+ header["Dc_max"] = (Dc_max, "[cMpc] comoving distance at zmax")
+ header["Dc_step"] = (dDc, "[cMpc] comoving distance between slices")
+ header["Lside"] = (self.configs.Lside, "[cMpc] Simulation side length")
+ header["Nside"] = (self.configs.Nside, "Side number of cells")
+ header["DATE"] = (datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone().isoformat(),
+ "File creation date")
+ header.add_history(" ".join(sys.argv))
+ return header
+ def write(self, outfile=None, clobber=None):
+ if outfile is None:
+ outfile = self.configs.outfile
+ if clobber is None:
+ clobber = self.configs.clobber
+ hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=self.cube, header=self.header)
+ try:
+ hdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=clobber)
+ except TypeError:
+ hdu.writeto(outfile, clobber=clobber)
+ logger.info("Wrote light-cone cube to: %s" % outfile)
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Create light-cone cube from coeval cubes")
+ parser.add_argument("config", help="configuration file")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ configs = Configs(args.config)
+ cubepair = CubePair(Nside=configs.Nside, dtype=configs.dtype)
+ lightcone = LightCone(configs)
+ for idx, Dc in enumerate(lightcone.slices_Dc):
+ z = configs.Dc_to_redshift(Dc)
+ logger.info("Slice #%d @ z=%.3f / Dc=%.1f[cMpc] ..." % (idx+1, z, Dc))
+ pair = configs.get_cubepair(z)
+ cubepair.set(pair)
+ data = cubepair.get_slice(idx, z)
+ lightcone.set_slice(idx, data)
+ lightcone.write()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()