path: root/
diff options
authorAaron LI <>2016-06-20 11:29:01 +0800
committerAaron LI <>2016-06-20 11:29:01 +0800
commiteacfc010bcf0dc6d54aa0ead190af7f55f5b6a52 (patch)
treeddf65bd4d1416af8bcf999c0b666828165619f17 /
parentb2a90732744ae6b4ee861911961577816945446c (diff)
Add calculate the cooling function profile
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d57319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Based on '' from 'chandra-acis-analysis/mass_profile'.
+# Aaron LI
+# Created: 2016-06-19
+# Updated: 2016-06-19
+Calculate the 'cooling function' profile with respect to the
+given 'temperature profile' and the average abundance, redshift,
+and column density nH, using the XSPEC model 'wabs*apec'.
+Sample config file:
+# Configuration file for ``
+# Aaron LI
+# 2016-06-19
+# temperature profile fitted & extrapolated by model: [r, T]
+tprofile = tprofile.txt
+# average abundance (unit: solar)
+abundance = 0.5
+# abundance table (default: grsa)
+abund_table = grsa
+# redshift of the object
+redshift = 0.0137
+# H column density (unit: 10^22 cm^-2)
+nh = 0.03
+# energy range within which to calculate the cooling function (unit: keV)
+energy_low = 0.7
+energy_high = 7.0
+# output file of the XSPEC script for cooling function calculation
+xspec_script = coolfunc.xcm
+# output file of the cooling function profile: [r, CF]
+coolfunc = coolfunc_profile.txt
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+import numpy as np
+import astropy.units as au
+from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
+from configobj import ConfigObj
+def gen_xspec_script(outfile, data):
+ """
+ Generate the XSPEC script for cooling function profile calculation.
+ Arguments:
+ * outfile: output file to save the XSPEC script
+ * data: dictionary used to format the template XSPEC script
+ """
+ xspec_script = """
+# Calculate the cooling function profile w.r.t the temperature profile.
+# Generated by: %(prog_name)s
+# Date: %(cur_date)s
+# debug (off)
+chatter 0
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+query yes
+abund %(abund_table)s
+dummyrsp 0.01 100.0 4096 linear
+# use model 'wabs*apec'
+model wabs*apec & %(nh)s & 1.0 & %(abundance)s & %(redshift)s & %(apec_norm)s & /*
+# input and output files
+set tpro_fn "%(tprofile)s"
+set cf_fn "%(coolfunc)s"
+if { [ file exists $cf_fn ] } {
+ exec rm -fv $cf_fn
+# open files
+set tpro_fd [ open $tpro_fn r ]
+set cf_fd [ open $cf_fn w ]
+# output file header
+puts $cf_fd "# radius flux(%(energy_low)s-%(energy_high)s)"
+# read data from temperature profile line by line
+while { [ gets $tpro_fd line ] != -1 } {
+ if {[ regexp -- {^\s*#} $line ] == 1} {
+ # ignore comment line
+ continue
+ }
+ scan $line "%%f %%f" radius temp_val
+ #puts "radius: $radius, temperature: $temp_val"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 $temp_val
+ flux %(energy_low)s %(energy_high)s
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan $xspec_tclout "%%f %%f %%f %%f" _ _ _ cf_data
+ #puts "cf_data: $cf_data"
+ puts $cf_fd "$radius $cf_data"
+# close & exit
+close $tpro_fd
+close $cf_fd
+""" % data
+ open(outfile, "w").write(xspec_script)
+def calc_apec_norm(z, H0=71, OmegaM0=0.27):
+ """
+ Calculate the normalization of the APEC model.
+ Reference:
+ """
+ cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=OmegaM0)
+ DA_cm = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).to(
+ norm = 1.0e-14 / (4*np.pi * (DA_cm * (1+z))**2)
+ return norm
+def calc_coolfunc(xspec_script, verbose=True):
+ if verbose:
+ print("Invoke XSPEC to calculate cooling function profile ...")
+["xspec", "-", xspec_script],
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Calculate the cooling function profile " +
+ "w.r.t the temperature profile")
+ parser.add_argument("config", nargs="?", default="coolfunc.conf",
+ help="config for cooling function calculation " +
+ "(default: coolfunc.conf)")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ config = ConfigObj(args.config)
+ redshift = config.as_float("redshift")
+ config_data = {
+ "prog_name": os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
+ "cur_date":,
+ #
+ "tprofile": config["tprofile"],
+ "abundance": config.as_float("abundance"),
+ "abund_table": config.get("abund_table", "grsa"),
+ "redshift": redshift,
+ "nh": config.as_float("nh"),
+ "energy_low": float(config.get("energy_low", 0.7)),
+ "energy_high": float(config.get("energy_high", 0.7)),
+ "xspec_script": config["xspec_script"],
+ "coolfunc": config["coolfunc"],
+ "apec_norm": calc_apec_norm(z=redshift),
+ }
+ gen_xspec_script(outfile=config["xspec_script"], data=config_data)
+ calc_coolfunc(xspec_script=config["xspec_script"])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()