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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Aaron LI
+# Created: 2016-07-13
+# Updated: 2016-07-13
+# Change logs:
+Calculate the gravitational potential profile through the
+total mass density profile.
+Newton's theorems (ref.[1], Sec. 2.2.1):
+1. A body that is inside a spherical shell of matter experiences no net
+ gravitational force from that shell.
+2. The gravitational force on a body that lies outside a spherical shell
+ of matter is the same as it would be if all the shell's matter were
+ concentrated into a point at its center.
+Therefore, the gravitational potential produced by a spherical shell of
+mass 'M' is:
+ phi = (1) - G * M / R; (r <= R, i.e., inside the shell)
+ (2) - G * M / r; (r > R, i.e., outside the shell)
+The total gravitational potential may be considered to be the sum of the
+potentials of spherical shells of mass
+ dM(r) = 4 * pi * rho(r) * r^2 dr,
+so we may calculate the gravitational potential at 'R' generated by an
+arbitrary spherically symmetric density distribution 'rho(r)' by adding
+the contributions to the potential produced by shells
+ (1) with r < R,
+ (2) with r > R.
+In this way, we obtain
+ phi(R) = - (G/R) * \int_0^R dM(r) - G * \int_R^{\inf} dM(r)/r
+ = - 4*pi*G * ((1/R) * \int_0^R r^2 * rho(r) dr +
+ \int_R^{\inf} r * rho(r) dr)
+[1] Tremaine & Binney, Galactic Dynamics, 2nd edition, 2008
+import argparse
+import numpy as np
+import astropy.units as au
+import astropy.constants as ac
+import scipy.integrate as integrate
+from configobj import ConfigObj
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from spline import SmoothSpline
+config_default = """
+## Configuration for ``
+# total mass density profile
+rho_total_profile = rho_total_profile.txt
+# output gravitational potential profile
+potential_profile = potential_profile.txt
+potential_profile_image = potential_profile.png
+class DensityProfile:
+ """
+ Cluster's gas/total mass density profile.
+ """
+ # supported types of density profile
+ DENSITY_TYPES = ["total", "gas"]
+ # available splines
+ SPLINES = ["rho_total"]
+ # input density data: [r, r_err, m]
+ r = None
+ r_err = None
+ d = None
+ # redshift of the object
+ redshift = None
+ # fitted smoothing spline to total density profile
+ rho_total_spline = None
+ # calculated potential profile
+ potential = None
+ def __init__(self, data, density_type="total"):
+ self.load_data(data=data, density_type=density_type)
+ def load_data(self, data, density_type="total"):
+ if density_type not in self.DENSITY_TYPES:
+ raise ValueError("invalid density_types: %s" % density_type)
+ # 3-column density profile: r[kpc], r_err[kpc], rho[g/cm^3]
+ self.r = data[:, 0].copy()
+ self.r_err = data[:, 1].copy()
+ self.d = data[:, 2].copy()
+ self.density_type = density_type
+ def calc_potential(self, verbose=True):
+ """
+ Calculate the gravitational potential profile from the
+ total mass density profile.
+ * The integral in the potential formula can only be integrated
+ to the largest radius of availability.
+ * This limitation will affect the absolute values of the calculated
+ potentials, but not the shape of the potential profile.
+ """
+ def _int_inner(x):
+ return x**2 * self.eval_spline(spline="rho_total", x=x)
+ def _int_outer(x):
+ return x * self.eval_spline(spline="rho_total", x=x)
+ if self.density_type != "total":
+ raise ValueError("total mass density profile is required")
+ if self.rho_total_spline is None:
+ self.fit_spline(spline="rho_total", log10=["x", "y"])
+ potential = np.zeros(self.r.shape)
+ if verbose:
+ print("Calculating the potential profile (#%d): ..." %
+ len(self.r), end="", flush=True)
+ r_max = max(self.r)
+ c = - 4 * np.pi ***2
+ for i, r in enumerate(self.r):
+ if verbose and (i+1) % 10 == 0:
+ print("%d..." % (i+1), end="", flush=True)
+ # total gravitational potential [ cm^2/s^2 ]
+ potential[i] = c * ac.G.cgs.value * (
+ (1/r) * integrate.quad(_int_inner, a=0.0, b=r,
+ epsrel=1e-2)[0] +
+ integrate.quad(_int_outer, a=r, b=r_max,
+ epsrel=1e-2)[0])
+ if verbose:
+ print("DONE!", flush=True)
+ self.potential = potential
+ return potential
+ def plot(self, ax=None, fig=None):
+ x = self.r
+ xlabel = "3D Radius"
+ xunit = "kpc"
+ xscale = "log"
+ yscale = "log"
+ y = self.potential
+ ylabel = "Gravitational potential"
+ yunit = "cm$^2$/s$^2$"
+ yscale = "linear"
+ #
+ if ax is None:
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
+ ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=2)
+ ax.set_xscale(xscale)
+ ax.set_yscale(yscale)
+ ax.set_xlim(min(x), max(x))
+ y_min, y_max = min(y), max(y)
+ y_min = y_min/1.2 if y_min > 0 else y_min*1.2
+ y_max = y_max*1.2 if y_max > 0 else y_max/1.2
+ ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
+ ax.set_xlabel(r"%s (%s)" % (xlabel, xunit))
+ ax.set_ylabel(r"%s (%s)" % (ylabel, yunit))
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ return (fig, ax)
+ def save(self, outfile):
+ """
+ Save calculated overdensity profile.
+ """
+ data = np.column_stack([self.r,
+ self.r_err,
+ self.potential])
+ header = "radius[kpc] radius_err[kpc] potential[cm^2/s^2]"
+ np.savetxt(outfile, data, header=header)
+ def fit_spline(self, spline, log10=[]):
+ if spline not in self.SPLINES:
+ raise ValueError("invalid spline: %s" % spline)
+ #
+ if spline == "rho_total":
+ # input total mass density profile
+ x = self.r
+ y = self.d
+ spl = "rho_total_spline"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("invalid spline: %s" % spline)
+ setattr(self, spl, SmoothSpline(x=x, y=y))
+ getattr(self, spl).fit(log10=log10)
+ def eval_spline(self, spline, x):
+ """
+ Evaluate the specified spline at the supplied positions.
+ Also check whether the spline was fitted in the log-scale space,
+ and transform the evaluated values if necessary.
+ """
+ if spline == "rho_total":
+ spl = self.rho_total_spline
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("invalid spline: %s" % spline)
+ #
+ return spl.eval(x)
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Calculate the gravitational potential profile")
+ parser.add_argument("config", nargs="?",
+ help="additional config")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ config = ConfigObj(config_default.splitlines())
+ if args.config is not None:
+ config_user = ConfigObj(open(args.config))
+ config.merge(config_user)
+ density_data = np.loadtxt(config["rho_total_profile"])
+ density_profile = DensityProfile(data=density_data, density_type="total")
+ density_profile.calc_potential(verbose=True)
+ fig = Figure(figsize=(10, 8))
+ FigureCanvas(fig)
+ ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+ density_profile.plot(ax=ax, fig=fig)
+ fig.savefig(config["potential_profile_image"], dpi=150)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()