path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 70263d1..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Build and/or update the sample of studying central X-ray brightness
-# excess, by only copying/updating the required products from our complete
-# mass sample.
-# Aaron LI
-# Created: 2016-03-02
-# Updated: 2016-06-06
-# Change log:
-# 2016-06-06:
-# * Add argument "OWNER"
-# * Split out function "copy_mass_files()"
-# * Copy the `mass` related files
-# 2016-04-26:
-# * Add flag "UPDATE_MODE"
-# * Choose the correct `img` directory for ZZH's data
-# * Simplify the argument processing
-# 2016-04-15:
-# * Replace "_" with "-" in NAME
-# * Add support for zzh's sample
-analyze_path() {
- # extract `obs_id' and `source name' from path
- echo "$@" | awk '
- # main part
- {
- if (NF==1) {
- ## oi & name
- input=($1 "/")
- if (input ~ /_oi/) {
- ## PATTERN: .../$name_oi$oi/...
- idx_oi = match(input, /oi[0-9]+/) + 2; # "2" skip the "oi"
- len_oi = RLENGTH - 2;
- oi = substr(input, idx_oi, len_oi);
- idx_name = match(input, /\/[a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+_oi/) + 1;
- len_name = RLENGTH - 4;
- name = substr(input, idx_name, len_name);
- owner = "lwt";
- }
- else {
- ## PATTERN: .../$name/$oi/...
- idx_oi = match(input, /\/[0-9]+\//) + 1;
- len_oi = RLENGTH - 2;
- oi = substr(input, idx_oi, len_oi);
- idx_name1 = match(input, /\/[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+\/[0-9]+\//);
- len_name1 = RLENGTH;
- name1 = substr(input, idx_name1, len_name1);
- idx_name = match(name1, /\/[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+\//) + 1;
- len_name = RLENGTH - 2;
- name = substr(name1, idx_name, len_name);
- owner = "zzh";
- }
- ## output
- printf("input: %s\n", input)
- printf("oi: %s\nname: %s\nowner: %s\n", oi, name, owner)
- }
- else {
- printf("*** WARNING: invalid input: %s\n", $0)
- }
- }
- # END { }
- '
-# copy mass-related files
-copy_mass_files() {
- _mass_dir="$1"
- _target_dir="$2"
- _owner="$3"
- ( \
- cd ${repro_dir}/mass; \
- if [ "${_owner}" = "lwt" ]; then \
- cp -av fitting_*.conf global.cfg wang2012_param.txt \
- flux_sbp.txt radius_sbp.txt sbprofile.txt \
- [a-z]*_center.* summary_*.* final_result.txt \
- ${target_dir}/; \
- cp -Lv tcl_temp_profile.txt ${target_dir}/; \
- else \
- cp -av global.cfg sbp.cfg param_wang.txt \
- [a-z]*_center.* summary_*.* \
- final_result.txt ${target_dir}/; \
- cp -Lv Tprofile.dat radius.dat sbp2.dat sbp3.dat ${target_dir}/; \
- fi; \
- )
- unset _mass_dir _target_dir _owner
-case "$1" in
- -[hH]*)
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " `basename $0` <lwt|zzh> <dest_root_dir> <repro_dir1> ..."
- exit 1
- ;;
-if [ -n "${UPDATE_MODE}" -a ! -d "${DEST_ROOT}" ]; then
- echo "UPDATE MODE: '${DEST_ROOT}' dose not exist"
- exit 2
-[ ! -d "${DEST_ROOT}" ] && mkdir -v "${DEST_ROOT}"
-INIT_DIR=`pwd -P`
-while [ ! -z "$3" ]; do
- repro_dir="$3"
- shift
- OI=`analyze_path "${repro_dir}" | grep '^oi:' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
- NAME=`analyze_path "${repro_dir}" | grep '^name:' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
- # avoid "_" in name
- NAME=`echo "${NAME}" | tr '_' '-'`
- echo "********* ${NAME}_oi${OI} *********"
- # create directories
- DEST="${DEST_ROOT}/${NAME}_oi${OI}"
- if [ -n "${UPDATE_MODE}" -a ! -d "${DEST}/repro" ]; then
- # skip if dest repro directory does not exist
- echo "Skipped!"
- continue
- fi
- [ ! -d "${DEST}/repro" ] && mkdir -pv ${DEST}/repro
- cd "${DEST}/repro"
- # copy the re-processed evt2 files
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/acisf*.fits .
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/acisf*.lis ${repro_dir}/pcadf*.fits .
- # copy the INFO.json file if present
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/*_INFO.json .
- # copy the cleaned evt2 files and background files
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/evt .
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/bkg .
- # copy the `img` directory
- if [ "${OWNER}" = "lwt" ]; then
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/img .
- elif [ "${OWNER}" = "zzh" ]; then
- img_dir="${repro_dir}/../evt2/img"
- if [ -f "${img_dir}/sbprofile.txt" ]; then
- cp -av ${img_dir} .
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/../evt2/spc/profile/rspec.reg ./img/
- else
- echo "WARNING: '${img_dir}/sbprofile.txt' does not exists"
- cp -av ${repro_dir}/img .
- fi
- else
- echo "ERROR: unknown source owner: ${OWNER}"
- fi
- # copy the `mass` related files
- mkdir ./mass
- cd ./mass
- target_dir=`pwd -P`
- if [ "${OWNER}" = "lwt" ]; then
- copy_mass_files ${repro_dir}/mass ${target_dir} ${OWNER}
- elif [ "${OWNER}" = "zzh" ]; then
- if [ -d "${mass_dir}/../evt2/mass" ]; then
- copy_mass_files ${repro_dir}/../evt2/mass ${target_dir} ${OWNER}
- elif [ -d "${repro_dir}/mass" ]; then
- copy_mass_files ${repro_dir}/mass ${target_dir} ${OWNER}
- else
- echo "ERROR: no mass directory found!"
- fi
- else
- echo "ERROR: unknown source owner: ${OWNER}"
- fi
- cd ${target_dir}
- # clean up the copied products
- find . \( -iname '*_bak' -o -iname '_tmp*' \) -delete
- find . -type l -iname '*.dat' -delete
- cd ${INIT_DIR}