diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-02-09 20:15:04 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-02-09 20:15:04 +0800
commit7187eb13da577b9a5627d2ba43265bb649ec2564 (patch)
parentf666fd06b56ce6bad582c1b5dcefe2f64706f381 (diff)
Various small updates to HOWTO
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/HOWTO_chandra_acis_analysis.txt b/HOWTO_chandra_acis_analysis.txt
index 4c91682..a3a2f96 100644
--- a/HOWTO_chandra_acis_analysis.txt
+++ b/HOWTO_chandra_acis_analysis.txt
@@ -10,18 +10,26 @@
Step-by-step guide to analyze ACIS data:
(1) $ chandra_repro indir=. outdir=repro verbose=2
- (2) $ cd repro; mkdir -p evt bkg img spc/profile mass;
- (3) $ cd evt; ln -s ../acis*evt2.fits .;
+ (2) $ cd repro
+ $ mkdir -p evt bkg img spc/profile mass
+ (3) $ cd evt
+ $ ln -s ../*_repro_evt2.fits .
(4) $ ciao_procevt.sh
- (5) $ cd ../bkg; ln -s ../evt/evt2*_clean.fits .;
+ (5) $ cd ../bkg
+ $ ln -s ../evt/evt2*_clean.fits .
(6) $ ciao_blanksky.sh
- (7) ds9 open 'evt2*_clean.fits'; select edge region as the
- *local background*, save as 'lbkg.reg';
- and estimate the phonton counts:
- (8) $ dmlist "evt2*_clean.fits[sky=region(lbkg.reg)][energy=400:8000]" blocks
- (9) $ ciao_bkg_spectra.sh reg="lbkg.reg" basedir=.. nh=<nh> z=<z>
-(10) $ xspec
-(11) xspec> @xspec_lbkg_model.xcm
+ (7) $ ds9 evt2*_clean.fits
+ Select some region on the CCD edges that are as far from the
+ extended source as possible as the *local background*, then
+ save to a region file: 'lbkg.reg'.
+ (8) Estimate the total photon counts within the local background region:
+ $ dmlist "evt2*_clean.fits[sky=region(lbkg.reg)][energy=400:8000]" blocks
+ Enlarge the regions if the total photon counts are too small
+ (e.g., say 2,000).
+ (9) Query the redshift from NED and nH from the HEASARC nH tool
+(10) $ ciao_bkg_spectra.sh reg="lbkg.reg" basedir=.. nh=<nh> z=<z>
+(11) $ xspec
+ xspec> @xspec_lbkg_model.xcm
xspec> fit
xspec> cpd /xs
xspec> pl l del
@@ -30,9 +38,12 @@ Step-by-step guide to analyze ACIS data:
$ ln -s ../evt/evt2*_clean.fits .
$ ln -s ../bkg/bkgcorr_blanksky_lbkg.pi . # maybe 'lbkg.pi'
$ ln -s ../pcadf*_asol1.fits .
-(13) ds9 open 'evt2*_clean.fits', select the center of cluster,
- save the region as 'center.reg'
+(13) $ ds9 evt2*_clean.fits
+ Roughly select the source center and save the region as 'center.reg'
(14) $ ciao_genregs.sh reg_in=center.reg bkgd=<bkgd>
+ Check whether the calculated centroid is OK; if not, manually
+ adjust the centroid position, and save & overwrite the
+ 'centroid_phy.reg'.
(15) $ cd ../spc/profile
$ ln -s ../../evt/evt2*_clean.fits .
$ ln -s ../../bkg/bkgcorr_blanksky_lbkg.pi . # maybe 'lbkg.pi'
@@ -56,7 +67,7 @@ Step-by-step guide to analyze ACIS data:
(calculate average temperature and abundance)
xspec> @<path>/xspec_avg_tz.tcl
xspec> exit
-(20) fix 'NULL' values in 'tprofile.qdp', 'tprofile.txt' & 'tz_average.txt'
+(20) Fix 'NULL' values in 'tprofile.qdp', 'tprofile.txt' & 'tz_average.txt'
(21) $ cd ../../img;
(22) create config '<NAME>_expcorr.conf' (for batch process):
basedir ..
@@ -91,7 +102,8 @@ Step-by-step guide to analyze ACIS data:
(34) Update 'nfw_rmin_kpc' in 'mass.conf
(35) $ fitmass mass.conf c # calculate the central values
(36) $ fitmass mass.conf 2>&1 | tee mass_<date>.log # calculate mass data
-(37) $ collect_infodata.sh
+(37) Update the INFO.json with calculated values from 'final_result.txt':
+ $ collect_infodata.sh
(38) $ cd ../img
$ chandra_update_xcentroid.sh
(39) $ cd ../spc/profile