diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-02-17 00:33:05 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-02-17 01:16:47 +0800
commitcc8a47a6a7b24c31376c7dd6ee9343d8fd7cc68f (patch)
parente9fc77e523f4233082531d51911a5f1c7e96d07c (diff)
Remove 'cooling_time2.sh' (superseded by 'ciao_calc_ct.sh')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 586 deletions
diff --git a/mass_profile/cooling_time2.sh b/mass_profile/cooling_time2.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 775e175..0000000
--- a/mass_profile/cooling_time2.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-unalias -a
-export LC_COLLATE=C
-## based on `ciao_r500avgt'
-## for calculating the `cooling time'
-## within (0.-0.048 r500) region
-## Junhua Gu
-## August 22, 2012
-## Weitian LI
-## 2013-04-28
-## Change logs:
-## 2016-05-28:
-## * Remove 'COSCALC', just use 'cosmo_calc'
-## about, used in `usage' {{{
-## about }}}
-## error code {{{
-## error code }}}
-## usage, help {{{
-case "$1" in
- -[hH]*|--[hH]*)
- printf "usage:\n"
- printf " `basename $0` evt=<evt2_clean> r500=<r500_kpc> regin=<input_reg> regout=<output_reg> bkgd=<blank_evt | lbkg_reg | bkg_spec> nh=<nH> z=<redshift> arf=<warf_file> rmf=<wrmf_file> [ grpcmd=<grppha_cmd> log=<log_file> ]\n"
- printf "\nversion:\n"
- printf "${VERSION}, ${UPDATE}\n"
- exit ${ERR_USG}
- ;;
-## usage, help }}}
-## default parameters {{{
-# default `event file' which used to match `blanksky' files
-DFT_EVT="`ls evt2*_clean.fits 2> /dev/null`"
-# default `bkgd', use `bkgcorr_blanksky*' corrected bkg spectrum
-DFT_BKGD="`ls bkgcorr_blanksky_*.pi 2> /dev/null`"
-# default basedir
-# default info_json pattern
-# default `radial region file'
-# default output region file (0.1-0.5 r500 region)
-# default ARF/RMF, the one of the outmost region
-DFT_ARF="`ls r1_*.warf 2> /dev/null`"
-DFT_RMF="`ls r1_*.wrmf 2> /dev/null`"
-# default `group command' for `grppha'
-#DFT_GRP_CMD="group 1 128 2 129 256 4 257 512 8 513 1024 16"
-DFT_GRP_CMD="group min 20"
-# default `log file'
-DFT_LOGFILE="cooling_`date '+%Y%m%d'`.log"
-# default output xspec scripts
-# deproj xspec script, generated by `deproj_spectra'
-# from which get `nh' and `redshift'
-## default parameters }}}
-## functions {{{
-# process commandline arguments
-# cmdline arg format: `KEY=VALUE'
-getopt_keyval() {
- until [ -z "$1" ]
- do
- key=${1%%=*} # extract key
- val=${1#*=} # extract value
- keyval="${key}=\"${val}\""
- echo "## getopt: eval '${keyval}'"
- eval ${keyval}
- shift # shift, process next one
- done
-## background renormalization (BACKSCAL) {{{
-# renorm background according to particle background
-# energy range: 9.5-12.0 keV (channel: 651-822)
-pb_flux() {
- punlearn dmstat
- COUNTS=`dmstat "$1[channel=${CH_LOW}:${CH_HI}][cols COUNTS]" | grep -i 'sum:' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
- punlearn dmkeypar
- EXPTIME=`dmkeypar $1 EXPOSURE echo=yes`
- BACK=`dmkeypar $1 BACKSCAL echo=yes`
- # fix `scientific notation' bug for `bc'
- EXPTIME_B=`echo ${EXPTIME} | sed 's/[eE]/\*10\^/' | sed 's/+//'`
- BACK_B=`echo "( ${BACK} )" | sed 's/[eE]/\*10\^/' | sed 's/+//'`
- PB_FLUX=`echo "scale = 16; ${COUNTS} / ${EXPTIME_B} / ${BACK_B}" | bc -l`
- echo ${PB_FLUX}
-bkg_renorm() {
- # $1: src spectrum, $2: back spectrum
- PBFLUX_SRC=`pb_flux $1`
- PBFLUX_BKG=`pb_flux $2`
- BACK_OLD=`dmkeypar $2 BACKSCAL echo=yes`
- BACK_OLD_B=`echo "( ${BACK_OLD} )" | sed 's/[eE]/\*10\^/' | sed 's/+//'`
- BACK_NEW=`echo "scale = 16; ${BACK_OLD_B} * ${PBFLUX_BKG} / ${PBFLUX_SRC}" | bc -l`
- printf "\`$2': BACKSCAL:\n"
- printf " ${BACK_OLD} --> ${BACK_NEW}\n"
- punlearn dmhedit
- dmhedit infile=$2 filelist=none operation=add \
- key=BACKSCAL value=${BACK_NEW} comment="old value: ${BACK_OLD}"
-## bkg renorm }}}
-## functions end }}}
-## parameters {{{
-# process cmdline args using `getopt_keyval'
-getopt_keyval "$@"
-## check log parameters {{{
-if [ ! -z "${log}" ]; then
- LOGFILE="${log}"
-printf "## use logfile: \`${LOGFILE}'\n"
-[ -e "${LOGFILE}" ] && mv -fv ${LOGFILE} ${LOGFILE}_bak
-TOLOG="tee -a ${LOGFILE}"
-echo "process script: `basename $0`" >> ${LOGFILE}
-echo "process date: `date`" >> ${LOGFILE}
-## log }}}
-# check given parameters
-# process `nh' and `redshift' {{{
-if [ ! -r "${XSPEC_DEPROJ}" ]; then
- printf "## the script \`${XSPEC_DEPROJ}' generated by \`deproj_spectra' NOT found\n" | ${TOLOG}
- printf "## please supply the value of \`nh' and \`redshift' manully\n" | ${TOLOG}
- read -p "> value of nh: " N_H
- read -p "> value of redshift: " REDSHIFT
- # get `nh' and `redshift' from xspec script
- LN=`grep -n 'projct\*wabs\*apec' ${XSPEC_DEPROJ} | tail -n 1 | cut -d':' -f1`
- # calc the line number of which contains `nh'
- LN_NH=`expr ${LN} + 4`
- NH_XCM=`head -n ${LN_NH} ${XSPEC_DEPROJ} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
- # calc the line number of `redshift'
- LN_RS=`expr ${LN} + 7`
- RS_XCM=`head -n ${LN_RS} ${XSPEC_DEPROJ} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
- printf "## get value of nh: \`${NH_XCM}' (from \`${XSPEC_DEPROJ}')\n" | ${TOLOG}
- printf "## get value of redshift: \`${RS_XCM}' (from \`${XSPEC_DEPROJ}')\n" | ${TOLOG}
- ## if `nh' and `redshift' supplied in cmdline, then use them
- if [ ! -z "${nh}" ]; then
- N_H=${nh}
- else
- N_H=${NH_XCM}
- fi
- # redshift
- if [ ! -z "${z}" ]; then
- else
- fi
-printf "## use nH: ${N_H}\n" | ${TOLOG}
-printf "## use redshift: ${REDSHIFT}\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# nh & redshift }}}
-# check basedir & json file
-if [ -d "${basedir}" ]; then
- BASEDIR=${basedir}
-if [ ! -z "${json}" ] && [ -r "${BASEDIR}/${json}" ]; then
- JSON_FILE="${BASEDIR}/${json}"
-elif [ `ls ${BASEDIR}/${DFT_JSON_PAT} 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -eq 1 ]; then
- read -p "> JSON_file: " JSON_FILE
- if [ ! -r "${JSON_FILE}" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: cannot access given \`${JSON_FILE}'\n"
- exit ${ERR_JSON}
- fi
-printf "## use json_file: \`${JSON_FILE}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# process `r500' {{{
-R500_RAW=`grep '"R500.*kpc' ${JSON_FILE} | sed 's/.*"R500.*":\ //' | sed 's/\ *,$//'`
-if [ ! -z "${r500}" ]; then
- R500_RAW=${r500}
-if [ -z "${R500_RAW}" ]; then
- printf "## input R500 followed with unit, e.g.: 800kpc, 400pix\n"
- read -p "> value of \`R500' (in pixel/kpc): " R500_RAW
-R500_VAL=`echo "${R500_RAW}" | tr -d 'a-zA-Z, '`
-R500_UNI=`echo "${R500_RAW}" | tr -d '0-9, '`
-printf "## get \`R500': ${R500_VAL} in unit \`${R500_UNI}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# if in kpc, convert to pix
-case "${R500_UNI}" in
- [pP]*)
- printf "## units in \`pixel', conversion not needed\n" | ${TOLOG}
- R500_PIX_B=`echo ${R500_VAL} | sed 's/[eE]/\*10\^/' | sed 's/+//'`
- ;;
- *)
- printf "## units in \`kpc', convert to \`Chandra pixel'\n" | ${TOLOG}
- KPC_PER_PIX=`cosmo_calc ${REDSHIFT} | grep 'kpc.*pix' | tr -d 'a-zA-Z_#=(),:/ '`
- # convert scientific notation for `bc'
- KPC_PER_PIX_B=`echo ${KPC_PER_PIX} | sed 's/[eE]/\*10\^/' | sed 's/+//'`
- printf "## calculated \`kpc/pixel': ${KPC_PER_PIX_B}\n"
- R500_VAL_B=`echo ${R500_VAL} | sed 's/[eE]/\*10\^/' | sed 's/+//'`
- R500_PIX_B=`echo "scale = 4; ${R500_VAL_B} / ( ${KPC_PER_PIX_B} )" | bc -l`
- ;;
-# calc (inner-outer R500)
-R_IN=`echo "scale = 4; ${INNER} * ${R500_PIX_B}" | bc -l`
-R_OUT=`echo "scale = 4; ${OUTER} * ${R500_PIX_B}" | bc -l`
-printf "## R500 in units pixel: ${R500_PIX_B}\n" | ${TOLOG}
-printf "## (${INNER}-${OUTER} R500) range in pixel: ${R_IN} - ${R_OUT}\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# r500 }}}
-# check evt file
-if [ -r "${evt}" ]; then
- EVT=${evt}
-elif [ -r "${DFT_EVT}" ]; then
- read -p "> clean evt2 file: " EVT
- if [ ! -r "${EVT}" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: cannot access given \`${EVT}' evt file\n"
- exit ${ERR_EVT}
- fi
-printf "## use evt file: \`${EVT}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# input and output region files {{{
-if [ -r "${regin}" ]; then
- REG_IN="${regin}"
-elif [ -r "${DFT_REG_IN}" ]; then
- read -p "> previous used radial spec regfile: " REG_IN
- if [ ! -r "${REG_IN}" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: cannot access given \`${REG_IN}' region file\n"
- exit ${ERR_REG}
- fi
-printf "## use previous regfile: \`${REG_IN}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-if [ ! -z "${regout}" ]; then
- REG_OUT="${regout}"
-[ -e "${REG_OUT}" ] && mv -fv ${REG_OUT} ${REG_OUT}_bak
-printf "## set output regfile (0.1-0.5 r500 region): \`${REG_OUT}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# get center position from `regin'
-# only consider `pie' or `annulus'-shaped region
-TMP_REG=`grep -iE '(pie|annulus)' ${REG_IN} | head -n 1`
-XC=`echo ${TMP_REG} | tr -d ' ' | awk -F'[(),]' '{ print $2 }'`
-YC=`echo ${TMP_REG} | tr -d ' ' | awk -F'[(),]' '{ print $3 }'`
-printf "## get center coord: (${XC},${YC})\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# region files }}}
-# check given bkgd, determine background {{{
-if [ -r "${bkgd}" ]; then
- BKGD=${bkgd}
-elif [ -r "${DFT_BKGD}" ]; then
- read -p "> background (blanksky_evt | lbkg_reg | bkg_spec): " BKGD
- if [ ! -r "${BKGD}" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: cannot access given \`${BKGD}'\n"
- exit ${ERR_BKG}
- fi
-printf "## use bkgd: \`${BKGD}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# determine bkg type: blanksky, lbkg_reg, bkg_spec ?
-# according to file type first: text / FITS
-# if FITS, then get values of `HDUCLAS1' and `OBJECT'
-if file -bL ${BKGD} | grep -qi 'text'; then
- printf "## given \`${BKGD}' is a \`text file'\n"
- printf "## use it as local bkg region file\n"
- printf "## use *LOCAL BKG SPEC*\n" | ${TOLOG}
- # just set flags, extract spectrum later
-elif file -bL ${BKGD} | grep -qi 'FITS'; then
- printf "## given \`${BKGD}' is a \`FITS file'\n"
- # get FITS header keyword
- HDUCLAS1=`dmkeypar ${BKGD} HDUCLAS1 echo=yes`
- if [ "${HDUCLAS1}" = "EVENTS" ]; then
- # event file
- printf "## given file is \`event'\n"
- # check if `blanksky' or `stowed bkg'
- BKG_OBJ=`dmkeypar ${BKGD} OBJECT echo=yes`
- if [ "${BKG_OBJ}" = "BACKGROUND DATASET" ] || [ "${BKG_OBJ}" = "ACIS STOWED" ]; then
- # valid bkg evt file
- printf "## given FITS file is a valid bkgrnd file\n"
- printf "## use *BLANKSKY*\n" | ${TOLOG}
- # specify `BLANKSKY'
- else
- # invalid bkg evt file
- printf "ERROR: invalid bkg evt file given\n"
- exit ${ERR_BKGTY}
- fi
- elif [ "${HDUCLAS1}" = "SPECTRUM" ]; then
- # spectrum file
- printf "## given file is \`spectrum'\n"
- printf "## use *BKG SPECTRUM*\n" | ${TOLOG}
- # specify `BKG_SPEC'
- else
- # other type
- printf "ERROR: other type FITS given\n"
- exit ${ERR_BKGTY}
- fi
- printf "ERROR: given \`${BKGD}' type UNKNOWN\n"
- exit ${ERR_BKGTY}
-# bkgd }}}
-# check `arf' and `rmf' {{{
-if [ -r "${arf}" ]; then
- ARF=${arf}
-elif [ -r "${DFT_ARF}" ]; then
- read -p "> provide the ARF to use: " ARF
- if [ ! -r "${ARF}" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: cannot access given \`${ARF}'\n"
- exit ${ERR_ARF}
- fi
-printf "## use ARF: \`${ARF}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# rmf
-if [ -r "${rmf}" ]; then
- RMF=${rmf}
-elif [ -r "${DFT_RMF}" ]; then
- read -p "> provide the RMF to use: " RMF
- if [ ! -r "${RMF}" ]; then
- printf "ERROR: cannot access given \`${RMF}'\n"
- exit ${ERR_RMF}
- fi
-printf "## use RMF: \`${RMF}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-# arf & rmf }}}
-# check given `grpcmd'
-if [ ! -z "${grpcmd}" ]; then
- GRP_CMD="${grpcmd}"
-printf "## use grppha cmd: \`${GRP_CMD}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
-## parameters }}}
-#### main
-## D_A
-D_A_CM=`cosmo_calc ${REDSHIFT} | grep 'Angular_diameter_distance' | awk -F'[=,]' '{ print $2 }' | tr -d '[cm] '
-printf "D_A_CM(${REDSHIFT})= ${D_A_CM}\n"
-## region related {{{
-## generate the needed region file
-printf "generate the output region file ...\n"
-cat > ${REG_OUT} << _EOF_
-# Region file format: CIAO version 1.0
-## open the evt file to verify or modify
-printf "## check the generated pie region ...\n"
-printf "## if modified, save with the same name \`${REG_OUT}' (overwrite)\n"
-ds9 ${EVT} -regions ${REG_OUT} -cmap sls -bin factor 4
-## check the (modified) region (pie region end angle)
-printf "check the above region (for pie region end angle) ...\n"
-INVALID=`grep -i 'pie' ${REG_OUT} | awk -F'[,()]' '$7 > 360'`
-if [ "x${INVALID}" != "x" ]; then
- printf "*** WARNING: there are pie regions' END_ANGLE > 360\n" | ${TOLOG}
- printf "*** will to fix ...\n"
- mv -fv ${REG_OUT} ${REG_OUT}_tmp
- # using `awk' to fix
- awk -F'[,()]' '{
- if ($7 > 360) {
- printf "%s(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)\n", $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,($7-360)
- }
- else {
- print $0
- }
- }' ${REG_OUT}_tmp > ${REG_OUT}
- rm -f ${REG_OUT}_tmp
-## region related }}}
-## generate spectrum {{{
-# check counts
-punlearn dmlist
-CNT_RC=`dmlist infile="${EVT}[sky=region(${REG_OUT})][energy=700:7000]" opt=block | grep 'EVENTS' | awk '{ print $8 }'`
-if [ ${CNT_RC} -lt 500 ]; then
- F_WC=true
- printf "*** WARNING: counts_in_0.048R500=${CNT_RC} < 500 ***\n"
-# object
-printf "extract object spectrum \`${AVGT_SPEC}' ...\n"
-punlearn dmextract
-dmextract infile="${EVT}[sky=region(${REG_OUT})][bin PI]" \
- outfile="${AVGT_SPEC}" wmap="[bin det=8]" clobber=yes
-# group spectrum
-printf "group object spectrum ...\n"
-grppha infile="${AVGT_SPEC}" outfile="${AVGT_SPEC_GRP}" \
- comm="${GRP_CMD} & exit" clobber=yes > /dev/null
-# background
-printf "generate the background spectrum ...\n"
-if [ "${USE_BLANKSKY}" = "YES" ]; then
- # use blanksky as background file
- printf "extract spectrum from blanksky ...\n"
- punlearn dmextract
- dmextract infile="${BLANKSKY}[sky=region(${REG_OUT})][bin PI]" \
- outfile=${AVGT_BKG} wmap="[bin det=8]" clobber=yes
-elif [ "${USE_LBKG_REG}" = "YES" ]; then
- printf "extract local background ...\n"
- punlearn dmextract
- dmextract infile="${EVT}[sky=region(${BKGD})][bin PI]" \
- outfile=${AVGT_BKG} wmap="[bin det=8]" clobber=yes
-elif [ "${USE_BKG_SPEC}" = "YES" ]; then
- printf "copy specified background spectrum ...\n"
- cp -fv ${BKG_SPEC} ${AVGT_BKG}
-printf "renormalize the background ...\n"
-bkg_renorm ${AVGT_SPEC} ${AVGT_BKG}
-## spectrum }}}
-## generate XSPEC script {{{
-printf "generate a XSPEC script ...\n"
-[ -e "${XSPEC_SCRIPT}" ] && mv -fv ${XSPEC_SCRIPT} ${XSPEC_SCRIPT}_bak
-cat > ${XSPEC_SCRIPT} << _EOF_
-## XSPEC script
-## spectrum analysis to get the average temperatue with (0-0.048 R500)
-## generated by: \``basename $0`'
-## date: \``date`'
-# xspec settings
-statistic chi
-abund grsa
-query yes
-# data
-data ${AVGT_SPEC_GRP}
-response ${RMF}
-arf ${ARF}
-backgrnd ${AVGT_BKG}
-# fitting range
-ignore bad
-ignore 0.0-0.7,7.0-**
-# plot related
-setplot energy
-method leven 10 0.01
-xsect bcmc
-cosmo 70 0 0.73
-xset delta 0.01
-systematic 0
-# model
-model wabs*apec
- ${N_H} -0.001 0 0 100000 1e+06
- 1.0 0.01 0.008 0.008 64 64
- 0.4 0.001 0 0 5 5
- ${REDSHIFT} -0.01 -0.999 -0.999 10 10
- 0.0 0.01 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
-## xspec script end
-proc calc_cooling_time {} {
- set rout ${R_OUT}
- set d_a_cm ${D_A_CM}
- fit 1000
- tclout param 4
- set z [ lindex \$xspec_tclout 0 ]
- tclout param 2
- set T [ lindex \$xspec_tclout 0 ]
- tclout param 5
- set norm [ lindex \$xspec_tclout 0 ]
- newpar 1 0
- dummyrsp .001 100
- flux .001 100
- tclout flux
- set flux [ lindex \$xspec_tclout 0 ]
- puts "flux(0.01-100kev): \$flux"
- set rout_cm [ expr \$rout*.492/3600/180*3.14159*\$d_a_cm ]
- set V [ expr 4./3.*3.14159*\$rout_cm*\$rout_cm*\$rout_cm ]
- set nenh [ expr \$norm*1E14*4*3.14159*\$d_a_cm*\$d_a_cm*(1+\$z)*(1+\$z)*(1+\$z)*(1+\$z)/\$V ]
- set d_l_cm [ expr \$d_a_cm*(1+\$z)*(1+\$z) ]
- set ne_np_ratio 1.2
- set ne [ expr sqrt(\$nenh*\$ne_np_ratio) ]
- set lx [ expr \$flux*4*3.14159*\$d_l_cm*\$d_l_cm ]
- set kb 1.602E-9
- set ct [ expr 3./2.*(\$ne+\$ne/\$ne_np_ratio)*\$kb*\$T*\$V/\$lx ]
- set ct_gyr [ expr \$ct/(3600*24*365.25*1E9) ]
- puts "Cooling_time= \$ct_gyr Gyr"
-fit 1000
-## xspec script }}}
-## invoke xspec to calc
-if [ "x${F_WC}" = "xtrue" ]; then
- printf "\n*** WC: LOW_COUNTS ***\n"
- printf "*** WARNING: counts_in_0.048R500=${CNT_RC} < 500 ***\n"
- [ -e "${CT_RES}" ] && mv -f ${CT_RES} ${CT_RES}_bak
- printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling time ...\n"
- xspec - ${XSPEC_SCRIPT} | tee ${CT_RES}
- OBS_ID=`grep '"Obs.*ID' ${JSON_FILE} | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }' | tr -d ' ,'`
- OBJ_NAME=`grep '"Source\ Name' ${JSON_FILE} | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/\ *"//' -e 's/"\ *,$//'`
- CT=`grep -i '^Cooling_time' ${CT_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
- printf "\n" | tee -a ${CT_RES}
- printf "# OBS_ID,OBJ_NAME,CT_gyr\n" | tee -a ${CT_RES}
- printf "# $OBS_ID,$OBJ_NAME,$CT\n" | tee -a ${CT_RES}
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/ciao_calc_ct.sh b/scripts/ciao_calc_ct.sh
index cf9b4b0..65f584a 100755
--- a/scripts/ciao_calc_ct.sh
+++ b/scripts/ciao_calc_ct.sh
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-## Calculate the cooling time within the (0.-0.048 r500) region.
+## Calculate the cooling time within the core region (0-0.048 r500).
## Based on `ciao_r500avgt.sh'
## Junhua GU
-## Created: 2012-08-22
## Weitian LI
-## Updated: 2017-02-06
+## Created: 2012-08-22
## Change logs:
## 2017-02-06, Weitian LI
@@ -599,7 +598,6 @@ tclexit
## xspec script }}}
-## invoke xspec to calc
if [ "x${F_WC}" = "xtrue" ]; then
printf "\n*** WC: LOW_COUNTS ***\n"
printf "*** WARNING: counts_in_0.048R500=${CNT_RC} < 500 ***\n"
@@ -616,5 +614,3 @@ else
printf "# OBS_ID,OBJ_NAME,CT_gyr\n" | tee -a ${CT_RES}
printf "# $OBS_ID,$OBJ_NAME,$CT\n" | tee -a ${CT_RES}
-exit 0