path: root/bin
diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-02-20 12:11:25 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2017-02-20 12:11:25 +0800
commitcba36462e9e70f45341e432074c726dda5e31092 (patch)
tree0bc9885d0ff86b563e0fb5321c56d51d5687ba70 /bin
parent2a069ed00d6f1c83153be9174c296e5540f37d30 (diff)
Move shell/python scripts from 'mass_profile/' to 'bin/'
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
12 files changed, 1406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/analyze_lxfx.py b/bin/analyze_lxfx.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62859ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/analyze_lxfx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the (Monte Carlo)
+# Lx and Fx data
+# Junhua GU
+# Weitian LI
+# 2016-06-07
+import sys
+import argparse
+import numpy as np
+def read_bands(bands):
+ """
+ Read energy bands list, each band per line.
+ """
+ bands = map(str.split, open(bands).readlines())
+ bands = ["-".join(b) for b in bands]
+ return bands
+def output(name, bands, means, sigmas, outfile=sys.stdout):
+ if outfile is not sys.stdout:
+ outfile = open(outfile, "w")
+ for b, m, s in zip(bands, means, sigmas):
+ print("%s(%s)= %4.2E +/- %4.2E erg/s" % (name, b, m, s),
+ file=outfile)
+ if outfile is not sys.stdout:
+ outfile.close()
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Analyze Lx/Fx results")
+ parser.add_argument("name", help="Lx or Fx")
+ parser.add_argument("infile", help="input data file")
+ parser.add_argument("outfile", help="output results file")
+ parser.add_argument("bands", help="energy bands of the input data columns")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ data = np.loadtxt(args.infile)
+ bands = read_bands(args.bands)
+ if len(bands) != data.shape[1]:
+ raise ValueError("number of energy bands != number of data columns")
+ means = np.mean(data, axis=0)
+ sigmas = np.std(data, axis=0)
+ output(name=args.name, bands=bands, means=means, sigmas=sigmas)
+ output(name=args.name, bands=bands, means=means, sigmas=sigmas,
+ outfile=args.outfile)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/bin/analyze_mass_profile.py b/bin/analyze_mass_profile.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ee128c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/analyze_mass_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import numpy
+import scipy.interpolate
+def read_file(param):
+ delta=float(param[0])
+ file_mass_center=open("mass_int_center.qdp").readlines();
+ file_delta_center=open("overdensity_center.qdp").readlines();
+ center_r=0
+ center_m=0
+ center_gm=0
+ center_gf=0
+ for i in range(0,len(file_mass_center)):
+ lm=file_mass_center[i].strip();
+ ld=file_delta_center[i].strip();
+ r,m=lm.split()
+ r,d=ld.split()
+ r=float(r)
+ d=float(d)
+ m=float(m)
+ if m<1e11:
+ continue
+ if d<delta:
+ center_r=r
+ center_m=m
+ for j in open("gas_mass_int_center.qdp"):
+ rgm,gm=j.strip().split()
+ rgm=float(rgm)
+ gm=float(gm)
+ if rgm>r:
+ center_gm=gm
+ center_gf=gm/m
+ break
+ break
+ if len(param)>1 and param[1]=='c':
+ #print("%s(<r%d)=%E solar mass"%("mass",delta,center_m))
+ #print("%s%d=%E kpc"%("r",delta,center_r))
+ #print("%s(<r%d)=%E solar mass"%("gas mass",delta,center_gm))
+ #print("%s(<r%d)=%E"%("gas fraction",delta,center_gf))
+ return center_m,center_r,center_gm,center_gf,None,None,None,None
+ file_mass=open('summary_mass_profile.qdp').readlines()
+ file_delta=open('summary_overdensity.qdp').readlines()
+ file_gm=open('summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp')
+ flag=True
+ rlist=[]
+ mlist=[]
+ gmlist=[]
+ gflist=[]
+ old_m=0
+ invalid_count=0
+ for i in range(0,len(file_mass)):
+ lm=file_mass[i].strip()
+ ld=file_delta[i].strip()
+ if lm[0]=='n':
+ flag=True
+ old_m=0
+ continue
+ if not flag:
+ continue
+ r,m=lm.split()
+ m=float(m)
+ if m<1e12:
+ continue
+ if m<old_m:
+ invalid_count+=1
+ flag=False
+ continue
+ r,d=ld.split()
+ d=float(d)
+ r=float(r)
+ if d<delta:
+ #print("%s %e"%(d,m))
+ mlist.append(m)
+ rlist.append(r)
+ flag1=True
+ while True:
+ lgm=file_gm.readline().strip()
+ if lgm[0]=='n':
+ break
+ rgm,gm=lgm.split()
+ rgm=float(rgm)
+ gm=float(gm)
+ if rgm>r and flag1:
+ gmlist.append(gm)
+ flag1=False
+ gflist.append(gm/mlist[-1])
+ #print(gm,gflist[-1])
+ flag=False
+ old_m=m
+ print("%d abnormal data dropped"%(invalid_count))
+ return center_m,center_r,center_gm,center_gf,mlist,rlist,gmlist,gflist
+if len(sys.argv)>2 and sys.argv[2]=='c':
+ print("%s(<r%d)=%E solar mass"%("mass",delta,center_m))
+ print("%s%d=%E kpc"%("r",delta,center_r))
+ print("%s(<r%d)=%E solar mass"%("gas mass",delta,center_gm))
+ print("%s(<r%d)=%E"%("gas fraction",delta,center_gf))
+ sys.exit(0)
+for i in range(len(mlist)-1):
+ if (center_m-mlist[i])*(center_m-mlist[i+1])<=0:
+ m_idx=i
+ break
+for i in range(len(rlist)-1):
+ if (center_r-rlist[i])*(center_r-rlist[i+1])<=0:
+ r_idx=i
+ break
+for i in range(len(gmlist)-1):
+ if (center_gm-gmlist[i])*(center_gm-gmlist[i+1])<=0:
+ gm_idx=i
+ break
+for i in range(len(gflist)-1):
+ if (center_gf-gflist[i])*(center_gf-gflist[i+1])<=0:
+ gf_idx=i
+ break
+if m_idx==-1 or r_idx==-1 or gf_idx==-1 or gm_idx==-1:
+ print("Error, the center value is not enclosed by the Monte-Carlo realizations, please check the result!")
+ print("m:%E %E %E"%(center_m,mlist[0],mlist[-1]))
+ print("gm:%E %E %E"%(center_gm,gmlist[0],gmlist[-1]))
+ print("gf:%E %E %E"%(center_gf,gflist[0],gflist[-1]))
+ print("r:%E %E %E"%(center_r,rlist[0],rlist[-1]))
+ sys.exit(1)
+#print("%d %d %d"%(mlidx,m_idx,muidx))
+#print("%d %d %d"%(rlidx,r_idx,ruidx))
+print("m%d=\t%e\t %e/+%e solar mass (1 sigma)"%(delta,center_m,merr1,merr2))
+print("gas_m%d=\t%e\t %e/+%e solar mass (1 sigma)"%(delta,center_gm,gmerr1,gmerr2))
+print("gas_fraction%d=\t%e\t %e/+%e (1 sigma)"%(delta,center_gf,gferr1,gferr2))
+print("r%d=\t%d\t %d/+%d kpc (1 sigma)"%(delta,center_r,rerr1,rerr2))
diff --git a/bin/calc_coolfunc.sh b/bin/calc_coolfunc.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d1d0b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/calc_coolfunc.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+## Calculate the 'cooling function' profile with respect to the
+## given 'temperature profile' and the average abundance, redshift,
+## and column density nH, using the XSPEC model 'wabs*apec'.
+## NOTE:
+## The output cooling function values should be the 'flux' values
+## with unit 'photon/s/cm^2' (different to 'calc_coolfunc_bands.sh').
+## These results will be used by 'fit_{beta,dbeta}_sbp' to derive the
+## (3D) gas density profile from (2D) surface brightness profile,
+## whose values have unit 'photon/cm^2/pixel/s'.
+## Weitian LI
+## Created: 2012-08-17
+## Change logs:
+## 2017-02-17, Weitian LI
+## * Rename from 'coolfunc_calc.sh' to 'calc_coolfunc.sh'
+## * Clean up that do not calculate and output <coolfunc_bolo>
+## 2017-02-16, Weitian LI
+## * Do not calculate and output 'flux_cnt_ratio.txt'
+## cmdline arguments {{{
+if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <tprofile> <avg_abund> <nH> <redshift> <coolfunc_outfile>\n"
+ exit 1
+NORM=`cosmo_calc ${REDSHIFT} | grep 'norm.*cooling_function' | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }'`
+if [ ! -r "${TPROFILE}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: given tprofile '${TPROFILE}' NOT accessiable\n"
+ exit 2
+[ -e "${COOLFUNC_DAT}" ] && rm -f ${COOLFUNC_DAT}
+## arguments }}}
+[ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ] && rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+## generate xspec script {{{
+cat > ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} << _EOF_
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## Calculate the cooling function profile w.r.t the temperature profile.
+## Generated by: `basename $0`
+## Date: `date`
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+## set basic data {{{
+set nh ${N_H}
+set redshift ${REDSHIFT}
+set abundance ${ABUNDANCE}
+set norm ${NORM}
+## basic }}}
+## xspec related {{{
+# debug settings {{{
+chatter 0
+# debug }}}
+query yes
+abund grsa
+dummyrsp 0.01 100.0 4096 linear
+# load model 'wabs*apec' to calc cooling function
+model wabs*apec & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abundance} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+## xspec }}}
+## set input and output filename & open files
+set tpro_fn "${TPROFILE}"
+set cf_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT}"
+if { [ file exists \${cf_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cf_fn}
+## open files
+set tpro_fd [ open \${tpro_fn} r ]
+set cf_fd [ open \${cf_fn} w ]
+## read data from tprofile line by line
+while { [ gets \${tpro_fd} tpro_line ] != -1 } {
+ scan \${tpro_line} "%f %f" radius temperature
+ #puts "radius: \${radius}, temperature: \${temperature}"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 \${temperature}
+ # calc flux & tclout
+ flux 0.7 7.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" _ _ _ cf_photon
+ #puts "cf: \${cf_photon}"
+ puts \${cf_fd} "\${radius} \${cf_photon}"
+## close opened files
+close \${tpro_fd}
+close \${cf_fd}
+## exit
+## xcm generation }}}
+## invoke xspec to calc
+printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling function profile ...\n"
+xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} > /dev/null
diff --git a/bin/calc_coolfunc_bands.sh b/bin/calc_coolfunc_bands.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bebdce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/calc_coolfunc_bands.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+## Calculate the 'cooling function' profile for each of the energy band
+## specified in a bands file, with respect to the given 'temperature profile'
+## and the average abundance, redshift, and column density nH, using the
+## XSPEC model 'wabs*apec'.
+## NOTE:
+## To calculate the luminosity and flux from the source using the
+## 'calc_lx_{beta,dbeta}', set 'nH=0'.
+## Also the output cooling function values should be the 'flux' values
+## with unit 'erg/s/cm^2'.
+## Weitian LI
+## Updated: 2017-02-17
+## cmdline arguments {{{
+if [ $# -ne 6 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <tprofile> <avg_abund> <nH> <redshift> <coolfunc_prefix> <band_list>\n"
+ exit 1
+NORM=`cosmo_calc ${REDSHIFT} | grep 'norm.*cooling_function' | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }'`
+if [ ! -r "${TPROFILE}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: given tprofile '${TPROFILE}' NOT accessiable\n"
+ exit 2
+## arguments }}}
+[ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ] && rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+## generate xspec script {{{
+cat > ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} << _EOF_
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## Calculate the cooling function profile w.r.t the temperature profile,
+## for each specified energy band.
+## Generated by: `basename $0`
+## Date: `date`
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+## set basic data {{{
+set nh ${N_H}
+set redshift ${REDSHIFT}
+set abundance ${ABUNDANCE}
+set norm ${NORM}
+## basic }}}
+## xspec related {{{
+# debug settings {{{
+chatter 0
+# debug }}}
+query yes
+abund grsa
+dummyrsp 0.01 100.0 4096 linear
+# load model 'wabs*apec' to calc cooling function
+model wabs*apec & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abundance} & \${redshift} & \${norm} &
+## xspec }}}
+## set input and output filename
+set tpro_fn "${TPROFILE}"
+set blist_fn "${BLIST}"
+set cf_prefix "${COOLFUNC_PREFIX}"
+set blist_fd [ open \${blist_fn} r ]
+## loop over each energy band
+while { [ gets \${blist_fd} blist_line ] != -1 } {
+ if { "\${blist_line}" == "bolo" } {
+ set e1 0.01
+ set e2 100.0
+ set name_suffix bolo
+ } else {
+ set e1 [ lindex \${blist_line} 0 ]
+ set e2 [ lindex \${blist_line} 1 ]
+ set name_suffix "\${e1}-\${e2}"
+ }
+ set cf_fn "\${cf_prefix}\${name_suffix}.dat"
+ if { [ file exists \${cf_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cf_fn}
+ }
+ set cf_fd [ open \${cf_fn} w ]
+ set tpro_fd [ open \${tpro_fn} r ]
+ ## read data from tprofile line by line
+ while { [ gets \${tpro_fd} tpro_line ] != -1 } {
+ scan \${tpro_line} "%f %f" radius temperature
+ #puts "radius: \${radius}, temperature: \${temperature}"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 \${temperature}
+ # calc flux & tclout
+ flux \${e1} \${e2}
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f" cf_erg
+ #puts "cf: \${cf_erg}"
+ puts \${cf_fd} "\${radius} \${cf_erg}"
+ }
+ close \${tpro_fd}
+ close \${cf_fd}
+## exit
+## xcm generation }}}
+## invoke xspec to calc
+printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling function profile ...\n"
+xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} > /dev/null
diff --git a/bin/calc_entropy.py b/bin/calc_entropy.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..736fe7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/calc_entropy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Calculate the entropy within the specified radius.
+# Junhua GU
+# Weitian LI
+# 2016-06-07
+import argparse
+import re
+from itertools import groupby
+import numpy as np
+def isplit(iterable, splitters):
+ """
+ Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4322780/4856091
+ """
+ return [list(g) for k, g in groupby(iterable,
+ lambda x:x in splitters) if not k]
+def get_entropy(data, r):
+ """
+ Get the entropy *at* the specified radius.
+ XXX: whether to interpolate first?
+ """
+ radius = data[:, 0]
+ entropy = data[:, 1]
+ s = np.min(entropy[radius > r])
+ return s
+def read_merged_qdp(infile):
+ """
+ Read merged QDP with multiple group of data separated by "no no no".
+ """
+ lines = map(lambda line: re.sub(r"^\s*no\s+no\s+no.*$", "X",
+ line.strip(), flags=re.I),
+ open(infile).readlines())
+ lines = isplit(lines, ("X",))
+ data_groups = []
+ for block in lines:
+ data = [list(map(float, l.split())) for l in block]
+ data.append(np.row_stack(data))
+ return data_groups
+def calc_error(center_value, mc_values, ci=0.683):
+ """
+ Calculate the uncertainties/errors.
+ """
+ data = np.concatenate([[center_value], mc_values])
+ median, q_lower, q_upper = np.percentile(data, q=(50, 50-50*ci, 50+50*ci))
+ mean = np.mean(data)
+ std = np.std(data)
+ return {
+ "mean": mean,
+ "std": std,
+ "median": median,
+ "q_lower": q_lower,
+ "q_upper": q_upper,
+ }
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Calculate the entropy within the given radius")
+ parser.add_argument("-C", "--confidence-level", dest="ci",
+ type=float, default=0.683,
+ help="confidence level to estimate the errors")
+ parser.add_argument("center_data",
+ help="calculate central entropy profile " +
+ "(e.g., entropy_center.qdp)")
+ parser.add_argument("mc_data",
+ help="Merged QDP file of all the Monte Carlo " +
+ "simulated entropy profiles " +
+ "(e.g., summary_entropy.qdp)")
+ parser.add_argument("rout", type=float, help="outer radius (kpc)")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ center_data = np.loadtxt(args.center_data)
+ center_s = get_entropy(center_data, r=args.rout)
+ data_groups = read_merged_qdp(args.mc_data)
+ entropy_list = []
+ for dg in data_groups:
+ s = get_entropy(dg, r=args.rout)
+ entropy_list.append(s)
+ results = calc_error(center_s, entropy_list, ci=args.ci)
+ s_err_lower = results["q_lower"] - center_s
+ s_err_upper = results["q_upper"] - center_s
+ print("entropy= %e %+e/%+e keV cm^2 (ci=%.1f%%)" %
+ (center_s, s_err_lower, s_err_upper, args.ci * 100))
+ print("entropy(mean)= %e" % results["mean"])
+ print("entropy(median)= %e" % results["median"])
+ print("entropy(std)= %e" % results["std"])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/bin/calc_lxfx.sh b/bin/calc_lxfx.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f1954db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/calc_lxfx.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Wrapper script used to calculate the luminosity (Lx) and flux (Fx) data,
+# which invokes the programming 'calc_lx_beta' (single-beta SBP) or
+# 'calc_lx_dbeta' (double-beta SBP).
+# Output:
+# * lx_result.txt
+# * fx_result.txt
+# * summary_lx.dat
+# * summary_fx.dat
+# * lx_beta_param.txt / lx_dbeta_param.txt
+# Author: Junhua GU
+# Created: 2013-06-24
+# Weitian LI
+# 2016-06-07
+if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
+ :
+ echo "usage:"
+ echo " `basename $0` <mass.conf> <rout_kpc> [c]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "arguments:"
+ echo " <mass.conf>: config file for mass profile calculation"
+ echo " <rout_kpc>: outer/cut radius within which to calculate Lx & Fx"
+ echo " e.g., r500, r200 (unit: kpc)"
+ echo " [c]: optional; if specified, do not calculate the errors"
+ exit 1
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+case "$3" in
+ [cC])
+ F_C="YES"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ F_C="NO"
+ ;;
+base_path=$(dirname $(realpath $0))
+## Extract settings/values from the config file
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile_data=`grep '^tprofile_data' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile_cfg=`grep '^tprofile_cfg' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sbp_data=`grep '^sbp_data' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile=`grep '^tprofile' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+z=`grep '^z' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+if grep -q '^beta2' $sbp_cfg; then
+ MODEL="dbeta"
+ MODEL="beta"
+${base_path}/${PROG_TPROFILE} ${tprofile_data} ${tprofile_cfg} \
+ ${cm_per_pixel} 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv ${tprofile_dump} ${tprofile}
+# energy bands for which the cooling function data will be calculated
+[ -e "${BLIST}" ] && mv -f ${BLIST} ${BLIST}_bak
+cat > ${BLIST} << _EOF_
+0.7 7
+0.1 2.4
+# NOTE:
+# Set 'nh=0' when calculating the cooling function values, and use the
+# value given by 'flux' with unit 'erg/s/cm^2'.
+${base_path}/calc_coolfunc_bands.sh ${tprofile} ${abund} \
+ 0 ${z} "cfunc_" ${BLIST}
+${base_path}/${PROG} ${sbp_cfg} ${rout} \
+ cfunc_bolo.dat \
+ cfunc_0.7-7.dat \
+ cfunc_0.1-2.4.dat 2> /dev/null
+LX1=`grep '^Lx1' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+LX2=`grep '^Lx2' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+LX3=`grep '^Lx3' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+FX1=`grep '^Fx1' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+FX2=`grep '^Fx2' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+FX3=`grep '^Fx3' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+echo "${LX1} ${LX2} ${LX3}" >summary_lx.dat
+echo "${FX1} ${FX2} ${FX3}" >summary_fx.dat
+# save the calculated central values
+mv ${LX_RES} ${LX_RES%.txt}_center.txt
+mv lx_sbp_fit.qdp lx_sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv lx_rho_fit.dat lx_rho_fit_center.dat
+# only calculate the central values
+if [ "${F_C}" = "YES" ]; then
+ echo "Calculate the central values only ..."
+ ${base_path}/analyze_lxfx.py "Lx" summary_lx.dat lx_result.txt ${BLIST}
+ ${base_path}/analyze_lxfx.py "Fx" summary_fx.dat fx_result.txt ${BLIST}
+ exit 0
+# Estimate the errors of Lx and Fx by Monte Carlo simulation
+for i in `seq 1 ${MC_TIMES}`; do
+ ${base_path}/shuffle_profile.py ${tprofile_data} tmp_tprofile.txt
+ ${base_path}/shuffle_profile.py ${sbp_data} tmp_sbprofile.txt
+ # temperature profile
+ ${base_path}/${PROG_TPROFILE} tmp_tprofile.txt ${tprofile_cfg} \
+ ${cm_per_pixel} 2> /dev/null
+ mv -f ${tprofile_dump} ${tprofile}
+ TMP_SBP_CFG="tmp_sbp.cfg"
+ [ -e "${TMP_SBP_CFG}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ cat ${sbp_cfg} | while read l; do
+ if echo "${l}" | grep -q '^sbp_data' >/dev/null; then
+ echo "sbp_data tmp_sbprofile.txt" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ elif echo "${l}" | grep -q '^tprofile' >/dev/null; then
+ echo "tprofile ${tprofile}" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ else
+ echo "${l}" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "### `pwd -P`"
+ echo "### ${i} / ${MC_TIMES} ###"
+ ${base_path}/calc_coolfunc_bands.sh ${tprofile} ${abund} \
+ 0 ${z} "cfunc_" ${BLIST}
+ ${base_path}/${PROG} ${TMP_SBP_CFG} ${rout} \
+ cfunc_bolo.dat \
+ cfunc_0.7-7.dat \
+ cfunc_0.1-2.4.dat 2> /dev/null
+ LX1=`grep '^Lx1' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ LX2=`grep '^Lx2' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ LX3=`grep '^Lx3' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ FX1=`grep '^Fx1' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ FX2=`grep '^Fx2' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ FX3=`grep '^Fx3' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ echo "${LX1} ${LX2} ${LX3}" >>summary_lx.dat
+ echo "${FX1} ${FX2} ${FX3}" >>summary_fx.dat
+done # end of 'for'
+# analyze Lx & Fx Monte Carlo results
+${base_path}/analyze_lxfx.py "Lx" summary_lx.dat lx_result.txt ${BLIST}
+${base_path}/analyze_lxfx.py "Fx" summary_fx.dat fx_result.txt ${BLIST}
diff --git a/bin/calc_lxfx_wrapper.sh b/bin/calc_lxfx_wrapper.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7dea0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/calc_lxfx_wrapper.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Calculate the Lx & Fx data.
+# Based on 'loop_lx.sh', but only process one source
+# Weitian LI
+# 2013-10-30
+full_path=`readlink -f $0`
+base_dir=`dirname $full_path`
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <global.cfg> [c] < 500 | 200 > ...\n"
+ exit 1
+case "$2" in
+ [cC]*)
+ F_C="YES"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ F_C="NO"
+ ;;
+echo "delta: $@" # 'printf' not work
+if [ "${F_C}" = "YES" ]; then
+ printf "MODE: center\n"
+# exit
+if [ ! -r "${cfg_file}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: global cfg not accessible\n"
+ exit 11
+elif [ ! -r "${pre_results}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: previous '${pre_results}' not accessible\n"
+ exit 12
+ sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ ##
+ for delta in $@; do
+ if grep -q '^beta2' $sbp_cfg; then
+ MODEL="dbeta"
+ else
+ MODEL="beta"
+ fi
+ rout=`grep "^r${delta}" ${pre_results} | sed -e 's/=/ /' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ if [ "${F_C}" = "YES" ]; then
+ lx_res="lx_result_${delta}_c.txt"
+ fx_res="fx_result_${delta}_c.txt"
+ CMD="$base_dir/calc_lxfx.sh $cfg_file $rout c"
+ else
+ lx_res="lx_result_${delta}.txt"
+ fx_res="fx_result_${delta}.txt"
+ CMD="$base_dir/calc_lxfx.sh $cfg_file $rout"
+ fi
+ [ -e "${lx_res}" ] && mv -f ${lx_res} ${lx_res}_bak
+ [ -e "${fx_res}" ] && mv -f ${fx_res} ${fx_res}_bak
+ ${CMD}
+ mv -f lx_result.txt ${lx_res}
+ mv -f fx_result.txt ${fx_res}
+ done
+exit 0
diff --git a/bin/fg_2500_500.py b/bin/fg_2500_500.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67a1a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/fg_2500_500.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import numpy
+import scipy.interpolate
+def read_file(param):
+ delta=float(param[0])
+ file_mass_center=open("mass_int_center.qdp").readlines();
+ file_delta_center=open("overdensity_center.qdp").readlines();
+ center_r=0
+ center_m=0
+ center_gm=0
+ center_gf=0
+ for i in range(0,len(file_mass_center)):
+ lm=file_mass_center[i].strip();
+ ld=file_delta_center[i].strip();
+ r,m=lm.split()
+ r,d=ld.split()
+ r=float(r)
+ d=float(d)
+ m=float(m)
+ if m<1e11:
+ continue
+ if d<delta:
+ center_r=r
+ center_m=m
+ for j in open("gas_mass_int_center.qdp"):
+ rgm,gm=j.strip().split()
+ rgm=float(rgm)
+ gm=float(gm)
+ if rgm>r:
+ center_gm=gm
+ center_gf=gm/m
+ break
+ break
+ if len(param)>1 and param[1]=='c':
+ #print("%s(<r%d)=%E solar mass"%("mass",delta,center_m))
+ #print("%s%d=%E kpc"%("r",delta,center_r))
+ #print("%s(<r%d)=%E solar mass"%("gas mass",delta,center_gm))
+ #print("%s(<r%d)=%E"%("gas fraction",delta,center_gf))
+ return center_m,center_r,center_gm,center_gf,None,None,None,None
+ file_mass=open('summary_mass_profile.qdp').readlines()
+ file_delta=open('summary_overdensity.qdp').readlines()
+ file_gm=open('summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp')
+ flag=True
+ rlist=[]
+ mlist=[]
+ gmlist=[]
+ gflist=[]
+ old_m=0
+ invalid_count=0
+ for i in range(0,len(file_mass)):
+ lm=file_mass[i].strip()
+ ld=file_delta[i].strip()
+ if lm[0]=='n':
+ flag=True
+ old_m=0
+ continue
+ if not flag:
+ continue
+ r,m=lm.split()
+ m=float(m)
+ if m<1e12:
+ continue
+ if m<old_m:
+ invalid_count+=1
+ flag=False
+ continue
+ r,d=ld.split()
+ d=float(d)
+ r=float(r)
+ if d<delta:
+ #print("%s %e"%(d,m))
+ mlist.append(m)
+ rlist.append(r)
+ flag1=True
+ while True:
+ lgm=file_gm.readline().strip()
+ if lgm[0]=='n':
+ break
+ rgm,gm=lgm.split()
+ rgm=float(rgm)
+ gm=float(gm)
+ if rgm>r and flag1:
+ gmlist.append(gm)
+ flag1=False
+ gflist.append(gm/mlist[-1])
+ #print(gm,gflist[-1])
+ flag=False
+ old_m=m
+ print("%d abnormal data dropped"%(invalid_count))
+ return center_m,center_r,center_gm,center_gf,mlist,rlist,gmlist,gflist
+if len(sys.argv)>1:
+ center_m2500,center_r2500,center_gm2500,center_gf2500,mlist2500,rlist2500,gmlist2500,gflist2500=read_file([2500,sys.argv[1]])
+ center_m500,center_r500,center_gm500,center_gf500,mlist500,rlist500,gmlist500,gflist500=read_file([500,sys.argv[1]])
+ center_m2500,center_r2500,center_gm2500,center_gf2500,mlist2500,rlist2500,gmlist2500,gflist2500=read_file([2500])
+ center_m500,center_r500,center_gm500,center_gf500,mlist500,rlist500,gmlist500,gflist500=read_file([500])
+if mlist2500!=None and len(mlist2500)!=len(mlist500):
+ raise Exception("Something wrong, the number of 2500 and 500 data are different")
+if mlist2500==None:
+ print("gas fraction between r2500 and r500 is %E"%((center_gm500-center_gm2500)/(center_m500-center_m2500)))
+ sys.exit(0)
+for i in range(0,len(mlist500)):
+ if mlist500[i]-mlist2500[i]<=0:
+ continue
+ gf_2500_500.append((gmlist500[i]-gmlist2500[i])/(mlist500[i]-mlist2500[i]))
+for i in range(len(gf_2500_500)-1):
+ if (center_gf_2500_500-gf_2500_500[i])*(center_gf_2500_500-gf_2500_500[i+1])<=0:
+ gf_idx=i
+ break
+if gf_idx==-1:
+ raise Exception("Something wrong!")
+print("gas_fraction between r2500 and r500=\t%e\t %e/+%e (1 sigma)"%(center_gf_2500_500,gferr1,gferr2))
diff --git a/bin/fit_mass.sh b/bin/fit_mass.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f349f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/fit_mass.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Front-end script used to calculate the mass and related values.
+# Output:
+# * final_result.txt / center_only_results.txt
+# * beta_param.txt / dbeta_param_center.txt
+# * gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+# * mass_int_center.qdp
+# * nfw_fit_center.qdp
+# * nfw_param_center.txt
+# * overdensity_center.qdp
+# * rho_fit_center.dat
+# * rho_fit_center.qdp
+# * sbp_fit_center.qdp
+# * entropy_center.qdp
+# * wang2012_param_center.txt
+# * tprofile_dump_center.qdp
+# * tprofile_fit_center.qdp
+# * summary_mass_profile.qdp
+# * summary_overdensity.qdp
+# * summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+# * summary_entropy.qdp
+# Junhua Gu
+# Weitian LI
+# 2016-06-07
+if [ $# -eq 1 ] || [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ :
+ echo "usage:"
+ echo " `basename $0` <mass.conf> [c]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "arguments:"
+ echo " <mass.conf>: config file for mass profile calculation"
+ echo " [c]: optional; if specified, do not calculate the errors"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ printf "*** ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+base_path=$(dirname $(realpath $0))
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${mass_cfg}'\n"
+case "$2" in
+ [cC])
+ F_C="YES"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ F_C="NO"
+ ;;
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+nfw_rmin_kpc=`grep '^nfw_rmin_kpc' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile_data=`grep '^tprofile_data' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile_cfg=`grep '^tprofile_cfg' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+# sbp config file
+sbp_data=`grep '^sbp_data' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile=`grep '^tprofile' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cfunc_profile=`grep '^cfunc_profile' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+z=`grep '^z' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`cosmo_calc ${z} | grep 'cm/pixel' | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+if grep -q '^beta2' $sbp_cfg; then
+ MODEL="dbeta"
+ MODEL_NAME="double-beta"
+ MODEL="beta"
+ MODEL_NAME="single-beta"
+${base_path}/${PROG_TPROFILE} ${tprofile_data} ${tprofile_cfg} \
+ ${cm_per_pixel} 2> /dev/null | tee ${tprofile_param_center}
+cp -fv ${tprofile_dump} ${tprofile}
+mv -fv ${tprofile_dump} ${tprofile_center}
+mv -fv fit_result.qdp ${tprofile_fit_center}
+${base_path}/calc_coolfunc.sh ${tprofile_center} \
+ ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_profile}
+cp -f ${cfunc_profile} ${cfunc_profile_center}
+${base_path}/${PROG_SBPFIT} ${sbp_cfg} 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.dat rho_fit_center.dat
+mv -fv entropy.qdp entropy_center.qdp
+${base_path}/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat ${z} ${nfw_rmin_kpc} 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+## only calculate central value {{{
+if [ "${F_C}" = "YES" ]; then
+ RES_CENTER="center_only_results.txt"
+ [ -e "${RES_CENTER}" ] && mv -f ${RES_CENTER} ${RES_CENTER}_bak
+ ${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER}
+ ${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER}
+ ${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER}
+ ${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER}
+ ${base_path}/fg_2500_500.py c | tee -a ${RES_CENTER}
+ exit 0
+## central value }}}
+## ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# clean previous files
+rm -f summary_overdensity.qdp
+rm -f summary_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_entropy.qdp
+# Estimate the errors of Lx and Fx by Monte Carlo simulation
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+for i in `seq 1 ${MC_TIMES}`; do
+ ${base_path}/shuffle_profile.py ${tprofile_data} tmp_tprofile.txt
+ ${base_path}/shuffle_profile.py ${sbp_data} tmp_sbprofile.txt
+ # temperature profile
+ ${base_path}/${PROG_TPROFILE} tmp_tprofile.txt ${tprofile_cfg} \
+ ${cm_per_pixel} 2> /dev/null
+ mv -f ${tprofile_dump} ${tprofile}
+ TMP_SBP_CFG="tmp_sbp.cfg"
+ [ -e "${TMP_SBP_CFG}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ cat ${sbp_cfg} | while read l; do
+ if echo "${l}" | grep -q '^sbp_data' >/dev/null; then
+ echo "sbp_data tmp_sbprofile.txt" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ elif echo "${l}" | grep -q '^tprofile' >/dev/null; then
+ echo "tprofile ${tprofile}" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ else
+ echo "${l}" >> ${TMP_SBP_CFG}
+ fi
+ done
+ printf "## ${i} / ${MC_TIMES} ##\n"
+ printf "## `pwd -P` ##\n"
+ ${base_path}/calc_coolfunc.sh ${tprofile} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_profile}
+ ${base_path}/${PROG_SBPFIT} ${TMP_SBP_CFG} 2> /dev/null
+ cat ${RES_SBPFIT}
+ ${base_path}/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat ${z} ${nfw_rmin_kpc} 2> /dev/null
+ cat nfw_dump.qdp >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ cat overdensity.qdp >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ cat gas_mass_int.qdp >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+ cat entropy.qdp >> summary_entropy.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_entropy.qdp
+done # end of `for'
+# recover the files of original center values
+cp -f ${cfunc_profile_center} ${cfunc_profile}
+cp -f ${tprofile_center} ${tprofile}
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++ MONTE CARLO END +++++++++++++++++++\n"
+## analyze results
+[ -e "${RES_TMP}" ] && mv -fv ${RES_TMP} ${RES_TMP}_bak
+[ -e "${RES_FINAL}" ] && mv -fv ${RES_FINAL} ${RES_FINAL}_bak
+${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 | tee -a ${RES_TMP}
+${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 | tee -a ${RES_TMP}
+${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 | tee -a ${RES_TMP}
+${base_path}/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 | tee -a ${RES_TMP}
+R200_VAL=`grep '^r200' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R500_VAL=`grep '^r500' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R1500_VAL=`grep '^r1500' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R2500_VAL=`grep '^r2500' ${RES_TMP} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R200E=`grep '^r200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+R500E=`grep '^r500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+R1500E=`grep '^r1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+R2500E=`grep '^r2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+M200E=`grep '^m200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+M500E=`grep '^m500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+M1500E=`grep '^m1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+M2500E=`grep '^m2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+MG200E=`grep '^gas_m200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+MG500E=`grep '^gas_m500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+MG1500E=`grep '^gas_m1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+MG2500E=`grep '^gas_m2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+FG200E=`grep '^gas_fraction200' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+FG500E=`grep '^gas_fraction500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+FG1500E=`grep '^gas_fraction1500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+FG2500E=`grep '^gas_fraction2500' ${RES_TMP} | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2,$3 }'`
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++ RESULTS (${MODEL_NAME}) +++++++++++++++\n"
+printf "model: ${MODEL_NAME}\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+cat ${RES_SBPFIT_CENTER} | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "r200= ${R200E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "m200= ${M200E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_m200= ${MG200E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_fraction200= ${FG200E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "r500= ${R500E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "m500= ${M500E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_m500= ${MG500E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_fraction500= ${FG500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "r1500= ${R1500E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "m1500= ${M1500E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_m1500= ${MG1500E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_fraction1500= ${FG1500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "r2500= ${R2500E} kpc\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "m2500= ${M2500E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_m2500= ${MG2500E} Msun\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "gas_fraction2500= ${FG2500E} x100%%\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "\n" | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+${base_path}/fg_2500_500.py | tee -a ${RES_FINAL}
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/bin/fit_sbp.sh b/bin/fit_sbp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5989ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/fit_sbp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Handy script for SBP fitting.
+# This script wraps the 'fit_beta_sbp' and 'fit_dbeta_sbp',
+# and automatically determine the sbp model according to the config file.
+# Weitian LI
+# 2013-02-20
+# Change logs:
+# 2017-02-07, Weitian LI
+# * Use `sbp_cfg` from command line argument, instead of the one specified
+# in the `mass.conf`
+# * Update the variable names according to the updated config files
+# * Some cleanups
+if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0 <sbp.conf> <mass.conf>"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile_data=`grep '^tprofile_data' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile_cfg=`grep '^tprofile_cfg' ${mass_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+z=`grep '^z' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`cosmo_calc ${z} | grep 'cm/pixel' | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+cfunc_profile=`grep '^cfunc_profile' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+tprofile=`grep '^tprofile' ${sbp_cfg} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+if grep -q '^beta2' ${sbp_cfg}; then
+ MODEL="double-beta"
+ PROG=fit_dbeta_sbp
+ MODEL="single-beta"
+ PROG=fit_beta_sbp
+${base_path}/fit_wang2012_model ${tprofile_data} ${tprofile_cfg} \
+ ${cm_per_pixel} 2> /dev/null
+cp wang2012_dump.qdp ${tprofile}
+if [ ! -f ${cfunc_profile} ]; then
+ ${base_path}/calc_coolfunc.sh ${tprofile} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} \
+ ${cfunc_profile}
+${base_path}/${PROG} ${sbp_cfg}
+echo "## MODEL: ${MODEL}"
+echo "## z: ${z}"
diff --git a/bin/get_lxfx_data.sh b/bin/get_lxfx_data.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dbb07dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/get_lxfx_data.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# collect data for 'loop_lx.sh' & 'calc_lxfx_simple.sh'
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <dir> [c] <delta ...>\n"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ [cC]*)
+ F_C="YES"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ F_C="NO"
+ ;;
+printf "CENTER_MODE: $F_C\n"
+echo "DELTA: $@"
+cd $DIR
+pwd -P
+INFO=`ls ../*_INFO.json 2> /dev/null`
+if [ ! -z "$INFO" ]; then
+ OI=`grep '"Obs\.\ ID' ${INFO} | sed 's/.*"Obs.*":\ //' | sed 's/\ *,$//'`
+ NAME=`grep '"Source\ Name' ${INFO} | sed 's/.*"Source.*":\ //' | sed 's/^"//' | sed 's/"\ *,$//'`
+ UNAME=`grep '"Unified\ Name' ${INFO} | sed 's/.*"Unified.*":\ //' | sed 's/^"//' | sed 's/"\ *,$//'`
+ Z=`grep '"redshift' ${INFO} | sed 's/.*"redshift.*":\ //' | sed 's/\ *,$//'`
+printf "# OI,NAME,UNAME,Z"
+if [ "${F_C}" = "YES" ]; then
+ for DELTA in $@; do
+ printf ",L${DELTA}(bolo),L${DELTA}(0.7-7),L${DELTA}(0.1-2.4),F${DELTA}(bolo),F${DELTA}(0.7-7),F${DELTA}(0.1-2.4)"
+ done
+ printf "\n"
+ for DELTA in $@; do
+ printf ",L${DELTA}(bolo),L${DELTA}ERR(bolo),L${DELTA}(0.7-7),L${DELTA}ERR(0.7-7),L${DELTA}(0.1-2.4),L${DELTA}ERR(0.1-2.4),F${DELTA}(bolo),F${DELTA}ERR(bolo),F${DELTA}(0.7-7),F${DELTA}ERR(0.7-7),F${DELTA}(0.1-2.4),F${DELTA}ERR(0.1-2.4)"
+ done
+ printf "\n"
+printf "# $OI,$NAME,$UNAME,$Z"
+if [ "${F_C}" = "YES" ]; then
+ for DELTA in $@; do
+ LX_RES="lx_result_${DELTA}_c.txt"
+ FX_RES="fx_result_${DELTA}_c.txt"
+ if [ -r ${LX_RES} ] && [ -r ${FX_RES} ]; then
+ Lbolo=`grep '^Lx(bolo' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ L077=`grep '^Lx(0\.7-7' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ L0124=`grep '^Lx(0\.1-2\.4' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ Fbolo=`grep '^Fx(bolo' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ F077=`grep '^Fx(0\.7-7' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ F0124=`grep '^Fx(0\.1-2\.4' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ printf ",$Lbolo,$L077,$L0124,$Fbolo,$F077,$F0124"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf "\n"
+ for DELTA in $@; do
+ LX_RES="lx_result_${DELTA}.txt"
+ FX_RES="fx_result_${DELTA}.txt"
+ if [ -r ${LX_RES} ] && [ -r ${FX_RES} ]; then
+ Lbolo=`grep '^Lx(bolo' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ LboloERR=`grep '^Lx(bolo' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ L077=`grep '^Lx(0\.7-7' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ L077ERR=`grep '^Lx(0\.7-7' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ L0124=`grep '^Lx(0\.1-2\.4' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ L0124ERR=`grep '^Lx(0\.1-2\.4' ${LX_RES} | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ Fbolo=`grep '^Fx(bolo' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ FboloERR=`grep '^Fx(bolo' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ F077=`grep '^Fx(0\.7-7' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ F077ERR=`grep '^Fx(0\.7-7' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ F0124=`grep '^Fx(0\.1-2\.4' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ F0124ERR=`grep '^Fx(0\.1-2\.4' ${FX_RES} | awk '{ print $4 }'`
+ printf ",$Lbolo,$LboloERR,$L077,$L077ERR,$L0124,$L0124ERR,$Fbolo,$FboloERR,$F077,$F077ERR,$F0124,$F0124ERR"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf "\n"
diff --git a/bin/shuffle_profile.py b/bin/shuffle_profile.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..124f505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/shuffle_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Shuffle the profile data point values according to their errors.
+# Weitian LI
+# 2017-02-07
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ print("Usage: %s <input_profile> <shuffled_profile>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# 4-column data: radius, err, temperature/brightness, err
+data = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1])
+x1 = data[:, 2]
+xe = data[:, 3]
+x2 = np.zeros(shape=x1.shape)
+for i in range(len(x2)):
+ if x1[i] <= 0 or xe[i] <= 0:
+ # Skip shuffle
+ x2[i] = x1[i]
+ v = -1.0
+ while v <= 0:
+ v = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0) * xe[i] + x1[i]
+ x2[i] = v
+# Replace original values
+data[:, 2] = x2
+np.savetxt(sys.argv[2], data)