path: root/mass_profile/fit_dbeta_sbp.cpp
diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@gmail.com>2016-05-27 22:47:24 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@gmail.com>2016-05-27 22:47:24 +0800
commitffd178e0bd72562a3c2cff9747b6e656edc881dc (patch)
tree8800b7b5b2e8bc3df1a6760df5cd54eaaa686702 /mass_profile/fit_dbeta_sbp.cpp
parent5c35fad9240fb42c1371c721e0b2af7379bd9ea0 (diff)
Add mass_profile tools
* These tools are mainly use to calculate the total gravitational mass profile, as well as the intermediate products (e.g., surface brightness profile fitting, gas density profile, NFW fitting, etc.) * There are additional tools for calculating the luminosity and flux. * These tools mainly developed by Junhua GU, and contributed by Weitian (Aaron) LI, and Zhenghao ZHU.
Diffstat (limited to 'mass_profile/fit_dbeta_sbp.cpp')
1 files changed, 585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mass_profile/fit_dbeta_sbp.cpp b/mass_profile/fit_dbeta_sbp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b74dc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mass_profile/fit_dbeta_sbp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+ Perform a double-beta density model fitting to the surface brightness data
+ Author: Junhua Gu
+ Last modified: 2011.01.01
+ This code is distributed with no warrant
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <list>
+using namespace std;
+#include "vchisq.hpp"
+#include "dbeta.hpp"
+#include "beta_cfg.hpp"
+#include <data_sets/default_data_set.hpp>
+#include <methods/powell/powell_method.hpp>
+#include <core/freeze_param.hpp>
+#include <error_estimator/error_estimator.hpp>
+#include "spline.h"
+using namespace opt_utilities;
+//double s=5.63136645E20;
+const double kpc=3.086E21;//kpc in cm
+const double Mpc=kpc*1000;
+double dbeta_func(double r,
+ double n01,double rc1,double beta1,
+ double n02,double rc2,double beta2)
+ return abs(n01)*pow(1+r*r/rc1/rc1,-3./2.*abs(beta1))+abs(n02)*pow(1+r*r/rc2/rc2,-3./2.*abs(beta2));
+ //calculate critical density from z, under following cosmological constants
+static double calc_critical_density(double z,
+ const double H0=2.3E-18,
+ const double Omega_m=.27)
+ const double G=6.673E-8;//cm^3 g^-1 s^2
+ const double E=std::sqrt(Omega_m*(1+z)*(1+z)*(1+z)+1-Omega_m);
+ const double H=H0*E;
+ return 3*H*H/8/pi/G;
+//A class enclosing the spline interpolation method of cooling function
+//check spline.h for more detailed information
+//this class is a thin wrapper for the spline class defined in spline.h
+class spline_func_obj
+ :public func_obj<double,double>
+ //has an spline object
+ spline<double> spl;
+ //This function is used to calculate the intepolated value
+ double do_eval(const double& x)
+ {
+ return spl.get_value(x);
+ }
+ //we need this function, when this object is performing a clone of itself
+ spline_func_obj* do_clone()const
+ {
+ return new spline_func_obj(*this);
+ }
+ //add points to the spline object, after which the spline will be initialized
+ void add_point(double x,double y)
+ {
+ spl.push_point(x,y);
+ }
+ //before getting the intepolated value, the spline should be initialzied by calling this function
+ void gen_spline()
+ {
+ spl.gen_spline(0,0);
+ }
+int main(int argc,char* argv[])
+ if(argc!=2)
+ {
+ cerr<<argv[0]<<" <configure file>"<<endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //initialize the parameters list
+ ifstream cfg_file(argv[1]);
+ assert(cfg_file.is_open());
+ cfg_map cfg=parse_cfg_file(cfg_file);
+ //check the existence of following parameters
+ const double z=cfg.z;
+ //initialize the radius list, sbp list and sbp error list
+ std::vector<double> radii;
+ std::vector<double> sbps;
+ std::vector<double> sbpe;
+ std::vector<double> radii_all;
+ std::vector<double> sbps_all;
+ std::vector<double> sbpe_all;
+ //read sbp and sbp error data
+ for(ifstream ifs(cfg.sbp_file.c_str());;)
+ {
+ assert(ifs.is_open());
+ double x,xe;
+ ifs>>x>>xe;
+ if(!ifs.good())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(x/xe<2)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ cerr<<x<<"\t"<<xe<<endl;
+ sbps.push_back(x);
+ sbpe.push_back(xe);
+ sbps_all.push_back(x);
+ sbpe_all.push_back(xe);
+ }
+ //read radius data
+ for(ifstream ifs(cfg.radius_file.c_str());;)
+ {
+ assert(ifs.is_open());
+ double x;
+ ifs>>x;
+ if(!ifs.good())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ cerr<<x<<endl;
+ radii.push_back(x);
+ radii_all.push_back(x);
+ }
+ //initialize the cm/pixel value
+ double cm_per_pixel=cfg.cm_per_pixel;
+ double rmin=5*kpc/cm_per_pixel;
+ if(cfg.rmin_pixel>0)
+ {
+ rmin=cfg.rmin_pixel;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rmin=cfg.rmin_kpc*kpc/cm_per_pixel;
+ }
+ cerr<<"rmin="<<rmin<<endl;
+ std::list<double> radii_tmp,sbps_tmp,sbpe_tmp;
+ radii_tmp.resize(radii.size());
+ sbps_tmp.resize(sbps.size());
+ sbpe_tmp.resize(sbpe.size());
+ copy(radii.begin(),radii.end(),radii_tmp.begin());
+ copy(sbps.begin(),sbps.end(),sbps_tmp.begin());
+ copy(sbpe.begin(),sbpe.end(),sbpe_tmp.begin());
+ for(list<double>::iterator i=radii_tmp.begin();i!=radii_tmp.end();)
+ {
+ if(*i<rmin)
+ {
+ radii_tmp.pop_front();
+ sbps_tmp.pop_front();
+ sbpe_tmp.pop_front();
+ i=radii_tmp.begin();
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ radii.resize(radii_tmp.size());
+ sbps.resize(sbps_tmp.size());
+ sbpe.resize(sbpe_tmp.size());
+ copy(radii_tmp.begin(),radii_tmp.end(),radii.begin());
+ copy(sbps_tmp.begin(),sbps_tmp.end(),sbps.begin());
+ copy(sbpe_tmp.begin(),sbpe_tmp.end(),sbpe.begin());
+ //read cooling function data
+ spline_func_obj cf;
+ for(ifstream ifs(cfg.cfunc_file.c_str());;)
+ {
+ assert(ifs.is_open());
+ double x,y,y1,y2;
+ ifs>>x>>y;
+ if(!ifs.good())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ cerr<<x<<"\t"<<y<<endl;
+ if(x>radii.back())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ //cf.add_point(x,y*2.1249719395939022e-68);//change with source
+ cf.add_point(x,y);//change with source
+ }
+ cf.gen_spline();
+ //read temperature profile data
+ spline_func_obj Tprof;
+ int tcnt=0;
+ for(ifstream ifs1(cfg.T_file.c_str());;++tcnt)
+ {
+ assert(ifs1.is_open());
+ double x,y;
+ ifs1>>x>>y;
+ if(!ifs1.good())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ cerr<<x<<"\t"<<y<<endl;
+#if 0
+ if(tcnt==0)
+ {
+ Tprof.add_point(0,y);
+ }
+ Tprof.add_point(x,y);
+ }
+ Tprof.gen_spline();
+ default_data_set<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double> > ds;
+ ds.add_data(data<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double> >(radii,sbps,sbpe,sbpe,radii,radii));
+ //initial fitter
+ fitter<vector<double>,vector<double>,vector<double>,double> f;
+ f.load_data(ds);
+ //initial the object, which is used to calculate projection effect
+ projector<double> a;
+ bool tie_beta=false;
+ if(cfg.param_map.find("beta")!=cfg.param_map.end()
+ &&cfg.param_map.find("beta1")==cfg.param_map.end()
+ &&cfg.param_map.find("beta2")==cfg.param_map.end())
+ {
+ dbeta2<double> dbetao;
+ a.attach_model(dbetao);
+ tie_beta=true;
+ }
+ else if((cfg.param_map.find("beta1")!=cfg.param_map.end()
+ ||cfg.param_map.find("beta2")!=cfg.param_map.end())
+ &&cfg.param_map.find("beta")==cfg.param_map.end())
+ {
+ dbeta<double> dbetao;
+ a.attach_model(dbetao);
+ tie_beta=false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cerr<<"Error, cannot decide whether to tie beta together or let them vary freely!"<<endl;
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ //attach the cooling function
+ a.attach_cfunc(cf);
+ a.set_cm_per_pixel(cm_per_pixel);
+ f.set_model(a);
+ //chi^2 statistic
+ vchisq<double> c;
+ c.verbose(true);
+ c.set_limit();
+ f.set_statistic(c);
+ //optimization method
+ f.set_opt_method(powell_method<double,std::vector<double> >());
+ //initialize the initial values
+ double n01=0;
+ double rc1=0;
+ double n02=0;
+ double rc2=0;
+ double beta=0;
+ double bkg=0;
+ if(tie_beta)
+ {
+ f.set_param_value("beta",.7);
+ f.set_param_lower_limit("beta",.3);
+ f.set_param_upper_limit("beta",1.4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f.set_param_value("beta1",.7);
+ f.set_param_lower_limit("beta1",.3);
+ f.set_param_upper_limit("beta1",1.4);
+ f.set_param_value("beta2",.7);
+ f.set_param_lower_limit("beta2",.3);
+ f.set_param_upper_limit("beta2",1.4);
+ }
+ for(std::map<std::string,std::vector<double> >::iterator i=cfg.param_map.begin();
+ i!=cfg.param_map.end();++i)
+ {
+ std::string pname=i->first;
+ f.set_param_value(pname,i->second.at(0));
+ if(i->second.size()==3)
+ {
+ double a1=i->second[1];
+ double a2=i->second[2];
+ double u=std::max(a1,a2);
+ double l=std::min(a1,a2);
+ f.set_param_upper_limit(pname,u);
+ f.set_param_lower_limit(pname,l);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pname=="beta"||pname=="beta1"||pname=="beta2")
+ {
+ f.set_param_lower_limit(pname,.3);
+ f.set_param_upper_limit(pname,1.4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //perform the fitting, first freeze beta1, beta2, rc1, and rc2
+ if(tie_beta)
+ {
+ f.set_param_modifier(freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("beta")+
+ freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("rc1")+
+ freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("rc2")
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f.set_param_modifier(freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("beta1")+
+ freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("beta2")+
+ freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("rc1")+
+ freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("rc2")
+ );
+ }
+ f.fit();
+ f.clear_param_modifier();
+ //then perform the fitting, freeze beta1 and beta2
+ //f.set_param_modifier(freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("beta"));
+ //f.set_param_modifier(freeze_param<std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::vector<double>,std::string>("bkg"));
+ f.fit();
+ //f.clear_param_modifier();
+ //finally thaw all parameters
+ f.fit();
+ double beta1=0;
+ double beta2=0;
+ n01=f.get_param_value("n01");
+ rc1=f.get_param_value("rc1");
+ n02=f.get_param_value("n02");
+ rc2=f.get_param_value("rc2");
+ if(tie_beta)
+ {
+ beta=f.get_param_value("beta");
+ beta1=beta;
+ beta2=beta;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ beta1=f.get_param_value("beta1");
+ beta2=f.get_param_value("beta2");
+ }
+ //output the params
+ ofstream param_output("dbeta_param.txt");
+ //output the datasets and fitting results
+ for(int i=0;i<f.get_num_params();++i)
+ {
+ if(f.get_param_info(i).get_name()=="rc1")
+ {
+ cerr<<"rc1_kpc"<<"\t"<<abs(f.get_param_info(i).get_value())*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<endl;
+ param_output<<"rc1_kpc"<<"\t"<<abs(f.get_param_info(i).get_value())*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<endl;
+ }
+ if(f.get_param_info(i).get_name()=="rc2")
+ {
+ cerr<<"rc2_kpc"<<"\t"<<abs(f.get_param_info(i).get_value())*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<endl;
+ param_output<<"rc2_kpc"<<"\t"<<abs(f.get_param_info(i).get_value())*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<endl;
+ }
+ cerr<<f.get_param_info(i).get_name()<<"\t"<<abs(f.get_param_info(i).get_value())<<endl;
+ param_output<<f.get_param_info(i).get_name()<<"\t"<<abs(f.get_param_info(i).get_value())<<endl;
+ }
+ cerr<<"chi square="<<f.get_statistic_value()/(radii.size()-f.get_model().get_num_free_params())<<endl;
+ param_output<<"chi square="<<f.get_statistic_value()/(radii.size()-f.get_model().get_num_free_params())<<endl;
+ //c.verbose(false);
+ //f.set_statistic(c);
+ //f.fit();
+ std::vector<double> p=f.get_all_params();
+ f.clear_param_modifier();
+ std::vector<double> mv=f.eval_model(radii,p);
+ ofstream ofs_sbp("sbp_fit.qdp");
+ ofs_sbp<<"read serr 2"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"skip single"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"line on 2"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"line on 3"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"line on 4"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"line on 5"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"line on 7"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"ls 2 on 7"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"ls 2 on 3"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"ls 2 on 4"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"ls 2 on 5"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"!LAB POS Y 4.00"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"!LAB ROT"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"win 1"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"yplot 1 2 3 4 5"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"loc 0 0 1 1"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"vie .1 .4 .9 .9"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"la y cnt/s/pixel/cm^2"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"log x"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"log y"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"r x "<<(radii[1]+radii[0])/2*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<" "<<(radii[sbps.size()-2]+radii[sbps.size()-1])/2*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"win 2"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"yplot 6 7"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"loc 0 0 1 1"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"vie .1 .1 .9 .4"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"la x radius (kpc)"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"la y chi"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"log x"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"log y off"<<endl;
+ ofs_sbp<<"r x "<<(radii[1]+radii[0])/2*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<" "<<(radii[sbps.size()-2]+radii[sbps.size()-1])/2*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<endl;
+ for(int i=1;i<sbps.size();++i)
+ {
+ double x=(radii[i]+radii[i-1])/2;
+ double y=sbps[i-1];
+ double ye=sbpe[i-1];
+ double ym=mv[i-1];
+ ofs_sbp<<x*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<y<<"\t"<<ye<<endl;
+ }
+ ofs_sbp<<"no no no"<<endl;
+ for(int i=1;i<sbps.size();++i)
+ {
+ double x=(radii[i]+radii[i-1])/2;
+ double y=sbps[i-1];
+ double ye=sbpe[i-1];
+ double ym=mv[i-1];
+ ofs_sbp<<x*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<ym<<"\t"<<0<<endl;
+ }
+ //bkg
+ ofs_sbp<<"no no no"<<endl;
+ double bkg_level=abs(f.get_param_value("bkg"));
+ for(int i=0;i<sbps.size();++i)
+ {
+ double x=(radii[i]+radii[i-1])/2;
+ ofs_sbp<<x*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<bkg_level<<"\t0"<<endl;
+ }
+ //rc1
+ ofs_sbp<<"no no no"<<endl;
+ double rc1_kpc=abs(f.get_param_value("rc1")*cm_per_pixel/kpc);
+ double max_sbp=*max_element(sbps.begin(),sbps.end());
+ double min_sbp=*min_element(sbps.begin(),sbps.end());
+ for(double x=min_sbp;x<=max_sbp;x+=(max_sbp-min_sbp)/100)
+ {
+ ofs_sbp<<rc1_kpc<<"\t"<<x<<"\t"<<"0"<<endl;
+ }
+ //rc2
+ ofs_sbp<<"no no no"<<endl;
+ double rc2_kpc=abs(f.get_param_value("rc2")*cm_per_pixel/kpc);
+ for(double x=min_sbp;x<=max_sbp;x+=(max_sbp-min_sbp)/100)
+ {
+ ofs_sbp<<rc2_kpc<<"\t"<<x<<"\t"<<"0"<<endl;
+ }
+ //resid
+ ofs_sbp<<"no no no"<<endl;
+ for(int i=1;i<sbps.size();++i)
+ {
+ double x=(radii[i]+radii[i-1])/2;
+ double y=sbps[i-1];
+ double ye=sbpe[i-1];
+ double ym=mv[i-1];
+ ofs_sbp<<x*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<(ym-sbps[i-1])/sbpe[i-1]<<"\t"<<1<<endl;
+ }
+ //zero level in resid map
+ ofs_sbp<<"no no no"<<endl;
+ for(int i=1;i<sbps.size();++i)
+ {
+ double x=(radii[i]+radii[i-1])/2;
+ double y=sbps[i-1];
+ double ye=sbpe[i-1];
+ double ym=mv[i-1];
+ ofs_sbp<<x*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<0<<"\t"<<0<<endl;
+ }
+ mv=f.eval_model_raw(radii,p);
+ ofstream ofs_rho("rho_fit.qdp");
+ ofstream ofs_rho_data("rho_fit.dat");
+ ofstream ofs_entropy("entropy.qdp");
+ ofs_rho<<"la x radius (kpc)"<<endl;
+ ofs_rho<<"la y density (cm\\u-3\\d)"<<endl;
+ /*
+ for(int i=1;i<sbps.size();++i)
+ {
+ double x=(radii[i]+radii[i-1])/2;
+ double ym=mv[i-1];
+ ofs_rho<<x*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<ym<<endl;
+ }
+ */
+ double lower,upper;
+ double dr=1;
+ //calculate the mass profile
+ const double G=6.673E-8;//cm^3 g^-1 s^-2
+ static const double mu=1.4074;
+ static const double mp=1.67262158E-24;//g
+ static const double M_sun=1.98892E33;//g
+ static const double k=1.38E-16;
+ ofstream ofs_mass("mass_int.qdp");
+ ofstream ofs_mass_dat("mass_int.dat");
+ ofstream ofs_overdensity("overdensity.qdp");
+ ofstream ofs_gas_mass("gas_mass_int.qdp");
+ //ofs_mass<<"la x radius (kpc)"<<endl;
+ //ofs_mass<<"la y mass enclosed (solar mass)"<<endl;
+ //ofs_overdensity<<"la x radius (kpc)"<<endl;
+ //ofs_overdensity<<"la y overdensity"<<endl;
+ double gas_mass=0;
+ for(double r=1;r<200000;r+=dr)
+ {
+ dr=r/100;
+ double r1=r+dr;
+ double r_cm=r*cm_per_pixel;
+ double r1_cm=r1*cm_per_pixel;
+ double dr_cm=dr*cm_per_pixel;
+ double V_cm3=4./3.*pi*(dr_cm*(r1_cm*r1_cm+r_cm*r_cm+r_cm*r1_cm));
+ double ne=dbeta_func(r,n01,rc1,beta1,
+ n02,rc2,beta2);//cm^3
+ double dmgas=V_cm3*ne*mu*mp/M_sun;
+ gas_mass+=dmgas;
+ ofs_gas_mass<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<gas_mass<<endl;
+ double ne_beta1=dbeta_func(r,n01,rc1,beta1,
+ 0,rc2,beta2);
+ double ne_beta2=dbeta_func(r,0,rc1,beta1,
+ n02,rc2,beta2);
+ double ne1=dbeta_func(r1,n01,rc1,beta1,
+ n02,rc2,beta2);//cm^3
+ double T_keV=Tprof(r);
+ double T1_keV=Tprof(r1);
+ double T_K=T_keV*11604505.9;
+ double T1_K=T1_keV*11604505.9;
+ double dlnT=log(T1_keV/T_keV);
+ double dlnr=log(r+dr)-log(r);
+ double dlnn=log(ne1/ne);
+ double r_kpc=r_cm/kpc;
+ double r_Mpc=r_cm/Mpc;
+ //double M=-r_cm*T_K*k/G/mu/mp*(dlnT/dlnr+dlnn/dlnr);
+ //ref:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.422.3503W
+ //Walker et al. 2012
+ double M=-3.68E13*M_sun*T_keV*r_Mpc*(dlnT/dlnr+dlnn/dlnr);
+ double rho=M/(4./3.*pi*r_cm*r_cm*r_cm);
+ double S=T_keV/pow(ne,2./3.);
+ //cout<<r<<"\t"<<M/M_sun<<endl;
+ //cout<<r<<"\t"<<T_keV<<endl;
+ ofs_rho<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<ne<<"\t"<<ne_beta1<<"\t"<<ne_beta2<<endl;
+ ofs_rho_data<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<ne<<endl;
+ ofs_entropy<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<S<<endl;
+#if 0
+ if(r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<5)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ofs_mass<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<M/M_sun<<endl;
+ if(r<radii.back())
+ {
+ ofs_mass_dat<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t0\t"<<M/M_sun<<"\t"<<M/M_sun*.1<<endl;
+ }
+ ofs_overdensity<<r*cm_per_pixel/kpc<<"\t"<<rho/calc_critical_density(z)<<endl;
+ }